Chapter Four

Resisting Fiery Attraction

Chapter 4

Kimy(You) POV

ual frustration. I hadn't been with anyone since Jimin. So my body recognized Jimin and remembered the things we used to do, and acted as it usually would around him. My skin had flushed, my blood had gone hot, and my heart ached in longing.

            Jimin walked among BTS, silently taking in the surroundings. His calculating eyes skimmed over everything and I wondered what had made him chose to join a rookie gang. His experience matched mine. So did his skills. He could join any gang he wanted.

            We had trained simultaneously. Whatever I knew, Jimin knew the counter.

            I was also wondering what he was doing back in my life.

            I trudged next BTS, Jungkook on my right, as we approached the last check point for dawn patrol. Jungkook chattered excitedly about his new girlfriend who he, unfortunately, refused to name.

            I examined the lights of the night club, at five in the morning most of its customers were pouring out. Either to try and sleep off after affects of ecstasy or get their together and start their normal day.

            BTS stopped in front of the club, and I stepped forward with the key card to announce our arrival and gain the patrol quota for the day. Unfortunately, as I reached forward to swipe it over the monitor, Yongguk and Himchan stumbled out of the club.

            They were obviously drunk, staggering around like old men before their eyes registered me. They both held a bottle of liquor in their hands.

            I swiped the card over the screen before turning to them. Yongguk cursed as he stumbled into Himchan and their alcohol sloshed over the top of the glass bottles.

            “Look,” Yongguk voice slurred, “its Kimy, she made our life a living hell the past two months. The .”

            He lurched towards me, fingers outstretched. I slapped his hands away easily. BTS stood watching, unsure of what to do. Jimin’s eyes never left Yongguk’s position.

            “Bang Yongguk. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.” I warn him. If he attacked me and somehow my brother found out, it would be the end of his contract. And really his career too.

            If you’re rejected by my brother, no other gang contracter is going to bother with you.

            Himchan, who seemed more sober out of the two, grabs Yongguk’s shoulder, “Leave her alone hyung, let’s return to the apartment.”

            For a second Yongguk actually seem to consider the idea. Then he pitches forward again. I move into a defensive position, but before I can dodge a blow Jimin moves. Faster than I’ve ever seen him move, faster than I’ve seen anyone move. He grabs Yongguk’s arm and whirls it away from me. Then, grabbing the bottle of alcohol he slams it down over Yongguk’s unprotected head.

            Yongguk slumps forward, unconscious and Jimin props him against the wall.

            “Thanks,” Himchan murmurs to Jimin and weakly kicks Yongguk’s foot, “The was about to ruin everything.”

            Jimin nods.

            I speak up, “Can you get him home okay?” I ask. I glance around but I have nothing to be worried about. Himchan's a big boy. He probably won't get jumped.

            Himchan nods, tossing the bottle of liquor aside, “I’m sobered up after seeing that move man." He turns to Jimin looking impressed, "Damn. You are fast."

            Jimin smirks a little.

            Great. Feed his ego.

            "Yongguk really drank a lot today." Bingham continues, his smile fades. "I think it’s because of Lee-ssi. Her status on SNS changed to in-a-relationship.” He grasps Yongguk and pulls him into a standing position, using his arms to support his weight.


            Impulsively, I look back at Jungkook. His head ducks down for a second but then flashes up again. He meets my gaze evenly. Its weird seeing the boy so serious.  

            He nods once.

            Oh. That’s why Jungkook didn’t want to tell his new girlfriends name. Because it was Lee.

            “Okay,” I say finally, not sure what to say.

            “See you all later, thanks again man,” Himchan claps hands with Jimin for a moment before turning away and heading off into the darkness.

            BTS is silent for a moment. I breathe out.

            “Come on,” I turn to them, “Let’s go back to apartment.”


V heads off to the shower first. I stand in the kitchen, pouring my second cup of coffee. BTS sits around in the living room, too awake to go back to sleep, but beyond tired.

            Jimin, who said he needed to grab something from his car, walks through the apartment door. I watch as he tiredly disarms himself, tossing the gun that was tucked in his jeans onto the counter. He looks up at me through his sooty lashes and grins in a way that sends a small shiver up my back. I glare at him.

            Hopping up onto the counter top, I focus my gaze on him, wanting to ask a question I've been wondering for awhile.

            “How did you move that fast?” I ask, meaning during patrol when he knocked Yongguk out.

            His actions were so fast they seemed to blur.

            Jimin walked up to me, not stopping until my shoes were flush with his knees. He enclosed his hand over the hand that I held the coffee mug in. He casually dipped down to his mouth and took a long drink. I almost dropped the coffee mug. He grins up at me, his heartbreaking smirk gracing his face again.

            I wrinkled my nose in annoyance. He was always eating my food, stealing my drinks. Moving back to lean against the counter opposite to me, he shrugs.m answering my question.

            “I picked up some skills when I was gone,” he says mysteriously. The kitchen is a small space in this tiny apartment, the counter that he leans against is barely three feet away from mine. He stretches his crossed legs out and his feet rest under my hanging ones.

