Find Him/Hide It

Don't Be Cliche (The Original)

Hi guys. So this chapter is a mixture of both chapter one and two. I'll put two chapters together because that helps me save time. This will happen until the chapter where things change.


Find Him
“First things first we need to retrace your steps,” I tell him. Bambam rolls his eyes at me.
“Okay. What do you need to know?”
“Where did you wake up? His house? Yours? A hotel?” I ask him.
“Um his mom’s place,” he responds.
“Um what?” I ask him.
“We woke up to his mom knocking on the door telling us breakfast was ready.” I laugh at this.
“Well then that’s new. Thanks Jackson.”
“Um yeah.” He rubs his arm nervously.
“There’s something you’re not telling me,” I tell him.
“Um yeah. He doesn’t live with his mom.”
“What? He took you to his mom’s house when he doesn’t live there? What kind of g-.”
“He was visiting for the weekend.”
“So? That doesn’t mean you bring a stranger to your mom’s house! This guy is insane. Does he even live here?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you have his number?”
“You’re just hoping you’d magically meet him?”
“Right. Absolutely amazing Bambam. Well whatever do you have any idea where his mom lives? Last name anything?”
“No.” I let out a sigh of frustration. “This started off cliche, remember? I don’t recall anybody knowing anything about the other person besides their name.”
“True, true.” I think about it for a while.
“And the fact that they’re very good looking,” Bambam says with a wink. I ignore this as I think really hard.
“Where did you two meet?”
“The supermarket.”
“Uh what?”
“I was buying alcohol with my fake ID to relieve some. . .  stress when he approached me. He said ‘you shouldn’t drink all of that alone’. Went to his mom’s place she wasn’t home at the time. And we got drunk then we did it.”
“Okay. Thanks for making this less cliche.”
“You’re welcome,” he shrugs.
“Okay okay. Which store?”
“The one near our house.”
“That means one thing,” I tell him.
“And what’s that?” 
“His mom’s place is near the supermarket!”
“Yeah. . . ?” 
“Bambam think! If we find the supermarket we can find his house and where he lives!”
“You mean his mom’s house.”
“And we can ask his mom where he lives!”
“Oh! Good idea!”

And so we set out. We hang around the supermarket for hours. Bambam keeps buying himself junk and eventually he gets restless.
“What now?” he asks.
“Um want to look out into the neighborhood? Do you remember what his mom’s house looks like?”
“I think so,” he answers.
“Okay cool. Let’s go.” We walk out into the neighborhood circling houses and going all over the place when Bambam stops suddenly.
“It’s this one,” he says. To my surprise the house looks somewhat familiar. I feel as if I’ve been here before but I can’t remember why or when. I shrug off the feeling it’s probably nothing. Bambam is so excited he rings the doorbell. A few seconds later he rings again. Then knocks. And knocks again.
“I don’t think she’s home Bam.”
“Then we wait,” he says. We sit on the doorstep until the sun goes down.
“Come on Bam we have to go.”
“What? B-but she’s not home!” he protests.
“Yeah but it’s very weird for two strangers to stay here at night,” I remind him. He frowns and and looks back as we leave probably hoping she’d come home.

A week flies by of us trying to find Jackson. We go back to his mom’s place and to the supermarket and there’s absolutely no sign of the two.
“Maybe we should give up,” I suggest.
“What!? But hyung we can’t!” Bambam shouts.
“But this is pointless. There are other fish in the sea.”
“We’re not even in the sea! I really hate that saying. Jackson looks nothing like a fish but a wild and y lion!”
“Bam just-.”
“No you promised you’ll help me!”
“And I also said we’d make sure this is novel. And you know giving up is pretty new.” Tears start to form in Bambam’s eyes.
“I’m not giving up hyung. I really want to see him again. And I will find him with or without you.”

