Chapter Eleven

Resisting Fiery Attraction

Word Count: 5,214

Chapter 11

Kimy(You) POV

~Day One~

Our school's uniform is honestly one of the more mundane things in my life. It's winter so it's just a dark blazer with our school embelm stitched to the front pocket and a thin white button down. For girls, a matching black skirt and a firey red ribbon worn as a necktie. For boys it's just black pants and a red tie.

I wear my uniform everyday because it help cut down on the amount of laundry I have to do but most students neglect the dress code. Teachers don't really enforce the rules either, mostly because there are so many students and it's such a bother to punish us all. Jimin and the rest of BTS are among the students that don't wear the complete school uniform, usually just wearing whatever they want to.

Which is why I was so surprised and strangely impressed when I spotted Jimin leaning on the school gates, wearing almost of the school uniform.

Tie and everything.

He had his headphones in, watching as students filtered out of school to return home and get started on homework. Girls around me whispered their approval as they eyed Jimin's loose tie around his shirt which had most of the buttons buttoned up. At the thought of buttons, my mind immediately went to this morning and Jimin's fingers correcting the buttons on my shirt...

The thought almost sent me flying into Jordan who walked next to me.

"Hey, watch out-wait isn't that Jimin?" She squinted trying to get a better look. Her eyes widened, "Is he wearing the school uniform?"

"Yeah," I mumbled, gently nudging her to the side in an attempt to steer us in a direction that would keep us as far away from him as possible, "I have a bad feeling about this." I say.

"Is something going on between you two that I need to know about?" Jordan says, refusing to budge. She stalls in the middle of the flow of students, much to the annoyance of our classmates.

"No, no. Let's move." I say, still trying to ninja my way through the crowd in a way that will keep Jimin from noticing me. Why? I had no idea. What would make Jimin want to wear our school uniform? I really didn't want to know.

"Okay?" Jordan says dubiously but continues toward the exit. With every step we get closer to Jimin's handsome figure. I press closer to my friend, angling my head towards the ground in hopes that his eyes would skip over me.

It's going great until we practically two meters away from freedom and I hear.


Girls glance my way as Park Jimin makes his way to us.

"I'll see you later," Jordan murmurs, but pinches my cheek, letting me know that she would interrogate at school tomorrow. She disappears into the crowd before I can say anything and then Jimin's in front of me, smirking like he just won the lottery.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sharply. Jimin smiles at my glare and straightens his loose tie.

"What do you think? Pretty hot, huh?" He says, obviously meaning his sudden renewed school spirit.

"No. It's not hot at all." I say avoiding his eyes, wishing I had something snarky to snap back, "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to go to school today. And why are you wearing are you wearing...that?"

Surprisingly Jimin let my super intelligent comeback go and laughed easily, "It's our first day together as a couple and I wanted to go out with you." he says with a grin.

I raise an eyebrow but I can't ignore the little tightening in my chest that tells me I'm happy to hear his words. I also can't ignore the glares from the girls who are catching bits and pieces of our conversation.

"That doesn't explain why you're wearing your uniform. School's out, what made you want to put it on?" I ask curiously.

"When we went out in ninth grade, you used to always wanted to go on uniform dates..." Jimin trails off. He raises a hand to rub the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed. He looked a lot younger as he bit down on the inside of his cheek and allowed a flush onto his face.

I know that Jimin was acting. He knew that I knew he was acting, because there was no way Jimin could be shy or embarrassed about anything. But it was still a nice feeling to know he was getting nervous. Jimin didn't act like this, unless he was nervous, his father taught him to be bashful and more natural if he was ever flustered and he was using those techniques now.

So I let a smile slip onto my face, "You know that the only reason I wanted to go on uniform dates was because I had a Japanese pen-pal who would always brag about how her boyfriend  took her on uniform dates." Jimin glances at his shoes.

"I know. But we never went on one and I really want to go on one now." He voice is a few shy tones from a mumble.

Without any warning, I feel a laugh bubbling up from my stomach and I press a hand to try and hide it. I can hide the wide grin but I can only muffle the laughter.

