A Trip Down Memory Lane

Don't Be Cliche (The Original)

Hello guys!! So here's where most of you guys should start reading from. I'm sorry if this chapter seems out of place in anyway. I kind of feel like it does. Apparently I deleted a chapter while I was writing the other story.


I ring his doorbell and when he answers I place a basket of goodies between us.
“Mork?” he asks. Probably from shock.
“It’s an apology. I’m really sorry about yesterday and I don’t want things to be awkward anymore.” He sighs at me.
“Come in,” he says. He walks himself inside and goes right into his room. I close his door and set the basket on his table and sit in a chair waiting for him. He comes back out and looks at the basket. “What’s in it?”
“Um. It’s pretty much all the snacks you used to eat. I’m not sure if you still like them but you used to love them two years ago.” He looks the basket over.
“I’m on a very strict diet,” he tells me.
“Oh I am so sorry. I can exchange it. Is there anything you want instead? Can I get you something? Anything?” He looks me over and leans in close. One arm on the the table the other on the chair I’m sitting in. I lean back a little not understanding what’s going on.
“Mork,” he says softly which is pretty much impossible to do but Jackson’s the only person who can do that. I open my mouth a little to say ‘yes’ but his lips press against mine and then his tongue slips in. His tongue plays with mine just like it used to two years ago. My arm flies around his neck and the other on his face. I missed kissing him. My body feels so alive and hot. I want more of him. I want all of him. He pulls away slowly. Our eyes stare into each other’s.
“Gaga,” I whisper. He stands up straight and reaches for the basket.
“I’ll just take a few and you can have the rest of the basket,” he tells me. I nod my head at him and watch as he selects one of each snack.
“Are they still your favorite?” I ask.
“Haven’t had them in a while,” he says.


A few days later

I’m back. As soon as I leave work I come here. I have no where else to go. Well I could go home but something drew me here. I ring his doorbell and he answers it. He kisses me on the lips and I stare at him a bit stunned and he looks at me surprised.
“Oh sorry,” he says.
“Oh um it’s fine,” I tell him. “Your lips are still very soft.” He lets out a laugh.
“I just um. I had a dream.”
“About us?” I ask.
“About the past. Oh come in.” He opens the door wider and lets me in. I sit down in the couch and he sits in the armchair legs far apart. “And I guess my mind was still in that dream.”
“Jackson I don’t mind you kissing me,” I tell him.
“You don’t?” I shake my head.
“I love kissing you. Then and now.”
“Ah. Are we really doing this right now?”
“Doing what?”
“Having a moment of truth type of thing?” he asks.
“I don’t know, are we?”
“Well why did you come over?”
“I-I was wondering if you still have any pictures from high school.”
“I do. I’ll go get them,” he says. He exits the room and comes back with a box. “I kind of stashed everything away.” He smirks at me. He sets it down next to the coffee table. I move and sit on the floor next to him.
“A whole box full of pictures?” I ask.
“And books and old junk.” He shifts around a bit so we’re not too close. “Can I get you anything to drink? Eat?”
“I’m fine.” He picks up a picture. And it just happened to be a really funny one. We both laugh unable to comprehend the fact we looked liked that once.
Hours go by and we’re still looking at high school photos and memories. Jackson picks up one picture from the box and stares at it.
“Mark!” he yells. “Look.” He shows it to me. Moving closer without meaning to.
“Aw this was at our graduation party,” I tell him.
“Haha I still remember this exact moment.”
“Your mom was so surprised to see us kiss.”
“I’m honestly still not sure if it was a good surprise or bad surprise,” Jackson comments. 
“We didn’t care we kissed in front of everyone that day. We were crazy in love.” He turns to face me and I face him our lips ever so close. I can feel his breath on me.
“You looked amazing then too.”
“So did you,” I tell him softly. “Gaga.” Our lips inch towards one another’s until it was a full press then a full kiss. I kissed him and he kissed me back. And it felt amazing. I wrap my arms around him bringing him closer to me. He draws a breath and then continues to kiss me. I missed this. I missed him. I missed all of this so much. He draws away panting like crazy. His hand in my hair as he stares into my eyes.
“I don’t want to stop doing this,” he says.
“I don’t either,” I tell him.
“But I have to go to work.” I feel slightly sad about this.
“Come by tomorrow? Please?”
“I will. I definitely will.” He kisses me again. And gets ready. We leave the house together. When I get to my car I pull him close.
“Bye,” I tell him.
“Bye,” he says back. And I kiss him again.

