9. Chapter

You're dating my DOUBLE!!
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 723 words


Yongguk's POV


A loud ringing pierced through the silence,  waking me up from one of my rare sweet dreams.  I groaned at the hated sound and tried to ignore it by closing my eyes and trying to return to that peaceful dream i was experiencing before. However,  the sound of my alarm clock made it impossible. As i had the feeling that my ears were about to bleed, i threw off the blanket and turned off the annoying ringing, cursing under my breath. It was monday and i had to go to school, the probably most annoying place on earth. A glance at the time told me that i had only 30 minutes left before my first class would start. Damn it. I rushed into the bathroom to get ready, dressing myself on my way towards the kitchen once i was done and shoving something that looked like bread into my mouth.

A content smile spread on my face as i realized that i still had 15 minutes left to drive. That would be enough. I left the house and put on my helmet while walking towards my motorcycle. The roaring engine promised possibilities. I loved that sound as much as i loved the wind blowing in my face when i drove.  I didn't pay attention to traffic or rules while chasing through the streets. I simply drove, enjoyed the adrenaline rush and the speed. I was a great driver, after all, i was driving on my own from the age of 12. My butler taught me how to and i was very thankful for that.  He still was working for my father and was the only person in that gigantic mansion who felt like family to me. 

i parked my baby and looked at my wrist watch. 9 minutes, my besttime. I was content with myself and made my way towards the entrance of the

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so motivated ouo


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nice story
/waits for next chapter
mordred #2
I really like the way how the chap Ends *.* >.<
I find it interesting. But, here at Yongguk's POV, I got confused with the nickname you use. I think it should be GUKKIE not Guppie. Because Guppie is mostly known for Jongup. :)
Chapter 2: Interestin