Chapter Five

Resisting Fiery Attraction

Word Count: 5,610

Chapter 5

Kimy(You) POV

"I don't like him," Jordan says staring at Jimin from across the cafeteria. We both sit a practically empty table, our lunches spread out in front of us, as I tell Jordan about Jimin and our past.

            My best friend had known that Jimin and I had broken up, there wasn't a person who went to this school who didn't know, but she knew it was hard on me so she never asked for the gritty details. And now that I was offering them to her, she drank them up and spewed her annoyance all over Jimin.

            We watch him joke around with BTS as they walk through the lunch line. His laugh, though we can't hear it from the other side of the large, loud room has most of the girls around him turning.

            "I don't like him at all." Jordan grumbles biting down on her fork savagely, "I always knew that Jimin was a bad guy. I mean, no one is that attractive AND not a total douche." Her face screwed up as his lips tip up to form a breathtaking smile.

            I laugh through my nose at Jordan's words, she such a tiny innocent looking girl that hearing words like 'douche' coming out of sound uncharacteristically dirty. Looking down at my constantly buzzing phone, bless your soul Chihoon oppa, I find out that after school BTS are needed to patrol the campus. Apparently there's new that a rival group will be lurking around later on this part of Chihoon's territory.

            "Omigod, he's looking at you." Jordan announces, poking my shoulder. I don't bother looking up and instead unlock my phone to respond to my brother.

            "That's nice, Jordan," I mutter, cursing because I can't find the right emoji to express my current feeling. Instead I settle for an array of all the pissed off ones I can find.

            "That jackass, who does he think he is?" Jordan growls grabbing her water and drowning her bite of lunch before speaking up again. "How does he even live with himself? Lets go and put him out of his misery. Do you prefer pitchforks or whips?" Her voice is menacing but I can't take her seriously as my brother and I begin an emoji war.

            "Pitchforks," I respond half-heartedly, slamming my finger down on the poop emoji several times before hitting send, "Jimin will just see the whips as some sort of toy."

            "That disgusting boy." Jordan spits without missing a beat. I laugh and finally look up from my phone, Chihoon can have this round.

            "Thanks," I say to Jordan, "It's sweet that you want to take him out for me, but I don't think that even you can get away with first degree murder." I pick up my fork to shove the last piece of pastry in my mouth. It's a sugary round doughnut shaped bread, drizzled with frosting and walnut bits.

            After eating the dessert portion of my lunch I grab the bowl of rice and the bowl of weird watery soup that's supposedly the main dish. Sure.

            "Omigod he's coming this way." Jordan whispers to me urgently. I raise an eyebrow at her, keeping my gaze focused on my small bowl or rice and wondering if the soup has any actual nutritional value. I try to keep my mind off the very small fact that I don't need Jordan to tell me Jimin's walking towards us. I can feel his eyes on me.

            "Who?" I ask casually scooping up a small bit of rice and raising it to my mouth.

            "Santa." Jordan says sarcastically, "No, you ! Park Jimin and troupe gigging friends." I shrug, chewing carefully, making sure that every grain of rice has been bitten into before swallowing and ladeling a few drops of soup onto my spoon. This was not food, the students in charge of the main dish really dropped the ball on this one.

            Desserts? A plus.

            "Kimy noona~" I look up in time to see Jungkook bound over to our table. Behind him Jordan and I can see Jimin along with J-Hope and V nearing us. The girls who had previously been sitting in front of us slide away automatically, moving to other seats to get a better view. Jungkook carelessly tosses his tray onto the table causing a small bit of his soup to splash up and hit Jordan.

            "Yah," Jordan says dryly, pinning him with a stinging glare through her glasses. Jungkook mumbles an apology and tries bowing against the table. Jordan, who has decided she hates BTS, sniffs and grabs one of my napkins.

            Jungkook vaults over the table so he can sit next to me then drags his tray towards him.

            "Noona. Your friend is a bit scary." he murmurs loud enough for Jordan to hear. Jordan whips around to look at Jungkook, fixing her sharp eyes on the underclassman who shrinks back uncomfortably.