"Your laughing at me."Jimin murmurs, suddenly stepping so close to me he's almost on my toes. My laughing falters as I catch the look in his eyes. He's not angry, but it looks like he's going to seduce me or some . "Don't laugh at me." He slips his arms around my waist and I stiffen. His mouth hovers just centimeters from my ear. The entire situation is so crazy that instead of freezing up or shoving him away like I usually do, I find myself laughing harder.

"Aw. Jimin. Are you nervous?" I cooed. Because his face was so close to mine, I could feel the heat of his blush on my cheek.

"Kimy," Jimin's voice changes again. He's done with acting and I have a bad feeling about the wicked glint in his eyes. He dips his head again so his lips are brushing against the base of my neck. I jerk in surprise at the sudden touch. I can hear the hushed whispers of the students around us. If Jimin can hear them, he barely pays any attention and instead begs for mine when he gently nips at the skin of my neck. My skin stings in pleasure as he begins to bite down harder and my heart beat triples

What the hell, who gave him permission to freaking gnaw on my neck? I yank away from his arms with a smack upside his head. Jimin smirks at me and I glare openly at him.

Noting our audience, I hiss quietly at him. "Park Jimin, if you leave a love bite on my neck I will rip your manhood out and feed it to rabid dogs." I angrily pull my long hair to rest on both of my shoulders smooth out any frizz.

Jimin tips his head back with a delighted laugh. The female students stare in awe at the bit of exposed neck the shows from the top of his button down. He places one hand on my head and ruffles my hair.

"Cute," he manages to say, "You're so cute~"

I snatch his hand off my hair, hurl it back to him and storm off towards the exit. He always manages to tease me, no matter who is in control of the conversation. Students hurriedly make way for me, and knowingly stay that way until Jimin dashes past them after me.

He tails me for a few blocks but then, not being able to control himself any longer, skips up to me and announces that I'm not going home.

"What do you mean?" I ask, "Where else would I possibly go?"

"Our date," he reminds me with a isn't it obvious expression.

"No." I deadpan attempting to walk past him. We stand facing each other on the sidewalk fairly close to Niki's and our apartment. He steps in front of me, not allowing me past. "Move aside." I order.

Jimin shakes his head adamantly, "I didn't put on the school's wretched uniform for nothing."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "I wear the school's wretched uniform everyday." I say with finger quotes around wretched uniform.

"And you look as beautiful as always," Jimin says without missing a beat, "But I cannot wear it without sacrificing half of my man pride."

" pride." I ask incredulously.

"My man pride." he confirms my suspicions.

"Yeah, I'm still not going. Even if you sacrificed your precious man pride." I say, beginning to get irritated. What so, back in ninth grade I wasn't worth his and pride and now I was? What.

I slip past him but his warm hand clamps down on my wrist and spins me back around to look at him.

"Kimy," he says his face is genuine with worry, my answer is a life or death question. "You said you'd give me one week. Please give me a chance."

He stares at me, his bottom lip disapeering in his mouth as he waits for my response. My mind races. I agreed to give him a week, yes but that was in the heat of the moment. I was too confident in the words Jimin had said, they had made my blood go hot in pleasure. He wanted to be with me. He wanted another chance. He had missed me. But no matter what he said, it couldn't erase what had happened, right? The way he treated me back then wasn't something he could smooth over that easily, right?

"I..." I hesitated. Jimin's hopeful smile began to fade.

But I didn't know the entire story either, did I? I knew he left, shortly after we broke up. But I don't know why. I've been with Jimin for my entire life, my trust in him is sound. But trust doesn't create love.

"...Okay." I said finally. There must be a reason that I still harbored feelings for Jimin, I wouldn't trust Jimin. I would trust myself. My subconscious knew that something was up, and feelings or not, I knew I wanted to know what it was that was always attracting me to Jimin.

Jimin smiled in relief, his mouth opening to exhale his held breath.

"Let's go." He said and slid his hand from my wrist to my hand. He tangled our fingers together and began to tow me along the sidewalk. I halfheartedly noticed the tingling that was slowly spreading from Jimin's hand through the tips of my finger up my arm and I knew that I could mentally fold my feelings Jimin, but it would never take away the feeling I felt throughout the rest of my body when I was with him.


