Chapter Ten

Resisting Fiery Attraction

Word Count: 4,582

*semi-important A/N below. Please read*

Chapter 10


            When I woke up the next morning, I knew something was wrong. For one thing I was in the wrong room. A familiar room, but definitely the wrong room.

            . The next thing I felt was the pounding in my head. I didn't dare open my eyes as I became aware of the sun's hot rays. I was hungover.


            I froze, realizing my skin was prickling in a way that it only got when Jimin touched me. Suddenly I became hyper aware of warm arms wrapped around my bare torso. Wait my bare torso?

            My eyes flew open in horror and I immediately shut my eyes as the piercing rays of sun threatened to blind me. I recognize the room as Jimin's.


            I'm faced away from bed, staring directly as the open curtains of the window, but I can feel his hard chest pressed against my back. Jimin's arms clenched me to him with our legs tangled together, one of his slipped between mine. I couldn't tell if I was wearing clothes, the warm comforter was a nice heady weight on my body but it didn't reassure me as I shifted and felt is scrape against the bare skin of me legs. I could feel his skin rubbing against mine. I shot my eyes down to our comforter covered bodies almost dreading to figure out if I was wearing clothes.

            With my index and thumb I peeled back the comforter, just a bit.

            My black bra appeared and I shoved the comforter farther off.

            And breathed in relief. I was wearing my shorts. Yes.

            Behind me I could hear Jimin murmur quietly in his sleep and I felt my heart begin to race as usual.

            I froze again as one of his hands slides from my stomach, over my shorts and splays out on the sensitive skin on the inside of my thigh dangerously close to my...

            “Park Jimin!” I screamed as his naughty fingers crawled even closer. My blood went hot and I desperately tried to keep a blush from me cheeks.

            Jimin groaned and attempted to snuggle into my neck, “Just five more minutes baby.” I can feel him smirk against my skin.

            I shook his arms off and got to my feet immediately. His hand falls away. My vision swung and nausea rose to my throat.

            “Damnit, why am I hungover?” I questioned Jimin, unable to remember what happened yesterday. I can only remember buying frozen yogurt, and then the kind woman at the counter offered us a few cans of beer...

            “You mean, you don't remember?” Jimin's scratchy voice interrupted my thoughts. I stared down at him expectantly. He smiled lazily up at me, a satisfied look in his eyes. He looked unbelievably gorgeous with mussed hair, dark eyes, and wicked grin. Without my permission my eyes trail down from his broad shoulders to his chest to his jeans that hang perilously low...

            “Oh god, did I do anything-?” I start with wide eyes, tearing my gaze away from his half abdomen.

            “We were both drunk, I honestly can't remember.” Jimin says casually with an easy shrug, “Maybe we should look around for a ...?”

              I smacked his bare arm and scrambled off the bed, almost head planting onto the ground.

            “At least I'm still wearing my shorts,” I try and reason with myself. I couldn't find my shirt under the mess of all the blankets and pillows strewn everywhere. I do find the plaid button down Jimin was previous wearing and shrugged it on. I buttoned it up halfway before getting annoyed at button to cloth alignment.

            Jimin watches me from his spot on the bed, I can feel his hot gaze trace over me.

            “Can you remember anything?” I ask and neatly tuck hair behind me ears. I plop down on the messed bed and untangle the length of my hair.

            Jimin shakes his head shamelessly and sits up with a groan, “You could always handle your alcohol better than me. How come you don't remember?” he asks almost challenging.

            I squint my eyes and attempt to remember the previous night.

            We sat unmoving in Jimin's car, he had parked in the apartment's underground garage.

            “Well,” Jimin said abruptly and twisted in his seat to rustle around in the back.

            “What is it?” I asked curiously. Jimin turns back around, both his hands wrapped around a can of beer.

            He silently offers one to me.

            “Tomorrows a school day,” I say but take the can anyways. We both pop open the cans and take a long pull. The liquid is lukewarm but it's still a nice contrast from the frozen yogurt taste still lingering in my mouth.

            Jimin lets our a distasteful noise as he swallows his first drink. I'm not the only one who thinks that warm beer is disgusting. I watch as he squints at the can then, before he can convince himself not to, takes another gulp.

            I returned to my can, sniffing the sharp liquid before I raise it to my mouth.

            My flashback slams to a stop and I groan feeling another pinch in the back of my head.

            “I remember the car?” I say.

            “And?” Jimin asks, acting as my therapist.

