Chapter One

Resisting Fiery Attraction

Chapter 1

Kimy(You) POV

*important A/N down below*

I met Jungkook first. He was cornered by three of my older brother’s men; Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun. Jungkook lay almost collapsed on the wet cement ground, clutching his stomach. His face was twisted with pain

            I was walking back from school when I noticed them. Off to the side, making no effort to hide themselves, in a shallow alley way the I knew led to the back door of my older brother, Lee Chihoon’s,  night club “Niki’s”.

            Jeon Jungkook. A student two years younger than me. A good looking boy, sweet too, always smirking or joking around with his friends. A recognized street dancer, I had only really realized that we attend the same high school when I saw him underground a few months ago.

            He was also known around school for having ties with a gang.

            But our school is so big and teenage gangs aren’t uncommon. I didn’t even remember which one.

            Sighing in annoyance, I stepped off the path and marched up to the four boys.

            I didn’t know what was going on, but Yongguk was known for being rash and impulsive and just violent in general. The gang the three boys belonged to, B.A.P was signed under my brother. It gave me, my brother’s younger sister, authority over them. I constantly found myself reprimanding them because of their leader, Yongguk’s, reckless and ignorant decisions. And Yongguk annoys the sh*t out of me.

            “What’s going on?” I mutter and I clamp a hand down on Yongguk’s shoulder. All eyes turn to me. Jungkook’s head jerks up in surprise. “Did you quarrel with someone again?” I inquire.

            “How old do you think I am? Quarreling?” Yongguk asks in annoyance, “This bastard stole my woman.” He announces. The three boys move so I’m allowed in the circle they form around Jungkook. He stares up at me, looking almost like a puppy. I’m overwhelmed with this instinct to protect him. He’s so cute, look at his cheeks!

            “Really?” I ask incredulously, “Lee-ssi finally said yes?”

            Lee, a beautiful girl who is two grades below me. The poor kid constantly has to evade advances from Yongguk, who seems to have an unhealthy obsession of her long straight hair.

            “Nah,” Daehyun answers for Yongguk, “Jungkook and Lee were assigned as desk partners after someone complained about the seating arrangements.”

            I raised an eyebrow and looked back down at Jungkook. He looked curiously back up at me. “So you beat up a guy, just because he breathed the same air Lee-ssi?” I ask Yongguk.

            At least Himchan and Daehyun have the decency to look shameful; Yongguk shakes his head adamantly like a spoiled child. I exhale noisily through my mouth and look at Yongguk disapprovingly.

            “Get the out of here,” I command. Daehyun and Himchan offer me half apologetic smiles but Yongguk refuses to move, he reaches down for Jungkook’s arm.

            “Not yet, I still have to teach this kid a lesson,” Yongguk grips Jungkook’s forearm. Annoyed at Yongguk’s disobedience I snatch Yongguk’s hand off Jungkook.

            “Don’t push it,” I snap, twisting Yongguk’s wrist painfully. He lets out a shriek of pain and yanks his hand back, “and don’t mess with him again.” I order and allow him to retract his arm. Grumbling in annoyance, Yongguk trudges away with Himchan and Daehyun following close behind.

            I turn back to Jungkook; he pulls himself into a sitting position, “Thanks.” He says in a small voice.

            “Sure,” I crouch down so I’m eye level with Jungkook, “Anytime. I’d love any reason to beat up that . Are you okay? They didn’t knife you or anything, right?”

            Jungkook shakes his head. “I’m Jeon Jungkook. I’m a freshman. You can call me Jungkook if you want?” he smiles uncertainly. I nod in agreement and poke his cheek. He looks at me, surprised.

            I grin widely, “You’re so cute. I’m Kimy. I’m a Senior.”

            I think that Jungkook decides to trust me immediately because the first thing he does is give me his phone number.

            “You don’t have to give me yours,” he says tapping his number into my phone, “but call me if you need help. I owe you a favor.” He smiles cutely and hands me back my phone.

            “Okay,” I say and take my phone, “but when I call you or text you, won’t you get my number?” I ask just to fluster him.

            A beat passes,

            “Whatever.” Jungkook pouts. He turns towards the entrance of the alleyway, probably to go find his friends or go home. “I’ll see you later, noona. Is it okay if a call you that?” he asks politely.

            “Why not?” I say, shrugging and he blushes.

            “See you in school noona!” He yells and sprints off.


I met the rest of them the next day. Well most of them. I was walking to the cafeteria, my smart phone glued to my hand. I was texting my brother. Let me help you understand. Chihoon doesn’t just text for communication, the competitive a**hole that he is means that he check the time it takes for me to respond and if it takes longer then his time.

