seven: in da club (i'm splitting these up in weird places)


i'm only at a break between classes

i just wanna put this up

leave me comments or something

5 subscribers already?



    Over dinner, Hongbin seemed noticeably distant. Minseok spoke at him anyway.

    “You’ve been really scarce lately so we have to go out clubbing tonight and we’re going to be working on some pre-production stuff this week. I’ve been talking with Ravi and we’re getting you and his band together to brainstorm a bit.” Hongbin stopped with a noodle half way out of his mouth.

    “The rest of the… band?” Hongbin sounded nervous. “And clubbing? ...Tonight?”

    “Yeah, the rest of his band… do you not get along with them?”

    “No, they’re my best friends… I just don’t know if Ravi’s said anything yet.”

    “Who knows, anyway, finish up. Get ready to go out and get faced for the cameras.”

    “Yay…” Hongbin frowned as he trudged to his bathroom to take a shower.

    About an hour later, Minseok knocked on Hongbin’s door. When he came in, the model was staring into a mirror, wiping at a stray eyeliner line with his pinky.

     “I had to look up how to do my makeup.” He said as he sprayed copious amounts of hairspray at his head. It was surprising how much work went into making it look like you hadn't done anything with your hair.

    “You look good actually.” Minseok said, taking in the black skinny jeans that looked practically painted on and the crimson button up shirt. “Ready to go?” Hongbin shrugged and followed Minseok out the door.


    As soon as Hongbin stepped out of the car at the club, he was bombarded by camera flashes that made him wince. he was let in without standing in the line and ushered to a booth.

    “How will people see me if I’m in a booth?” Hongbin asked.

    “Uh… hm… good point.”

    Hongbin said he’d be back and pushed his way through the crowd to the bar.

    “Lee Hongbin.” A woman behind him said as he waited for his drink.

    “Where?” Hongbin replied.

    “Aren’t you going to say hello?”

    “Uh… hello?” He backed up away from her a bit. The reverse image search didn’t seem to be working. He had no idea who she was. she looked like too many other girls. “Well… I gotta get going.” Hongbin said as he grabbed his drink and ran to his booth to sit with Minseok and a few more people.

    “Hey! there he is!” Someone shouted gleefully when Hongbin sat down. “Where’ve you been?”

    “Hey.” Hongbin smiled before taking a large swig of his drink and just smiling at the new occupants of the table. “Minseok, there’s a girl coming here from the bar, who is she? Why is she following me?”

    “That’s yura. you two had a... thing.”

    Hongbin made an unhappy noise. “Does she still think we have a...thing? I mean she’s not my type.”

    “Oh yeah? What is your type then?”

Hongbin blushed and mumbled something too soft to hear over the music. “What?”

    Hongbin typed something on his phone and showed it to his manager.


Ravi is my type. I’m going to get another drink.


    “Oh… don’t get into trouble.” Hongbin waved over his shoulder. Three drinks turned into five and Hongbin hadn’t really been counting. He was more preoccupied with thoughts of Ravi. He saw someone dancing on the floor and zeroed in on him. He got a better look at his face as he walked closer then stumble danced past him only to hide behind a girl.

    “What are you doing Hongbin?”

    “Shh… he’s looking this way.” he stage whispered just before finishing his drink. “My ex will see us… but i’m wearing this disguise” he grinned. “I just gotta get out of here…”

    “You’re a foot taller than me, there’s no way you don’t look conspicuous.” She said as the man continued to stare at Hongbin.

    “Damn, you’re right. I’m just gonna-” He ran out the front door of the club and into the night. He found another club nearby. They let him in for free. he liked this club. It had better music. The drinks were cheaper. The lights weren’t as bright. He took to the floor with another drink in hand and suddenly everyone wanted to dance with him. Another three drinks later and he ran into someone.

    “Hey.” they said. Hongbin squinted and tried to focus on who greeted him.

    “Oh, HI” he chirped. “I know you! I know I know you. I know you right? I totally know you. You look like someone I love.” He threw his arm over Ravi’s shoulder. “I really love Ravi.” He stared off to the middle distance for a moment as if contemplating something and his smile suddenly dropped. “I never told Ravi how much I loved him and he totally doesn't recognise me in my new disguise. I bet he likes it though.” Ravi actually could pinpoint when his train of thought changed tracks. “Let’s have another drink:” He smiled.

    “Have you had any water, Hongbin?”

    “Psh, no I’m trying to get drunk. also I’m super happy that Kai didn’t see past my super stealthy ninja disguise.” He grinned.

    “Where was Kai?” Ravi looked worried as he looked around for his life long frenemy.

    “In the last club...with my jacket… and my manager. They’re in good hands. OH I LOVE THIS SONG! Dance with me!”

    “Let’s get you home and hydrated.” Ravi said.

    “Ok, I have to tell Ravi I love him and say sorry to Chenchen.”

    “Ok Bin, let’s get going.” Ravi walked them to the door and into a waiting cab.

    They got to Hongbin’s building and into his apartment.

    “Hey, Ravi. I love you.”

    “Love you too, man.” Ravi replied as they fumbled into the front room.

    “No! Ravi! I LOVE you!” he said and leaned forward to kiss him. however, Ravi had turned his head and Hongbin left a slobbery kiss on Ravi’s cheek. He promptly passed out and Ravi had to summon all of his strength to drag him the rest of the way to his bed.


    Hongbin woke up when the rays of the sun started to bore painfully through his eyelids. He groaned loudly but froze in the middle of stretching when he heard a breath hitch below him.