The Next Day
I’m back. Third day in a row. I sit in his couch as he stands over me kissing me again. This kiss a lot longer and better than the one from yesterday. I grip at the couch under my fingertips. The kiss just got even more intense. His tongue feels amazing on mine. I let out a low moan. I move my head slightly away.
“Ah I want more,” I tell him.
“How much more?” he asks. His lips grazing over mine.
“All of you,” I whisper. He presses his lips against mine and stands up straight.
“Mark,” he says.
“And now you’re all serious again.” He smiles at me and places a knee on either side of me. Half straddling half sitting on me. I wrap my arms around his waist and bring him close to me. If I’m hard he can definitely feel it.
“I don’t want to get back together but at the same time I do,” he tells me.
“I feel the same way,” I reply.
“You do?”
“I still love you Jacks.”
“I still love you.”
“I know.”
“What do I do?”
“Keep kissing me?”
“Mark, you’re the wise one here.”
“I can’t think when you look like this.” He reaches over and pulls his shirt on. I analyze him. The cute mess of hair on his head. The red in his lips. The words is visible all over him with or without a shirt. And to be honest this shirt leaves nothing to the imagination. His chest and abs are still very visible.
“You still look hot,” I tell him.
“So do you Tuan.”
“Not nearly as hot as you though.” I bend my head back resting it on the couch. “Ah I don’t know what to do.” He rocks a little making my hard on, harder. 
“Be quick about it,” he says.
“Relax, will you?” He shrugs and then leans into me. His chest on mine and he rests his head on my shoulder.
“I missed you,” he whispers in my ear.
“I missed you too. Let’s just get back together.”
‘And what about baby Bambam?”
“Stop calling him that. You’re making me jealous.” I can feel him smirking on my shoulder.
“Don’t be,” he says. He then kisses it.
“Ah Jackson I want you back badly.” He sits up straight and presses his lips against mine.
“Then have me.”
“What about Bam?” I ask. He gives me another kiss an indulgent one.
“How about a quickie for today?” he asks.
“Ah yes,” I tell him. The grip I have on his waist tightens as I squeeze his . “It’s a lot tighter than I remember.”
“I’ve been working out a lot,” he says with a smirk. He kisses me again.

