Chapter Eight

Resisting Fiery Attraction

Word Count: 2,761

Chapter 8

Kimy(You) POV

The next day was a Saturday, meaning an entire day of training for BTS.

            “Noona,” Jungkook whined as we approached the sixth hour in the cramped training room. BTS sat around the room, splayed out over the cool hardwood floor, desperate for a way to lower their body temperature. Even the cold winds outside didn’t make a dent,the air conditioning was on the lowest setting.

            “Let’s stop for today,” he pleaded. I was the only one still standing, it was criminally hot in the room, but I was used to the unbelievable temperatures. Jimin sat next to Rap Monster, the only person upright. He hung his head in the heat, and for a second I almost grinned at how much he looked like a puppy.

            “Do a fifteen more push up’s and we can go out and play,” I reason. BTS groan in exhaustion but hit the ground and begin the exercise. Suga, Jin, and Rap Monster can barely do five. The younger members last a little longer, but Jimin’s the only one who can reach the fifteen mark.

            “Okay,” I say with a smile and move to grab my work out bag, “how about you go shower and change? I have a surprise for you guys.”


And that’s how we found ourselves at the bowling alley at eleven at night for some crazy cosmic bowling. BTS had changed back into their street clothes, looking like they just rolled out of a magazine or music video or something. I grinned as they rushed to the first available lane.

            I walked a little behind them, my hand already reaching into my black purse for the company credit card. All the lights were off in the building except for the neon ones that illuminated the cash register, bathrooms and at the table that came with each lane.

            I quickly paid for a game and shoe rental for eight people.

            “Yah, you guys!” I yell as one of the workers behind the cash register, a man, asked for shoe sizes, “come here and get your shoes!” BTS hurriedly came over and began the process of getting the right size. The young women next to the man smiled and handed me a few bottles of what I assumed was the fluorescent liquid we’re supposed to spray on our clothes.

            “Don’t worry, miss, it comes out of skin and all clothes.” I grinned and took the three bottles. She also attempted to hand me a fistful of unlit glow sticks. My hands were full and I was at a loss until I felt Jimin place a hand on the small of my back and grab the glow sticks with his other.

            I almost jumped at his sudden touch, but he smiled politely and the women then led me to the lane BTS had chosen.

            “I haven’t gotten my shoes yet,” I objected as he dragged me past the man working at the shoe rental booth.

            “I already got them for you.” He announced proudly,”You’re a six right?”

            “Right,” I say, surprised he remembered. Jimin smirked at me, then motioned to where my shoes sat, neatly aligned, on one of the chairs.

            “Thanks,” I say, trying to sound genuine. Around us, BTS shoved their feet into their appropriately sized shoes. I hooked my fingers into the heel of my shoes and picked them up from the seat. I plopped down onto the chair and began trying to untying the laces. In front of me, Jimin looked up from his own shoes. I heard his laugh as I pick at the knot.

            “Shut up,” I growled focusing completely on the task at hand. With one arm, Jimin reached over and tugged at the lace. The knot promptly fell apart.

            Staring down at the shoe in utter disgust, I barely coughed out a thank you before deftly stuffing my foot in it and lacing it up.

            “Need help with the other one?” Jimin asked, getting to his feet.

            “Go to hell,” I muttered and pulled the next shoe onto my lap. I tugged furiously at the laces, but it refused to come apart. Jimin moved forward to help me but before he could do anything, Suga reached over and undid the knot.

            “Thank you,” I say relieved that Jimin doesn’t have another excuse to tease me. Suga smiles cheekily before returning to try and help V lace up his shoes.

            Jimin frowns.

            “What?” I say at the pouting Jimin. His nose wrinkles cutely and I can tell he wants to stomp his foot.

            “I don’t like other guys touching you,” he declares. I jerk my head, staring up at him in disbelief.

            “He touched my shoe, Jimin.” I recall dryly.

            Jimin says nothing and instead shots forward. He clamps one hand around my ankle resolutely. We both stare down at it.

            “What-” I begin to ask, exasperated. Jimin’s naughty hand moves a centimeter up my calf.

            “Yah Park Jimin,” I hiss and slap his hand off my leg.

            Jimin smirks, but doesn’t replace his hand, instead heads off in search of a bowling ball. I can still feel the spot Jimin touched me, like it was slowly tingling up to my knee. I shook my head.

            “Damn,” I murmured but I’m distracted as the woman from before, the one who had handed me the glow sticks and fluorescent liquid, approached our table. With a short and controlled bow the women placed the menu to the food court down on our table and smiled politely.

            “Thank you,” Jin smiled. It was almost adorable how the girl pinked, and now that I was looking closer she couldn’t have been much older than me.

            “Enjoy your game,” she addresses all of us then heads back to the cash register.

            Most of BTS rush around, trying to locate a bowling ball to their taste. Jin and I are left to examine the menu.

            “What should we order?” I ask. Jin opens the menu and set it on the table. We both pour over the list.

