Reunion Time

Don't Be Cliche (The Original)

“I was just looking for the pictures,” I tell him. I watch from the doorway as he stuffs the old things back into their boxes. He hands me a frame. “You’re home early,” I comment. I look at the time it’s only 9 in the morning.
“We wanted a photo of the sunrise,” he says.
“Ah that’s why.” He hands me two more frames. “You didn’t kiss me.”
“You didn’t leave.”
“Was I supposed to?” I ask. He stops cleaning up and looks at me.
“I was!?”
“Bambam tends to come over in the morning. If you were still here-.”
“Here.” He hands me the last one and gets the other box. “What are you going to do with them?”
“Hang them up.” He stops and looks at me.
“What? You’re just going to hang up my pictures around my house?”
“Yeah. We should get back together. All four of us. Jr.’s dying to see JB again.” 
“Mark, don’t be ridiculous,” Jackson tells me.
“How am I being ridiculous?” I ask.
“You’re acting-,” he stops himself.
“Acting like what?”
“Like we got back together. And we didn’t. We slept together once the end.”   My arms start to tremble and I bite my lip to keep it still.
“So last night and this morning meant nothing to you?” I ask.
“Mark, don’t do that,” he says.
“Don’t do what?”
“You know it meant something for me too. Just like how you know we can’t get back together until I do something about Bambam.”
“And what exactly are you doing about Bambam?”
“I’m not sure,” he tells me. I nod my head slightly. He walks up to me and takes the photos out of my hands. “But for right now putting these pictures up is a bad idea.”
“Hey cheer up,” he says kissing my cheek.
“It almost feels like I’m the only one who wants to get back together.” He quickly puts the pictures down.
“No, Mark no. I want to be with you too. Okay I’ll call JB today and we’ll all meet tomorrow and have this reunion,” he suggests.
“You’re only saying that.”
“No.” He jumps over his couch and grabs his phone. “Where do you want to go?”
“Does JB still live with his mom?” I ask.
“No. You want to go to his mom’s!?” Jackson asks.
“That used to be the spot,” I tell him. He looks at his phone and makes a phone call.
“Hey mom, how are you?” Jackson says into the phone. I know he’s not talking to his mom. If he was he’d talk in Cantonese.
“Good I was wondering if me and the guys could come over tomorrow?”
“Yes all of us. The high school group mom.” I hear shouting coming from the other end. It makes me laugh. Then it gets quiet and Jackson looks directly at me.
“Um we’re working on it.” I hear more happy shouts. “Okay thank you. See you tomorrow.” After a few seconds he hangs up. I move over to the couch and sit down.
“What are we working on?” I ask him.
“Our relationship,” he replies as he looks at his phone.
“Oh.” I try to stay cool but honestly I feel myself exploding. “She sounds really happy,” I tell him.
“Oh yeah she missed you guys.”
“I bet your mom misses me.”
“You know she does.” He puts his phone to his ear.
“We should go see her.” He makes a face.
“Hey JB.”
I mouth the words loudspeaker to him. And he presses a button.
“Jackson, you know I’m on duty don’t you?” JB answers.
“Yeah well I have an emergency,” Jackson says.
“You do? Jackson what’s up?” he asks. You can hear the concern loud and clear in his voice.
“Your mom and I agreed to going to her house tomorrow. She said she’s making a really big meal for us.”
“Why the heck are we doing that?” JB asks.
“Just come. Let’s play some video games and eat. I know you finish early tomorrow. We start at 1.”
“That’s right after I finish.”
“And that’s perfect. Bring a change of clothes. Your mom misses you JB.”
“Uh huh. I’ll come. I’m also coming over tonight so don’t leave home.”
“What time?”
“Whenever I finish. Don’t leave home.”
“Fine.” He hangs up the phone.
“You didn’t tell him,” I announce.
“That’s because I want to surprise him,” Jackson replies.
“I can’t believe you still mess with him.”
“I can’t believe he still puts up with me.”
“Pretty sure he’s in love with you. I’m amazed the two of you didn’t get together in two years,” I tell him. I realize Jackson’s eyes dart to the ground. “You didn’t!?!” I yell.
“It was a one time thing,” he says.
“Wow no way!”
“Your jaw is going to fall off if you open it any wider Tuan.”
“You were just getting busy. Weren’t you?”
“Like you didn’t,” Jackson says. “I’m pretty sure you and Jinyoung did a thing or two.” I shake my head.
“Jr. used to be in love with you actually. I guess we all were.”
“What? Jinyoung?” he asks. I shrug.
“Jin loves a guy who can make him smile. But that was long time ago. You and JB are done completely right?”
“We are,” Jackson says.
“Good.” I pull him close and kiss him.
“I don’t want to sound mean. But in order for the surprise to work I’ll need you to leave before he gets here.”
“I will.”
“Did you eat?” he asks.
“I’m fine.” I kiss him again.


