Chapter Twelve

Resisting Fiery Attraction

Word Count: 4,812

Chapter 12

Kimy(You) POV

~Day Two~

Jimin must have thought that sneaking into my bedroom at six in the morning then slipping into bed with me would be extremely romantic and manly of him. Or some like that. Joke's on him, I gave him an elbow to the face and a bloody nose.

            "Jesus Kimy," Jimin said with a small smirk. Which is kind of hard because he's holding a bag of frozen peas to his nose, "You're always so jumpy. Maybe we should go back to your bedroom and blow off some steam" He says, indicating he wants to do something with me that humans do . And horizontal.

            "We just got the bleeding to stop, Jimin," I say with a sour face and annoyed voice, "don't make me start it again."

            We sat side by side at the kitchen counter, with Jimin nursing his injury. Most of the lights are off, just the one under the microwave offered the ability to see. And to my utter disgust the light worked in Jimin favour, illuminating the highest points of his face(his cheekbones and nose bridge) and casting shadows of his lashes and jawline. It was kind of pissing me off.

            "Damn, you're always so pushy," Jimin says casting me a look from over his package of frozen peas, "Rawr." His raised eyebrows suggests something ually deviant.

            "You practically elbowed your way into my bed." I point out dryly, "Just because we used to date doesn't mean you can get confident now. I might just call Chihoon-" I trail off. Jimin's eyes widen in panic.

            "Don't." He says, "I'll behave."

            His words would probably mean more if he didn't sound so just had satisfying with my girlfriend.

            "I'm done here," I say with a yawn, deciding that I definitely want to go sleep for the next couple of hours. It's already six, but today is Saturday. I mean, seriously? "I'm going back to bed."

            I get up and stretch out a little. Jimin tosses his bag of peas onto the counter and grabs my wrist anxiously.

            "You're going to leave me here?" He asks with change of character. His voice is innocent and I don't have to turn around to know he's pouting, "All alone? In pain?" He tugs gently on my sleeve.

            I turn back around and tilt my head to examine Jimin nose. My elbow didn't mess up Jimin's nose at all. In fact now that bleeding has stopped, I can't find any sort of bruise. I was kind of hoping to break it and then Jimin would have to live the rest of his life marred by a crooked nose. Serves him right, the little bastard.

            I place one finger on the top of Jimin's nose and softly apply pressure. Jimin actually winces a little which kind of worries me. But then he wrinkles his nose like a child, which I know would hurt if his nose was actually causing him pain right now.

            "Does it really hurt?" I ask.

            "Really," Jimin says with a quick nod. He looks a bit like a puppy waiting to be sympathized with. With a evil smirk, I suddenly pinch down on his nose. Hard.

            "Ow. Ow. ! ! Ow." Jimin complains, trying to twist away, but I just pinch harder. With an sugary apologetic smile I detach my fingers my Jimin nose and turn away.

            "I'm going to bed." I announce, leaving Jimin at the counter as I make my way to my room. There's a pause as Jimin tries to gather his thoughts, "you're not invited Jimin." I say when I here Jimin get up after me.

            "Wait, Kimy," something about Jimin's voice makes me turn. He offers me a boyish smile, "Sleep well."

            I'm surprised and I can feel a blush working it's way onto my cheeks, so before Jimin can catch it I let out a huff and storm into my room. This time, I lock the doors.


Four hours later I'm woken up by a pounding on my bedroom door.

            "Kimy-ah!" Jimin's familiar voice echos through my room and the banging on my door silences. I snuggle back into my covers and cram a pillow over my head. It's Saturday morning, what was his problem?

            "Kimy, wake up," Jimin's voice is low and so close to my head that I know he's somehow managed to get into my room. Next to me, the mattress sinks a bit under Jimins weight.

            "Go away Jimin," I order, not moving a fraction of a centimeter. Um I think not, there was no way Jimin was getting under my skin this time. He had already pissed me off by waking me up at the ungodly hour of 6am, what kind of was he trying to pull now?

