Hello China

Only you

Your POV:

We just moved to China. Our house is much bigger than the one we had in Korea. Wow. China is such a big country.We live in Shangai. Can't believe I am going to live here. Our house is in the woods with lots of other 'rich people' houses. My mom and dad are famous. Mom is a singer and dad is a famous artist. His art is amazing, tho I am good at drawing too. Sehun and LuHan are good at singing. I am not as good as them, but I know how to play the piano and drums. Music is my life. Have I mentioned that I am good at dancing? Yeah, that is my profession. I love to dance. Every time I hear a song with a good melody, I start dancing. Sehun is a good dancer too, but this is something I am better at. LuHan and Sehun are my brothers. LuHan is the oldest(22) and I am the youngest (18). Sehun. is in the middle (20). LuHan is very handsome and cute. He has short red hair, so I call him ginger when we fight. His eyes are cute and innocent. His cheeks are puffy and his skin is so soft. Sehun has chocolate colored hair. His eyes are small and they would disappear when he would smile. Sehun smells so manly, while LuHan smells like strawberries. They are both tall,unlike me. I am 1.63 cm tall, while Sehun is 1.8 ,and Lulu is 1.77cm tall. In my past school I didn't have many friends, and some popular girls used to bully me a lot because of my heighthei(ofc. verbally ). I am not like all other girls. I don't like shopping, gossiping and girl chating.  I find these stuff annoying. I like football,  martial arts, hanging out with guys and listening to music. My hobby is sleeping,  I love to sleep and eat too. I eat more than an elephant, but I am so skinny. Just like Sehuna.  LuHan is not that skinny, he is,lets just say,normal.


We unpacked all our stuff and now it's time to rest a bit. I think it is about 1.27AM and I am so tired. I have a big bed in my new smaller room. I don't like big rooms,they are so empty and scary. My room has light blue walls and nice decorations and pictures. I also have a big desc with my computer on it. Someone cnocked on my door:

"Hey little",a deep voice said.

"Hey daddy", I replied. 

"Do you like the new house? "

"Yes,it is a lot bigger "

"Yeah,it is. Well, rest well. Tomorrow is Sunday and your mother and I will go to visit your new school, and to get your uniform ",he said and left not closing the door.

"Ugh! Now I have to get up and close it.."I whispered. All suddenly I heard someone yelling. Sehun slammed the door open and jumped on my bed. I was so angry and annoyed at this point, cause I knew what was about to happened. Sehun started talking in a hurry:

"_______,please hide me!",he said. Before I could even say a thing,  LuHan appeared. 

"Sehun deary, come here",he said with a pedo look on his face. I was so amused and had nothing to say. I first looked at Sehun who was looking at LuHan with 'please don't rpe me' face. Then again LuHan was scaring the heck outta me. I facepalmed myself and said with a really sharp voice:

"If you two don't stop this right now,  I will ing beat you both up!", Sehun then hugged me and said:

"LuHan, don't annoy our lil' Boo(they called me Boo for some reason..)",he said with an evil smile.LuHan whanted to kill him now. He looked at me with a puppy face, he was so damn cute. He said:

"Am I annoying? ",then he made a stupid sad face. Sehun and I started laughing. 

"You are so ugly, hahahahahah",Sehun said. I couldn't stop laughing:

"Hahahahaha, por Lulu.", I continued.LuHan looked at us with a mad face:

"You really don't respect your elders. ",he said. Sehun looked at him playfully:

"You,an elder? Hahahahh what a joke!",we continued mocking him:

"Awwww, our baby Lulu wants to be an elder!" I said,pretending to fangirl. Sehun pretended to be crying:

"Kids these days,they grow up so fast! Just yesterday he was a fat baby Lulu." ,we started laughing even more. LuHan gave us a poker face:

"Alright, that was enough, now I will teach you two a lesson."we looked at him.

"Uuuuu,what are you going to do?"we mocked him. He started walking twoards the bed:

"I am going to tickle-torture you",he grinned.

"Noooooo! ",Sehun screamed like a girl. LuHan jumped on the bed. We tried to fight him, but he was to strong.