I wake up in Jackson’s bed. He’s not next to me and I hope he hasn’t gone to work. He walks in in just boxers and his hair’s a mess. He holds a snack in his hand as he eats it.
“Hey,” I tell him.
“You’re up early,” he says back. I nod at him.
“I haven’t slept that well in a long time,”  I tell him. He presses his lips against mine.
“Same here.” I roll over and sit up leaning against his headboard.
“Work today?” I ask him. He nods his head at me. “What time?
“Around five,” he replies.
“In the afternoon?”
“Morning.” He crawls into bed next to me. “It’s only two.” I wrap my arms around his neck.
“Well you’re up early.”
“So are you.”
“I have no idea why that is.” Our lips touch gently and he pulls away.
“Can’t sleep?”
“Can’t you?”
“No.” I pout realizing I, myself can’t fall asleep.
“What should we do?”
“Watch a movie?” he offers.
“Can we cuddle?” I ask.
“We can.” I smile at him.
“Perfect.” I press our lips together. “Um you wouldn’t happen to have popcorn would you?” I ask.
“I do not,” he says. He moves away from my embrace. “I’ll go get some you get a movie ready.” I pull him close and pout.
“I don’t want you to leave,” I complain. He smiles at me.
“I’ll take five minutes,” he says. He gives me a kiss. The kiss alone made me moan in pleasure.
“Don’t keep me waiting,” I tell him. 
“I won’t.” Jackson leaves the room after pulling on a pair of jeans. I make myself useful by heading to the living room and flipping the channel over to the movie station. Luckily for us one is starting right now. I sit there absolutely restless. I want Jackson back in here and now. I want his body next to mine. I want to touch him and kiss him and exchange a few words with him. I really want to smile at him and see him smile back at me. He comes back and heads straight for the kitchen. I want to wait patiently the popcorn will be ready any minute now but I can’t help it. I get up and walk over to him. He waits in front of the microwave his head bowed. I come up behind him and move my arms around him. I rest my head on his back.
“What are you thinking about?” I ask him.
“I’m confused,” he tells me. My hands go slack. I stand up straight.
“About what?” I ask. He turns around quickly his hands holding my face.
“No, no, Mark it isn’t about you.”
“Then what?” The ding of the microwave fills the air.
“Popcorn’s ready,” he says quickly. “Movie time.” He pulls the popcorn out and places it in a bowl.
“Jackson,” I call to him. “Seriously.” He comes close to me and presses his lips against mine.
“It’s work Mark. Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you going to get fired?” I ask.
“I will if I eat this today,” he says raising the bowl.
“Why did you buy it?” I ask.
“Because you wanted it.” He hands me the bowl and heads for the living room.

We lie on the couch. I’m wrapped in his arms as I slowly eat popcorn. A scary movie’s on and I can feel his body jolt every time he gets surprised from a scene. It makes me a laugh a little. He’s so cute. Too cute. How could I ever leave him? Leave this? It doesn’t make sense. But I guess if I were to go back two years I would have done the same.
“No.” The word rings in my head over and over again. “No.” In his voice. “No.”