            "I don't think so," he says and I can feel him slip under the covers. It's dark and he has no idea where I am, and even though the odds are against him he reaches out blindly and manages to find my knee. He gently slides the pads of his fingers up sensitive bare skin on the inside my thigh. My skin tingles in betrayal, pleasure shoots from my legs to every bit of my body.

            I struggle to keep my mouth shut, cursing because I wear old volleyball shorts to bed. Jimin stops halfway up my leg and I'm motionless in relief as the soft weight of his fingers are gone. Jimin wasn't didn't dictate my every move, if I wanted to stay in bed damn straight I was.

            But then my back stiffens again as his fingers are back, tracing small circles onto my exposed skin. Against my will I let out a short gasp. That small noise makes me want to hurl myself at some sort of impending danger, like sharks or stores without a clearance section.

            I don't have to be able to see to know that Jimin is smirking in satisfaction, and I'm unable to anything but kick him away from me.

            "You sonofa," I hiss peeking my head from inside the covers to where Jimin lays casually sitting up on the floor. I glare down at him as Jimin tips his head back and lets out a rough laugh. "Keep your fingers to yourself." I say, my voice is acid but I can't hide the red of my cheeks.

            "You seemed like you were enjoying it," Jimin says with a smug smirk. It's too much for me because without another thought I've launched myself from the bed and at Jimin. He catches me in surprise as we fall back on the floor but I don't want him to catch me. For the next five minutes Jimin and I struggle with me trying to pull him into a headlock so I can snap his neck.

            "You're so annoying," I say as he twists away to avoid a badly aimed punch. I was going to kill him. I was going to en kill him, nice and dead. His arms are still wrapped around me, and he looks almost amused to have me squirming in his lap. "Stop looking like you're enjoying this! Let go of me! I'm supposed to be beating you" I snap angrily, but I can't keep my flush off my face. I attempt another punch, kicking my legs out. His arms do nothing but tighten around me

            "Aw. Little Kimy is trapped," Jimin says and pinches my left cheek. My glare is murderous but all Jimin does is offer me an easy smile. My blood boils in irritation.

            I stop withering around and end up just laying on top of Jimin.

            "Kimy?" Jimin props himself up into a sitting position so now I'm just sort of gathered up in his lap. He still has one arm around me. I needed to get loose, I couldn't do anything caged in his arms like this. And by anything, I mean beat him to death with one of my bunny slippers.

            I don't trust myself to say anything without cursing at him so I just press my face into the crook of his neck.

            I'm almost blown away at how nice it feels to be sitting like this, how even though my pulse is pounding I have to suppress a smile as under me, Jimin stiffens in surprise. My attempt to get loose just gets his arms wrapped around me tighter.

            The goal is to get away. I chant as I draw my head up a little. My lips are brushing against the soft part of his neck, right where you can find his heartbeat. This is familiar, being with Jimin like this felt so surreal that I kind of wanted to embrace it and also maybe the fact that I had missed being held like this as well. As tough as I like to call myself, it felt really good to feel Jimin warmth through my thin hoodie and tank top.

            Muffling my betraying thoughts I trail teeth up higher. I feel his grip loosen and beneath me his chest begins to rise and fall faster. I have to bite down on my lip to keep from smiling because I know that I'm enjoying this. Jimin was someone who could very easily suppress his emotions and to see him struggle to do so with me(or at least not bother) was a nice feeling.

            "Kimy," his voice is rough and when Jimin's arm falls away for a split second I'm up and on my feet.

            My smirk is wicked as I examine his face. With dark, hooded eyes that glimmer with desire Jimin looks beyond frustrated. So I can still make him sweat. Advantage: Kimy.


Jimin POV

Something changed in Kimy's eyes. A confidence and I guess now she's realized just exactly what she can do to me.