            I shut my eyes and try to remember.

            “Isn't today Friday?” I ask suddenly. Horror floods through me as I turns and search around frantically for my phone.

            Jimin lets out a loud annoyed moan and flops back down onto the bed, “Go back to sleep Kimy,” He whines as I continue to fish around for my phone.

            I finally find it nestled under the twisted mound of blankets.

            I check the time. 9:03

            “!” I swear and leap off the bed, “I have a history exam in twenty-seven minutes. Wake up and drive me to school!”

            I hurry to the door intending to wrench it open and get ready for school. Actual panic jump started my heart into overdrive.

            “You're going to have to walk because there is no way I'm getting up and driving you to school with a hangover!” Jimin yells after me. I almost stumble at the sudden loud noise that sends prickles of pain though my skull.

            I whirl around and narrow my eyes at him. Jimin shrinks back a little.

            “Or I'll drive you.” He offered cautiously.

            I smile smugly and close my hand on the doorknob behind me.

             The door slams shut. The room is dark and we breathe heavily between long kisses as Jimin leads me to his bed. He tosses me onto the mattress and pulls away to peel his shirt off. I reach up restlessly, propping myself up on one elbow to reach his mouth, He presses us down onto the bed, holding himself above me but making sure we were touching at every possible place. His right hand fisted in my hair and I arched up trying to crush myself closer-

            “Oh my god,” I whisper as I'm jerked out of the memory. I swallow as a wave of dizziness hits me and I balance one hand on the door frame.

            “What's wrong?” Jimin moves in a blur, one second he's laying on his bed the next he's next to me placing a hand on my shoulder to keep me from crashing to the floor. I swallow again, trying to keep bile down in my throat as the realization of just exactly what we had done last night came to me. It was too much.

            I tore away from Jimin and raced to his bathroom. Throwing the door open, I didn't bother with the lights, doubling over the toilet and vomiting at least a quart of the terrible beer. I struggled to keep hair out of my face as my body heated and I convulsed again.

            “Whoa,” and then Jimin was there, peeling my mass of hair away from my face and rubbing smooth circles into the back of my neck.

            I stopped vomiting after a few more moments and reached blindly for the handle that would flush the sludge down the drain.

            “I've got it,” Jimin reaches beyond my hand and shuts the toilet lid before the watered down vomit is away.

            Jimin leads me to the sink and holds my hair back while I rinse my mouth. I offer him my wrist and he pulls the hair tie off before easily fixing my hair back.

            It's such a nice and sweet thing to do, something that when he would do for me when we dated, that I forgot about everything that happened and just leaned back against him for a second. He stiffened in surprise, but that was just for a second, and swept his arms around me.

            “So the good news is; we didn't sleep together,” I say finally after catching my breath. Jimin chuckled and I could feel the warm vibrations of his laugh on my back. I think I shivered a little.

            “But?” Jimin asked, expectantly.

            “I think we came pretty freaking close,”



            “Now I really want to remember,”

            I don't know how long we stand there as I wait for my stomach to stop roiling but at some point Jimin's stomach growls in hunger, effectively ruining whatever the hell we had going. He pulls away with the promise of breakfast and leaves me to wash up in his bathroom, not without a dirty smirk and a comment about how I'm wearing his shirt that makes my cheeks flush.

            I turn to stare at myself in the mirror the second the door of the bathroom shuts. I'm not exactly sure how I should be taking this. My body is so committed to being with Jimin; we dated for four years before breaking up. Waking up together is something my body is used to. I should be freaking out. That's what my brain is tell me, but I'm so sick of pretending that my feelings for Jimin don't exist, especially because of how sweet he's been acting recently. More like the boy I dated before we broke up, before he turned into the cruel son of a that hurt me and my brother, and before he left.

            I want to know. I decide as I pull my hair out of Jimin's messy ponytail and finger comb the tangles out. I want to know what happened in the six months he was gone and then I'll deal with my screwed up feelings.

            I would ask him this morning. Right now over breakfast. But what if he isn't telling me for a good reason? In my mind I flash back to when we were watching Iron Man 3 after fighting over cheesecake. He seemed so disgusted in Tony when Pepper was being tortured. He said something about how Tony couldn't protect his girlfriend and how Tony's presence was putting Pepper in danger.

            I need to stop doubting myself.

            Shaking my long straight hair out, I slipped it into a tidy pony tail and washed my face. I don't want to think about this. It's making my head hurt even more.