            “The boys will eat a lot and we can’t exactly order in bulk here, should we just order take out?” Jin reaches for his phone. I know he has several fried chicken places on speed dial.

            “Sure,” I say, “Let’s just order drinks then.”

            Jin heads off to order the drinks, telling me that he’ll order a few buckets of fried chicken from the usual place.

            I stand up in my seat and embark on my journey to find a bowling ball. V, Rap Monster, and Jungkook are crowded around one of the booths that hold the bowling balls. I watch as they examine each one carefully. V is telling the man which one he wants when I walk up behind them.

            “Which weight do you usually get?” I ask. They look up with playful grins.

            “Fourteen,” V and Rap Monster respond almost in sync. They clap hands and attempt to pull each other into a headlock.

            “What about you?” I ask, to a lost looking Jungkook. He pouts.

            “I don’t know. I’ve never played.” He runs his hand over the glass display case of the bowling balls. I glance at the man behind the counter, he looks almost annoyed at the boys’ indecision.

            “Please give me a ten pound and an eight pound,” I say stepping up to the man. Nodding the man reaches below the glass case and pulls out the first bowling ball. It’s a glossy marbled one, gold with silver flecks.

            “Here is the ten pound one, miss,” the man offers it to me and I accept it. I hold it out to Jungkook.

            “First time bowling huh? Nothing’s wrong with a ten pound ball.” I say and hand it to him. Jungkook beams.

            “Thanks noona!” he says with a smile so big, it crescents his eyes.

            I’m about to respond when V and Rap Monster, bless their little souls, start hollering.

            “You’re getting a ten pound ball; don’t girls normally play with those?” Rap Monster guffaws. V nods in agreement and they heft their fourteenpounders like the pompous s they sometimes can be. Jungkook’s face falls.

            “Don’t worry,” I whisper to Jungkook as I accept the eight pound ball from the man, “they’re going to regret it. After all the training today, they think they’re arms can take it?"

            Jungkook and I share a secret smile and we make our way back to our lane. Jimin, Suga and Jin are waiting. J-Hope practices his throws off to the side, reminding me of when a monkey gives birth.

            I set my bowling ball down onto our rack and notice Suga and Jin sorting through the glow sticks looking for ones in their favored color, Jimin stands spraying his arms with the florescent liquid. He already glows green, from his wrist to his shoulders. Noticing us, Jimin smears some on his hands and pounces on me.

            “What-!” I cry out as Jimin pins me against the table and smears two lines of the glowing liquid on my cheeks.

            “Jimin!” I shoot forward to shove him off me, but he pitches backwards before I can even touch him.

            He winks at me, and offers me his phone. I stare at my reflection; two lines across my cheekbones make me look like I’m going to battle or something.

            “What the hell, Jimin-” I sigh and begin to turn around in search of the glow sticks.

            “How about a bet, Kimy-ah,” Jimin says and I freeze half way. I’m always up for a challenge, but whenever Jimin bets it’s usually something dirty.

            “Speak,” I order. Jimin smirks.

            “We play. Whoever gets the highest score gets a slave out of the loser for the entire day tomorrow.” Jimin states the terms.

            I hesitate, the way he says it makes it sound so ually deviant.

            “Don’t be scared Kimy, you’ve been bowling since you were little,” Jimin offers me his hand and a smirk.

            Impulsively I grasp his hand and give it a solid shake, “I’m not scared. You should be. Bowling was never one of the things you excelled at.”

            Jimin’s smile is mischievous, “I’ve gotten better.” Is all that he says.

            Suga and J-Hope eye us and our joined hands.

            “Is there something that we aren’t aware of?” J-Hope asks slowly, setting his bowling ball down onto the rack.

            “No,” I reply just as Jimin says, “Yes.”

            With raised eyebrow, their eyes jump between our hands to our faces in a matter of seconds.

            “Okaay,” Suga says unconvinced but not bothering to dig deeper.

            “Let’s start!” V commands from his spot in front of the lane, “I go first and I entered everyone else’s names into the system so let’s play!” V’s already had at the spray bottles filled with the liquid glow in the dark, he looks almost radioactive. On both wrists he wears several activated glowing bracelets.

            Without waiting for a response from his hyungs he pulls his arm back and fires his bowling ball.

            It skids down the lane and he manages to get two pin split.

            “Damn,” he mutters staring at the two pins that are stand on either side of the lane. The V’s bowling ball returns to the rack and he snatches it up immediately. Shooting it again, all V can do is set it rolling down the middle without hitting any pins.

            We’re completely silent for a moment.

            “Oh sweetheart,” I say before BTS starts laughing obnoxiously. V turns bright red and slumps back to his seat. As Rap Monster goes up to the lane, I sit down in a chair which I had previously assumed was empty.

            It’s obviously not because I suddenly find myself in Jin’s lap.