"You dragged me from school to do this?" I stood beside Jimin as he fed bills into the change machine.

"Yup," He says gleefully shoving more money in, "I found this arcade a long time ago, I've been meaning to bring you here but I kept forgetting." We were one of the only few people inside the building, but it was still loud as each game system blared words that enticed people to try there luck and earn points.

"Really, you used to say you hated arcades because they gave you headaches." I say remembering one of our mall dates. I wanted to go into the arcade to see if Jimin could win me a stuffed animal or something but he refused to go even close to the booths. I was really disappointed but he bought me an ice cream cone in apology and we just went on our way.

"I thought it was embarrassing to something as childish like that, and I didn't want anyone to see play "lame" arcade games." He reveals. He reaches for his wallet again and pulls out several more bills.

"You thought it would be embarrassing to win your girlfriend a stuffed bunny?" I asked with a narrowed eye.

"Yeah, I felt kind of stupid later and I really like games like this so I tried looking around for an arcade closer to our apartment. I found this place and decided to bring you. We just never had the time."

Jimin looks up at me with a smile that makes my heart race. I look away.

"Well I guess-whoa! How much change do you need? This is such a waste of money." I say as Jimin hauls at least 40,000 won in change into his pockets.

"A lot, and it's not like we have a shortage of money." Jimin reminds me. He grabs my hand again and pulls me to the closest race car game.

Contrary to what my previous belief of arcade games being a waste of time, I found myself enjoying them. Well enjoying them when I beat Jimin, which only happened 50% of the time.

"Damnit~" I hissed annoyedly as my shot missed. We were playing some sort of shooting game modeled after the Terminator and I kept missing the targets.

"," Jimin muttered as he missed his first one. I could hit targets in real life with flying colors, but in animated games were you can't even gauge the distance, not so much. Jimin ended up being really good at shooting games. We ended the game with him winning with a 89.3% accuracy rate. I had about a 33.7%. Screw this.

"This is dumb." I say slamming the mock gun back into the holster. Jimin's smile is smug as he leans down and scoops up the long train of tickets that were ejected from the game. I kneel down as well. The game only offers me two.

"There is a double function that the game goes into when you have an accuracy over 75%" Jimin explains as he neatly folds the tickets up and puts them in his pocket.

"Let's try something that's real." I say and before he can say anything, I grab my backpack and stride towards the back of the building where there are several basketball hoops set up with detection devices that sense when you get a basket. Below the hoops is a lane that sends the basketballs back to you, so you don't have to chase after them.

A middle aged woman sitting on a bar stool works the game. Jimin appears next to me and the woman smiles, offering a metal box with a slit on top.

"Why don't you try this game out, young man?" The woman says, obviously expecting Jimin would be the one rearing to play this kind of game.

"Thank you, but I think we're both going to give it a shot." Jimin says and drops two coins through the slit of the box. The woman looks at him weirdly but hands us both a basketball and gets up from her seat to start the game.

"What do you think you're still better than me at basketball?" Jimin says and spins the basketball on his index finger.

"Cool trick, but I've always been better." I retort and bounce the ball a couple times off the ground. Jimin's smirk reveals no unease and instead an annoying confidence. I sniff at him and turn to were the woman has called our attention.

"Please prepare yourselves, the game is about to start." She calls standing from between two hoops. We position ourselves in front of basketball hoops on either side of her.

"You must shoot from the line of tape on the ground. Get any closer and your are disqualified." She says. Her hands are over both of the large red buttons that begin the game, "You have thirty seconds to get as many points as possible. Please enjoy." Her hand closes over the buttons and an automated voice says.

"Please prepare youself. The game is about to begin! One, two, begin!"

Turns out the confident smirk on Jimin's face is nothing but a confident smirk. Jimin is probably the only boy I know who really can't make hoops in a standing position. His first shot ricocheted off his hoop and almost hit me in the face.