Another week goes by. And Bambam isn’t as crazy about searching Jackson as he was before. He’s still looking but at least he isn’t stalking Jackson’s mom’s neighborhood.
“Why isn’t she ever home?” Bambam asks. We sit at a table in front of our favorite coffee shop. Next door is a supermarket and a bunch of other stores. Tons of people flood the area since it’s usually busy around here.
“Maybe she works long hours,” I suggest.
“Maybe that’s not her house,” he says.
“Maybe no one lives there.” He laughs a little. I’m glad this seems to be cheering him up.
“Wow well that’s not awkward,” he says between laughs.
“Not at all.” I take a sip of my coffee when Bambam stands up suddenly.
“Mark!! There he is!” Bambam yells. He grabs my shoulder and points to the left of where we are. It takes a while to notice. But then I see him right away a very hot guy with a sleeveless shirt. His arm muscles look amazing and he wears a snap back backwards on his head.
“Oh no,” I say to myself.
“You know him?” Bambam asks.
“Um kind of? I’ve seen him around,” I tell him. That’s a lie. I know this guy very well. That’s Jackson Wang. And he just so happens to be my ex boyfriend.

Chapter 3
Hide It

I bite my lip I have no idea what to do. Do I make Bambam walk away? Should I just walk away? Bambam stands there staring directly at Jackson. A smile is on his face and he grips my arm tighter without realizing it.
“How well do you know him?” he asks. I wince at the question. He’s not looking at me his eyes stay directly on him.“I um don’t actually. I’ve only seen him around I doubt he’s seen me. It’s like I’d see him on my way to work.” Another lie. I really hope he’s buying this.
“Oh? Do you two work in the same area?” he asks.
“What? I don’t know!” I know exactly where he works, lives, and eats on the weekends. I can’t go up to him. I can’t let him see me.
“Come on,” Bambam says.
“Wait what!?” I ask pulling away from him.
“Mark you promised you’ll help me. And we’re not supposed to be cliche, remember?” he says.
“Oh gosh I hate myself right now,” I mutter. He tugs on my arm again and we’re entering the store Jackson disappeared into. Bambam looks in stall after stall. And I follow along since I’m being pulled around. Eventually Bambam stops suddenly in front of the candy aisle. 
“Here he is,” Bambam says. And sure enough Jackson is there looking at a pack of lollipops. I roll my eyes he hasn’
t changed at all. Bambam tugs on me again. I feel my heart skip a beat as we get closer. I can’t I just can’t face Jackson again. But it’s a bit too late. I try to stop five feet away from Jackson. But Bambam gives my arm one hard pull and I spiral right into Jackson.
“Ah!” he yells in surprise. He falls to the ground with me directly on top of him. He’s dazed at first and then looks into my eyes. “Mark?” he says recognizing me. This reminds me of the first time we met. This brings back memories. This scares me.
“I don’t know you!” I shout. I scramble off of him. And Bambam hurries over and helps Jackson up.
“I am so sorry! I accidently tripped him I didn’t know that would happen,” Bambam shouts. Jackson stands up and looks Bambam up and down with a pleasant enough smile.
“Baby Bambam. I didn’t think I’d run into you again,” Jackson says. BABY!?
“Me neither.” Bambam has such a big smile on his face it’s blinding. “Oh um this is my best friend, Mark. He says he’s seen you around.” Jackson looks over at me. 
“Has he?” he asks. Please pretend not to know me. Please pretend not to know me.
“Yeah. Have you ever seen him?”
“I haven’t. Maybe he’s stalking me,” Jackson says.
“Stalking you?” I ask angrily. Bambam laughs at this.
“You wouldn’t happen to be free this weekend?” Bambam asks.
“I just happen to have the whole week open,” Jackson replies.
“May I have your number?”
“You may.” Bambam’s eyes light up. And he pulls his phone out to get Jackson’s number. I slam the phone out of his hands and it shatters on the ground.
“MARK?” Bambam screams. He bends down to pick it up and I bend down with him.
“You’re being cliche,” I tell him.
“What? You’re being ridiculous!” he hisses.
“Think Bambam. You should exchange numbers the next time you two meet.”
“And when will that be?” he asks. I shrug.
“That’s the beauty in all of  this. We don’t know. It’s something completely new and not cliche.”
“Oh my gosh Mark.”
“It’s genius right?”
“You’re an idiot.”
“Wow I’ve never seen someone take this long to pick up their phone,” Jackson says. I stand up quickly.
“Sorry Jacks- I mean Jackson!” I correct myself quickly. “But it looks like Bambam needs to go buy a new phone. He can’t take your number and there’s no point in you taking his. How about you two exchange numbers the next time you meet by chance?” I suggest.
“I have the same number,” he tells me.
“What? You make it sound like we’ve met.”
“Haven’t we?”
“I assure you we haven’t.”
“Huh? Maybe I have seen you around you look very familiar.” I fake a smile.
“No I don’t,” I tell him through gritted teeth. Jackson rubs his chin and shrugs.
“If you insist. Um what was it again? Mork?” My heart beats faster. I remember the days when Jackson used to call me Mork when we were dating. I remember how much I loved that nickname he’s doing it on purpose to mess with me.
“Mark,” I say flatly. 
“Ah right. Mark.”
“I wish there was something we can do to keep in touch,” Bambam says hopelessly.
“Here,” Jackson says. He puts a hand in his back pocket and reveals a business card. “Now you have my phone number, email address, and work number.” Bambam looks at the card happily. Then looks up at Jackson in awe.
“You’re an underwear model?” he asks.
“I’m a regular model I just love that picture.”
“I can tell,” Bambam says. I roll my eyes.
“Come on Bambam,” I tell him. I pull on his arm.
“Call me as soon as you get a new phone,” Jackson calls.
“I will!” Bambam replies. He waves at Jackson as I pull him away.  This is absolutely ridiculous.