            She sat next to in my car as I drove to the destination of our next date, eyes glued to her phone. Her slim fingers slid across the surface of the touch screen, probably scrolling through a social networking site.

            I drove mindlessly as my thoughts wandered back to the morning. Kimy had pressed herself against me, willing for the first time in awhile. Sure she had been trying to escape, but I couldn't help get the feeling she kind of enjoyed playing around with me.

            "Jimin..." I turned to look at Kimy just as she turned to look at me. There was realization on her face, as she recognized where we were headed. "Where are we going?"

            "I have no idea." I say honestly.

            Her eyes get large, "What do you mean? You said that you where taking me out, not en kidnapping me."

            "Fine, I'm kidnapping you so we can do naughty things in a dirty motel," I announce. Kimy scrunches her nose.

            "Ew, Jimin," She says with an annoyed face.

            I laugh loudly, turning a corner easily and righting the car again on the street.

            "I'm going to put my headphones in," Kimy threatens.

            "We're going to hit the highway soon and it's at least a three hour drive to the coast." I say, "Maybe you should put your headphones in. I think there's a pillow in the back." I offer leaning forward in my seat to watch for a car passing me.

            "Okay," Kimy says quietly and begins fishing around her bag for her headphones. We're silent for a few moments as Kimy sorts through her things. I prop my elbow on the arm rest positioned between us and pull into the highway. It's easy driving from here, just straight to our destination. Or at least I think so. I haven't been to the coast in at least a year but I'm too lazy to look up directions.

            Suddenly I feel something cold slip into my ear and I turn to see Kimy slid the other half of her headphones into her ear. I'm about to open my mouth to say something but I feel Kimy loop her arm around my bicep and rest her head on my shoulder. Her head is a nice warm weight on my arm. Over Kimy's head I watch her shuffle on her music. If You Love Me begins to pour softly from my headphone. She puts the phone in her lap and in the reflection of the small mirror charm hanging from my dashboard I can see her close her eyes.

            I can't stop my large smile or ignore my quickened heartbeat as Kimy shifts her weight. This was the first she's willing leaned on me, not just physically but I could see the trust that I had broken when I had left begin to rebuild itself. I knew Kimy still had feelings for me, I just needed her to accept them again. I would work harder, I needed to because Kimy had subconsciously started to fall back to me.


Kimy(You) POV

            I didn't sleep at all. Three and a half hour long car ride and I wide awake for it all. Honestly I was dozing off all, but before I could actually fall asleep Jimin did something like bury his nose in my hair or some and made me jump out of skin.

            Screw him, but through the mirror charm that hung on the dash board I kept stealing glances at him. He looked unbelievably handsome driving with one hand on the wheel and lightly bobbing his head to whatever song was playing on my phone. We used to share music like this a lot; walking home, snuggling on the couch, bus rides(the boy didn't always have a car).

            When we finally came to a stop I feel Jimin gently shift his arm underneath me so he can pull the car into the correct gear, then very unromantically begins poking my nose.

            "What the hell," I mutter, swatting blindly at his hand. I feel his laugh and get kind of annoyed so I yank my headphone out and shake my hair back into it's place. Jimin smirks, dangling his headphone in his clever fingers. I snatch it from him and quickly wrap them around my phone.

            "Are we here?" I whirling around to stare at the gray storm clouds that hover over the expanse of water. I know that Jimin wants an explanation for why I decided to get all cuddly for the car ride, but I honestly don't know why either.

            "Yep," Jimin says quietly. He pulls his keys out of the ignition and we both are silent as we gaze out at the ocean. We're parked at quite a full parking lot that directly faces the ocean. Because it's the freaking dead of winter, the beach should be deserted and completely empty of life but today the entire stretch of boardwalk between the parking lot and the beach is swarmed with people.

            "Why is it so busy?" Jimin asks no one in particular. I shurg, watching a several pairs of couples make a beeline to a plastic table set up at what seems to be the middle of all the chaos. A tall older woman stands behind what looks like a twelve year old kid, who dimples at the sight of the couples and offers them packets of papers.