            The rest of the boys have arrived.

            "Hello!" J-Hope and V say in unison then, directed more towards Jordan they introduce themselves.

            She sniffs again, delicately patting with a napkin, "Screw yourselves."

            The two boys shift around awkwardly, exchanging glances as they examine my friend. Jimin saves them by sliding into the seat directly in front of me. He sets his tray down.

            "That means sit down ladies," he says, his eyes skim up to mine but I refuse to meet his gaze. It had just been a week since Jimin was back and I wasn't going to allow him to make anymore progress in making human contact with me.

            I see J-Hope and V struggle for a moment as they fight over how was to sit in front of Jordan. I turn to Jordan and get to see her flip them off.

            Go Jordan.

            Finally J-Hope slips into the seat and V triumphantly sits down next to Jimin, obviously the winner of a not so discreet game of rock-paper-scissors. J-Hope is greeted with a kick to shin by our beloved Jordan.

            I know because he almost doubles over in pain. Jordan's wearing her floral pumps today.

            "Will you please stop her?" J-Hope asks me, putting hand on one side of his mouth like he can stop Jordan from hearing.

            "Stop what?" Jordan asks innocently. J-Hopes mouth falls open but before he can say anything, Jordan gathers up her trash and uneaten food.

            "I need to go, next period is my free period and my study group wants to meet up early. Call me if you need pitchforks." Jordan says, placing a hand on my shoulder to let me know the offer is still there.

            "Thanks," I laugh shortly, "I'll text you."

            Jordan's gone in with a swirl of the floral skirt she wears under her school uniform and the perfume she always wears.

            "Damn what is her problem?" J-Hope asks, leaning forward to rub his shin. I don't respond but tilt the corner of my right lip up.

            "We're needed afterschool today." I say casually but V, J-Hope and Jungkook's eyes light up in excitement. They all know that I'm talking about BTS not study group.

            "Why?" V asks.

            "Rival gang activity on Chihoon's land." I say poking at my rice. "It's probably just a rumour but Chihoon want's to make sure that this section of his territory stays secure." J-Hope, V, and Jungkook begin talking excitedly among themselves. It's their first official assignment and they seemed hyped to do something besides practice.

            I'm wondering if I should just toss my soup when I feel something warm brush against the bare skin of my calves. I almost jump but then I feel Jimin's other leg slip around me, caging my legs in. I'm about to kick him away when he sets hi dessert on the table and slides it over to me like an offering.

            "Here," he says. I blink at it.

            "What am I supposed to do with this?" I ask stupidly. Jimin chuckles.

            "Eat it. I can't, I'm allergic to peanuts." he reminds me. I furrow my eyebrows a bit.

            "I know. But these are walnuts Jimin." I tell him, picking up a piece of walnut inbetween my thin steel chopsticks. We both stare at it for a moment."

            "Here," Jimin set the plate on my tray then looks back up at me, waiting for me to take it. I'm torn. I don't want to accept it, but the warm sugar goodness is beckoning me.

            I wrinkle my nose and pick of my rice bowl. I reach over the table and dump half of it into Jimin's rice bowl then return it back to my tray. Feeling his gaze on my, I settle back in my seat and take a huge bite out of the pastry.

            I can hear his soft scoff of amusement before he begins to eat his lunch.


I'm was sitting in homeroom, the last period of the day, munching on a bag of celery I nicked of Jungkook when I was surrounded. The classroom was almost completely empty, most of the students had vanished shortly after the supervising teacher had disappeared. I was one of the only left over students and I was bored out of my mind. After about one hour of trying to review mind-numbing math, I had just given up and found entertainment in trying to knot a strand of celery in my mouth.

            I didn't have this period with Jordan, Jimin, or any of BTS but they had sort of floated through at some point to try and convince me hang out with them. But I really wasn't feeling social today, especially after Jimin's sweet annoying act he pulled in the lunch room. I was content to just sit at my desk by the window, stare outside at the darkening sky, and try to double know celery strands with my tongue.