Back in our apartment Bambam can’t keep his eyes off Jackson’s business card.
“Hey hyung what kind of feeling do you get from this card?” Bambam asks waving the card at me.
“That he’s probably a play boy that will break your heart,” I answer. Bambam frowns at my reply.
“I get a feeling of security and a loving person. Outside he’s some hot lion but inside he’s a cute teddy bear,” he says. I stifle a laugh.
“Are you serious? You get all of that from his ‘Just Relax’ pose?” I ask.
“Just relax?” Bambam asks sitting up and looking at me. Oops. I slap myself in the face.
“Umm that’s what I personally see when I look at his card,” I tell him.
“Huh, really?” Bambam asks. He even flips the card upside down trying to see what I see. “But you just said you see-.”
“I know I see both,” I shrug. “Now stop asking unnecessary questions and come eat.” He comes over and sits down.
“I wonder what Jackson’s eating for dinner? Do you think he’s even eating dinner? You know being a model and all. Does he have to starve himself? Will he be okay?”
“Bam, stop it,” I order.
“Let me borrow your phone,” he says.
“Uh no,” I reply.
“Come on please! If you don’t I’ll keep asking questions about him.” I ignore him and start eating my rice.
“Does he like rice? What makes him so handsome? I wonder if he’ll show me the teddy bear side to him? I-.” I hand him my phone.
“Just stop,” I tell him angrily. He takes my phone and hugs it.
“Oh hyung you’re the best!” He gets out of his seat and starts dancing around.
“I’ll buy you a new phone tomorrow,” I mutter. “And Bam promise me you won’t go in too deep.”
“I won’t hyung. Gosh it’s a phone call not a swimming pool.”
“I meant in the entire relationship.”
“Oh I can’t make that kind of promise,” he tells me and runs off.
Bam please be careful.

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Chapter 8: Is there more?
Chapter 8: So.. are they official now or nah? And bambam, whats gonna happen to him?
hyunyeolliemarkson #3
Chapter 8: So what gonna happen to bambam now?
Chapter 8: It looks to me Jackson isn't interested in Mark as much as before, he still leaves a gap between them. While Mark just loves Jackson with all his heart. If it's not to much in the future can you make Jackson jealous over the fact some1 was flirting with Mark, to make him realize or something that if doesn't do something Mark could b taken from him.
littlemissgigi #5
Chapter 8: OMG I can't wait for the next update! I wonder how the ending will be different than the original <3
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 7: Markson need to get their asses back in the relationship asap lol
helloim33 #7
the tool shed part must be requiring lots of makeup scenes!love ya!!! =3=
Chapter 6: Please update~ i love it, I just finished "Don't be cliche" the last part got me tho.
Please~~~ let this one be happy
vipbabyexotic #9
Chapter 6: I read the other series and I don't know what's going to happen to this one. In the other series, Jackson neer replied at the end, what did he say then? This story is mostly markson, but will it always be like this?
helloim33 #10
Chapter 6: i'm new here. reading through the last six chapters in an afternoon made my heart twisted a lot. it easily drove me high and drop me low. when i can't stand the bitterness of markson suffering from each other, i usually turned back to those straddling scenes again. Markson being a couple makes more sense to me. wish i could express my love for you better my dear author.