“Jinyoung! I’m hungry,” I whine. He’s already in the kitchen preparing something.
“On it,” he says.
“Did you go to work today?” I ask.
“Did you?”
“I did. And it was very uncanny to not see you there,” he says grinning at me.
“I stayed at Jackson’s for the day.”
“What? Jackson’s? Are you two-.”
“We need to do something about Bam first.”
“Just kill him,” Jr. shrugs.
“Sorry it was a better idea in my head.”
“Uh huh.”
“But you and Jackson. This is great!”
“It is! I’m really happy Jin. Really, really happy.”
“I’m happy for you.”
“Oh before I forget. Remember that reunion you wanted?”
‘Tomorrow at 1 the four of us at JB’s house.”
“I gave the idea Jackson made the arrangements.”
“Wow! We’re even doing it at the spot! This is great!” Jr. cheers.
“Isn’t it?? I’m so excited.”

The next day

Jr. and I pull up to JB’s mom’s house. Outside I see Jackson in a sleeveless top carrying a huge watermelon in his arms. His muscles flex. He’s a lot muscular than he used to be.
“The house is the same!” Jr. shouts happily. “There’s the dent from when I ran into the wall in a race sophomore year. And the roof is still slanted I remember falling off and breaking my arm on one of our sleepovers.” He points at things and conjures up memories. 
Jackson and I don’t have many couple memories in this house. Here we were always just four best friends. But one time junior year we couldn’t fall asleep and decided to sneak out into the backyard tool shed so we won’t get caught. It was amazing. I wonder if we can do that again. Jr. knocks on the door and JB’s mom flies out. She holds him tightly and then kisses his cheek.
“Jinyoung! Oh how I’ve missed you!” she shouts. She looks at me tears in her eyes. “Oh Mark.” She gives me a tight squeeze.
“It’s been a while,” I tell her.
“Two years to you young men is a while but to me it’s far from it. But look at you two! Two years have done you well you two look like idols.” Jr. blushes.
“We try to,” he says. She hugs him again.
“Oh we got you these. Thanks for letting us over on short notice,” I tell her as I hand her flowers.
“Nonsense! You guys used to come by everyday. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you have to stop,” she says waving her arm.
”Mrs. Im-.”
“Jinyoung!!! You know you call me mom!” she yells at him. 
“Sorry. Mom is Nana still here?”
“Oh no JB took her when he moved. But she has kids and they’re here. Come in and meet them.” She lets Jr. through but when I try to come in she stops me.
“Don’t you dare run away again Tuan,” she orders me.
“Of course not,” I tell her. We walk in together and I catch a glance of Jackson in the kitchen.
“This boy!” she says. She looks over at me. “He still can’t cook you know. I don’t know what he thinks he’s doing in the kitchen.”
“Cutting the watermelon mom,” he says without looking up.
“Oh. Carry on.” She turns back to me. “He’s much more handsome than you remember isn’t he? They must be giving him something at that modeling place.”
“Yeah he’s way too hot now,” I agree. She starts fanning herself.
“I swear if you two don’t get married this time around neither of you are allowed in my house,” she says.
“Got it.” I sit down on the couch and a cat jumps on my lap. I pet and immediately it starts purring. Jackson comes in front of me and places a tray of watermelons down on the coffee table.
“Want one?” he asks.
“Yes.” He picks one up and feeds it to me.
“I want a watermelon!”  Jr. complains.
“Then get one,” Jackson tells him.
“I can’t.” He gestures to five cats that surround him.  Jackson looks at me then assists Jr. by throwing a watermelon in his face. 

We set up the video game and the door opens.
“Mom, I’m home!” JB shouts. His mother hurries out of the kitchen and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s been months since I last saw you. At least Jackson visits,” she tells him.
“I know. I brought cake,” he says lifting up a box. His mother takes it away from him and goes back into the kitchen. 
“Say hi to your guests,” she says.
“Guests?” JB looks over at us and his eyes widen.
“What are you two doing here!?” he asks completely surprised.
“Surprise!” Jackson says spreading out his arms.
“Wang I’m going to kill you!” JB shouts. Jackson gets up and runs behind the couch JB comes over full of rage.
“What’s the problem boys?” JB’s mom asks.
“He never said these two were coming over. I was even at your house last night!” JB says.
“Whoa. Last night?” Jr. asks. I shrug at him trying to tell him it’s nothing.
“It’s a reunion JB. Surprise!” Jackson says. JB sprints over and tackles Jackson to the ground. Jackson lets out a slight scream. After a few seconds JB appears from behind the couch and smiles at us.
“Jinyoung, Mark it’s been a while,” he tells us. For the first time I realize he’s wearing a policeman's uniform.
“Ooo officer you’re looking good in uniform,” Jr. says his lips.
“Shut it,” JB says.
“Wanna go grab a few donuts or would you rather arrest me?” Jr. continues.
“Gosh Jr. my mom can hear you.”
“Play nice food will be ready in another hour.” JB takes the seat next to and looks at me.
“You look different,” Jb tells me.
“Yeah apparently we all got pretty in two years,” Jr. says.
“Nah you look exactly the same,” JB says.
“You and Jackson back together?” he asks. He looks over the couch then back at me.
“Uh we’re working on it,” I tell him. He sits back in the couch.
“It’s nothing. Jackson get up now.” Jackson stands up and grabs a controller.
“All of us video game. Now,” he says.
“I’m going to kick your butts,” Jr. says. He takes a place on the floor.
“Not if I can help it.”
“You!? Yeah right. You haven’t been training.”
“I’m a cop Jinyoung all I do is play video games.”
“Please tell me you’re kidding.” Jackson says something in Cantonese that sounds so weird that we all laugh. And we’re back to being teenagers in high school all over again.

