eight: music business


blabity bla please leave comments and stuff



    “Didn’t you sleep?” Minseok asked as Hongbin sipped his mocha on the couch in the studio. He was wearing dark sunglasses to cover the bags under his eyes.

    “Thinking about too many things… I slept a little. Couldn’t have my ‘first meeting’ with my new band be a total failure.” He grumbled.

    “Well… I’m going to meet them outside. stay out of trouble” Minseok said.

    “Yessir” he gave a sloppy salute as his manager walked off. he noticed a piano shoved into the corner and set to warming up his throat. It wouldn’t do to mess up his voice so soon into his career now would it.

    He was singing scales when he was startled by arms around his chest and a quick bite to his ear.


    Ravi fell over laughing as soon as he let go of Hongbin (read: was elbowed quite harshly in the stomach) the others looked at him in shock for doing that to the Lee Hongbin. They knew he had somehow gotten a record deal. He never told them how.

    “Ravi… did you get a record deal by sleeping with Lee Hongbin?” Hakyeon asked.

    “We’re not ing.” They both said as they looked up at him.

    “Couldda fooled me.” Minseok said.

    “We were wrestling!” Hongbin whined.

    “Was this clothing optional wrestling?” Taekwoon asked.

    “Not you too, Leo” Hongbin pouted.

    Everyone stopped laughing and looked at him.

    “How did you know my name?” He stepped closer to Hongbin and spoke quietly but clearly. people who didn't know Taekwoon would have been intimidated with this, but he knew the other man too well. Violence was usually the last thing on his mind.

Hongbin looked at Ravi.

    “You want the truth or the fabricated story that sounds more realistic?” He answered after it was apparent that Ravi still wasn’t going to be of any help.

    “How can the lie sound more realistic than the truth?” Sanghyuk asked, thinking it was supremely odd that Taekwoon hadn’t successfully intimidated him.  

    “Because I am… was Do Kyungsoo” he replied.

    “That’s not funny.” Jaehwan said. ”Did you even think of Ravi’s feelings- our feelings when you thought up this bull?”

    “Do I look like I’m enjoying this, Jaehwan?” He flinched when Hongbin raised his voice slightly. “It was thanks to Wonsik that I even remember who I am- was. And stop hacking Ravi’s text logs.” He looked at his friend for a moment. "Did Ravi ask you to try to recover the info I needed?"

    “There was so much deleted info I think you needed to be a little more specific. But now I know what the hell is going on, I think I might be able to narrow it down.”

    “The more info you can recover, the more likely they’ll be shut down right?” Ravi asked

    “Except you can’t use illegally obtained evidence in court.” Minseok replied.

    “Who said anything about court? We’re gonna post this on the internet” Jaehwan grinned.

    “Please don’t mention my (or any of the parts used to make the new me’s) names. I don’t want to have to hide from random governments for the rest of my life.” Hongbin begged.

    “Wouldn’t do to have one of my best friends be a guinea pig… especially since you’re obviously the band’s visual now.”

    “I what?”

    “You’re the prettiest. You get to represent the band and we get to stick you in dresses.”

    “Goddammit I hate you.”

    “No you don’t.” Jaehwan blew a kiss at him.


    They spent the next few weeks preparing for their album. Writing, recording photoshoots, predebut promotions and interviews. Inevitably, Hongbin ended up where Jongdae was interning at again.

    “There’s gotta be a reason you stopped the blog. Why were you pretending to be Kyungsoo? Was it so you could pretend to be a stupid jerk in public, but in reality you’re intelligent and witty or-”

    Hongbin covered Jongdae’s mouth with his hand.”I’m not Kyungsoo. I’m not at liberty to say what happened to him. Please, can you leave it at that?”

    “I need to know. Talking to you was the highlight of my sad day and then you just… stopped. I don’t really have friends out here-”

    “Stop! just- just stop already!” Hongbin demanded. “I can’t-” he stopped speaking when he felt a hand clamp onto his shoulder.

    “What’s wrong?” Leo asked Jongdae.

    “He insists he’s not the guy who wrote a blog I used to like even though he totally is.” Jongdae told him.

    “Do you two know each other?” Hongbin asked.

    “No.” Leo said, never taking his eyes off of the intern.

    “But you’d like to. Isn’t your wife going to have a problem with this?”

    “You have a wife?” Jongdae asked, sufficiently distracted from the previous conversation.

    “I think he’s in the men’s room, currently trying to seduce our manager.” Leo continued to stare.
    “Leo, Jongdae, Jongdae, Leo. Don’t get pregnant.” Hogbin said before walking away. Jongdae went to follow, but was blocked by Leo who wanted a chat.

    Hongbin sat on an overstuffed couch and closed his eyes for a moment. Taekwoon was right. Hakyeon was in the men’s room with Minseok.

    “We can’t…” Hakyeon pulled the smaller man in for another kiss, “This is unprofessional…” he gasped when Hakyeon dragged his tongue along the curve of his jaw to just below his ear.

     “You realise that I WILL taste every inch of your skin eventually, yes?” Minseok whimpered when the taller man pressed the heel of his palm against the front of Minseok’s jeans.

    Hongbin’s eyes shot open when he felt more than heard Ravi come in and sit next to him on the couch. “Are you ok?”

    “Hm?” Hongbin looked nervous.

    “You’re flushed and your breathing is irregular” Ravi pressed a cool hand to Hongbin’s forehead. the singer flinched. “your cheeks are pink.”

    Hongbin jumped to his feet and ran out the door to the van. He sat in the back, biting a knuckle and staring out the window at anything that would distract him from thinking of Ravi’s cool hands on him. soon, everyone had piled into the van and they were headed to their next schedule.

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I'm really really enjoying this story and I hope you write more! Good luck with school and everything ^_^
kpopharemland1 #2
Chapter 8: The ships you make are brilliant!
Think you're the first that puts members of different groups together.
I love you!
kpopharemland1 #3
Chapter 6: Blue ravine try, omg, hahaha
Chapter 11: This is awesome I can't stop thinking of what will happen next huhu please update quickly author~
Theora #5
Chapter 11: Dammit. Keep writing, you little . NEED MOAR STOREH. Also, RaBin - far too adorable. I'm gonna die. MOAR RABIN. MOAR STOREH. Kthx.
shikey #6
Chapter 1: it's actually interesting hope to see new chapters