            I examined the sink counter, the only products he had where neatly lined up against the mirror. His toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, aftershave, and an unopened bottle of a girly lotion I bought him when we went shopping a year ago.

            Wait a minute. Wait a ing minute.

            I narrowed my eyes at the plastic packaging. It even had the price tag still stuck on it, a florescent yellow sticker and a smiley face.

            I snatched it off the counter and turned to the unlocked bathroom door. I could here something on the stove sizzling and Jimin's footsteps as he moved around. I clenched the lotion bottle in my hand. I'll deal with my confusion later, first I need to kick Jimin's . I spent a fortune on this! He didn't even open it!

            I ripped the door open and stormed out to the kitchen.

            Jimin looked up from the stove and frying pan as I slammed the lotion on the kitchen island. The adorable fuzz ball and bell jingled and Jimin looked up at me in alarm.

            He looked absolutely heavenly, by the way, wearing nothing but low rise jeans and flipping eggs in a pan. Damn he was like the boy that every girl dreams of, someone to eat her breakfast off of. Not that I wanted to eat scrambled eggs off Jimin. Yes I do.

            Momentarily distracted, I recenter to what I was angry about.

            “Park Jimin, I bought this for you over a year ago,” I announce furiously, “And you haven't even opened it!” I glowered at him while tossing hair of my shoulder. I propped two hands on the counter and leveled my eyes with his.

            Jimin tried to disguise a smile with a small wince. “Kimy-”

            “Don't laugh at me!”

            “I was not,”

            “Yeah you were, god I'm going to tear you to pieces!”


            I lunge at him as he swerves to the right. My right hand manages to close around his bicep and I spin on one foot to steer him against the stove. His back bumps against the stove top and the back of his head hits the microwave.

            He doesn't seem to notice though as he tilts his head down staring though hooded eyes, inviting me with a dirty smirk.

            “Do your worst,” he says obviously indicating something ually deviant. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my mouth to my chest as I refuse to look away. I stubbornly set my jaw.

            “You, more than anyone, should know that you really do not want to see me do my worst.” I spit. I meant for that to come out more threatening less playboy bunny. Jimin's eyes glint wickedly.

            “Do your worst,” he repeats slowly.


Jimin POV

            She looked so unbelievably beautiful, standing there in front of me. Cheeks a furious pink, narrowed eyes, bristling with anger, glaring up at me with dark eyes. My gaze trailed from her eyes to then down to her body. Kimy wore my plaid button down in a way that made my chest tighten in pleasure, only buttoned up half way, exposing her soft milky skin and plain black bra, all the way down to her belly button.

            Kimy drove me absolutely insane.

            When she didn't react at my words, I slipped a hand down to tug at the buttons of my shirt. Her eyes widened in surprise as I started to them.

            “What are you doing?” Her voice was suddenly rougher. Definitely ier.

            I chuckled, “You buttoned your shirt up wrong.”

            We stayed silent, staring at each other as my finger cleverly worked the buttons into the correct button holes. I buttoned it up to , then pulled three down loose smoothing the fabric of the shirt away so I could lean down and-

            “Jimin, you're eggs are burning,” Kimy's voice is shaky but firm. I can hear the warning in her words as she pulls away. I can tell she isn't ready yet. I wince inwardly. Did I push her too far-?

            Kimy grins suddenly and grabs the frying pan from behind me. She dumps the perfectly cooked scrambled eggs onto a plate and walks over to the kitchen island.

            I watch she discreetly straightens her shirt, pulling the sleeves taunt and adjusting the collar. Then sets her plate down on the counter and grabs a fork.

            “I'm still not done with you yet. I'm going to punish you for not using the lotion I got you.”

            I blink. I don't want to be surprised, but I am. And before I can stop it from flitting across my face, I feel hurt as well. Kimy sees the look on my face, I'm sure of it, but I plaster on a smirk that I know will annoy her and shrug before turning back to the stove and grabbing another egg.

            Did I even have a right to be hurt?

Kimy(You) POV

            I saw it. The hurt in his eyes. It flirted over his face for a fraction of a second before he turned back to his frying pan. I bite my lip and frowned. On one hand, why should Jimin feel hurt that I keep pulling away? He accepts more than me that he hurt me when he left without another word, and before that, the cruel way he treated Chihoon and I.

            But there's also the very high possibility that Jimin's playing hero, that maybe he's trying to protect me from some unknown evil.