            That's when I as ambushed by Minji(the sophomore) her friends, the identical twins, Ara and Sooyin(both freshmen). They were something like Queenkas' but I would really call them that because, unlike some of the es I know these girls could be bearable and usually humane.

            All three girls had stepped inside the room, looking for a poor innocent girl to terrify, and had strut straight up to my desk probably thinking I was the next best thing.

           Minji was like Jordan in the way that she wasn't afraid of Chihoon. Her parents had a lot of money; almost double that of my older brother and they could, at any time, attempt to legally buy my brother out. And she never gets tired of telling me.

            But I have no idea what her father, the headmaster, would to with LCH contracts. A gang contract holder business.

            "Kimy unnie~" Minji said unnie in almost the worst possible way. Grating on the ears and annoying to the point I'm sure Minji could barely handle it. So she adjusted her pitch to be less annoying to her ears while I slid my headphones down to rest on my neck.

            Standing behind Minji, Ara and Sooyin struck matching poses with arms crossed over the chests and strange silver eyes directed at me. The twins were easily the two most talked about girls in the school, often chased around by boys to the point were it made Minji go insane, but neither girl ever accepted confessions. Mostly because they hated being confused for each other.

            "Yes, Minji?" I ask, already feeling my temples start to pound. Minji only talked to me for one reason. Jimin. She was absolutely, completely infatuated with him and was dead set to getting his pants.

            Which was pretty gross considering the fact she was a fourteen years old and had been moved up a grade because of her crazy smarts.

            "Are you and Jimin-oppa exclusive again?" She asked. The one thing I liked about Minji. She was blunt and didn't mess around with riddles. If she wanted something from you, she let you know.

            "No." I answered, swallowing my celery knot and reaching for another one. Minji's fingers shoot forward, snagging the last piece before I can. She dangles it above her head.

            "Be honest, because Jimin-oppa hasn't stopped looking at you like that since you had begun going out." I pretend to be more interested in my food as I cradle my hands underneath the drop in case it slips out of her hand. But her words seem to strike me.

            "What are you talking about?" I question with narrowed eyes. Minji grasps the celery stick a bit tighter with her thumb and forefinger before she starts using it to emphasis her words.

            "I knew it." Minji gasped, jerking the celery stick up towards the ceiling then back down to point at me, "I knew it! Jimin-oppa's always looked at you like that. Like he's dying of thrist and your the only glass of water left on earth. It's unbelievably annoying."

            "Did you just compare to me to a glass of water?" I ask, incredulously. My eyes follow the stick of celery as she whirls it around in front of her, snapping her wrist several times to get my attention.

            "Believe it or not, I spend a lot of time looking at Jimin." Minji starts. One of the twins behind her coughs (Ara?) and she shoots the girl a sharp glare.

            "Don't worry. I believe you." I say with a small smirk. Minji huffs.

           "Shut up and listen." She orders, lifting hand up, threatening to rip my precious celery into shreds.

            "Okay, okay~," I hold up my hands in defeat, then press them flat against the table, "Please continue." Minji drops the hand not holding the celery and breathes out through her nose.

            "Thank you," She says, "As I was saying, last year I spent most of my classes with Jimin-oppa looking at him. Which is pretty hard because he's always looking at you! With this scorching look in his eyes. Longing or jealousy or-"

            "So your saying Jimin's constantly ?" I interrupt. Minji narrows her eyes.

            "Sorry," I say mock sheepishly.

            "And after you guys broke up, I thought that I could finally have my chance but when I walked into the one class we had together he was still looking at you look the same way. Sure, now you refused to even look at him, but he never stopped looking at you." Minji says, brandishing the celery around like a baton. "I call it the 'starving man' look. And it's completely unfair that YOU are the only one getting the look. Like seriously, I guess you are pretty hot, but not as smoking as me or Ara or-"

            I raised an eyebrow. This was weird, was Minji going to lay out her claim over Jimin or not?

