Chapter Three

Resisting Fiery Attraction

Word Count: 3,481

Chapter 3

Kimy(You) POV

Continuing my trek to Niki's after that very unpleasent detour, I shook out my slightly bruised right hand. Escaping hadn’t been hard, Jimin’s friends were good fighters, they had technique and worked together well. They lacked the experience I had. So I tried not to beat them up too bad.

            Poor Jungkook though, the entire time I was throwing his friends around, he had refused to fight me. And the entire time I was beating up BTS, Jimin didn't move a muscle.

            Reaching Niki's I push the heavy glass doors open and waltz inside. BAP stands waiting for me at the other side doors, leaning against the wall, crowded around Himchan's phone. Most of the older boys stare at the screen with large, disgusting smiles. The younger boys are wide-eyed and seem absolutely terrified.

            Even Yongguk chuckles a little as I watch Himchan slide his finger across the screen to the next picture.


            They notice me immediately, their bodies straighten up and Himchan stuffs his phone into his pocket at a speed that confirms my sneaking suspicion of what they were giggling about.

            I glare at Himchan but he keeps his head down, avoiding my eyes.

            Damn, I told Himchan if he started flashing the stash on his phone I would kill him. I was going to kill him. Half the members of BAP are still minors, that .

            “You’re late,” Yongguk said irritably, shifting his weight around, probably to hide a Yongguk junior.

            “Your point?” I ask giving him a nice icy glare. Daehyun and Zelo, the two members whose presence I could stand, grinned at me. Or at least Zelo tried to, his mouth looked like his jaws were locked into place. Oh, I was so going to murder Himchan. “Wait here. I’m going to go talk to my brother.” I order, deciding to not attempt a homicide.

            “Why?” Yongguk attempts to interrogate me, stepping in front of me and position his large body between me and the stairs. My nose is invaded with the smell of his overpriced colonge. I let out a loud growl, patience running thin, and sock him in the stomach.

            “Just stay here,” I snarl and push past him. Walking past Zelo, I reached up and ruffled his hair. Zelo shook himself out of his stupor and whined a little about his messed hair before I was out of earshot.

            I walk up the steps to the second floor and push past the large burly security guards on either side of the door. All around the room, young men(mostly veterans in my brother's top gangs) sit around playing card games.

            Spotting my brother at his usual seat and I storm up to him, meaning to scold him. But when I get closer and he looks up, my anger dissipates because I know my brother feels bad for what he said yesterday. His eyes are red, and when they squint at me I know he’s still suffering a major hangover. And is probably beating himself up for what he said.

            “Kimy,” he nearly jumps out of his chair. Chihoon plays poker with a few members of Big Bang. It looks like TOP and Seungri. I smile shortly to let him know we're cool, then;

            “I want you to accept BTS,” I announce. Chihoon blinks in surprise.

            “What?” he asks, wincing from what I assume is another pinch at the back of his head. Locating the alcohol from the table, I grab it and toss the entire bottle in the trash. Pining TOP and Seungri with a harsh glare that says Dont let him drink for the next week"  I turn back to my surprised brother.

            “I want you to offer them a contract,” I repeat myself.

            Knowing Jimin, just because his plan to kidnap failed me; he’d find another way to weasel a contract out of my brother. At least this way, I had the upper hand. These thoughts run through my head several times as I start praying this is a good idea.

            “Kimy? Are you sure?” my older brother looked uncertain, not sure if he wanted to reject my favor (which is probably something a good brother would do) or agree (which is probably something a brother not hoping to get a life sentence of the silent treatement would do).

I nod steely. I know Chihoon will agree.

            “Okay,” he says to me, his face changes and he becomes all buisness. Chihoon places a finger on his earpiece that I know connects him to his personal secretary and lawyer. “Contact BTS, I would like to speak to them. Prepare a contract.”

            "Done?" I ask, stooping down and giving my brother the huge hug I know he needs. His warm large arms wrap around me and I'm enveloped with the comforting smell of my brother. The one sane thing in my life.

            He gives me a tight squeeze, "Done."


After speaking to my brother, I make my way back to BAP. They stand at the front of the nightclub obediently.

            “Can we go now?” Yongguk asks. I look around. Even Youngjae, one of the quieter members, looks a bit agitated.

            “Sure,” I say and exit without waiting for a response. I smile as a strong feeling of confidence overwhelms me. I was going to give him hell.