"Jesus!" I screamed in surprise. My own basketball had just left my hands and was soaring in a perfect arch to the hoop. 

"Kimy." I heard Jimin's cry of panic and I immediately held up a hand. The ball smacked my hand and bounced back to Jimin. Without another word, I turned back to game and watched the my basketball swish through the hoop with out and backboard.

"That's freaking correct!" I said proudly and grabbed it as it rolled down the ramp. I made every single basket and ended up with 150 tickets. Five for basket. The woman handed me my wad of tickets and I turned to Jimin with a large grin.

"Jimin-ah, I got the freaking motherload-" I faded. Jimin stared at me, an unreadable look on his face and when I glanced at his points screen it read zero. "Jimin?"

"I almost hit you," Jimin said apologetically, "I'm sorry." I feel my eyes widen for a millisecond.

"Eyy, you just didn't want to embarrass, did you?" I ask after a moment.

Jimin shrugs.

After the game Jimin claims that he no longer has any change left and that we should just cash in our tickets. Our total comes to around 800, mostly because of Jimin talent in shooting games. I feel somewhat bad for the young teenage girl working behind the counter who has to count every single ticket though.

"What should we get?" I say after the girl, patiently, writes out amount of points down and enters it into a calculator. Jimin examines the prizes behind the counter. We have more than enough to get one big prize so we don't even bother looking at the prizes in the glass case in front of us.

"Why don't you two take your time?" the girl says and steps back, "I have some inventory to do in the back, please alert me when you have made your choices."

We nod and she walks into the back room.

"How about we both get something for four hundred?" Jimin suggests.

"Okay," I say and excitedly turning back to the display of prizes. The topmost shelf has an arrangement of sickly glowing lava lamps, the next has stacks of puzzles and board games and below that are rows and rows of large stuffed animals varying in price.

"I know what I'm getting," I turn and grin at Jimin.

"Me too," He smirks slightly then calls the teenage girl working here. She appears and next to her a tall and rather good looking guy who must have just arrived

"How may I help you?" The boy working here zeros in on me. I can tell the other girl is annoyed at the attention I'm getting so I put on a plastic smile and point at a large light brown bear teddy bear with a pink bow tie on his neck. The boy retrives it for me and hands the plush toy to me. He scoops up the amount of tickets needed and tosses them into the trash. I wrap my arms around the stuffed animal.

"Thank you," I smile. The girl is done helping Jimin and together we have 70 tickets leftover.

"Would you like me to print up a certificate that you can come back and use the ticket later." The girl offers politely. The boy has already moved to help a group of friends off to the side.

"Yes, please," Jimin says before I can open my mouth.

The girls bows slightly, picks up the rest of the tickets and goes to the register to print up the certificate.

"Here," I offer the stuffed animal to Jimin. He looks at me weirdly but takes it. I laugh in amusement as he glances around wondering what to do with it. "It's a present. You never bought me one, so I guess that made me the man of the relationship."

Jimin wrinkles his nose at me then offers me a small bag as well, "I got you something too."

I reach into the offered bag curiously, honestly expecting a bag full of live worms or something. Instead I find a bracelet of mostly translucent beads with a pearly reflective coating. In the light the shone from the lights above us, the the piece of jewelry seems to dance with colors.

"Where did you even find this?" I ask blinking at the beautiful bracelet then back at the wall of prizes.

"It was the last one," Jimin says with a cheeky grin, "Lucky, huh?"

Without much thought I slid the bracelet onto my wrist and we both examine it.

"Decent for a arcade prize," I say finally and look up to find him staring at me again. The strange lighting casts shadows from his eyelashes to his cheekbones, darkening his eyes and making him look an unearthly gorgeous.

"Decent," he echos. His smirk reappears, "Something you won't be by the end of the night."

I jerk away from him in surprise and he tips his head back to laugh loudly, my eyes widening in something of disgust.

"Spare me your raging ," I say dryly after a moment. Jimin flashs me a heartstopping grin. I turn away. Whatever.


After Jimin had deemed the arcade no longer worthy of himself, he clamped down on my hand firmly and dragged us outside to a nearby ice cream shop which he claimed 'served pleasure in a cone'. He didn't even give me time to put on my coat.

