
The Animal Within

Minzy went out for a morning run. Shifting back and forth from human to wolf as she ran between the trees. It was in movement of her true forms that she felt the best. Picking up speed, she found herself at the top of the mountain watching the sun rise. She let out an exhilarated shout of excitement as she jumped off the cliff. Loving the feel of the wind wrapping around her body as she fell, before tumbling into a sprint. Laughing at herself for almost ramming into a tree, she jerked a quick left and twirled in the air. She was about to reach her paws out to break her fall, when Jiyong suddenly appeared before her. In a split second she turned and twirled herself higher to flip over him and land on her feet. 

She stayed in wolf form as she turned to look at Jiyong. Gazing at his eyes, they spoke through their wolf telepathy. "What are you doing here?" 

He shrugged as shifted before her into a full black wolf, "I wanted to join you in your morning run." 

Minzy smirked at him and nodded, "Okay if you can keep up." 

With that she was off, running at a steady pace to see Jiyong stride along side her. When she knew he was keeping with her at a steady pace she then started to really run. Focusing on her surroundings, she let her feet carry her through the trees that adorned the forest. Fairly impressed to see Jiyong still keeping up with her, she then shifted back to her human form and continued to run in her glory. Gazing back, she could see the startled look on Jiyong's face at the fact that she was running her wolf pace in human form. But that look wasn't new to her at all as she jumped and shifted back into her wolf form and ran like the speed of light leaving him in the dust. 

Minzy slipped on her clothing as she awaited Jiyong to catch up to her at the edge of the forest. Minutes later she watched him appear and she tossed him some clothing before she turned to let him dress. 

"Damn you're fast," he breathed and she couldn't help but laugh. "I thought I was going to catch you, but somehow you just kept getting faster." 

She shrugged as she turned to look at him finishing up, "I like running." 

He grinned at her, "Thanks for letting me run with you." 

"No problem, you're more than welcome to try and catch me on my morning runs," she teased. 

He laughed and nodded, "Alright I'll remember that. But I must ask, how did you learn to do that?"

"Do what?" 

"Run with the strength of a lycan in your human form," he clarified. 

She shrugged as she honestly didn't know, "I could do that off and on when I was younger and then as I became older it just happened." 

"I see," he said before going quiet. "Do you feel your lycan blood running strongly even in human form right now?" 

She thought about what he was asking and nodded, "I don't feel the difference at all." 

He looked at her as if he wanted to say something more, "Can I...try something?" 

"As long as you don't try to hurt me. I guess," she eyed him suspiciously. 

He smiled and walked up to her, "I promise I won't hurt you." Taking her hand, he turned her palm up and then placed his open palm over hers. "Please look me in the eyes." Doing what was asked of her, she shifted her gaze from their hands to his eyes. As their eyes connected it was as if he was staring into the depths of her soul. His gaze burned right through her as she found herself staring out at the night sky. 

Looking all around her she paniced as she found herself on a high mountain top with the clouds covering the rest of the world. The only thing she found before her was the giant full moon. She didn't know why, but she felt the need to cry out to the moon. Inhaling deeply she then let the air out of her lungs and called out to the moon. In doing so, the moon light soon absorbed her covering her until she no longer could see nothing but a bright light. 


"Ah," she cried at the searing pain as she shot up from bed. Her body was burning all over, especially her chest. Tears spilled from her eyes as she screamed out at the burning sensation on her chest. It was as if someone had lit her on fire. "," she cursed. Her glazed eyes soon caught the sight of someone standing before her, "Seunghyun! Seunghyun I'm ing burning! Please help me!" 

The pain of being touched was excruciating, "This is going to hurt." 

The salty tears burned her cheeks, but she couldn't help how much her body was hurting at the moment. But the next thing she knew, she was immersed into a tub of ice water. Screaming at the shock of the cool water, the pain started to lessen as she sunk into the tub. "It...hurts..."

"Drink this," Seunghyun instructed as he held a cup to her lips. 

The scent was off putting, but she obeyed and let the harsh liquid enter . It was bitter and gross, but it soothed . "That stuff is nasty," she made a face as she continued to swallow the last of the taste in . 

"At least you're getting better though," he offered as he knelt by her side. 

She nodded to agree, "You're right." Sighing at the relief of the pain subsiding, "What happened?" It was quiet and she wondered if he had left, shifting her gaze she noticed that he was still there, but awefully quiet. "Seunghyun? What happened to me?" 

His gaze fell upon her and she could see the hurt written all over his face, "You've been unconscious for three days." 

"What," she gasped. "How?" 

"Jiyong brought you back in his arms and said that you had passed out," he growled at the mention of the other man's name. 

Minzy didn't understand why he sounded so hostile towards Jiyong. But that was something she'd figure out later. The main thing she had to focus on was the fact that she had passed out for such a long time. She thought long and hard, then it hit her, "Wait a minute...where is he?" 

"The hell if I know," Seunghyun snapped. 

She sighed as she forced her sore body to sit up, "Please Seunghyun I need to talk to him."

"Why," he asked with cold eyes. 