The reunion was a complete success. JB’s mom prepared a huge meal. The biggest she’s ever made. She’s so happy about us being together again that she joined us for karaoke. We all exchanged numbers. And then we’re all forced to sit on the couch.
“Mom, what are you doing?” JB asks.
“Picture time! We have two years to make up for.”
“No way,” Jr. says his eyes widening.
“Wait we’re seriously going to do this again? It’s been forever,” JB says.
“Two years Jaebum. Not forever,” his mom says irritated. She grabs her camera. 
“Wait we must assume positions,” Jackson announces.
“Right!” Jr. says. He runs to my side and Jackson sits in between me and JB. He smiles at me and then places an arm over my shoulder. We see a flash.
“Give me your addresses and I’ll mail it to you guys.”

After drinks and cake and a lot of talking we all decide it’s time to leave. 
“Well I’m glad Jackson brought you guys over. Today was fun,” JB says. He has an arm over Jackson’s shoulder keeping him close.
“Yeah it was great seeing you JB,” I tell him.
“Expect text messages and calls often,” Jr. says. JB rolls his eyes.
“Don’t expect a response when I’m at work,” JB replies. I look at Jackson until he looks at me. The moment we make eye contact I open my mouth.
‘Jackson-ah~,” JB says suddenly. “Can I sleepover tonight I’m working around your place tomorrow.”
“Sure,” Jackson says.
“And drive me there will you? I drank a little too much.”
“And buy me a pillow.” He looks at me. “Yours is too soft.” I bite my lip. Okay so they share a bed when JB sleeps over that’s okay isn’t it? Jr. looks at me. Then he yawns.
“That’s funny. Jackson’s pillow is too soft and Mark’s is too hard. I’ve been waking up with a stiff neck for weeks. Aish I don’t think I can survive,” Jr. complains. JB’s eyes widen.
“You two-.”
“I sleep over a lot since Mark and I work in the same building. Actually we even drove here.”
“Oh.” JB almost sounds defeated.
“Anyway JB,” Jackson says breaking the tension. “I need to talk to Mark.” He ducks under JB’s arm and leads me away from the two.
“I’m sorry if you wanted to come over,” Jackson says.
“It’s fine. You two don’t do anything do you?” I ask.
“No, he usually sleeps in the couch,” Jackson replies.
“Oh good.” He smirks at me and kisses my forehead.
“You know I kept thinking about the tool shed in the back,” I tell him. He looks through the door.
“Mom should be in her room now. And she always leaves that door open,” Jacson tell em.
“Want to?” I ask him.
“Want to? We have to,” Jackson says.
“What about the others?” He smiles at me.
“They can wait.”

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Chapter 8: Is there more?
Chapter 8: So.. are they official now or nah? And bambam, whats gonna happen to him?
hyunyeolliemarkson #3
Chapter 8: So what gonna happen to bambam now?
Chapter 8: It looks to me Jackson isn't interested in Mark as much as before, he still leaves a gap between them. While Mark just loves Jackson with all his heart. If it's not to much in the future can you make Jackson jealous over the fact some1 was flirting with Mark, to make him realize or something that if doesn't do something Mark could b taken from him.
littlemissgigi #5
Chapter 8: OMG I can't wait for the next update! I wonder how the ending will be different than the original <3
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 7: Markson need to get their asses back in the relationship asap lol
helloim33 #7
the tool shed part must be requiring lots of makeup scenes!love ya!!! =3=
Chapter 6: Please update~ i love it, I just finished "Don't be cliche" the last part got me tho.
Please~~~ let this one be happy
vipbabyexotic #9
Chapter 6: I read the other series and I don't know what's going to happen to this one. In the other series, Jackson neer replied at the end, what did he say then? This story is mostly markson, but will it always be like this?
helloim33 #10
Chapter 6: i'm new here. reading through the last six chapters in an afternoon made my heart twisted a lot. it easily drove me high and drop me low. when i can't stand the bitterness of markson suffering from each other, i usually turned back to those straddling scenes again. Markson being a couple makes more sense to me. wish i could express my love for you better my dear author.