"Wait. Jimin-ah, my coat-" I tried digging my heels into the ground but Jimin just tugged harder.

"It's around the corner," Jimin turned back to me with a large grin. The street we were on was pretty empty, but the few people around us stared. We probably looked pretty weird, I was being towed around my beautiful 'boyfriend' who held a large stuffed animal in his other arm.

"Here," Jimin suddenly took a sharp left that surprised me into almost stumbling over my feet. He didn't turn at the corner of the street, mind you, he yanked us both into a small shallow alleyway between two brick buildings. The space was so small, a little over half a meter, it was an exaggeration to call it a alley. But Jimin managed to slip us both in the small shred of space so fluidly I'm sure no one noticed out disappearance.

I don't know how but one second I'm being pulled along the street by a skipping Jimin, the next I'm being gently pressed against the wall by a Jimin with a very alluring look in his eyes.

"Jimin?" I ask, monitoring my voice to keep it from being breathy. Jimin has a sweet innocent look on his face, but the dark of his eyes have a naughty glint to them.

"I think it's time for the part of the date where we loose clothes," Jimin starts. I quirk an eyebrow up.

"In an alleyway?" I ask, then shake my head in annoyance. I had blurted the first thing that came to mind, "that's not the point. We are not-"

Jimin looms closer, his touch is inviting which is a stark difference from the cold wind sneaking into our alley. Something in my stomach coils, something very close to desire as Jimin brushes his lips from my cheeks to my jaw. My heart pounds in my chest and I clench my fists. 

"We've done it before," Jimin's warm breath fans against my neck, his slow drawl gets my blood hot. My vision gets a bit hazy and a have to chew on the corner of my bottom lip before I can do anything a regret.

"Only once and we were drunk. That is still NOT the point-" I almost stutter and Jimin senses it. He raises his head then presses his forearm again the brick wall next to me. I push my cheek against the cold wall to look at it , unable to pull away just yet. Jimin takes advantage of the turn of my head to slowly trail small kisses down my neck from the bottom of my ear to just shy of my collarbone. Heat explodes wherever he touches me. I'm shivering. Not because of the cold.

Butterfly kisses, he used to pepper me with them all the time, and against my will hands slip up his blazer to rest on his shoulders. I avoid his eyes but find myself pressing closer to him, arching my back a bit to sneak nearer. My lips part and my breath leaks out from between.

I'm waiting. For the first time since Jimin elbowed his way back into my life I'm waiting for him to move AND wishing he would make a move faster.

Jimin suddenly, as if taken by a force I can't see, crushes me against the wall. I in a breath of suprise, my slightly arched back is now firmly pressed to the wall as he finally, finally kisses me.

We've kissed like this before, hot and furious and it's certainly led to Jimin pulling me to bed but this time Jimin seems to want to control his movements. It's not working though. His mouth stays fast on mine, but he keeps pulling away then suddenly pressing against me. He's going to en bruise my back. My finger tighten on his shoulders as his mouths moves quickly over mine and I get on my toes to reach him better.

And then I want to punish him back, I detach from Jimin only to trail my lips from his mouth, over his jawline and down to his neck. Jimin makes a noise in the back of his throat, his breathing is ragged and he turns his head a bit to give me space.The smell of his skin is familiar and it gives me my last burst of confidence as I find a small spot on his exposed neck and bite down.


"Stop messing with the bench press or you'll get hurt!" I ordered V and Jungkook as they attempt to lift a hundred pound weight. BTS's daily training starts 9pm and goes untill 11 so we're at their training room(by we I mean BTS minus a tardy Jimin). Rap Monster and J-Hope are working on their hand to hand on the mats while Suga and Jin train on the weights. V and Jungkook however haven't done a productive thing all night.

I suppse it's my fault though, I'm too distracted to give the anything more than a half-hearted beating. Every single time one of BTS brings up Jimin's lateness I'm brought back to the alley and heat I felt as Jimin kissed me.

I shake myself out of my daze and stalk up to Jungkook and V.