            It’s stupid, but my brother can sometimes have the mentality of a five year old.

            bap is on patrol duty today he texted You know what that means.

            I sigh. It means that I get to babysit them right afterschool for three hours.

            It’s how it worked between me and my brother. He worked up top, organizing and handling all the big issues of senior gangs under his contracts, gangs that worked for him full time. I worked scouting for newer gangs worth getting to sign and training rookie gangs.

            IK I texted back. Shoving my phone in my pocket I huffed in anger. I had homework, and now I was stuck watching B.A.P trudge around Chihoon’s territory like a troop of uncoordinated badgers. Fabulous. Just like my life.

            I slunk into the large cafeteria that was filled to the brim with students. Our high school is so large; it had gone through three remodels and had several additions to its building in order to keep up with the demand of classrooms. Even so, the class sizes were closer to big than small. There were so many people here that I hadn’t even met all of my graduating class.

            Jordan Kim, one of the girls that actually looked past my older brothers intimidating presence and noticed his younger sister (and my best friend since elementary school), waved to me from our usual table. Except this time, instead of table being full of random students I spot Jungkook next to her. I also noticed that most of the occupants of our table are girls and all of their eyes were glued on Jungkook's handsome face.

            “Hey,” I greet them both. I drop my bag onto the last empty seat to claim my place before I go grab lunch.

            “Hi!” Jordan says cheerfully, raising a hand over to keep from spitting half-chewed food at me. She wears her signature large, black rimmed glasses that touches her cheekbones as she chews on her sandwich.

            “Noona!” Jungkook says, happily looking up from devouring his lunch, “how was class?”

            Jungkook treats me and Jordan like we're long lost friends, keeping the conversation light and flowing. He was so easy to get along with and we're always laughing at his highly inappropriate yet completely hilarious jokes.

            “I wanted to introduce you to my hyungs,” Jungkook said after we'd finished lunch, “but they usually go off campus for lunch.” He frowned a little.

            Jordan had said goodbye a few minutes before, saying she needed to go cram for a math test next period. Now just Jungkook and I sat at our table. His party of fangirls, even though they had finished their lunch, hovered near by in a small clump of school uniforms.

            “That’s okay,” I say gathering up my tray. We go to toss our trash out. The large waste bins stand closed, next to the windows. Balancing my tray in one hand I expertly flipped the lid up and shook my trash inside.

            Jungkook followed suit, gleefully talking about an especially physics teacher. He cuts off suddenly.

            “What about Mr. Park's nose?” I ask, turning to Jungkook but he stares out the window, squinting in the distance.

            “Is that~” Jungkook mutters to himself. His eyes widen in recognition before he shoots towards the door.

            “Wait, Jungkook,” I call after him, hurridly setting my tray in the respectable pile and putting my chopsticks and spoon into the large metal tubs.

            “Follow me!” he orders and books it toward the pair of advancing boys. Shaking my head, I slowly follow Jungkook out the school in the direction of the boys.



They seem nice. Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok who play and joke around like children. I smiled politely, but when I bid them goodbye to head to my next class I wouldn’t say that Jungkook’s friends struck me as the badasses he described them as.

            But Jeon Jungkook was friends with some seriously good looking people.

            I pull my headphones on and gently tap “play” on my phone. Mad Clown begins rapping and I half shut my eyes as I walk to Chemistry. Arriving early, the only person in class is the tired looking teacher. I bow slightly in greeting before making my way to my seat.

            I’ve just sat down at my seat when the teacher opens his mouth to say something. Sliding my headphones down to rest at my neck, I smile apologetically, “I’m sorry what?”

            The teacher murmurs something in annoyance, but speaks again. “Could you please grab some supplies to the lab we have today?” he asks.

            I tilt my head, “Don’t we have a test today, sir?” I set my backpack down in my chair before pushing it in.

            “We did,” he explains, “But there is a new student today, so I’ve pushed it to next class. Please grab the tray of samples I set out in the supplies room, they’re on my work table. It’s the farthest away from the door.” He picks up the key from his desk and holds it out to me.

            “Yes sir,” I say and take the single key from him. The supplies room is supposed to be off limits to students but when I unlock the door and swing it open, I find a male student smoking using a cracked window to breath out.

            He sits casually on one of desks, his back to me, dangling a lighter in his fingers. I immediatly avert my eyes, sighing a little in annoyance. Seriously? He couldn't wait to get out of school to take a smoke?