We sit in the couch all four of us. We’re laughing like complete idiots unable to take our own stupidity.
“Can we please take once decent photo?” JB asks us. He stands irritated but he’s still laughing.
“I think we should all pose like this,” Jackson says. He widens his legs suddenly almost throwing Jinyoung off the couch.
“Yah! Wang you did that on purpose!” Jr. yells.
“Did I?” he asks.
“I’m sitting by Mark,” Jr. says and moves to sit next to me. JB moves closer to Jackson and shrugs.
“We sit like this every year,” he says.
“We do,” Jackson agrees.
“JB next to Jackson. Me next to Mark. And Mark and Jackson always in the middle,” Jr. says.
“Every year for five years. Will we ever change?” I ask.
“Probably not. Now smile,” Jr. says. Jackson somehow manages to trip over his own feet while sitting and crashes into me right before the flash.
“JACKSON!” We all yell and then burst into laughter.
“You have one job Jackson! One! Pose for a picture!” Jr. yells.
“This is literally you’re one job,” JB says. “You’re a model for crying out loud!”
“I’ve never met a model who couldn’t pose properly,” Jr. says shaking his head.
“I have,” I tell them and then I kiss Jackson. 
“How about we go for a silly theme this year?” Jackson suggest. “Take a very silly photo.”
“This is why you’re currently an arm model,” Jr. insults. 
“I’m an arm model because I’m just starting off,” Jackson points out.
“Uh huh. You’ll never make it big like this.”
“YAH PARK JINYOUNG!?” Jackson yells. I pull Jackson into me.
“Hey Jackson will become a very successful model one day,” I tell them.
“Mmm I guess we all don’t know what it’s like to have a boyfriend with a deadbeat future,” Jr. mutters.
“It’s okay Jacks. Mark will take good care of you,” JB says patting Jackson’s arm.
“I believe in you babe,” I whisper in his ear.
“Thank you. Forget you two I don’t need you guys as long as I have Mark I’m good.” Jr. rolls his eyes. 
“You two should just get married already,” Jr. says. I widen my eyes at him and he widens his eyes at me. He silently apologizes. I’m proposing to Jackson tonight and the only person who knows is Jinyoung. Being my friend since we were young he gets that privilege of knowing and he gets to be my best man.
“Fine then we will!” Jackson says sticking his tongue out. I feel my heart skip a beat. He pretty much just said yes. My grip around Jackson gets tighter.
“Don’t forget our date tonight,” I tell him.
“Of course not,” he says.
“Okay we need one good picture. NOW,” JB says. He stands up and gets the camera ready. “Five seconds Jackson stay still for five seconds.” We arrange ourselves in a pose we want and get ready. Jackson gives me a quick kiss and lets out his hyena laugh. Then flash. JB looks like he’s about to blow. His face gets all red and he’s trying to keep his mouth shut.
“Let’s look at the picture first!” Jr. shouts. We do. JB’s smile is obviously forced. He kind of looks like he wants to punch Jackson kind of doesn’t. Jr. and I are caught mid laugh. And Jackson’s mouth is wide open from his hyena laugh.
“Honestly JB I think that’s the best we’re going to do,” Jr. tells him.
“I agree.” JB hits Jackson upside the head.
“I personally love it,” I tell everyone. “It portrays us well.” Jr. looks at it and nods.
“Yeah we even have a Markson scene going,” he agrees as he points at our tightly interlaced fingers. “I like it JB. Let’s just go with it.”
“Fine,” he huffs. “Except these in twenty four hours,” he says waving the pictures.
“Year five,” I say with an exhale. I look over at JB’s bookshelf. On it are four pictures representing the four previous years. I can’t believe in every picture you can see a difference. You can tell Jackson and I just started dating in the first picture. The awkwardness clear on our faces. We all look very shocked and young since it was our freshman year of high school. Each year we look older trying on different hairstyles that fit us better than the last. And each year Jackson and I look more and more like a couple.
“I really hope we keep up this picture tradition even though JB’s mom started it,” Jr. says. Jackson rests his head on my shoulder.
“I just hope we’re together forever,” he says. He wraps his arms around me. I kiss his head.
“Me too babe. Me too.”

That night

I have everything planned from the moment Jackson knocks on my door. I’ve been planning this for months and I want it to be absolutely perfect. The doorbell rings and my heart skips a beat. It’s happening this is going to happen. My stomach is filled with butterflies. I stuff the box into my pocket and go to the door.
“H-.” Butterflies gone. Standing in front of me with a gorgeous smile on his face. He’s absolutely breath taking. I love the formal look on Jackson it’s probably his best look. 
“Hey,” he says with a confident smile. He kisses me and lets himself in.
“You look amazing,” I tell him catching my breath.
“So do you. It isn’t our anniversary right? I’m pretty sure that past,” he says.
“You’re right. Umm come here.” He comes over and I wrap my arms around him kissing him again.  We kiss over and over. Losing track of time and the world all together. We were so in love then. We had conversations without talking. All I had o do was look at him and he’d know exactly how I feel and what I want and vise versa. Our relationship was perfection. But I didn’t plan this.
“Oh sorry we need to go,” I tell him. He doesn’t remove his grip.
“One more,” he says. I give him a quick kiss. “Mark.” he complains. I stare at him. He releases me and opens the door.
“I’m really sorry,” I say. He kisses my cheek and takes my hand.
“It’s okay. Taking your car?” he asks.
“Yeah.” We hold hands tightly. I always feared being away from Jackson. So I’d hold his hand really tight and he’d do the same probably feeling the same way. I get into the car and give him one look. “Okay can we go back to kissing for a bit?” I ask. He smirks at me.
“Of course.” I kiss him again. Gosh he’s such a good kisser. I can’t believe I’m going to marry someone this good of a kisser. We’ll kiss for the rest of our lives like this. I pull Jackson closer wanting to feel his warmth when he breaks apart from me.
“Mork,” he says playfully.
“What?” I ask him with a smile.
“I thought we had plans today,” he says.
“They can wait a bit.” I kiss him again. Mark you need to get your mind out of the gutter. I push him back gently. “Okay as much as I don’t want to do this-.”
“We have plans,” he finishes for me. I kiss him again.
“When did we become the couple to finish each others sentences?” I ask him.
“Today?” he says. “Then again mind reading has always been our thing.”
‘So you know exactly what I want to do right now?” I ask.
“I do.” He takes my seatbelt and puts it on for me then puts his own on. “Now go.” I bite my lip nervously.
“But you don’t know everything on my mind?” I ask.
“Not everything. Mark we can do what we both clearly want to do later. You did not make me leave the house all dressed up for no reason,” he says.
“Of course not.”