            "And now that he's back in school, so is his starving man look. Except now it's like it's intensified. The only reason he tears his eyes away from your face is so he can stare at your body." Minji's voice has raises several pitches. She begins fanning herself with my celery. "Where was he for the past six months? He looks like he'll raise hell for you."

            Minji's rather intuitive words are stuck in my head but I stuck the vent away to mull over later. I open my mouth to respond when the celery, along with the last of my patience, slips from her fingers and clatters to the tiled floor.

            "Well, there goes my reason to talk to you," I say dryly, leaning of my desk to stare at the vegetable fondly.

            Minji snaps her fingers several times until I slowly look up at her.

            "I just came to say that I'm giving up on Jimin-oppa." My eyes widen, just a fraction before they return to their normal, bored, size.

            "Um. I'm not sure why your telling me this," I say. Confusion must be a strong glint in my eyes because Minji actually laughs as she begins to back away, her body angled towards the door.

            "If Jimin ever stops 'starving man' staring at you, text me!" she calls over her shoulder. Then she, and her friends, sashay out the door leaving me an acid rain cloud of confusion.


Walking to the center of the courtyard, our decided meeting area, it took all of myself restraint to NOT think about all the words that Minji had spewed at me.

            Sure, now you refused to even look at him, but he never stopped looking at you.

            I didn't want him to look at me. I didn't want every smoldering look he gave me, because what Minji had said was false. She thought I was oblivious, but I'm not.

            I can feel his eyes on, following me around a room, lingering on me in class. I can always feel the hot delicious weight of his gaze. And I'm not lying when I say the her observations give me a nice warm smoky feeling in the pit of my stomach. But that's NOT what I'm supposed to be feeling.

            And I know it's going to drive me over the edge if I keep thinking like this.

            Snapping myself out of whatever trance I was in, I focus my energy to walking through the empty school hallway. I imaigine crushing my foot in Jimin's abdomen with every step and then my footsteps are pounding through the empty hallway.

            Stupid Jimin. Stupid Jimin and the way that he looks at me that makes my blood got hot.

            After school finishes no one really stays behind to study more but the entire school is open until two in the morning which is when the cleaning ajumma's change shifts. It's five pm and because of winter it's already mostly dark. Light comes from fluorescent lights strung on the ceilings, lamps outside, and faded moonlight.

            I step outside and immediately spot Jungkook and J-Hope horsing around on the cement benches. Rap Monster and Jimin, who is surprisingly on time, stand nearby. I can see Jimin's face turn in my direction, but I keep my eyes plastered two steps in front of me as I approach them.

            "Noona~" V calls after attempting to keep Jungkook in a headlock. The shorter boy grunts suddenly in pain as h is clipped in the stomach by Jungkook's wild fist.

            "Noona~" Jungkook repeats V, after successfully getting away.

            "Hey," I greet them. J-Hope nods at me with a large grin and Jimin, well I don't know what Jimin did because I can't look up at him. "Where are the rest of you?"

            Keeping Jimin out of line of sight, I pin my questioning gaze on J-Hope. His smile falters a little.

            "I texted them hours ago but I didn't get a response. Namjoon hyung is here though!" He motions towards the bleached blond boy how holds up a peace sign with one hand.

            "Never thought I'd be back at school. Makes me feel like rapping. Ay. Yo. Man, I come from-" he begins shaking around like a demented jackhammer that gets all of his friends to burst out laughing.

            "Don't laugh at my art," Rap Monster growls at all of us, but it just makes laughing come easier. Unintentionally I catch Jimin's eyes for the first time since arriving and he shoots me a large grin.

            Slamming my smile back into a line, I turn away. Not before I spot the frown that has begun forming on Jimin's face and the confusion he allows in his eyes and the furrowing of his eyebrows.

            "They're going to get a beating at our next training session." I mutter, "Try calling them." V and J-Hope take out their phones obediently and Namjoon and Jungkook crowd around them immediately making me regret my words. Because this leaves me open to Jimin's conversation. And I really have no idea what to say to him right now.