"Look, we both know why he's here. Just let me talk to him so that we can clear things up," she spoke softly. 

He hissed lowly and nodded before he stood to leave he looked back at her, "You truly don't know his purpose here do you?"

"I..." before she could answer he was gone, leaving her to her own thoughts. 


It was a struggle, but she was able to make her way out of the tub and put on a simple gown. Hissing as she tried to brush her wet hair, a knock came at the door. "Come in," she called over her shoulder. 

"My child you're finally awake," her father said in relief. 

She smiled at hearing the worry in her father's voice, "Yeah sorry about that." 

"My daughter what did you dream about that had you out for so long," he asked as he sat on her bed. 

She ran the brush through her hair and thought about what he asked. Thinking about how Jiyong gazed into her eyes, flashes of the moon absorbing her came to mind. "I...I don't know how to explain it father, but I feel like I was consumed. Does that even make any sense?" 

"My child that makes perfect sense," he softly spoke. 

She turned to look at her father for some answers, "Please do explain." 

"Minzy I don't know how else to tell you this, but you are not like the rest of us. You're a special child. You possess traits of an original." 

"What?! That doesn't make any sense father!" 

"Jiyong told me what happened. Though I don't think he told me everything. But I think they plan to take you with them." 

As sore as her body was, the burning soon started to over take her body yet again, "Take me with them? What if I refuse?"

"You would refuse the original lycan family? My child I would think twice about the words you are speaking," her father warned. 

She was confused and lost in emotions that she couldn't help but cry, "Then what am I supposed to do father? Follow these strangers and become part of their pack?! I'd rather die than betray my pack!" 

"Look at it this way, if you go willingly then Jiyong won't have to fight Seunghyun to the death for your hand," her father tried to calm her down. 

"What?!" She was up on her feet as she felt heat flowing from her body, "Father what do you mean by this?!"

Her father was amazed to see his daughter literally glowing before him. She had the presence and aura of an original lycan. The power of her words nearly shook the room and he figured she probably didn't even notice. "My child you must calm yourself. You are coming into your powers and we don't want you jumping into them right away."

She hissed as she sat back down, not understanding what her father was going on about. "Huh?" 

"I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you to first calm down and take a deep breath." They both inhaled and exhaled together before he continued. "My child this may be overwhelming but you've been reborn. When Jiyong looked into your soul, he in a sense turned the key to unlock your inner lycan. The reason why you felt consumed because you were. Over the past few days your body and soul has been molding and intertwining with your lycan powers. Now I'm not talking about your powers to shift and natural wolf instinct, it is the powers of an original lycan. The truly cursed bloodline of the first lycan coursing through your blood. When you drank Jiyong's blood, you sealed your fate. Accepting the cursed bloodline and becoming an original lycan." He watched his daughter start to tremble, "No one knows exactly what those powers are just yet, but believe me when I say that you're probably the one we've been waiting for." 

"Father I don't believe that I can be the one," she shook her head. 

"My child we are not born leaders, we're chosen. And it looks as though the Gods have chosen you," her father said firmly. 

Tears were flowing down her face, "But Seunghyun?" 

He grinned at his thoughtful daughter, "What about him? He will be spared if you go willingly." 

Minzy nodded as she wipped her eyes, "It is decided then." 

It was in that moment that she was scooped up into her father's arms and craddled, "You are stronger than you know my sweet baby girl." 

HIs encouraging words gave courage to her scared heart as she held him tightly as she continued to sob. 


Minzy was exhausted from the long conversation she had with Jiyong. She made it clear that she would go with them as long as Seunghyun and the rest of her pack go untouched and immune to any original family. But even if she was exhausted, she couldn't sleep. Pushing herself up from her bed, she jumped out of her window and graciously landed on her feet. Dressed in her silk night gown, she glowed underneath the moonlight. Stepping bare foot onto the cold dirt beneath her, she felt her hands tingling and flexed them. In doing so she felt a cool breeze swaying in the direction that her fingers moved. Inhaling deeply, she then exhaled up into the sky and watched as clouds formed around the moon. Closing her eyes as she felt somewhat frustrated by the sudden changes, she could hear and see in her mind that Seunghyun was making his way towards her. It was amazing that she could literally see every detail of her surroundings in her mind as she waited for Seunghyun to approach her. 

Snapping her eyes open when he stepped before her, it startled him a bit. Seeing as she stood with her eyes closed like a statue underneath the beautiful moonlight, "You couldn't sleep?"

She shook her head and grinned, "No, I mean I've been sleeping for the past three days." 

He laughed and nodded in understanding, "I see." 

"And you?" 

He shrugged before turning his gaze to the moon, "I couldn't sleep either." 

It grew quiet between the two and Minzy was impressed that she could hear his heart rate and sense his emotions. They seemed sad and dark, "What's wrong?" 

"Huh," he asked startled by her abrupt question. 

"I can feel your sadness," she stated. 

This caused him to slgithly grin, "Yeah? Then can you look me in the eyes and tell my why I'm sad?"

"I don't know," she honestly answered. Everything she was experiencing was all too new to her. "But I can try."