So we went on this romantic date that cost me hundreds. But I didn’t care. I was spending it on the love of my life. Fancy dinner, dancing, we stripped off our fancy shirts and put on sneakers (we always kept a pair in my car) and played a very fun game of basketball. Now we wonder through a beautiful park. I hold Jackson hand and swing it back and forth. The lights hear glow white from their Christmas lights. Christmas is about a week away.
“What do you want to do for Christmas this year?” Jackson asks me.
“Hmm I don’t know what do you want to do?”
“We can either stay home all day. Or make your move in official.”
“I mean sure you spend a lot of nights but you don’t exactly live with me yet.”
“Really? You really want to live with each other?” I ask. He stops and rests his forehead on mine.
“I’d love to Mark. I know how you feel about living with others but we can make it work, right?”
“Yes! Yes, we can. I mean I love you so much of course I’ll make it work.”
“I love you too.” Our lips slowly touch and then part.
“I am so excited,” I tell him.
“I am too. Mark’s actually going to live with someone,” he says excited for me.
“Huge step. I’m not even used to living with family.”
I take him further until we reach the end of the park and at the school.
“Taking a trip down memory lane?” he asks me.
“Pretty much,” I tell him. I release his arm and climb the fence. Jackson follows along and we walk around campus. Until I reach it. The courtyard. The blossom tree still there. I stand under it and look up. The wind lightly blows the leaves away.
“What are you doing?” Jackson asks studying me.
“Jacks, I love you. I love you so much. Do you remember where this is?”
“The place we first met,” he says softly. I nod at him.
“It was probably my best day ever because since then you’ve managed to make me laugh.” He nods looking around. He places his hands in his pocket he suddenly looks uncomfortable.
“I asked you out after a week of knowing you, right?” he says.
“You did. And I’m so happy I said yes. Will you do me the same honor?” I ask. I then get down on my knees. “I love you Jackson Wang. And these five years of being together made me realize I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you.” I pull the box out and open it revealing the engagement ring. Jackson looks at the ring and takes a sharp intake of breath.
“Oh Mark,” he says and then he’s quiet.
“Jacks?” I call to him. He doesn’t respond. “Gaga?” “Gaga?”
“Gaga, please say yes.” I can feel my heart break as the smile on his face disappears.
“Mark, I love you. You know how much I love you. And the idea of spending forever with you makes me happy. But-.”
“Gaga,” I repeat. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so scared of him saying no. I never anticipated him saying. no. I was so sure we were on the same page.
“But I don’t think I’m ready for the commitment in marriage just yet. Please tell me you understand.”
“Are you saying no?” I ask him. I can feel a tear slide down my face.
“No! I mean.” He helps me up. “Yes.Right now I’m saying no. But that’s only because I’m not ready. But I will be soon Mark. Y-.” 
“It’s one word Jackson. Say one word.” I give him one last chance to decide. He looks at me with a sad expression.
“No.” I push him away from me and run off. Jackson runs after me.“Mark stop!”
I feel so hurt. I feel like my body’s been broken and I’ve been thrown away. How could he say no? We’d only be engaged for a while we didn’t have to get married right away. But he seemed so ready for marriage. He gave all the signs. It feels like he lead me on. I started up the car and drive away completely leaving him stranded there. I go home and lock myself up in my room crying my eyes out. I call Jinyoung.
“Tell me the good news!” he shouts over the phone happy for me.
“Jin!” I sob.
“Oh crap. What happened?”
“H-he said no.”