            "Kimy-ah," I flinch as Jimin walks over to me. I shrink a bit away before scolding myself; I'm not a helpless kitten in his presence. So I set my jaw and avoid his eyes.

            "Yes?" I answer. He rests a hand gently on my shoulder and it gets my skin stinging before is shift my weight and pull away. I turn to see him drop his hand. There's something hurt emotion that flashes in his eyes before he shoves his hand back in his pocket.

            But then, before I can even register the emotion, the tips of Jimin's lips tilt up into a y smirk and he says the most insensitive thing.

            "Have you been waiting for me?"

            There's a glint in his eyes that tells me it's not just when he's late to practice. My anger boils up at a rapid pace and I grit down on my teeth to keep from shrieking like a little girl. My right hand closes into a fist and swing at his face.

            Faster then should be allowed, Jimin's forearm comes up and blocks the punch. Are skin touches again and I jerk away, furious at him and my betraying skin.

            "You are such an , you know that right?" I sneer, unable to keep it out of my voice. Jimin shrugs, his powerful shoulders moving up slightly before dipping back down. He sneaks closer to me, which is dangerous because I'm wondering how many years I would get for putting him in a hospital.

            "Don't be angry," Jimin murmurs. He's daring enough to brush hair off my shoulder to get closer to my ear, "I just want to be near you."

            Placing both my hands on his chest a shove him aside with a little snort. "What a wonderful line, Jimin. How many girls has that worked on?"

            "Don't be jealous," Jimin sings accepting that he wont be getting anymore physical contact from me.

            "Don't be delusional." I mimic. Jimin tips his head back to let out a soft laugh. This laugh contrasts his ever present smirk. It goes all the way up to his eyes and turns them into thin crescents. His genuine charm was back.

            And it hadn't been the first time I had seen it since he returned. Whenever Jimin's around me, he's trying to find ways to make my heart freak out.

            When Jimin and I dated, I found that there were two sides to him. A rough, flirty, confident side that was all about attraction and heart-stopping advances. And there then was a softer, sweet side that was always about being with me, teasing me, and making me laugh.

            He like treating me with both sides to me and I liked his diverse personality.

            "Kimy noona," Jungkook speaks up. I jerk away from Jimin, finding that I've unconsciously turned to face hi.

            "Yes?" I ask, hoping that Jimin did catch anything that must have flashed in my eyes.

            "They're not answering," V says gently. I swear.

            "Those bastards. A beating." I intone and reach into my pocket for my phone, "I'll just keep them updated but we'll continue without them."

            BTS begins chatting excitedly and I roll my eyes. Jimin looks at his friends with a fond, but amused look. I wonder how they became close.

            "It's just a patrol, guys. Nothing different from dawn patrols." I remind them. That tones down their over excitement but I can't tone down Namjoon who has begun rapping again.

            "Yeh man. Patroling to keep the city safe-" He starts. I raise an eyebrow as I lead BTS around across the courtyard. Jungkook comes to walk beside me while J-Hope, V, and Namjoon take up the middle. The experienced Jimin takes the back.

            "You're never this excited for dawn patrols," I comment. Rap Monster lets out something of a 'pff' before resuming his rap.

            "I think this is when you shut up, hyung," Jungkook says, not kindly at all as we enter the small path that encircles the school. I don't turn around to catch Namjoon's face, but I can imagine his sour expression.

            He does shut up though.

            "It's dark," I say drilling BTS, "What sense do you rely on when it's dark?"

            "Hearing." J-Hope mutters. BTS mutters compliments under their breath and then we're silent as we continue our walk.

            The buzzing of the electricity cables are loud against the quiet background of nighttime so I strain against the noise to listen for footsteps or any sort of noise that doesn't belong. My eyes flit over shadows, looking for anything that shouldn't be moving.


            We circle around the building fifteen times.

            On our sixteenth round I'm shooting off a text to Chihoon when something makes me pause. It isn't a shadow, or a sound, but feeling comes over me.

