I Do ♥

My Life is Like a Dream

Super Junior Marry U ♥


It was the day before your wedding,

the After School member all gathered together to celebrate the last day of your single status, you were at home with your parents having dinner together. Your mother made your favourite food for you, you finished everything.
“ Omma, it was so delicious.” you told your mother.
“ I’m glad that you like it.” your mother smiled at you gracefully.
“ Omma, I will miss you.” you suddenly told your mother, making her tear up.
“ I will miss you too, you can always come back home often to see me.” your mother wiped away your tears. You hugged her.

The other members was so touched by what they saw, they all tear up.

“ (your name)-ah, it’s is your last day of your single status.” Kahi started her speech. “ you know that we will also be here for you and if you’re not happy or anything. You can always come to me.” Kahi stand up and walked towards you, she gave you a hug. Then one by one the others also hugged you and gave you their blessings.
“ Gomawo onnies” your voice started shaking “ I’ll always remember what you said.” you started tearing up as you were so touched.
“ Silly girl, don’t cry.” Kahi hugged you and try to comfort you.
“ I’m fine now, let’s celebrate.” you stopped crying and smiled.

You all started chatting and laughing as the memories came back.

The next day,  you woke up early to get your make up done, then you went to the church with your parents and the after school members.

You were in a room with your bridesmaid who was the After School members, they were all taking turns to do their make up and hair.

Then Kyuhyun, who was one of the groomsmen, came into the room to tell you and the other members that the ceremony is about to start. Then he saw you in the wedding dress, he was stunned by your beauty.
“ (your name), you looked so beautiful.” Kyuhyun scratched his head.
“ Gomawo, Kyuhyun oppa.” you smiled at him
“ you have to go out now.” Kyuhyun told you
You got very nervous and you started panicking, you didn’t know what to do, you stand up and you almost trip by your dress.
“ (your name)-ah be careful.” Kahi said while holding you.
“ Gomawo onnie.”
The girl went out with Kyuhyun first as they were the bridesmaids, then your father walked into the room, looking at you with tears in his eyes. “ Appa” you greeted him.
“ (your name)-ah, you look so beautiful today.” your father smiled happily and the tears started to fill his eyes.
 “ Appa don’t cry.” you smiled at your father.
“ My baby is getting married today.” your father’s voice started to shake.
“ I’ll always be your baby.” you hugged your father.

Your father hold you tightly in if you trip on you dress again.

One by one bridesmaid and the groomsmen walk down the aisle, then it was time to walk down the aisle towards your future husband.
You saw your husband standing in front of you, “  Am I dreaming?” you asked softly
“ This is real.” your father ensure you.

Finally you reach the front where Changmin is standing. “ Changmin-shii, now I entrust my precious daughter into you, I hope that you can take good care of her and never let her get hurt or cry.” your father told Changmin.
“ I’ll never let you or (your name) down I promised.” Changmin promised.
Then your father kiss your cheek and your father smiled at the both of you and went to his sit.

Changmin took your hand to walked closer to the altar, you tighten your grip on Changmin’s hand as you were getting very nervous. “ Yeobu-ah, don’t be nervous. I’m here with you.” Changmin try to calm you down.

“ Dearly beloved, We have come together here today joining this man and woman to witness their marriage …….” the priest start the wedding ceremony.
After a long speech, the couple exchange their vows

I, Shim Changmin, take you, ______, as my lawfully wedded wife, Our family and friends, I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

I, _____, take you, Shim Changmin, as my lawfully wedded husband, Our family and friends, I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

They exchange rings and looked at each other.

“ I now declare you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” priest blessed the couple.

“ I’ve waited for this moment for so long.” Changmin whispered.

Changmin slowly lean forwards towards you and kissed you softly. You closed your eyes to enjoy the taste of Changmin’s mouth.
“ Baby, I love you forever.” Changmin said cutely and did a little ageyo after he ended the kiss.

“ I love you too.” you lean forward and kissed Changmin again and ended it quickly  

Changmin carried you out of the church where all of the reporter who was waiting for the ceremony to end “ I’m married.” he said loudly.

All of the reporters started snapping pictures of you and your husband, he placed you down gently.

“ Catch the bouquet!” you said loudly.

Then you threw the bouquet and most of the girls ran towards it.  “ I caught the bouquet.” Nana said happily.
You and Changmin got into the car that will bring you to your new house.  In the car, Changmin held your hand, “ Yeobu-ah, tonight you’re mine.”
You blushed badly and turned away from Changmin and he smiled  happily.
The car stopped outside of your new house, you were so surprise by how beautiful your house was. Then Changmin carried you into the house and said “ This is our house.”
You got change and you laid on your new bed and quickly fell asleep.

It’s Puffyyx,  I am changing some parts of the story.

i hope that you would like the change of the story

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I will try to update it as soon as possible for you^^
pleaaaaaaaase unnie update as soon as possible pleeeeeeaaaaaase i can't wait
thank you
hehe thanks i will try to update soon
mariemcassie #5
this is very nice can you please continue to write, this is amazing <3<3<3<3 i love it so much et merci <3<3
eee...twins.. she doesn't want him to worry but she should still tell him and not have him hear it from someone else...update soon!!!
-Oneofakind- #7
sungmin1234 #8
love crazy this story. update soon
Love this story!!
oohhhh! nicesuu;)) update soon I wonder if Su will be there?