I wake up with a jolt. I’m still in the couch. TV’s off and Jackson’s gone. I suddenly realize how cold I feel even though I now have a blanket over me. I get up and notice a pink sticky note on the fridge I pick it up.

Sorry I had to leave. Went to work.
Feel free to use or take anything in the house.
And call me?

I look around. This is the place I could have lived. But if what? If I pretended my boyfriend of five years didn’t reject the offer to marry me? If I didn’t ask in the first place? If he said yes? The future truly is unpredictable. I walk over to the shelf he keeps his tv. It’s not here. I look at all the shelves and cupboards in the house. Nowhere. I go into his room’s closet and remove boxes that seem to have been stashed away. In the first one it’s personal things. Like paper work, letters, and his photo album his mom sent him. I move that aside and go through another box. This box is very familiar to me. It’s everything I’ve given to Jackson. Everything we shared in five years. Well almost everything. There are three boxes full of the stuff. I dig through them. Tossing everything out of the box and placing them all over his floor. Some of the times tear at my heart. The memories of them all are still very strong. Then I find them. The photos. All the way from freshmen year to two years ago. Who knew we’d stop that tradition? I take one and hug it tightly in my arms. I missed those days. I pick up the freshman picture and try to remember what it was like back then.

“Mark will it kill you to listen to me?” I’m asked.
“Huh?” I ask turning to face my best friend, Jinyoung. We’ve known each other since elementary and he’s the closest friend I ever had.
“It’s our first day of high school. We really shouldn’t take this lightly,” he says.
“Only person taking this lightly is you Jinyoung,” I tell him with an eye roll.
“Me!? Lightly?!?!? I’m the opposite. I’m taking this very seriously.”
“Too seriously,” I tell him.
“Which is it Mark? Am I taking this too seriously or lightly?” I block him out again. This time by complete accident as I see him. I look out the window that gives me a very clear view of the courtyard. He walk with a huge pair of glasses on his face and an even huger smile. He hi five’s some guy that he meets up with and they engage in conversation. 
“What are you looking at now!? I swear you have ADHD,” Jr. says. He looks out the window. “Oh you’re looking at the hot guy.” I blush.
“Am not.”
“Are too. National fencer that guy. He’s a pretty big deal.”
“He’s pretty good looking too.” Jr. smirks.
“That’s a given.”
“What’s his name?”
“Well that’s his last name don’t worry he’s not too cocky. Let’s go meet him. Probably ask for his autograph.”
“Are you crazy?!” I yell at him.
“It will be fine!” Jr. assures me. He pulls me out despite my protests. I keep tugging and pulling and eventually I’m thrown right into the hot guy. He looks at me a bit shocked.
“Sorry!” I yell. He then smiles at me and my gosh his smile is perfect.
“Um who are you?” he asks.
“I’m just some guy. My friend wanted me to ask for your autograph so he pushed me right into you. I’m no one really. Well I’m sorry that’s one thing.” He laughs lightly.
“No really. What’s your name?”
“Ah this is Mark and I’m Jinyoung.”
“Jackson Wang and I’m Im Jaebum.” Jackson’s friend says.
“Jackson,” I say to myself. Jackson of course hears me.
“Mark,” he says back. We smile at each other. I don’t know what it is but I felt a connection between us. It was weird but very much there. 
“Mark,” Jr. calls to me.
“Jackson,” Jaebum calls to him. We both look away at the same time.
“What?” we say in unison and look at each other again.
“What in the world is going on?” Jr. asks.
“I think you broke my friend by pushing your friend into him,” Jaebum says.
“What? Don’t blame me!”
“I’m blaming you.”