            Not that I'm being watched, just a weird feeling of too much peace washes over me. We're in a sort of lit area so I turn around and lock gazes with Jimin. He nods at me. He feels it too.

            We're back in the lit courtyard so I stop and turn to BTS.

            "Lets do one more round. I'll take Jungkook and J-hope and circle around from the left. Jimin, take V and circle from the right." Jimin opens his mouth and I can see the complaint forming on his tongue but I don't let him speak, "Scream if there's trouble." I say mostly to V.

            V nods, a weird grim look on his face. Facing Jimin I raise an eyebrow.

            "Aren't you going?" I say pointedly. Jimin hesitates but he knows, just like I do, that this is just protocol. To screw with potential enemy gang members, break into sub groups and mix up the patrols.

            Not waiting for a response, I motion of Jungkook and J-Hope before turning and facing the direction we had just come from.

            "Noona, is it smart to split up like this?" Jungkook asks, both J-Hope an he have to jog a little to catch up.

            "Wont it be safer if we stuck together?" J-Hope adds.

            "It's not about being safe, what are we? Kindergardners? It's about being efficient." I recall something my brother had told me when I was younger. He later apologized for his crudeness, he was telling that to an eight year-old girl. But I had taken up the saying and lived by it.

            J-Hope and Jungkook fall silent.

            I look over my shoulder at them with a small smirk, "Are you scared? Don't worry, noona will protect you."

            "I am not!" Jungkook exclaims the same time J-Hope cries, "Scared of what?"

            Laughing, I return my gaze to the path in front of me.

            It's about a ten minute walk to the other side of the school where Jimin and V are waiting. They sit on the concrete steps of the back entrance. Lights from the building a street light wash a hazy color over the two boys. Jimin's handsome face is highlighted and shadowed by the direct hard light making him seem even more attractive.

            He looks like he's waiting for me.

            Jimin's eyes dart up to mine as we approach them, an interesting emotion flashes in his eyes, gone millisecond before I can register it, before the tips of lips lift.

            "Miss me?" he asks. Next to me J-Hope and Jimin join V on the steps.

            "Not at all," I kick the bit of cement stair between his legs. Jimin almost jumps out of his pants.

            "," he mutters. "Don't be bad." He attempts scolding me. Moving, I slam my foot against the step above the one he sits one, resting it so close to his side I can feel his warmth through my tights. I look down at Jimin blankly. He matches my gaze, challenge in his eyes.

            Impulsively I lean my face down towards his, propping my forearm on my knee. My hair falls over one of my shoulders forming something of curtain. My heart begins pounding as our proximity increases. Jimin doesn't say anything, there's more of a silent exchange of words as neither of us back down from the game he started.

            For some reason, after hearing Jimin's breath in his throat and seeing him tip his head back, I feel like a goddess rising on the throne of y.

            So I jerk away, retracting my foot and pushing back my long straight hair. A wicked smirk spreads across Jimin's face but before he can say anything, motion from behind gets our attention.

            "Is this some sort of hot guy convention?" Minji says as she walks through the glass doors of the back exit. In her arms she carries several large textbooks and on her nose balances a pair of thick glasses.

            "Minji-ah," V hops up to his feet immediately. She raises her perfect eyebrow at the older boy.

            "What are you doing here so late?" I ask curiously. Minji raises her books up with a 'duh' expression on her face.

            "Studying, what are you guys doing here?" She shoots back a question of her own.

            "Hot guy convention," Jimin answers casually without missing a beat. Minji looks down at the boy, who still hasn't turned from me.

            "Yeah. Sure," she says with something that sounds like a crazed giggle. Her smile falls as she turns to me. 'Starved man' she mouths. I roll my eyes. Jimin catches our exchange and raises an eyebrow at our somewhat humane treatment of each other. I was never Minji's biggest fan.

            There's a moment of awkwardness were no one is sure what to do before V clears his throat and address the girl again.