            "Let's go find out," Jimin says and unlocks the car doors. A cold breeze immediately bursts into the car and surprises me.

            "Holy its cold," I say, not wanting to get out of the warm heated car. I wrap my arms around my stomach, wishing I had worn a few more layers under my rather thin sweatshirt.

            "It's not that bad," Jimin stretches after stepping out. He keeps the door open and pushes the back of his seat down so he can reach into the back of the car. "Here. I left this in here a few days ago." He hands me a thick black scarf.

            "Thank you," I don't even bother to deny the fabric and instead wind it around my neck. Jimin grins as I fiddle with the scarf, trying to arrange it into a somewhat stylish knot. Giving up, I just bury the bottom half of my face in it and stuff my hands in my pockets.

            Without saying anything Jimin shuts his door and walks around the front of the car so he can open mine.

            "What a gentleman," I say, mock impressed as I step outside. "Holy mother of god it's freezing." I almost jump as another cold gust forces its way through the knit of my jumper.

            "It's part of my charm, and we can snuggle if you get cold." Jimin offers graciously. I sniff at him and with as much dignity I can muster, which I realize isn't that much because I am wearing his goddamn muffler, and stride over to where the crowd is.

            "Hello ma'am, are you and your boyfriend here to enter Young Miss Isabelle's contest?" A woman asks me the second she spots me. I widen my eyes but before I can say anything, Jimin walks up to stand next to me.

            "What contest?" He asks curiously. The woman's smile deepens when she lays eyes on Jimin gorgeous face. Before anyone can speak, there's another large gust of wind. Jimin's hand flashes forward to clamp around arm as I also lurch in the direction of the wind.

            "That was unexpected," I manage to say, righting myself and pulling my sleeves to cover my fingers. Jimin turns to me a grin. Around us there's a lot a squealing as girls continue to clutch their boyfriends, terrified of another wind. Most girls hair have escaped from their hoods and now whip around dangerously.

            "Truly," the woman agrees. "It's too bad, Young Miss didn't expect this weather so quite a few couples backed out. Why don't you and your boyfriend try for the competition? There's large prize for the winner."

            Jimin and I exchange looks.

            "Please attend," The woman says with sad eyes, it's just two hours of your day. Please?"


            "How the hell did you convince me to do this?" I ask, shivering in a dress so short it was a crime to wear it in this weather. Jimin and I stand next to each other on a wooden platform as a crew of stylists bustle around us. The platform is to protect our clothes and shoes from the sand on the beach. The stylists buzzing around us brandish makeup brushes and and styling tools so hot they steam in the cold winter air.

            Jimin smirks from were he stands, "Once the lady explained the contest you practically begged me to sign us up." I raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

            "Who begged who?" I ask, wincing as one of the girls decidedly yanked my hair too hard. She murmured an apology then pulled harder.

            "You begged me." Jimin says, either he doesn't get what I'm trying to say or he just wants me to get worked up. It's probably the latter.

            "Please, you signed us up while the lady distracted me with the coffee machine." I accuse. Jimin shrugs with an innocent face.

            "Is it my fault that your highly unobservant?"

            "You little ." I say trying to hold still as one of the girls starts curling hair close to my face. "I would like you to know that if there wasn't curling wand so close to my face I would beat you up."

            Jimin has the nerve to laugh.

            "But seriously Jimin? A photoshoot? Dating you kills my brain cells." I say with a large sigh. Jimin laughs again.

            "Relax. They're taking couple photos, not wedding pictures."

            I'm contemplating whether or not I could kick my five inch stiletto at him when one of our stylists begins to speak . She's not as young as the rest of the stylists, but she's pretty in an older way, and she seems to be positively glowing in happiness making me 99% sure she was pregnant.