            I watch as he cracks open the egg over the frying pan and tosses the shell in the garbage. He hums as he tosses an assortment of cut up vegetables and whisks the contents of pan together.

            And for some reason I'm brought back to the night we broke up. Jimin was rustling around the fridge for something drink after coming home at the ungodly time of 2:30 in the morning reeking of alcohol, smoke and woman's perfume. I had heard him open the door from my bedroom and gotten up to interrogate him.

            "Jimin where have you been?" I ask and he barely looks up from the contents of the fridge.

            "Out," is his sharp reply.

            He turns around and I air into my lungs. Jimin's shirt is incorrectly and only half buttoned up, his chest and neck is smeared with glossy red lipstick, hair mussed and eyes dark he sneers back at me challenging me to say something.

            I clutch the water glass I'm holding as anger, frustration and just plain humiliation wells up inside me.

            "What the hell, Jimin," I hiss through clenched teeth. He's cheating on me and he isn't exactly trying to hide it from me.

            "I'm going to bed," he says and brushes past me harshly. I stumble back as his shoulder digs into mine and the kitchen counter bites into my back.

            I let out a dry laugh. "Aren't you going to apologize or something?"

            Jimin pauses but doesn't turn around. "Apologize for what? Enjoying myself."

            My hands move on their own, I hurl the glass at the wall beside him. He stiffens in surprise as the glass splinters into thousands of pieces, several bouncing off the wall to clip him.

            "Don't move," I spit.

            "I don't have anything to say," Jimin's response is piercing and I swallow as my world begins to fall apart.

            "I ing do, so just-" I start but then I'm slammed against the refrigerator. Jimin presses himself so close to me, I have to struggle to breath. His skin is hot as he runs his hands down my arms to close over my waist. His eyes are dark and wild with wanting and something else. He stares down at me and swallows, he looks tormented.

            Without another word he crashes his lips against mine.

            The kiss isn't by anyways sweet or gentle. It's rough and desperate, with clacking teeth and labored breathing, like he's trying to tell me something. He lifts me up by my waist in an attempt to get even closer to me and I wrap my legs around his torso. Our mouths move against each other fast, each tilt of our heads makes it seem like we're attacking each other.

            Then suddenly we're moving. Jimin pulls away from the refrigerator and staggers towards the unused dining room table. He takes a second to set me down, then pulls away to get rid of his shirt. And then's he's back, his lips furiously working against mine as he presses both out bodies down onto the table. He hovers above me, one forearm braced against the table, his weight a delicious crushing pressure over me. My legs dangle of the side of the table, Jimin's free arm reaches down to slip under my knee. Easing my legs apart so he can press even closer. Kissing me, he wraps one of my legs around his abdomen then returns his hand to smooth up and down my side. To slip under my shirt and slowly crawl...

            I shove him off me, jerking into a sitting position and yanking my shirt back down over my stomach. I'm not sure but I'm confident that the aching in my chest is the beginnings of loss.

            My mind is set. How can he go from cheating on the girl he's been with for four years to trying to take her on the kitchen table. What kind of girl would allow this?

            Jimin looks at me. He's breathing heavily, the hopelessness I had seen is his face is gone. Replaced by a cruel smirk.

            "No fun," he mutters then stalks into his bedroom. The door slams shut behind him.

            Our breakup wasn't official, but it happened in the moment. I could feel it and I'm pretty sure Jimin could too. We stopped speaking to one another and a week later Jimin was gone.

            Now I stare up at the grinning boy in front of me right now, who seems to be giggling over the shape of one of the bell peppers.

            My eggs lay in front of me, still steaming, uneaten.

            "Jimin?" I say before I can convince myself not to. Jimin turns from the stove, his hand still wrapped around the spatula with a large smirk. There must have been a look on my face because his smirk slowly fades.

            I get up from my bar stool and walk over to were Jimin stands. I set one of my hands down onto the counter next to him, palm down, and look up at him. We're inches away and I want to make sure he can't escape the question.

            "Where have you been the past six months?"

            Jimin's eyes are unreadable. He sets the kitchen utensil down and stares back down at me.

            "I can't tell you Kimy,"

            "Why not?" I don't even try to hide the hurt that I know is on my face.

            Jimin winces, biting down on his lip. For the first time in my life, Jimin seems to be struggling with what he wants to say.

            "When I was cruel to you.. and when I was gone.. I can get you back without telling you what happened," he says confidently after a moment. I blink. Jimin soft smirk is back. He's back in control of the conversation. He opens his mouth to say something.

