Don't Send Me Away

The Tale of Snow White
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"If you're not from around here, where do you come from?" Kyuhyun asked with curiousity as he parked his car in the basement. "I'm from a kingdom of Lavidia," replied Baek Seol as she followed him up to his apartment floor. 

"Never heard of such place," said Kyuhyun. 

"It's a world of fantasy and anything you can imagine," Baek Seol told him. 

"Let me guess. Like animals can talk and there are fairies, pixies, elves, mermaids and fairy tale creatures," said Kyuhyun. Baek Seol nod her head and said, "Yep. All that stuff you can imagine. However, they don't come out from the shores that much. They are very shy."

"Then, let me ask you something. How come you know how to speak my language?" asked Kyuhyun.

"Oh! My mother is Korean. My father is French. That's why I can speak your language," replied Baek Seol. "I can speak French too." Kyuhyun unlock the door with his keys and they both enter. Baek Seol can see a big mess in the house. "Oh my! Is this where you live?" 

"Yeah. It's not very big though. But hey, at least I have a house to stay," chuckled Kyuhyun. "I apologize for the mess." Baek Seol just kept on staring at his messy house. However, she still hasn't found out the place she is in. "Sir, may I----" 

"It's Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun imnida," Kyuhyun interrupted by introducing his name. 

"Where am I exactly? What is this kingdom I am in," asked Baek Seol.

"You're in a country actually. A real world to be precise. Welcome to Seoul, South Korea," replied Kyuhyun. 

"No wonder those rude people kept on speaking Korean to me," said Baek Seol. "I heard of your country by my mother when I was little. By the way, I like your name. Cho Kyuhyun. It suits you well."

Kyuhyun smile and look down. "Kamsahamnida. And you are?"

"Oh, yes! I'm Baek Seol," giggled Baek Seol. "Perhaps you heard of me." 

"Baek Seol.......Baek Seol......hmmm.....I believe I heard of you." Kyuhyun thought for a moment until he is familiar with her. "Yes! Of course! You're that beautiful princess who lived with the seven dwarfs! Am I right? My mother used to read that story to me when I was a kid." 

"That's me!" said Baek Seol with a smile. "However, I don't stay in a dwarfs' cottage."

"I see." Kyuhyun began to yawn. "Anyways, I'm tired. You can stay here for the night. By morning, you can leave and return to wherever you come from."

Baek Seol gasped, for she knew she can't return home. "Oh no. I can't!" 

"Not by walking, you can't. I'll call the travel agent and I'll get you a taxi to the airport," said Kyuhyun. 

"No, really. I can't. You don't understand," Baek Seol tried to explain. But Kyuhyun just said, "Enough arguments. Get some rest. You must be tired now." Baek Seol has no choice but to get some shut eye. Kyuhyun showed her to the guest room. "You can rest in here. Good night."

"Good night," Baek Seol sighed in disappointment. She has yet to tell him her reason but she has to wait till morning. She lie on the bed, close her eyes and went to dream land. She dreamt about her friends back home in Lavidia. 


Morning came. Baek Seol woke up early. She could see Kyuhyun sleeping soundly in his bedroom. She decided to clean up his entire house. She click her tongue at the mess all around. "Gosh! Does he really keep his house clean?" Then, she has an idea. "I know what I'll do! I'll call for help from the animals in this place. Would Kyuhyun be surprised?" She open the window and sang a song to call the animals. Baek Seol's song for the animals not only works in Lavidia. It effects the animals in Korea as well. 

When they heard her song, a few stray puppies from the streets ran towards the direction of singing voice. Following them are the bees, pigeons, squirrels, mice and stray cats. The people who saw them freaked out in fright. 

Inside the house, Baek Seol was humming to a tune when she heard a scratch from the door. She open it and the animals enters. They all crowded around her. "Hello," she greeted. She could hear barks coming from the puppies. She knew that the animals don't tal

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i edited chapter 10 and 11.


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Konegin_Elsa #1
Chapter 12: Hi :) I read this fan fiction about Kyuhyun and it was so romantic, I really appreciated it. Reading the text I noticed that the story is really similar to the movie 'Enchanted', do you took inspiration from it?
Anyway you did a great job with your story :)

Chapter 12: Wow! You're amazing! I love the storyline! This reminds me of the movie Enchanted! You write so well! I love reading your stories. Pls update me if you have something new so I can read it right away.

Chapter 3: I'm happy when finally Kyuhyun makes an appearance :D
And I lol'd so hard reading the part when Kyu and silly Baek Seol interact, soo funny xD
Chapter 1: I just read the first chapter and it seems promising. I actually enjoy reading fairy tales retelling combined with modern setting :)
lulu88 #5
Chapter 12: The evil queen is dead and the lovely couple are married with a little daughter , happy ending :D
lulu88 #6
Chapter 9: What is kyuhyun going to do now ???????
lulu88 #7
Chapter 7: Awwwww that was sweeeet :)
Her stepmom is planing to kill her again :(
lulu88 #8
Chapter 4: Hahahahaha sending lunch with doves really !!!!!! funny :)
lulu88 #9
Chapter 3: It's different story line from the main story line of snow white , but it seems like she will keep making a lot of troubles hehehe.
I subbed first!!! XD haha