nothing like i planned


out of class for the weekend

hot as balls here

and i have a lot of stuff to do this weekend, 

probably going to try to work on this stupid story instead though

coments are love

so yeah

ty chapter

you can skip this chapter if you want

    The next day Ravi got a phone call

    "Ravi.  He's locked himself in his room and won't come out for anything. What do we do?" Minseok shouted into the phone.

    "I'll be over in a second"


An hour later he came over with a backpack and told Minseok to leave for a while.


    "Hongbin. Open the door. I need to see you... I'm worried." He said with his forehead against the wood. He knew Hongbin was still leaning against the door and felt when the other man got up to let him in. "Sorry I haven't been by. They still want me to keep getting ready for our debut."

Hongbin nodded as Ravi wedged into the space in the door.

    Hongbin had been crying silently for who knows how long. His red, puffy eyes spoke volumes. Ravi took in his appearance and made a small, pitying ‘oh’ noise before grabbing the back of Hongbin's neck and pressing their lips together.

Hongbin looked surprised, but Ravi pulled him in for another kiss before he could ‘say’ anything. This time Hongbin opened his mouth a little and kissed back.

Ravi dropped his bag with a loud thunk and pressed Hongbin against the door making it slam shut.

Hongbin exhaled loudly when Ravi ground against him.

The Blue haired man continued pressing insistent kisses against Hongbin's lips while ing Hongbin's shirt. One button for every kiss.

Once the shirt was ed completely, Ravi cupped Hongbin's face and kissed him hard. Their tongues pushed against each other and twisted until Hongbin broke away to gasp when Ravi’s warm hands ran up his stomach.

He slowly peeled the black shirt from his shoulders as he kissed down Hongbin's jaw and neck. Hongbin pushed Ravi away gently when he ran his tongue across the jagged scar forming on his throat. he was amazed at how quickly it healed.

    "Sorry. .. Does it still hurt?"

Hongbin was flushed and panting, but he shook his head and covered his throat with his hand. Ravi nodded in understanding.

    "But there's a spot here," Ravi gently sank his teeth into the side of Hongbin's neck and Hongbin a harsh breath through his teeth before pulling Ravi closer by his shirt "that made you shake when I kissed it." He chuckled lowly and the sound gave Hongbin goosebumps..

Ravi paid more attention to that spot until Hongbin was clawing at his back and grinding fruitlessly against the leg that had him pinned to the door.

Hongbin pushed against the other man again before pulling Ravi’s t-shirt over his head and throwing it somewhere.

Ravi growled when their bare chests made contact and kissed him again.

They ground against each other desperately, occasionally breaking their kisses to gasp for air. Ravi looked at Hongbin, taking in his spit slicked lips and heaving chest. He kissed him once more before dropping to his knees and pulling Hongbin's pants down far enough to free his .

    He hungrily his lips before looking up at Hongbin and smirking at his expression which went from surprised to what Ravi thought was adorably scrunched up when he took the entirety of Hongbin's length past his lips and started to bob his head quickly.

Ravi held his hip when he felt Hongbin's legs go slack, no longer wanting to support him. His eyes were clenched shut and he was gasping through his teeth. His fingers were twitching and he was making fists before slamming them against the door behind him and unclenching his fingers. Ravi stopped and looked up at him.

    "You ok?" He nodded rapidly but never opened his eyes. "Hey, open your eyes. Look at me." He shook his head rapidly. Ravi grabbed his hand and gently squeezed his wrist until his hand relaxed. He placed the hand on his head. "If you look, I'll let you my mouth as hard as you want." Hongbin opened his eyes in shock. He'd never thought he'd ever hear Ravi speak like that. "That's the spirit." He smirked before he the head free of precum while maintaining eye contact. he swiped his tongue across the sensitive skin three or four times before kissing the end.

    Hongbin stared, mesmerised as the crown disappeared past Ravi’s stretched lips. His hips involuntarily canted forward and Ravi moaned around him.

Hongbin made a tiny noise in his throat. Ravi did it again. Hongbin's fingers clenched in Ravi's hair and he snapped his hips forward. The Blue haired man's eyes nearly rolled into his head.

If Hongbin knew how much he loved being used like this, he'd probably never hear the end of it. he relaxed his throat enough so he wouldn’t gag, but he found that he could make Hongbin’s hips stutter violently if he swallowed at just the right time.

Hongbin stopped moving suddenly. A noise bubbled in his throat when he came that wanted to be a moan and Ravi hummed while hard.

    ". .. Wonsik. .." Hongbin managed to groan as Ravi swallowed as much as he could.

He whimpered when Ravi cleaned him off with tiny .

After a few moments, of Hongbin staring down at Ravi, the blue haired man stood and started to pull up Hongbin's pants. Hongbin grabbed his wrists and shuffled them to the bed.

    "What? No, it's fine.  I can deal with-" He groaned loudly as Hongbin palmed him roughly through his jeans and pushed him to lay down.

Hongbin clumsily crawled out of his pants before straddling Ravi.

"Are you sure?" He asked as Hongbin leaned over to grab something from his night stand. Hongbin bent to kiss him and placed a small bottle and a in his hand.

    "I get jealous."

Hongbin kissed him.