Squaring up to her, he locked his gaze with hers. A rush of emotions flooded her mind as his memories flashed into her mind. The first was of when he was a young boy coming to the pack, her father accepting him. Then it was that of his best friend, her brother. Followed by a sweet young girl who in an instant he cared for. The next was flashes of his memories with his best friend growing close and her being his trusted side kick. He had become the trusted friend she had come to care for and depend on. Flashes of the hurt he felt when his girlfriend was chosen to be the mate of his best friend. But the biggest emotion over that was the fact that he felt relief that his best friend found the love of his life and could see it in the way that they looked at each other. Then the flast of seeing how rebellious she was becoming and pushing away everyone, especially him and she could see the hurt. But the hurt only increased as she watched him standing there as he watched her old self run away. The flashes continued to be that of pain as she saw how he witnessed her brother's death and the guilt he felt. To the feelings of being lost with only the companionship of her father. Another flash led her to when she was captured by him and he could see the compassion and excitement of grabbing her. Then another flash to where he learned of him being arranged to marry her. Suddenly there were brief flashes of him dacning with her, talking with her, watching over her when she slept, waiting for her to come back home, watching her with Jiyong, watching her wake up, to finding her in the forest this very moment. 

Minzy gasped as she pulled away from him. She felt her cheeks flush a shade darker as she tried to grasp what she had just seen. "What did you see?" 

HIs voice shook her and she didn't know what the hell was going on with her. She found it hard to look him in the eyes, "Well..." Summing up all her courage, she looked up at him and could see that his chocolate eyes actually had specks of gold sprinkled into them. 

"Tell me," he awaited her answer growing impatient.

She could see the grin tugging at the corner of his lips and liked how fitting it looked on him. It was then that she felt a shift inside of her. She felt the earth beneath her shake as she intertwined her fingers with his. "Why didn't you tell me?"

He tried not to seem startled by the mini-earthquake as he held her hand in his, "What didn't I tell you?" 

She sighed as she flicked her finger and had the leaves swirling around them. She smiled as she saw the awe in his eyes before she wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tight. "I'm leaving tomorrow," she whispered into his rock hard chest.

"What," he growled as he wrapped his arms around her small body. 

"Thank you for always looking after me and especially looking after my family. You deserve the world for all that you've done," Minzy slightly pulled away to gaze up at him. 

Seunghyun felt himself shaking with the fear of losing her again, "But I don't want the world." 

"Seunghyun can you promise me that you'll be happy?"

Her words were like a slap to the face to him. Did this girl not just look into the depths of his damned soul?! If she did, she had to know why her words weren't the words he wanted to hear right now, "Don't say that Minzy. Can't you just stay here with me?"

She sighed as she held him tighter, "Don't make this harder than it already is. I'm sorry I've hurt you. Can you let me do this one thing for you? Let me take responsibility for all the pain you've gone through? Let me be the reason why you can be free to find happiness." She tip toed up and kissed his cheek before she was gone with the wind. 

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gabygschwind #1
Chapter 12: i just found this fic and litteraly read this for like 1hour or so- this fic i beautiful. the way you wrote it , and damn i even cry at the 9th chapter like why u let seunghyun die. BUT YAY HAPPY ENDINGS!! i love happy endings. like if you actually let this fic be a sad angsty ending, i think im gonna cry and curse u for making a sad ending lolza. i love a jealous seunghyun so much, u know when jiyong dance with minzy and minzy be kind to him like whoa i love seeing(reading) jealous guys. you've been my favorite author, like u literally touch my heart, breaks my heart and make me become a ball of flying unicorns bcs of fluffness from your fic. u can say im a fan HAHA. write more and more fics about minzy, especially jiyong and top(coughsotpcoughs) you'll always get my support from here! long chaptered fics is better otl i ask too much from you. i love you and your existence!!
annethundr05 #2
Chapter 12: That was brilliantly squeetastic!!! I do love a good TopMin fic, & this ranks as one (they are so hard to find). Thanks so much, kudos & das woot.
yoojaesukkie #3
Chapter 12: Literally had the feels when it said seunghyun was also an original X3 OMG THIS WAS SOO GOOD I WISH AUTHORS WROTE MORE STORIES LIKE THIS!!!!! Where the female lead is the bad a$$ with the superpowers XD
Nurindri #4
Chapter 12: It's like de Javu when I read this chapter,,but I like it so much..!
I am so happy it's happy ending..!
Chapter 12: Love the story thank you for the happy ending :)
Chapter 11: maybe minzy psychic she's just see the future, one of her lycan power.
Chapter 11: OMO.. one more chapter left.
Chapter 11: OMG! noooo.... Please tell me Minzy just dreaming.
Nurindri #9
Chapter 11: What??what??no,no,seunghyun not die right??please I don't want a sad ending!!!
What will be happen next??Update soon author,,i can't wait for the next chapter,,this fanfic really amazing!!
annethundr05 #10
Chapter 10: This just hurt my heart. (T⌓T)╥﹏╥ಥ_ಥ