Park Jimin POV

When I got the call I knew something was wrong. When I had come up with the plan to kidnap Kimy, I had factored in the probability of her escape. I didn’t think she’d tattle tale though.

            Now, as I stood in front of Nikis, a place that had once been like a second home to me, I had a feeling that I was going to get what was coming for me.

            I open the door and step inside. The familiar scent of cigarette smoke hits me first, and I inhale deeply. There's only two men in this room that are smoking and they sit at the same side of the room, puffing the long exotic cigars that Chihoon offers to cilents.

            It’d been almost two months since I stopped smoking but I pressed my hand against the small pack I kept in my jacket. The lighter next to it dug into my finger and I turn away from them slowly.

            Half a year ago, I started smoking because it seemed to me a way to try and fill the gaping hole in my chest. Most of the people around me smoked heavy things, like pot, but every time someone handed me a joint; a memory of Kimy who had once caught me smoking outside the school with some seniors. She had been so angry at me and I suffered through at least of week of her silence before she finally came around.

            One memory slid to the next as I stood their frozen, staring at the stairs that lead up the second floor, remembering Kimy back when we were dating. Red faced and adorable, storming at me threatening to beat me up. She’d always be annoyed or frustrated at for some reason or the other, and I never managed to escape without a few over exaggerated cuffs.

            I was always on her nerves, trying to keep her attention on me. And she always gave her attention to me, affectionately hitting me or threatening to kill me. But I loved her more every time smiled or swore.

            Maybe it has to do with the fact I'm abely whipped for her.

            Shaking off the memories that had begun to prick at my chest, I started up the stairs.

            The VIP lounge, the room that Kimy and I used to spend our weekends in. Listening to music with Kimy in my lap, kissing, and trying to keep Chihoon from getting drunk. The doors were now guarded by the usual twin bouncers who ware dark suits with Chihoon’s insignia of a silver dragon. Its tail curled around its slender body like a snake before stopping right above its chest.

            Having lived most of my life with Chihoon, the bodyguards moved away quickly with a short bow.

            "Young master." They said in their booming voices.

            I swung the doors open.

            Chihoon sat amidst a gang I recognize as Big Bang. I stand there for a moment, waiting for them to notice me. Chihoon spots me first and for a second I can see the man who acted as my older brother when my father had begged him to become my legal guardian. He lets a small smile spread across his face. And then his face falls. I can pick out the complex emotions of betrayal and anger.

            “Please leave us,” Chihoon orders quietly. It strikes me, like it always has, how even as a man of his status Chihoon still treates with strict manners. Big Bang filters out of the room, along with the other men sitting around them. Daesung, the member I had been closest to, pats me on the shoulder as he passes.

            The room is empty and the man who I've looked up to for almost all my life glares up at me coldly. I don't take a seat and instead stuff my hands in my pockets.

            “Park Jimin,” Chihoon says, his voice is icy with contempt, “the bastard that ruined my little sister’s life.” His words are harsh blows of reality.

            I stay silent but I don't lower my eyes or bow my head. Chihoon doesn't expect groveling. Or fear. Or any sign that you're stepping down.

            “You are here because I’m offering you a contract.” He in a breath of his cigar.

            He must have seen the disbelief in my eyes, an emotion I don't always allow onto my face, because he laughs. “Surprising huh?” he shakes his head in amusement, “You can thank Kimy-ah.”

            I narrow my eyes, “Kimy wanted this?” I asked.

            Chihoon leaned back in his chair, “Take the offer. Or don’t.” he said avoiding my question, “I’m not going to hold a knife to your throat.”

            There was nothing Kimy did without an ulterior motive. She wanted something. And something gave me the idea that it was my head on a stake. I smiled.

            I returned home to get the only girl how I've ever wanted back, but until now I had no idea how. Now, however, I had a chance. Any reason for Kimy to be near me was just another step closer.

            “Thank you for the offer, we will work hard.”

            I meet BTS the next day. Like actual face to name introductions.

            We met in BTS’ new apartment. Being signed under Chihoon meant staying at an upscale apartment complex my brother had bought several years ago. Right now, BTS, the new rookies, stayed at one of the lower levels. They shared three rooms between seven members, a small lounge, a kitchen and one single full bathroom.

            The penthouse levels housed my brother most successful gangs; Big Bang and one of the two female gangs signed under Chihoon, 2NE1.

            The middle floors had gangs like Block B, MBLAQ, and B2ST who gained their place by years of loyalty and hard work.