    "And I'm possessive."

He groaned as Hongbin kissed down his neck

    "and I'm still getting used to the way you look." He let out a harsh breath when Hongbin bit his side and scratched down his chest.

    "It's going to be so hard to keep my hands off of you when we're in public."

Hongbin dragged Ravi’s pants down his legs, kissing the head of his as he brought the fabric past it.

    “and I’m never going to let you go again.”

    Before Hongbin could do anything, Ravi had rolled on top and threw Hongbin’s long legs over his shoulders.


He was nipping and at any skin that was within reach.

Hongbin squawked when Ravi a stripe from his tailbone all the way up to the tip of his rapidly hardening . He blew cool air, making Hongbin shudder before momentarily tensing because Ravi traced a slick finger around his entrance.

    "Shh, relax, Bin" Ravi whispered against the spot where his leg creased and left a kiss.

As soon as he relaxed, Ravi started stretching him. By the third finger, Hongbin was doing most of the work. Ravi looked up at him. "Ready babe?"

Hongbin nodded enthusiastically.

    Ravi rolled on the and his breath caught when he saw Hongbin laying there, spread for him, panting and desperate.

    "" He whispered before leaning forward and kissing Hongbin. "Last chance to back out."

    " me already." Hongbin mouthed as he wrapped his legs around Ravi's waist.

Ravi detangled Hongbin's legs and brought one up to his hip. The other hand guided himself to the other man's entrance. He gripped Hongbin's thigh hard in an effort not to push in too quickly.

"... I'm trying so hard not to before I'm even in all the way."

Hongbin shook his head in a way that meant 'no! Don't do that.'

Hongbin's free leg tangled around Ravi's thigh and pulled him in all the way. They both shouted at the intrusion. They stared at each other for a moment

    "You ok?" Ravi asked.

    "Move." Hongbin whispered. Ravi did as he was told and pulled a small shout from Hongbin when he brushed Hongbin's prostate. "! Again!"

Ravi picked up speed and produced a resounding slap with every . he distracted himself by Hongbin’s . he made the mistake of looking up at Hongbin’s face and his hips jerked.

    “I’m not gonna last. for me, Bin” he groaned. Hongbin pushed Ravi’s hand away and scooted up the bed. “what?”

    Hongbin repositioned the blue haired man so he was kneeling and Hongbin crawled onto his lap with his back against Ravi’s chest. Ravi’s breath hitched and Hongbin let out a tiny sob as he lowered himself onto the turgid flesh. he reached behind himself to thread his fingers through the blue hair and pulled hard enough to make Ravi groan.

    Ravi ran his hands up Hongbin’s inner thighs, over his hips, ing once before running his hands up Hongbin’s chest and finally turning his head so they could kiss.

    Ravi wrapped one arm around Hongbin’s waist to hold him still while he slowly pushed into his lover. Hongbin let out tiny little mewls and whimpers with every slow push and heaved in a gasp of air every time he pulled out.

    He mouthed at a spot just below Hongbin’s ear and dragged his hand up and down Hongbin’s at the same tempo as his slow s.

    “Please…” Hongbin kept whispering, “please Wonsikie.”

    He pushed Hongbin forward onto his elbows and grabbed his hips. He gave Hongbin the gentlest of taps to his before snapping his hips forward. Hongbin cried out wantonly and took himself in hand. Ravi desperately fought not to let go at the sound.

    “Please baby, for me.” He moaned at Hongbin.

    Hongbin’s hand flew over his before he let out a rather loud grunt and came on his   duvet.

    When he felt his lover’s muscles start to clench, Ravi pulled him up to his knees again and canted his hips three times before biting down on Hongbin’s shoulder to muffle the embarrassing noise that bubbled up from his throat.

    He pulled out and rolled Hongbin to his back before crawling on top and kissing him over and over again.

    “Was that ok?” Ravi asked.

    “L-let me get my breath back before I can answer that.” He panted, gently touching as much of him as he could with his fingertips.

"I missed hearing your voice." Ravi nuzzled Hongbin's jaw. Hongbin hummed before kissing his lover’s nose.

    “I would argue that you could have seen me at anytime, but I’m too shagged out to argue right now...So...what was in the backpack?”

    “Uh..I thought I’d bring over some video games and force you to yell at me when I kicked your at Mario Kart...again” he grinned.

    “So… you had no plans of my ?”

    “Nope. but I wouldn’t mind doing it again sometime.” Ravi grinned. “... all the time.” maybe he’d eventually tell Hongbin about his weird … possibly


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I'm really really enjoying this story and I hope you write more! Good luck with school and everything ^_^
kpopharemland1 #2
Chapter 8: The ships you make are brilliant!
Think you're the first that puts members of different groups together.
I love you!
kpopharemland1 #3
Chapter 6: Blue ravine try, omg, hahaha
Chapter 11: This is awesome I can't stop thinking of what will happen next huhu please update quickly author~
Theora #5
Chapter 11: Dammit. Keep writing, you little . NEED MOAR STOREH. Also, RaBin - far too adorable. I'm gonna die. MOAR RABIN. MOAR STOREH. Kthx.
shikey #6
Chapter 1: it's actually interesting hope to see new chapters