            "You two are quite the couple." She comments as she fishes through a large bag of what looks to be filled completely with single eyeshadow pots. "Normally for these shoots, the theme is soft and caring but you two seem to be the absolute opposite."

            I turn to her in interest, finally a stylist who didn't see our little spats as the side affect of being deliriously in love. I give Jimin a smug look.

            "Cute innocent puppy love?" The woman continues with a foxy grin in our direction, "No. You two are more like a fiery mess of attraction and passion." I blink at her words, blown away at how such a sweet woman could have such a knowing smile on her face.

            It's Jimin's turn to smile smugly at me.

            "Wipe that smirk off your face," I simper, "before use this mascara wand to gorge your eyes out."

            "Rawr," Jimin responds without missing a beat.

            Before anything drastic could happen, like me throwing myself across the platform to carry out my promise, a rather confused looking man stumbles into our setup tailed by a prim woman. The older woman's mostly gray hair is swept into a tight bun, all stray hair pinned back, and clipped in her ear is a slim black piece of metal that is a headset.

            "You two are contestants twenty-one? Lee Kimy and Park Jimin?" Her voice is clipped as she reads off her clipboard and without waiting for a response she continues, "This is your photographer. You all have fifteen minutes to complete your wardrobe and makeup looks before the shoot must begin, then fourty-five minutes to complete photo shoot. Good luck and I must be going." She doesn't look up once from the papers in front of her before she's moving to another group of stylists.

            "Well isn't she lovely?" Jimin says dryly. I allow a small smile onto my face before remembering that I'm angry at him.

            "Just shut up Jimin, before I use the sand to scrape your skin bloody." I hiss. Jimin grins at me.

            "Your threats are getting creative," He says as one of the stylists approaches him with a eyeliner pencil, "No more ripping my ball out-Lady, what are you doing with that?" Jimin's cut off as the woman grab his face and brandishes the eyeliner.

            With that horrified look on his face you'd think someone killed his bunny, but without a word the woman begins lining the bottom of his eyes.

            "Holy , woman, I could barely sit though the crap you smeared on my face. Is the eyeliner really needed?" Jimin asks, pulling away. The woman doesn't say anything and instead grasps his jaw and attacks his waterline again.

            "Aw. Poor Baby Jiminie." I coo from my spot. Jimin looks over at me, his eyes display a wicked sad puppy glimmer. I can't stop the corner of my lips from quirking up at his obvious discomfort.

            "Ajumma, please-wow, that is really close to my eye." Jimin's pleading voice goes up several octaves as he shifts around anxiously, not wanting to move in fear of the pencil skewering his eye.

            Laughter bubbles up and I almost topple over, the stylists around me murmur softly in complaint, but it's all I can do to keep the tears in my eyes from ruining my makeup.

            "Kimy-ah," I look up at his voice and my smile slowly fades as I catch the look in his eyes, "I will punish you for teasing me." His voice is naughty and I'm almost thrown by his smirk, but before a blush can works it's way onto my cheeks the woman working on Jimin's makeup begins on his other eye and he begins squealing like a pig again.


            As it turns out, the woman we talked to wasn't lying. The entire photoshoot took her promised two hours, and only about thirty minutes of it was the actually shoot.

            Thirty minutes of HUMILIATION.

            Once the stylists had finished our makeup, the quickly herded us to a worn looking loveseat whose back faced the gray sky and ocean. This was the scene or "prop" for our shoot, as our team of stylists explained. 

            Jimin and I strode up to it. Well Jimin strode, I kind of hopped around because the five inch heels I had been roped into wearing kept sinking into the sand. Thankfully there was another platform of cardboard set up in front of the couch.

            "This is it?" I ask, over the suddenly roaring wind holding hair away from my face avoid blinding myself from a stray lock of hair slapping me in the eye. Our poor stylists, who had patiently curled every bit of my hair and then arranged it in some weird complicated updo, looked like they wanted to cry as they watched us from the safety of tent set up for staff. My hair had been ripped from it's neat arrangement the second we stepped on to the beach unprotected by tents, bobby pins had scattered everywhere. 