And from that point on the four of us somehow became best friends.
“So let me get this straight you and Jackson met over the summer?” Jr. asks as we walk home together. Turns out we live in the same direction.
“Yeah we played basketball together,” Jaebum tells us.
“But Jackson’s a fencer,” Jr. says confused.
“People can play more than one sport,” Jaebum says annoyed.
“So what’s your real name?” I ask Jackson. He walks really close to me.
“Wang Ka Yee,” he tells me.
“That is so cute,” I tell him. He smiles at me.
“Tuan Yi En,” I tell him.
“Simple,” he says. I laugh.
“Yeah very.”
“Want to grab something to eat?” he asks.
“Right now?” I ask him.
“Right now.” He takes my hand and we completely abandon our friends to eat together.
“Yah!” Jaebum yells at us.

One day in the courtyard during lunch something amazing happened. It’s been a little over a week since we’ve met. A Wednesday to be exact. Jackson sits on the table while the rest of us sit in the actual seats. I look up at the blossom tree over us. The blossoms fall off the tree and drift in the air.
“We’re getting pretty close really fast,” Jaebum observes.
“Well if your mom didn’t insist we come over almost every day last week that wouldn’t be a problem,” Jr. complains.
“Hey she was just making sure I picked a good group of friends.”
“And you did. I honestly don’t mind coming over to play more video games. Let’s come over again today.” I stare at Jackson and he stares back at me.
“Sure,” Jaebum says“If anyone’s gotten a bit too close it’s these two.”
“Yeah you two should start dating already,” Jr. says. Jackson smirks at me.
“Do you want to?” he asks me.
“Want to what?”
“Be my boyfriend?”
“Of course I do,” I tell him. He leans in and gives my lips a chaste kiss. 
“Oh yuck,” Jr. says. I’m so happy I can die. And I thought I would because my heart stopped beating.

“Mark,” I hear from the doorway. I look up to see Jackson staring down at me and the big mess I made.


Sorry if this is bad news or not. But from this point on is where we'll start the ten comments per chapter thing. Where (for new people) if I get ten comments on a chapter I will upload the next chapter almost immediately after we reach ten chapters. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. 

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Chapter 8: Is there more?
Chapter 8: So.. are they official now or nah? And bambam, whats gonna happen to him?
hyunyeolliemarkson #3
Chapter 8: So what gonna happen to bambam now?
Chapter 8: It looks to me Jackson isn't interested in Mark as much as before, he still leaves a gap between them. While Mark just loves Jackson with all his heart. If it's not to much in the future can you make Jackson jealous over the fact some1 was flirting with Mark, to make him realize or something that if doesn't do something Mark could b taken from him.
littlemissgigi #5
Chapter 8: OMG I can't wait for the next update! I wonder how the ending will be different than the original <3
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 7: Markson need to get their asses back in the relationship asap lol
helloim33 #7
the tool shed part must be requiring lots of makeup scenes!love ya!!! =3=
Chapter 6: Please update~ i love it, I just finished "Don't be cliche" the last part got me tho.
Please~~~ let this one be happy
vipbabyexotic #9
Chapter 6: I read the other series and I don't know what's going to happen to this one. In the other series, Jackson neer replied at the end, what did he say then? This story is mostly markson, but will it always be like this?
helloim33 #10
Chapter 6: i'm new here. reading through the last six chapters in an afternoon made my heart twisted a lot. it easily drove me high and drop me low. when i can't stand the bitterness of markson suffering from each other, i usually turned back to those straddling scenes again. Markson being a couple makes more sense to me. wish i could express my love for you better my dear author.