"Hahahah ah hhahahhaha....LuHan... aahaha.. stop...hahaha .....please!. .... ahahahah!" ,I started laughing, while Sehun was screaming:

"Mom!hahahahah.....help! Ahahahahaah....", our mom then walked in. She was wery tired an was wearing her pijamas:

"Kids! Please go to bed. It's 2.43AM.",then she walked out and closed the door. We listend to her and went to bed, my bed.... LuHan and Sehun sometimes do this cuddling thingy,when they sleep next to me,and hug me. I don't know why they do that....but I let them anyway,  I mean, they are my brothers. It's nothing like it would be with other men. 


It's Sunday,  and like always,  my dog is waking us all up. Her name is Eli,and she is a boxer dog. She is so cute, and big! I love big dogs. I don't know why...


I ate my breakfast, so what should I do now? Well, I guess I should go outside. I came downstairs a nd told my mom I am going out. The street was so long, it was so quiet and nice. The birds were singing, and the air was nice and cheesy. It was so beautifull. There was a park near. It was actually a playground. It had a basketball plot. It was so nice,and new. I could see some guys playing basketball so, I decided check it out. The boys seemed to be my age,and I gotta say that they were tall. I sat on a bench and watched them play. Soon, they made a break, so I got up and started walking near them:

"Umm,sorry for interrupting.", they looked at me, so I continued: 

"May I borrow the ball if your not playing?",one of them looked at me funny and said:

"Shure....", I took my jacket off and grabbed the ball. I stood on the 2 and I got a basket. Then another one, and the one after it. Then I moved back at the 3,and got another basket. The 3 guys looked at me amased. 

"I didn't know that girls can play basketball like that.",he said and started walking towards me. Once he reached me he got his hand out for me:

"I am Suga",the other two started reaching us.

"My name is________", I shaked hands with him,they were so warm and soft. He pointed at the other two: 

"These are my friends V ad Lay", I greeted them too.

"So, wanna play with us? ",Suga asked.  I nodded. He smiled and said: 

"OK,you're with me,  and V and Lay are together. ", V made a cute sad face and started whining like a kid:

"Why do you get to play with her in team?",he was so damn cute.

"Because I am the best ",Suga replied. Lay then rolled his eyes and said nothing,so we started playing. 


We won! The game lasted so long! I am glad we finished.  We extended our phone numbers, and I found out that Suga libed right next to me. What a nice day, living in China is gonna be interesting after all.



My clock rang. It's school day....I got out of the bed and took a fast shower. I talked to V and Suga last night, and since they are going to the same school,  we are gonna go together. As I finished showering I putted my uniform on. It was a white dressshirt with a blue hoddie jamper over it. I was also supposed to wear a red fancy tie. The only part I didn't like was the black skirt. I hate skirts. 


We finally got to the subway station. There was so many people.  Most of them were students. Tho,there was one really tall blonde guy. I heard that he is the most popular kid in school. His name is Wu YiFan, but everyone calls him Kris. He is in the 'popular guys' group. Bunch of stupid 4th graders who act like jerks, tho,he seemed different.  He was interesting. 

'The train number 5 is about to come.'

Everyone lined up.


The thrain was OVERFILLED.I could barely breathe.  Everyone was pushing me. Ofc. because I was not so tall. Few moments later I finally realised that everyone was locking at me,because I was standing next to popular guys. One of them pushed me (ofc. not on purpose ) so my bag fell. They were playing in the train.... A cute guy named Baekhyun, who pushed me, turned around and said:

"Uh,sorry.  My bad,didn't actually see you",they started laughing. I rolled my eyes and tried to reach my bag,but I couldn't..  I made one or two steps before the driver pulled the break. I almost fell,but someone caught me. His arms were warped around me. It was so embarrassing,but he saived me from falling. He was so hot,and his arms were warm and long. I could feel his breath on my neck. I jumped put fast and spun around.I met him face to face. So handsome and beautiful. My heart started pounding.....


Well guys thanks for reading this chapter. I am new at all this and I am open for advies and suggestions.  Hope you like it! Se you all! [^`.^] . Coment what you think, and if you like it , please subscribe.


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Hey guys, tnx for reading this. It really tok me long to write this. I hope you like it.


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bazohai #1
can you do a request fro me about chen?^^ i rally like your fanfictions
This is written in a form of a diary,hope you don't mind. ^^