             “Where did you go?” I question. Jimin rests his elbows behind him on the counter. Smiling lazily up at me, he looks like the epitome of laid-back gorgeous.

            “Did you miss me, baby?” he asks. I hate the way he says baby. When we were together, he used to call me baby. I remember loving how it made me feel when he called me that in front of his friends.

            “Answer the question, or don’t,” I say taking another pull of my coffee. “I couldn’t give less of a .” I was annoyed, and the sparkle in his eyes told me he knew I wanted to know. It was unbelievable that with a few words he could piss me off as much as he did.

            Jimin doesn’t answer the question, insteadfeet he asks me one, “So do you have a boyfriend right now?

            I narrow my eyes, unbelievingly, “How is this conversation about me now?” I ask.

            “I love talking about you.”

            “Not the point,” I say harshly. I bring my coffee mug back up to my mouth and take another swallow.

            “So what I’m hearing is that you are still totally single,” Jimin states.

            Not even bothering to lie to him (he would just call my bluff) I nod my head. “Yes.” I agree.

            “Fantastic,” he says, a smile slowly spread across his face. I glower at him then jump of the counter, handing my leftover coffee to Jimin, and head to the living room.

            “Kimy noona,” Jungkook greets me. His small face is shaped with worry.

            “What’s wrong?” I say, sliding down to the ground in front of the group of boys. Behind me I hear Jimin pull the pitcher out of the coffee maker, probably to refill the cup.

            “The scary hyung-nim from before, the one who was drunk. He won’t do anything to Lee, right?” Jungkook asks.

            My heart melted.

            There must have been a look on my face because Jungkook looks at me in confusion.


            “That is so cute!” I squeal into my sweatshirt, “you want to protect your girlfriend.” I coo. Jungkook turned red and hides behind Jin.

             I hear a muffled Noona!

            BTS laughs in amusement and I grin before answering his question, “Don’t worry Jungkook, Yongguk’s a piece of but he’s a civilized piece of . He won’t hurt anyone he cares about." I reassure him. I feel Jimin sit down next to me, handing me the cup of warm coffee. Reflexively I take a drink before handing it back to Jimin, who seems delighted by our exchange of coffee.

            “Speaking of fighting you guys have training at 4 o’clock today.” I stretch my sore legs out and burrow deep inside the hood of my sweatshirt. It’s warm. I don’t want to change into my school uniform.

            Jimin offers me the coffee cup again. I shake my head, cursing at how easily I'm allowing myself to act around him. I pull myself into a standing position, much to my legs protest.

            “I’m using one of your roomd to change,” I announce and move to grab my school bag.

            “Would you like some help?” Jimin calls, I can hear the wickedness in his voice. BTS snickers softly.

            “If you follow me I will cut off your and feed it to sharks,” I say dryly, heading towards the first door in sight.

            “Nah. You like it too much.” Jimin murmurs.

            Snatching the TV remote of the counter, I hurl it at him in. My aim is good and there is a lot of strength behind it but Jimin not only manages to not be hit but shoots a hand up and catches it.

            I widen my eyes in surprise. Jimin is good, but not that good. Behind him, the boys' faces mirror mine.

            He smirks.

            Remembering my anger I whirl around and storm into the room.


Grabbing Suga’s arm I quickly stepped aside and flipped him onto the matted floors of BTS’ new practice room. School had ended hours ago, and true to all their word, BTS had appeared on time at the practice room.

            Well. Most of BTS. I promised myself I was going to kick Jimin's when he got here.

            In school, Jimin had managed to talk the principle into giving him three free periods instead of two, which is what the resy of the students have. I almost flipped Jimin over my shoulder when spotted him in my free period. It was like Jimin to have people wrapped around his fingers, he could always get what he wanted.

            Which is both useful and irritating.

            Jungkook, J-Hope, and I had walked here right after school. Jin and Suga had arrived shortly after, claiming there was traffic. Jimin just never arrived.

            And that was three hours ago. It's dark now, the absence of the sun turning the air from freezing to mind-numbingly cold.

            For the past few hours I've been sparring with BTS, trying to figure out how I could enhance their already present skills. Jin and Jungkook are good at hand-to-hand while the rest of BTS needed some sort of weapon to gain the upper hand.

            Now, after painfully tossing him to the ground, Suga groaned sorrowfully. I smiled apologetically and offered him my hand. Hauling him to his feet, I hear the door of the training room open and Jimin saunters.

            Turning in his direction I glared at him angrily, “where have you been? Training started an hour ago.”

            Jimin looked completely at ease, still wearing his school uniform. His hair was mussed and a few buttons of his shirt were undone.

            “,” he answer casually walking over to face me. His smile is huge. I raised an eyebrow.

            “I’m kidding.” He said after a moment when he realizes I'm not going to laugh. “I fell asleep in the janitor’s closet.”

            “Brilliant, can you please hit me now?” I order.

            Suga moves to sit with the rest of BTS with their backs against the wall as Jimin and I begin circling each other.