            And then there were the rookie groups. There were many but I had a feeling that GOT7 and BAP, the two rookie gangs that my brother has me monitor the most, were going to make it any farther.

            As BTS filled out patrol quotas or met training benchmarks, they could potentially earn higher rooms and privileges to some of the facilities here, like the pool or the game room.

            My brother’s smart, he brought up his contract company all on his own when I was younger, now he watches over the senior gangs while I train the rookies.

            When Jimin and I had been together, we had both trained different groups and had bets on whose group would last the longest.

            There was a high chance that BTS would be just another rookie group that my brother wouldn’t even bother renewing contract with, but I had a feeling that Jimin’s presence in the gang made it hard on Chihoon.

            No matter what Jimin did to me, he was also like a younger brother to Chihoon. I knew that when Jimin it hurt my brother just as much as it hurt me.

            Just another reason to hate Park Jimin.

            I stared at the group of boys who stood around the small but currently clean living room, dropping their bags.

            Jungkook I knew but the members that attended my school; Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok, went by V and J-Hope. They had a cute, childlike appearance that was honestly the cutest thing I’ve ever seen signed under one of my brother’s contract. The others; Suga and Jin were more like the boys in gangs that I was used to, quiet and observant and smoldering. And then there was Rap Monster, whose obnoxiousness almost overwhelmed his good looks.

            “Rap. Monster.” I repeat skeptically as he eagerly announced his name, “Can you rap?” I ask curiously. He excitedly opens his mouth~

            “No, that’s okay,” I say, noting the others alarmed eyes, “I believe you.”     

            Nevertheless they were a handsome group of boys.

            But before I can introduce myself, the door is thrown open and Jimin waltz’s.

            “Sorry I’m late,” he says nonchalantly. BTS greets their member enthusiastically, probably just happy that only boy in the room who might stand a chance against me was here.

            “Where have you been?” I ask severely. Tardiness was one of the things that Jimin knew annoyed me.

            “Did you miss me?” Jimin asks with a beautiful smirk that I almost slap off his face.

            “No,” I say. Proud of my self control and super intelligent response, I continue with my introduction trying to ignore Jimin's eyes one me.

            “My name is Kimy. I’m a senior. I’m in charge of rookie gang supervision. I’m pretty much your supervisor.” I say, “Let me explain how this works. You work hard and impress my older brother; you get renewals for your contract. Keep impressing my brother, you work higher up the ladder.”

            I tilt my head waiting for any questions. They stay silent, even Jimin silently smirked at me.

            “I suggest you get some sleep,” I say after a moment and head for the door, “As the newest rookie group you’re stuck with dawn patrols. I’ll see you guys at four.”


The next morning I stand in front of BTS’s dark apartment in my street clothes; jeans, a worn sweatshirt, and a black snapback to cover my face. The gun I always stuff in my boots is present and my knife is sheathed, strapped to my forearm.

            My school uniform is folded up in my backpack. Wearing my school uniform, more specifically the skirt, to trudge through the disgusting alleyways and streets that make up my brothers territory was not something I ever wanted to do.

            And other gangs might recognize the colors.

            In my hands I carry a few bags of food I grabbed from my fridge this morning. Fresh fruit, milk, orange juice, cans of energy drinks and soda. At my feet are a few boxes of ramen and a case of weapons. I check my phone.

            3:30 am. Giving BTS a chance to not be beaten awake, I knock on the door several times.

            Sighing in annoyance, I slide the master key out of my pocket and unlock the door.  Flicking the lights on the living room becomes flooded with light, I move to the kitchen and turn its light on as well. Kicking the boxes of ramen inside, then the case of weapons, I shut the door behind me. Becuase I'm a kind human being, I start the coffee machine up for them, then begin to empty my bags in their fridge and pantry.

            Dropping my school bag on one of the beanbags, I head to the closest of the three rooms.

            Opening the door, I mercilessly flick the lights on.

            V, Jungkook, and J-Hope groan and shift away from the light. My mouth curls into an evil smile.

            “Wake up and greet the day!” I say cheerfully as I grab the corner of Jungkook’s blanket and rip it off him.  He’s wearing clothes under it, thankfully, but he shrivels into a small ball.

            “Mommy, five more minutes,” he groans. I laugh and he stiffens. Shooting into a sitting position, he stares up at me in surprise.

            “N-noona?” he says embarrassedly, rubbing a hand through his messy hair. He tries to blink the sleep out of his eyes, “What time is it? What are you doing here?”