            "Will you be okay walking home?" His question offers a promise of accompaniment if asked for. I narrow my eyes at V, scrutinizing the boy who seems almost entranced by Minji presence. I look over at J-Hope for an explanation and he wriggles his eyebrows suggestively.

            I widen my eyes, darting my eyes between V and Minji before looking back at J-Hope. J-Hope gives me an affirming nod. My mouth falls open, just for a second, before I snap it shut with a sound so loud it gets everyone's attention.

            "Are you okay?" Minji asks in a way that makes it sound like she's asking me about my metal condition.

            "I'm fine," I manage. Jimin and Namjoon smile at my evident surprise. Could people even posses the ability to 'like' Minji.

            Okay. That was a little mean.

            "Anyways," Minji turns away from me to look at V. She gives him a not so discreet one over, then shakes her head, "I'll be fine walking myself home." V's smile fades into a smile embarrassed line.                                         

            The nerve of that .

            I step forward to, I don't know, tell Minji off when a suddenly a shadow appears in the corner of my eye and attacks me with a giant shove.

            My irritability vanishes as a sudden panic zips through my body. I lurch to side and the world spins out of focus. The only thing that stops me from cracking my head on the pavement are my arms the reflexivity throws themselves below me to try and cushion my fall.

            It's not enough, my face still plants into the hard ground, but I have half a mind to turn my head to avoid breaking my nose. The side of my head exploads in rough pain as it scrapes against the ground and the shock of hitting the cement reverberates through me.

           I can hear Jimin mutter a curse word then there's the sound of a fist hitting flesh and grunt of pain. Minji lets out an earsplitting scream.

            The pain is quickly replaced by nausea but I push myself to my feet as soon as my head stops spinning. My eyes don't register anything but my other senses kick in.

            I can still hear the sounds of punches landing and bodies being tossed but the movement is too fast for my eyes to catch and I blink rapidly.

            My vision blurs again and vomit begins to force it's way up my throat. I swallow thickly.

            And then there's a warm arm supporting me as my legs threaten to give way. "Here." It's V as he gently guides me somewhere. My eyes focus on the thin metal rail of the stairs and I lunge towards it, desperate for something stable as my world has begun blinking in and out.

            I reach for the rail and even through it seems close, I still can't grab it.

            "Whoa." V mumbles grasping my flaying hand and pressing it to the rail. With his help I manage to get both my hands on the metal rail. Where I promptly lean over and empty my stomach.

            "Oh. Wow. That's gross." V says with a small voice. I my eyesight wasn't having trouble with focusing on things right now I would punch him. BUT right now I was seeing about three V's.

            "I think I hit my head," I mutter, reaching a hand up to brush against the side of my face. All of a sudden I can feel something warm dripping down my neck. I pull my fingers from my head and hold them in front of my face. Blood.

            "No ." V laughs nervously. My stomach lurches and I tighten my hands on the rail.

            "I think I'm going to be sick." I moan.

            "Again?" V whines. My back stiffens and he notices it.

            "I am going to beat your when I begin seeing straight." I threaten as I feel my world suddenly tip to the right.

            But that wasn't just my vision, I realize as I feel the impact of hitting the ground for the second time tonight.

A/N: Thank you for reading❤ Please subscribe and expect more chapter in the future❤

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Chapter 15: I am wondering if you'll update this story. Its beautiful I wish you will update sooner or later.
first time to read a Jimin ff and i enjoyed it~ Thanks to you.
please update soon. I'd really like if you tease Jimin more ... with jealousy maybe?
This is a nice story. Fighting^^
taetaeissocute #3
Chapter 15: pleasee update soon, really love this story, aww i cant imagine jiminnie become like this
Chapter 15: Please update soon~
eunnahstory #5
Chapter 15: You dont want to delete this story right??
WonZiGyuMin #6
Chapter 15: You're deleting this story? May i ask why?
Omg. Im a new reader and this fic is absolutely amazing. I love it. For I few minutes I thought. Omg there should be a scene but I saw your a/n and totally understood. Im the exact same way. Lol but you write amazing