            "Let's go out," I say, mostly to throw him off.

            Jimin's face is priceless.

            "What?" He looks so unbelievably shocked, "Are you serious?"

            "Yeah," I say looking him dead in the eyes, "Awhile back, you said that ever since you returned you've been trying to get me back." I remind him.

            "Yeah, I did say that," Jimin seems pleased that I remembered his words. He grabs the spatula off the counter and flips his eggs onto a plate happily. He starts singing.

            I raise a finger before he can start dancing around.

            Jimin silences, looking like a puppy as he waited for an expected ultimatum.

            "One week," I say, "If you say that you left six months ago for a good reason, then I'll believe you. But the months that you treated me like ? You're going to have to work hard to make up for that. So you have one week to convince me that you've changed since the time we broke up."

            Jimin's grin is large, "All I need is one week."


He drives me to school later in the day so I can catch the tail end of my Chemistry class. Jimin pulls up to the school driveway with ease but locks the doors before I can escape.

            "What is it, Jimin?" I ask exasperated as we battle over the car locks for a few seconds.

            "Kiss your handsome boyfriend goodbye," he requests with a cheeky grin. With a plastic smile I pat a kiss onto my palm and slap it onto his cheek.

            "Thank you for the ride," I say sharply and open the door before he can recover from my stinging kiss. Jimin pouts but I'm waving and walking up to the school door before he can say anything.

Jimin POV

            I sat back in my car as I waited for the light to turn green. My fingers drummed on the steering wheel and I couldn't stop the wide grin that was slowly taking over my face.

            This was it. This was the chance I had been waiting for. Over the past month I had been chipping at her resolve, but if I could just nail this week, I could get her back. I needed to draw the week out, I needed to make sure that she spent every second basking in my undivided attention.

            The car behind me blared it's horn, yanking me out of my thoughts and back into the real world where the traffic light had turned green and there was a line of cars waiting behind me.

            Cursing under my breath, I pulled the car forward and turned into the street, meaning to drive to the convenience store for breakfast. As I parked my car out front, parallel to the sidewalk, the murky red color of a woman's hand bag caught my attention and I found myself twisting in my seat to catch a glimpse of her face as she walked across the street.

            I shook my head.

            "You're going crazy," I told myself and opened my car door. But the uncomfortable feeling remained even as I entered the store and grabbed my desired ramen.

            Ever since the run in with them after bowling, in the convenience store, I've been constantly looking behind my back. Just the slightest hint of their dull blood red that serves as their gang color gets my heart racing in panic. And on top of that they had seen me with Kimy. I left her and Chihoon so they wouldn't get tangled in the mess my parents left me when they died. I would not risk getting either of them involved, expecially since I was so close to getting Kimy back.

            I poured the steaming water into my bowl of ramen after paying and sat down at the counter facing the windows. Placing the chopsticks so they held the paper lid closed, I pulled out my phone and plugged in my headphones.

            Back when Kimy and I had dated, she was obssessed with making the ultimate playlist for me. She was always stealing my phone and downloading new and amazing tracks from artists who I'd never heard off.

            I started one of the last playlists she made for me, a dubstep one with crazy remixes of popular American songs.

            I shut my eyes and turned the music up as I waited for my ramen to cook.

            There was no way my father's secret would ruin anything ever again.

A/N: So hai. ^^;

Right now I'm trying to repost all of my revamped chapters but formating is being a total - I should get them all up before the the end of the weekend, it's just that when I went back and read older chapters I wasn't too proud of my character development or chapter lengths-.-

Thank you for re-reading them:) Please subscribe and expect more chapters in the future❤

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Chapter 15: I am wondering if you'll update this story. Its beautiful I wish you will update sooner or later.
first time to read a Jimin ff and i enjoyed it~ Thanks to you.
please update soon. I'd really like if you tease Jimin more ... with jealousy maybe?
This is a nice story. Fighting^^
taetaeissocute #3
Chapter 15: pleasee update soon, really love this story, aww i cant imagine jiminnie become like this
Chapter 15: Please update soon~
eunnahstory #5
Chapter 15: You dont want to delete this story right??
WonZiGyuMin #6
Chapter 15: You're deleting this story? May i ask why?
Omg. Im a new reader and this fic is absolutely amazing. I love it. For I few minutes I thought. Omg there should be a scene but I saw your a/n and totally understood. Im the exact same way. Lol but you write amazing