            "Oh." I say, not giving him a second look as I examine the tables for the tray of samples. The sweet smoky scent of cigarette invades my nose but it's something I'm used to. Most of Chihoon's men smoke, it's either habit or to add to their intimidation factor. "Sorry. I just need to grab-"

            “Kimy,” the boy speaks up and I freeze, my pulse spiking. His familiar voice sends shivers up my spine. It feels like the floor has been ripped out from underneath my feet, almost sending me gasping for my breath. Instead I keep my eyes glued on one of the teachers desks I keep my back straight.

            But then I can't control my curiousity.

            Time slows as my eyes slowly skip up to the couple again, getting a clearer look. His dark eyes lock on mine, surprise and recognition are obvious in them. He gets to his feet, snuffing the cigarette on the brick window ledge. Jimin's still unearthly beautiful, dark eyes, even darker mussed hair, and high cheekbones. There's something raw about his gaze right now, an untainted emotion, unfiltered by his usual blank face.

            “Kimy.” I can hear the roughness in his voice. His low warm familiar voice. My eyes dart from desk to desk, desperately looking everywhere but at them. More specifically, him.

            Finally locating the damn tray of samples, I pick it up stoically, whip around, and stride out of the room.

            Placing the tray down the teacher’s desk, I barely give him time to thank me before rushing back to my table. The class has begun to fill up and a spot a few of my friends horsing around in the back.

            I'm still reeling from meeting seeing Jimin and I'm contemplating whether I was just seeing things. But I could still feel the emotion in his eyes, the slow spreading feeling of warmth from my stomach, his voice. No. I wasn't seeing things. I press the cold screen of my phone against my heated face.

            When class begins and students scramble to their seats. I pull out my books and set my backpack on the empty seat beside me. The teacher indicates a page in our textbooks and we comply.

            The door opens, but I don’t dare look up. I don't need to look up to know who has just walked into the room. I can feel his eyes on me. The skin on my cheeks have already begun stinging under his gaze.

            “Sorry,” I hear his voice, “I’m new. I got lost.” The words ooze with his usual promise of reflection and the teacher accepts them easily.

            . I clench my pencil but continue to take notes.

            “Please introduce yourself,” the teacher says.

            “Hello.” He says. “I’m Park Jimin.”


His name rings in my head, resurfacing memories I've worked so long to repress. I inhale sharply.

            “Well then,” the teacher says, “find an empty seat.”

            It isn’t fair. I know for a fact that the seat next to me is the only empty one. I slide my backpack off the chair and into my lap, wrapping my arms around like it will protect me from this situation.

            The girls in the room leaned forward in their chairs as he shuffles to my table, whispers fill the class room. I stiffen as pulls his backpack off and drop it down next to his side of the table. The legs of the chair scrape against the floor as he pulls it out. I’ve yet to get a close look of Jimin yet. Has he changed at all? He sits down and the students reluctantly go back to their partner work.

            Breathing in resolutely, I straighten up and turn to Jimin the boy from my past. He’s looking at me, handsome as ever. His dyed his hair, its lighter now. I'm close enough to see his sooty lashes.

            I swallow then force my lips into small smile.

            “Hello. My name is Kimy.”

            Jimin smirks.

            “Hey Kimy,”


A/N: Hey❤ Welcome to Resisting Fiery Attraction! If you’re new; Heyy~ and thank you for reading. And if you’re coming from before the revamp; if you’d like to, please give my story another read-through.



Jungkook: 15-freshmen

V: 16-sophomore

J-Hope: 16- sophomore

*Kimy(You): 17-senior

*Jimin: 18-senior

Rap Monster: 19

Suga: 20

Jin: 20

Thank you for reading❤ Please subscribe and expect more chapter in the future❤


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Chapter 15: I am wondering if you'll update this story. Its beautiful I wish you will update sooner or later.
first time to read a Jimin ff and i enjoyed it~ Thanks to you.
please update soon. I'd really like if you tease Jimin more ... with jealousy maybe?
This is a nice story. Fighting^^
taetaeissocute #3
Chapter 15: pleasee update soon, really love this story, aww i cant imagine jiminnie become like this
Chapter 15: Please update soon~
eunnahstory #5
Chapter 15: You dont want to delete this story right??
WonZiGyuMin #6
Chapter 15: You're deleting this story? May i ask why?
Omg. Im a new reader and this fic is absolutely amazing. I love it. For I few minutes I thought. Omg there should be a scene but I saw your a/n and totally understood. Im the exact same way. Lol but you write amazing