            “Hey there Kimy?” Jin says. He looks down at me, surprised. I jump out of his lap immediately and toss myself into the chair in between him and Jungkook. For some reason, I’m blushing madly. Jin raises an eyebrow at me. He looks up at me lazily, one of his arms propped on the back of another seat. He’s leaning back in his chair, looking absolutely laid back and fabulous.

            “Sorry,” I say embarrassed, “I thought the seat was empty.” Jin shrugs and returns back to his phone. Jungkook snickers at me and I turn to smack him. Before I can, I notice Jimin, his eyes narrow before he turns away.

            He’s jealous, not the mock jealous like he had been previously, but a darker more controlled kind of jealous. Like he was trying hard to brush it off without me noticing.

            The thought of Jimin, furiously jealous, lights my skin on fire.

            Sighing , I turn my attention back to the giggling Jungkook beside me.

            “How cute, noona, you’re blushing!” he exclaims. Grabbing the cartilage of his ear between my index and thumb I mercilessly yank it upwards.

            “Owie!” Jungkook yelps and frantically attempts to pull his ear away. I pinch his earring and mimic yanking the blue stud out.

            “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Jungkook whines shifting in his seat painfully, “Stop, stop.” He demands childishly.

            I release his ear and settle back into my seat.

            Jungkook grumbles to himself, “You’re so cruel noona.” I turn back to him, eyes narrowed.

            “Never mind,” he says and quickly amuses himself with watching me scroll through my Tumblr.

            “Kimy-ah,” Suga calls from his spot at the lane, “It’s your turn to go!” he announces. I set my phone down on the table and stand up.

            “Got it, thanks,” I say and scoop up my bowling ball. The score board reads that I’m the second to last to go. Jimin follows after me, then its V’s turn once again. I step forward and expertly set the bowling ball rolling down the lane towards the pins. After I earn an easy spare and return to my seat.

            “You’re really good,” Jungkook comments as he hands my phone back to me. I grin proudly.

            “My turn,” Jimin places his phone onto the table and heads to the rack. Grabbing his bowling ball, Jimin steps up to the lane. For a second, everyone is silent as we watch Jimin swing his arm back and flick the ball spinning down the lane. He makes a strike.

            “What the hell,” I mutter. When we were dating, Jimin used to hate bowling. It was the one sport he was terrible at. Unfortunately for him, I loved it and whenever we were deciding where to go on dates, the bowling alley was always one of the places I wanted to go.

            Now Jimin whirled around and shot finger guns at me. BTS hollered approvingly and I slouched down into my seat.

            Jimin comes back to his spot on the other side of Jungkook.

            “You’ve changed,” I say accusingly, “Where did you go? Bowling boot camp?” Jimin smirks but avoids me question.

            “Prepare to loose, Kimy-ssi, you’re going to be mine tomorrow.” His words are light but I can tell that he will actually go through with whatever he says he’s going to do.

            “In your dreams Jimin, like I’d let you win in a game of bowling.” I retort.

            “I dream about you all the time, Kimy-ssi.”

            “You’re in my dreams a lot too,”


            “Nightmares, Park Jimin, you’re in my nightmares,”

            I suddenly notice Jungkook’s bobbing head as he turns to look at Jimin then me. His gaze is thoughtful.

            “You two used to date, right?” Jungkook says finally. I almost choke as he so easily pins down the situation.

            “We used to be in a relationship,” I say after a moment. Jimin nods.

            “It was great, we where great, the was great” he adds. I glare at him. It was.

            Jungkook tilts his head questioningly, “What happened?”

            “ happened,” I say quickly before Jimin can open his mouth, “We just ended up breaking up. Then Jimin disappeared for awhile, and now he’s in one of the gangs I train. That’s all there is.” I say with finality.

            “That’s all there is?” Jimin echoes me. He almost looks downcast, as if what I said had dampened his mood. Jungkook, sensing that he was in between something he didn’t want to be in between, stood up claiming it was his turn to bowl.

            “Yeah,” I say with Jungkook gone we keep our voices down to hushed whispers, “That is all there is.” I repeat.

            Jimin’s face is unreadable, tilted away from me. His eyes are dark and he bites down on his lip. We're silent for a painstaking amount of time.

            “Let’s date again."

A/N: Thank you for reading❤ Please subscribe and expect more chapter in the future❤

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Chapter 15: I am wondering if you'll update this story. Its beautiful I wish you will update sooner or later.
first time to read a Jimin ff and i enjoyed it~ Thanks to you.
please update soon. I'd really like if you tease Jimin more ... with jealousy maybe?
This is a nice story. Fighting^^
taetaeissocute #3
Chapter 15: pleasee update soon, really love this story, aww i cant imagine jiminnie become like this
Chapter 15: Please update soon~
eunnahstory #5
Chapter 15: You dont want to delete this story right??
WonZiGyuMin #6
Chapter 15: You're deleting this story? May i ask why?
Omg. Im a new reader and this fic is absolutely amazing. I love it. For I few minutes I thought. Omg there should be a scene but I saw your a/n and totally understood. Im the exact same way. Lol but you write amazing