            Sparing with Jimin started like it usually did, growing up together meant we knew exactly what each other was going to do, and how to counter it. Jimin swiped forward, I danced back. But then, after awhile blows that couldn't touch either of us, Jimin whirled forward again. At an unholy speed. He was a blur, dodging my well aimed fist and ducking underneath my arm. Grabbing both wrists, he pins them together behind me and draws my body against his.

            My back knocks against his ridiculously hard chest. He isn't even breathing heavily but my breaths come out staggered and heavy.

            He leaned close, “I won.” He whispered.

            For some reason, I found myself remembering how we trained when we were dating. We’d always manage to distract ourselves and end up making out in the supply closet or something. Before I could stop myself, I shivered. He was unbelievably warm behind me, his hands traced up my arms resting at my biceps.

            “Noona?” I hear Jungkook ask, curiously. It was all I needed to jump start myself. Slamming a foot down onto Jimins shoes, I swirled around and landed a foot in his stomach. He stumbled back into the mats good naturedly and laid there looking up at me, relaxedmutter and smirking.

            “.” I mutter and stalk over to BTS.

            They look between Jimin and me several times but I cut them off before they can say anything, “Let’s go eat? My treat.” I offer.

            They gleefully change the subject, deciding between themselves where they want to eat. Moving aside, I grab my hoodie from where I tossed it earlier and pull it on. It’s hot and sweaty here, but the second we go outside I’ll freeze. I zip it up to my throat.

            Avoiding Jimin, I address BTS and after deciding that they just want to call for pizza and chicken, we exit the practice room and head for their apartment.

            “Go ahead,” I say turning back around to face the door, “I have to lock up.” Jin and Suga nod, I don’t think anyone else hears me. I fish the keys out of my pocket. My fingers are stiff from the cold but I carefully pick out the right key.

            I fell someone, Jimin, walk back up to me. He watches as I struggle to lock the door for a second. I curse. It always locks really easily, but under Jimin’s observant eyes it doesn’t want to do .

            “Here,” Jimin gently nudges me away. Grasping the key, he turns it skillfully and the lock slides into place. He turns back to me, handing me the key with a small smirk.

            I wrinkle my nose at him but accept the keys, “Thanks.” I grumble and turn away rigidly.

            The air outside is frigid but I’m thankful for it. My heated body instantly cools, sweat on my forehead evaporates and can brush my long side bangs back into place. It’s a short walk from the practice area to BTS’ apartment, maybe five minutes through a deserted street. Parked cars line the road; street lights cast hazy orange light onto the sidewalks.

            Jimin walks silently beside me for a few moments as we head back to the apartment but then, “I’m cold.” He whines.

            “What?” I ask in amazement. The idiot is always throwing me off.

            “I’m cold,” he repeats blowing warm air at his fingers and rubbing them together, “Hold my hand Kimy!” he demands childishly.

            I jerk away from him as he wraps his hand around my wrist. I stuff my hands into my hoodie pocket.


            “Please?” Jimin pleads, his voice reaching high octaves, “Pleeeeease.”


            I don’t look at him.

            “Kimmmmmmy,” he whines. Like a robot, I turn and look at him. He pouts cutely and puffs his cheeks. I turn away.

            I don’t respond.

            Sensing a victory Jimin slides his hand into my pocket. His hand is cold. I tell myself as he intertwines ours fingers. I scowl and keep my hand as unmoving as possible.

            Jimin and I broke up; our romantic relationship was crushed into memories. The month following he treats me like dirt, like the love he had for me was so easy to get over. Then he vanishes without a word, leaving my older brother and I worried out of our minds. And now that he’s back he wants me to act like every hurtful thing he’s ever done to me was nothing. I don’t know what he wants; we ended our relationship under a mutual understanding so it wasn’t me. Jimin’s parents had left him with several large digits in several large banks, so it wasn’t money.

            And I honestly can’t say I’m not curious about where he disappeared to.

            We grew up together. He protected me. He was there when Chihoon was not and as confused as I was right now there was a part of me that knew I would never get rid of him completely. Mostly because he keeps weaseling his was back into my life and maybe it’s so natural to have him next to me or maybe because he’s just a determined little er.          

            But besides it all, as we walk next to each other linked together, I know that I can never let him back into my heart.

A/N: Thank you for reading❤ Please subscribe and expect more chapter in the future❤

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Chapter 15: I am wondering if you'll update this story. Its beautiful I wish you will update sooner or later.
first time to read a Jimin ff and i enjoyed it~ Thanks to you.
please update soon. I'd really like if you tease Jimin more ... with jealousy maybe?
This is a nice story. Fighting^^
taetaeissocute #3
Chapter 15: pleasee update soon, really love this story, aww i cant imagine jiminnie become like this
Chapter 15: Please update soon~
eunnahstory #5
Chapter 15: You dont want to delete this story right??
WonZiGyuMin #6
Chapter 15: You're deleting this story? May i ask why?
Omg. Im a new reader and this fic is absolutely amazing. I love it. For I few minutes I thought. Omg there should be a scene but I saw your a/n and totally understood. Im the exact same way. Lol but you write amazing