            “Dawn patrol,” I remind, “Wake the others up for me will you?” I ask hopefully. I wasn’t that close to the rest of BTS and I didn’t really want to find out if the rest of them were wearing clothes under their comforters.

            “Okay,” he agrees shaking his head cutely and slapping his cheeks several times, “Don’t tell the others about what happened earlier?” he begs.

            I ruffle his hair before exiting the room, “Promise.” I agree. Slowly, the others wake up. I can hear them groan in annoyance and shuffle towards their bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, most of them have filtered into the living room.

            “Good morning,” Jin and Suga greet me politely. The rest of BTS slumps over each other on the living room floor. They all still wear their pajamas. Jin attempts to wake his dongsaengs up. I narrow my eyes.

            “Yah!” I say loudly and everyone jumps, “Get your together. Today is your first day on the streets as a group under LCH Contracts. The most powerful gang contract holder. Wake up and do a good job." I snarl. Everyone scrambles to their feet and begins to stumble in the direction of the bathroom. I scan them then notice the absence of my dear Park Jimin.

            I hope the sarcasm is noted.

            “Where is Jimin?” I ask calmly even though I know exactly where he is. Jimin wouldn’t wake up for an earthquake.

           “I couldn’t wake him up,” Suga says apologetically, scratching the back of his head. "And ya'know, he's got the whole ninja thing."

            “I’ll go wake him up,” I say moving to him and Jimin’s room, “You guys eat breakfast.”


The room is dark, Jimin and Suga's suitcases lay open on the ground. I pick my way around the hazardous obstacles and make my way to Jimin’s sleeping figure. He’s turned away from me covered under a mound of pillows and blankets.

             This isn’t the first time I’ve woken Jimin up, I’m usually the only one who can.

            “Yah. Park Jimin,” I hiss and grab the corner of his comforter. I curse when I remember that he doesn’t sleep with a shirt on, but rip the comforter off him anyways.

            I lean forward to try and shake him awake when he whirls around and grabs me around the waist. I'm suddenly wrenched from my spot, pulled to his body. I bite back a gasp of surprise when my back hits his warm, bare chest.

            I remember, back when we were dating, that this situation wouldn’t be uncommon. In fact, it happened almost every day. I would try and wake Jimin up for school and he’d always yank me into bed with him. On school days, I’d struggle against his grip for awhile before laughing and pulling him out of bed with me. On the weekends, I’d snuggle into his chest and fall asleep again.

            I can't help remembering this as Jimin’s pulls the covers up around us and I’m suddenly cocooned in Jimin’s familiar scent.

            Jimin snuggles into my neck, “Remember this?” He murmured his voice still rough from sleep.

            I can feel every single muscle on his chest as he presses closer to me.

            Yes. Yes oh god yes.

            "I miss this." he continues.

             I stiffened and jerked away, crashing down onto the cold floor. I can hear Jimin’s slow, sleepy laugh.

            Gritting my teeth in anger and in humiliation, I stand up and brush myself off. Jimin watches me, lounging on one of his pillows, looking so handsome and familiar that something in my stomach stings. An emotion that I don't like wells up in my throat. Longing. I missed this . Kind of a lot. But that was so insane it made my head spin.

            I whirl around, slamming my foot so hard into the headboard that the bed shakes. When I retract my foot, there's a small crack in the wood. Jimin looks at the injuired head board detachedly.

            "Kimy-ah," He whines, his voice coming from the back of his throat, "Don't hurt my bed."

            I breath in deeply, trying to calm myself.

            “Just wake the hell up,” I command with barely contained anger and storm out of the room before I can throttle him.

A/N: Thank you for reading❤ Please subscribe and expect more chapter in the future❤

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Chapter 15: I am wondering if you'll update this story. Its beautiful I wish you will update sooner or later.
first time to read a Jimin ff and i enjoyed it~ Thanks to you.
please update soon. I'd really like if you tease Jimin more ... with jealousy maybe?
This is a nice story. Fighting^^
taetaeissocute #3
Chapter 15: pleasee update soon, really love this story, aww i cant imagine jiminnie become like this
Chapter 15: Please update soon~
eunnahstory #5
Chapter 15: You dont want to delete this story right??
WonZiGyuMin #6
Chapter 15: You're deleting this story? May i ask why?
Omg. Im a new reader and this fic is absolutely amazing. I love it. For I few minutes I thought. Omg there should be a scene but I saw your a/n and totally understood. Im the exact same way. Lol but you write amazing