            Lesson learned, hair spray is no match for winds coming off the ocean.

            "I guess so," Jimin says walking around the cardboard. I shivered in the wind, my dress was a deep red, knee length, and chiffon so the cold material whipped around legs. The dress was no help against the freezing winds, and I was really beginning to envy Jimin's charcoal gray suit which came with pants and everything. 

            Jimin has the mind to offer me an apologetic smile and grabs the thin gray blanket off the couch to wrap around me. 

            "It's pretty cold isn't it?" He says, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. He eventually just snakes them around my waist and positions us so it's his back that gets hit by the bulk of the winds.

            I'm both extremely grateful of his very boyfriend-like actions and unbelievably pissed off because he's the bastard that go us into this mind numbing situation.

            We both turn to the photographer's tent for instructions, where the staff begins to set up the camera and other equipment. The stylists had huddled into a small circle and now they motion at us, beckoning us over.

            "Both of us?" I ask hopefully as Jimin's hands tighten around my waist. They shake their heads and call over the wind.

            "Just Jimin-ssi," we hear. Jimin lets go of me, a reluctant look on his face as gently grabs my mass of hair whipping around in the wind and throws it in the direction of the wind. The tickling feeling of the tips of my hair disappears as the length is waving in the direction of the wind. And while this does offer some relief to my suffering, is honestly just makes me ten times more goddamn cold.

            "I'll be back," he says, leaning so he can whisper into my ear. His warm breath fans over my neck for a millisecond before the cold wind carries it away.

            "Take your time," I mutter defiantly, pulling the blanket closer to me, "I won't miss you." With a grin, Jimin taps my wrinkled nose, then pulls away to walk over to the tent. The warmth that had just begun to seep back into my body is immediately ripped from me and I almost shudder at the sudden cold.

            I grit my teeth and drap the blanket up closer to my neck, thinking about how I had read somewhere you loose the most body heat from your head.

            "Bastard," I grumbles, glaring at the back of Jimin's head as he talks to the rest of the conspirators (stylists). I amuse myself with the idea of a large seagull attacking Jimin from above and carrying him off to feed to her babies. But then he turns around and his mouth spreads into his heartbreaking smile.

            I turn away. Whatever.

            A few moments later Jimin walks back to where I stand, my teeth have begun to chatter and he wraps his arms back around my waist. In front of us the photographer works his way up towards us and settles down in the sand.

            "Please begin." He says. I move a hand to pull the blanket off and dump it on the couch but before I can ask the photographer what to do Jimin plops down on the couch and pulls me down on his lap.

            "Oh god." I mutter as I almost slip off of him in an attempt to achieve balance. "Would you stop this."

            "Stop what?" Jimin murmurs, brushing his lips on my neck in a way that I can feel his mouth form into a smile. The photographer begins firing off his flash. "Stop moving and smile."

            I grit my teeth then turn to face the camera with a sugary smile.

A/N: Omigod, I just realized I forgot the entire beginning half of this chapter... Sorry!

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Chapter 15: I am wondering if you'll update this story. Its beautiful I wish you will update sooner or later.
first time to read a Jimin ff and i enjoyed it~ Thanks to you.
please update soon. I'd really like if you tease Jimin more ... with jealousy maybe?
This is a nice story. Fighting^^
taetaeissocute #3
Chapter 15: pleasee update soon, really love this story, aww i cant imagine jiminnie become like this
Chapter 15: Please update soon~
eunnahstory #5
Chapter 15: You dont want to delete this story right??
WonZiGyuMin #6
Chapter 15: You're deleting this story? May i ask why?
Omg. Im a new reader and this fic is absolutely amazing. I love it. For I few minutes I thought. Omg there should be a scene but I saw your a/n and totally understood. Im the exact same way. Lol but you write amazing