    He squinted and blinked a few times to clear his vision when he saw a head of blue hair and Ravi looking at him.

"Did we have ?" He mumbled into Ravi's chest. he clung onto the older man’s sides.

"No? We're still fully clothed." He sounded mildly amused and half wanted to come up with something embarrassing.

"Doesn't mean anything. Kai and I got into a lot of trouble without undressing." Ravi looked at Hongbin with a frown.

"Sorry, you didn't need to know that.  How did we get home? And where did you come...from?" He got up and stumble ran to the bathroom before retching and puking "Oh my god, how much did I drink?" He groaned loudly before heaving again.

He cleaned up and Ravi was already making him coffee when he stumbled out.

     Minseok ran in. He was on the phone and he had Hongbin’s jacket over his arm..

"He left his phone and jacket with me. I have no idea where he- I'll call you back." He growled.

"Coffee?" He held his cup out to Minseok.

He grabbed the cup and looked at Ravi. "Why do I feel like you had something to do with Hongbin running off?"

"Because people like to blame me for things. I only found him stumbling, slobbering drunk and sobbing in the street"

“He what?” Minseok shrieked. “Let’s hope nobody with a camera saw this.”

"I wasn't crying and if I remember correctly I ran into you at the second... teenth club I went to. Woah.  Still drunk." he wobbled and made a tiny noise that almost sounded like he was about to be sick again.

"You don't even remember if we had or not last night. Let me finish telling the story."


"I brought him home before anyone could see him like that."

"Thanks for keeping him out of trouble." Minseok said.

“First time anyone’s ever thanked me for that.” Ravi chuckled.

"I'm gonna burrow under the blankets and pretend I don't exist."

"Oh no you don't. Hop into that shower and get ready for your next interview and variety show."

"Interview? The do I tell them? Do you wanna come too? " He asked Ravi.

"Uh. .. I gotta get ready for our meeting later. Gotta go" Ravi awkwardly left the apartment. Minseok just shook his head


Ravi got to his apartment and fell face first into the couch. Ken walked in and stared at him for a moment.

He contemplated pushing him off of 'his' couch, but could feel the distress radiating off of the other man so he lifted Ravi's legs and sat on the couch, placing his laptop on the other man's . "Where did you go last night?” Ken asked.

"I got drunk and spent the night at someone's house. I regret and applaud my decision to take care of him at the same time."

"Well don't take over my couch for too long." Ken replied. Ravi grunted in reply. Ravi knew it was Ken’s way of telling him to cheer up.

The other man looked at his moping friend and started typing on his computer.

It didn't take him long to access Ravi’s text message log.

He had been texting this new number with the frequency that he had been texting Kyungsoo before his disappearance.

Maybe he felt guilty for falling in love without closure. He started to read a few messages.


-Did you tell them about the contract?


Yeah. They're excited.


-Do they know anything else?


No. i don’t know how to tell them. I don’t know what to tell them. No idea if they’d believe me.


-I know the feeling. look, I’m about to go on camera. I have no idea what I’m going to say when they ask me anything. But I did mean what I said last night before I passed out.


Just give me time ok? I need to get used to the idea. I know i’ve always said it doesn’t matter what you look like, but i never realised how much of an impact it does make.




Talk to you later then.


Jaehwan looked at his friend, patted him on the and went to his room. He pulled out his phone and texted the number.


-What did you tell him?


He waited a moment.


Excuse me? Tell who? Who is this?


-What did you tell Ravi?


I don’t see how that is any of your business.


-When one of MY best friends is in a depressed funk on MY couch, yes! I do think it’s MY business.


lol. Are you afraid Wonsik is going to ruin the shaped dent you made Jaehwannie?


Jaehwan stared at his phone for a minute


-Who is this?


You’re a smart boy. Figure it out.


    “What’s so amusing?” Minseok asked on the ride back from the variety show he had to participate in.

    “Nothing really.”


    The rest of the night, he spent looking at his- Kyungsoo’s blog and remembering things from his past. He had never had so many views and reposts. But the thing that was nagging him the most was the little chat icon in the corner that kept blinking. the messages started around the time he disappeared and tapered off then started again last night.


chenchen: please soo

chenchen: answer me

chenchen: i need to know the truth

chenchen: i would say i miss you, but that was you.. wasn’t it?

chenchen: i promise i won’t say anything

chenchen: just please… i miss talking to you

DOsoo: kyungsoo’s gone… you must have been mistaken

chenchen: then who is this?

DOsoo: a friend


Hongbin closed the browser window with a melancholy sigh

    Hongbin didn’t get much sleep that night. he was thinking of the bereft look on Jongdae’s face and he was worried about what the others would say when they figured out who he was… It probably would have been easier if wonsik had told them something. anything really.

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I'm really really enjoying this story and I hope you write more! Good luck with school and everything ^_^
kpopharemland1 #2
Chapter 8: The ships you make are brilliant!
Think you're the first that puts members of different groups together.
I love you!
kpopharemland1 #3
Chapter 6: Blue ravine try, omg, hahaha
Chapter 11: This is awesome I can't stop thinking of what will happen next huhu please update quickly author~
Theora #5
Chapter 11: Dammit. Keep writing, you little . NEED MOAR STOREH. Also, RaBin - far too adorable. I'm gonna die. MOAR RABIN. MOAR STOREH. Kthx.
shikey #6
Chapter 1: it's actually interesting hope to see new chapters