"Put that weight down before you drop it on your toes," I bark. V drops it quickly and there's a loud clatter as we all jump away to avoid getting hit.

"Yah~" I give V a smack upside his head. He and Jungkook pout and I'm unable to give them a proper scolding. Sighing I say, "If your not going to work out, go practice your aim or something." I brandish an arm out, motioning to where a few guns lay in front of a card board human cutout. The guns use plastic bullets, but BTS where so excited when they saw them it was almost a crime for me to tell them they wern't real. Almost.

"But noona-"

"Go." I cut Jungkook off with sternest look I can manage. V and Jungkook obediently walk over to practice so I make my way back over to help J-Hope and Rap Monster with hand-to-hand.

We're twenty minutes into a good workout when the doors of the training room fly open and Jimin strids in like he own the place.

"Hello," Jimin announces gazing around the room his hardworking members, "Are you working hard?" In his hands are two bags bulging with cans. He wears mostly dark clothes and a thick scarf to combat the cold winds, he's changed out of his school uniform.

School uniform as me thinking back to our date and suddenly I feel the need to fan myself. Instead, I stalk past him meaning to help Jin and Suga, but call over my shoulder.

"Pull your head out of your ," I say, "You're three hours late." I grasp a twenty-five pound weight and hand it Jin who almost drops it.

"Sorry," he doesn't sound very apologetic and I hear him set the bags, "I brought beer. And fried chicken." He offers.

"Hyung!" Jungkook calls sadly, "I can't drink."

"I also brought Coke." Jimin reveals. BTS immediatly drops their work out and plops down in the center of the room to enjoy the foor. Jin begins digging through the bags for napkins and Suga hands out cans of drinks. I slowly make my way to them and, to play is safe, take a seat in between Jin and Jungkook.

"Kimy," I hear Jimin call over the loud excited voices of BTS. I look up and I'm greeted with a large smirk. I want to look down, but I refuse to blush and giggle like the girl I used to be so I just raise an eyebrow.

"Enjoy," Jimin says after we've spread out the food and popped open our drinks. We all sit crosslegged in a circle around the food and even though I sit very protected between Jungkook and Jin I can still feel Jimin's eyes on me. And a blush slowly creeping onto my neck.

Everyone's eating and drinking, so I just ignore Jimin and take a huge sip of my drink. Jimin's unwinding his scarf as the heat in the room becomes to much for him, he tosses it aside. I'm taking a bite out of my first piece of chicken when all the chewing noises in the room stops and I look up in suprise.

"What's wrong-" I begin and notice that everyone's staring at Jimin He's casually tipped his head back to take a drink of his Coke. And then I see a rather small dark smudge on his neck.

"Hyung~" V begins.

"Is that a hicky?" Suga inturputs.

Oh god. Oh. en. God.

"Yes," Jimin says staring directly at me. BTS turns to look between the two of us. There's a second were they're still trying to understand then.

"Yah~Park Jimin. GET SOME!" Rap Monster hollars obnoxiously. And it's enough to get the rest of BTS cat calling and throwing shoes at Jimin.

I pretend to be unfazed but with everyone's attention on Jimin pop open a can of beer and take a long pull. He was going to get a beating.

A/N: So hai.

It's been a while.


TY for reading^3^ I hope you enjoyed ~xoxodaeleebaby22

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Chapter 15: I am wondering if you'll update this story. Its beautiful I wish you will update sooner or later.
first time to read a Jimin ff and i enjoyed it~ Thanks to you.
please update soon. I'd really like if you tease Jimin more ... with jealousy maybe?
This is a nice story. Fighting^^
taetaeissocute #3
Chapter 15: pleasee update soon, really love this story, aww i cant imagine jiminnie become like this
Chapter 15: Please update soon~
eunnahstory #5
Chapter 15: You dont want to delete this story right??
WonZiGyuMin #6
Chapter 15: You're deleting this story? May i ask why?
Omg. Im a new reader and this fic is absolutely amazing. I love it. For I few minutes I thought. Omg there should be a scene but I saw your a/n and totally understood. Im the exact same way. Lol but you write amazing