
so. this is the last part of part 1

next chapter which i call part 2 is the ty chapter

probably post it after school today

leave me comments




    Hongbin grinned widely when he realised that he got to play Hide-and-Seek on running man.

Their team was doing rather well. Four people captured and it was their second time to hide when Hongbin ly fast enough to see the cameraman hit the floor and the stun gun charge before touching his neck. everything went black.

    When he woke up, everything was in pain. He coughed once before opening his eyes. He realised that he had been stripped of his shirt and thrown into a tiny closet of a room, leaving him crumpled for who knows how long with his neck at an unnatural angle. There was a surveillance camera in the corner and barely enough light for the camera to be able to see him clearly.

    He sat up and rubbed his neck. The crackly sound of a speaker on its last legs startled him.

    “You’re awake.” the voice said. Hongbin glared up at the camera as he recognised the voice of the first scientist who worked on him. “You weren’t this well defined when we built you. have you been working out?”  he asked.

    Hongbin continued to glare while crossing his arms and not speaking.

     “Are you incapable of speech?”  Hongbin just stared at the camera. He was counting down the minutes he would get out.


The game was called off. Sanghyuk had grabbed the camera from the cameraman just before he regained consciousness.  

"What do we do?" He asked.

Ken grabbed the camera and watched the footage.  He snarled and pulled out his phone.  He started to tap quickly at the tiny glass screen, instructing his various Internet friends to do things.  His phone blipped and bleeped as he worked before he finally pulled out a tablet and started something of his own.

"What's he doing?" Minseok asked.

"Shh. He's got this." Ravi said confidently.

"Do you have anyone who can go get him?" Ken asked. "Need to be big and intimidating."

"Uh. .. The media protection guys?"

"They follow instructions well?"

"To the letter."

"How soon can you get them here?"


Hongbin woke up strapped to another table. Not again he thought. They tried to gas him, but when they realised that it wouldn’t work, they sent a strong electrical current through all of the flat surfaces in the room, sufficiently knocking him out.


"I can't do this." The young doctor with a scalpel standing over Hongbin said loud enough for the camera to hear.

"Do you want to lose the doctorate you worked so hard to get?"

"Isn't there at least a local we can give him?" He asked.

"Just do it." The voice ordered. "If it's inoperative, we need to take back the parts and start again."

The young doctor looked at Hongbin apologetically and Hongbin whispered "stall for time." The doctor nodded before dropping his scalpel. He very slowly got a new one and noticed that Hongbin was alternating between looking at him and looking expectantly at the camera.

"Really sorry about this. I'll try to keep the damage to a minimum."

Hongbin nodded and steeled himself for the pain. He'd gone through this before right? He stared at the camera as the doctor cut into his skin.

Hongbin let out a small pained whimper. The doctor pulled out a tiny chip from the incision.

"I have the tracking chip." The doctor said.

"Good job, Kris" The voice said. "Next, we need the information retrieval system."

"We need your heroes to get here soon, I can only do this for so long." He whispered as he wiped the spot on Hongbin's neck free of blood.

"Kris." The voice warned.

"I'm really sorry."

When Kris cut into the first few layers of skin, the door flew open and he cut deeper than he intended. “” Kris hissed as he tried to staunch the bleeding. The large men who busted in tried to take Hongbin away from Kris. "! I need to stay with him." Kris shouted as he tried to hold tightly to Hongbin's neck.

Over the loudspeaker they heard struggling wherever the other doctor was.

The guards finally backed away until Kris was done. Hongbin clung to Kris' lab coat until the guards let Kris come along as they wheeled him out.

They made it back to the office, pulling into the underground parking lot. Ravi and Minseok were waiting by the door. Kris walked with Hongbin's arm over his shoulder and his arm around the model's waist.

"What did you do to him?" Ravi was about to attack when he saw the blood on them.

"We need to get him inside so I can look him over. Then feel free to kick the crap out of me."

Ravi immediately lost the desire to fight.

They sat in an office room and Hongbin was listing to the side as Kris pulled a few instruments out of his pockets.

"Say aah." Hongbin made a hissing noise.

He pulled another tool out of his pocket and apologised before sticking it in Hongbin's mouth. He gagged. "Please don't puke on me." He pled. "I just need to see if the scalpel actually made it into your throat."

He determined that there wasn't anything physically wrong with Hongbin's throat and that he just needed rest until the outside healed. He patched Hongbin up as well as he could and instructed him not to talk for a while... Just in case.

The model made a hand gesture about wanting his phone.

He could be my doctor since he knows how I tick.

Minseok looked at Kris before looking at Hongbin.

"Can we trust him?"

Do we have much choice?


Hongbin had been stuck in bed for a week.  He had been expressly forbidden to speak and only allowed to eat soft foods. When Kris had decided it was ok for Hongbin to whisper, he couldn't say anything.

He had seen Ravi once since he had been brought home. He understood the other man had to work on the album but he missed seeing his best friend. He was thankful that they were at least able to text. Hongbin still locked himself in his room. For a while he wrote lyrics. He got a text from Ravi showing off their new makeup for their debut.

Hongbin's breath caught in his throat.


From: King Kong

... You're ing gorgeous

He responded.


From: Blue Raviberry

It's a ty picture. You know I'm the weird looking band member. Don't lie.

Hongbin would have called to yell at him if he could. There was a knock on the door.

"Hongbin. You alive?" Minseok asked.

Hongbin slammed his fist against the door then sat against the door so the smaller man wouldn't try to get in. He resumed texting Ravi.


From: King Kong

  If I didn't love you so much, I'd kick the crap out of you for being an idiot.

From: Blue Raviberry
  What did I tell you?

From: King Kong
  Yeah Yeah, you don't feel like that. Doesn't mean I don't.

He frowned at his phone and sniffled.

From: Blue Raviberry
I gotta get going. Album … you know.

He was doing the avoiding thing again.

Hongbin stared at the picture on his phone for what seemed like forever. Logically he knew Ravi would eventually come around. It was still hard on him and his face crumpled as tears ran down his face.

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I'm really really enjoying this story and I hope you write more! Good luck with school and everything ^_^
kpopharemland1 #2
Chapter 8: The ships you make are brilliant!
Think you're the first that puts members of different groups together.
I love you!
kpopharemland1 #3
Chapter 6: Blue ravine try, omg, hahaha
Chapter 11: This is awesome I can't stop thinking of what will happen next huhu please update quickly author~
Theora #5
Chapter 11: Dammit. Keep writing, you little . NEED MOAR STOREH. Also, RaBin - far too adorable. I'm gonna die. MOAR RABIN. MOAR STOREH. Kthx.
shikey #6
Chapter 1: it's actually interesting hope to see new chapters