Chapter 3

My Life is Like a Dream

A few months later, you and Changmin got busier, Changmin and you hardly get to meet each other. You were in the dorm most of the time as the promotion activity was actually packed while Changmin was flying back and forth to Japan for his new album.

Finally, you got a short break after the activities, you were expecting to see Changmin at home but when you open the door to the house, there’s no one in the living room or in the kitchen. So you walked into the bedroom with a very disappointed expression on your face, then you saw Changmin on the bed sleeping. You smiled happily and you saw the luggage on the corner of the room. It seems like Changmin just came back from a trip. So you quickly change and started doing some housework. You felt so tired after doing the housework so you wanted to rest for awhile by sitting on the couch in the living. Then, you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket so you answered it.

It was Sunny, your best friend since you debuted you , Sunny is always there for you for everything but on the day of the wedding she wasn’t feeling well so she didn’t become one of your bridesmaid and you two didn’t get to meet or contact each other after the wedding as both of you were busy.
“ Annyeong baby.” Sunny said cheerfully
“ Onnie annyeong.” you said it with a bit of ageyo.
“ Aigoo, my baby sounded so cute.” Sunny teased you.
“ Aniya, how are you?” you asked.
“ I’m fine but I’m getting busier. Huhu.” Sunny pretended to cry over the phone.
“ Aigoo, remember to take good care of your health.” you reminded Sunny.
“ Arraso, I will, you too. Baby, onnie have to go now. Let’s meet someday when both of us are free.” Sunny said.
“ arraso, annyeong.” you ended the call.  

Then you went to check on Changmin, he was still asleep, his face was so adorable when he is asleep, you can’t help by walks towards him and kiss him on the cheek. When you kissing his cheeks you felt a pair of strong arm slowly snake around your waist and pull you towards the bed. Changmin turned his face, from kissing his cheek become kissing his lips. You ended the kiss and took a breath.

You looked at Changmin who is awake now and you hugged him tightly in bed. He suddenly put his long leg on your body making you trapped in his arms. “ Jaki I missed you so much.” Changmin whispered.
“ I missed you too. Oppa.” you kissed him.
“ Are you hungry?” Changmin asked you.
“ Of course I am. I have been waiting for you to wake up for hours.” you pouted.
“ Aigoo, my baby is hungry.” he rubbed your tummy.
“ what do you want to eat?” Changmin asked you.
“ hmm, I want to eat pizza.” you said happily.
“ let me call for delivery.” Changmin took his phone and call for pizza.

After Changmin finished the call, you hugged him and continue lying on the bed.
“ Oppa do you like childrens
“ I love children.“ he smile happily as he answered your question.
“ What if I say I might be pregnant now?” you asked him another question.
“ Are you pregnant Jaki?” Changmin’s face become serious.
“ yes.” you wanted to see how Changmin would react when he know that you’re pregnant.
“ Jincha!!! Daebak, I am going to be a father.” Changmin said excitedly. You were relieved that Changmin is not disappointed.
“ how did you find out that you’re expected.” Changmin asked curiously.
You were in the company’s dance studio practicing your new dance for the new song. Then you felt very nauseous all of the sudden. You stopped and ran to the restroom. Kahi, Uee and Nana was worried about you so they ran after you. After you finish vomiting, Kahi helped you up while Nana and Uee was very worried about you.
“ Aigoo, (your name) are you okay?” Uee and Nana asked together.
“ Gomawo, onnie, I feel better now.” you said softly.
“ Is your period late this month?” Kahi asked you.
“ Omo, Onnie why suddenly asked this.” Uee was shock when Kahi asked.
“ Yes, it’s a week late this month.” You answered Kahi’s question.
“ Congratulation, (your name) you might be pregnant.” Kahi said happily and you were so surprised.
“ Omo, (your name) grow up so fast.” Uee said proudly and Nana agrees with her.

Then Uee told the other members while Nana went to buy many brands of pregnancy stick for you to try. You went into the bathroom and try on every stick and everyone of them came out positive.
~~ end of flashback~~

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I will try to update it as soon as possible for you^^
pleaaaaaaaase unnie update as soon as possible pleeeeeeaaaaaase i can't wait
thank you
hehe thanks i will try to update soon
mariemcassie #5
this is very nice can you please continue to write, this is amazing <3<3<3<3 i love it so much et merci <3<3
eee...twins.. she doesn't want him to worry but she should still tell him and not have him hear it from someone else...update soon!!!
-Oneofakind- #7
sungmin1234 #8
love crazy this story. update soon
Love this story!!
oohhhh! nicesuu;)) update soon I wonder if Su will be there?