rude awakening (not the best with titles)



noona said she wanted me to post this so che could upvote this... here it is

as always i love comments

it makes my brainpan work

i'm half asleep and i probably shouldn't split up the chapters but whatevs my eyelids are down after this and i'm gonna do the humman sleeping thing


    He woke up in the dark, in pain.  He couldn't remember who he was or where he was.  All he knew was pain and darkness. He heard nothing. It smelled like... he couldn't place it.  It wasn't pleasant.  

    Metallic...Blood? Petrichor... fantastic.He had no idea what was going on or where he was but he remembered that word. No, it wasn’t petrichor it smelled sterile or like climate control. It was cold too. Especially the uncomfortably hard surface he was laying on.

He couldn't move, but his mind was a little muzzy, so for some reason that didn't seem entirely important. He wondered briefly if he was in a coma. He hoped he wasn't in a coma. That comes with brain damage usually, doesn't it?

    A short time later, after his mind had wandered and he had thought of all of the large words he could and other possible medical side effects of being in a coma,  he sensed movement. He wondered why he could sense someone when he couldn't even hear them.  

    It finally dawned on him why his inability to move was a bad thing when his head was turned and he felt something bore into his ear.  

    He couldn't move away.  He couldn't scream. His lungs wouldn't even be able to contract in order to scream.  

    He didn't have long to contemplate this fact before his head was being turned the other way so they could repeat the process on his other ear.

    "Now it's time to work on the eyes don't you think?" He heard the voice say through muffled static.  The voice hummed a tune. It seemed a little loud,off key and dissonant to his new ears.  

    His head began to ache.  He had a migraine that felt like this once, he vaguely remembered. Before he had time to dwell on that he felt a strange sensation, like something was pulling at his eyelashes and making his eyes wobble.The pain gradually increased and he smelled the distinct odor of meat cooking. He vowed that he would never eat meat again when he got out of this.

His left eye had vision.  

It was like an old TV broadcasting through static and even though his face was pointing up, he was looking off to the side at the scientist who had been torturing him for the past few hours. His vision started out Black and white before clearing up and turning crystal clear.

His world began to move. The doctor was squirting a liquid at his eyeball, then he felt his eyelids being pried open.

    If he could, he would be panicking about the fact that this man had just put an eyeball into his head. Instead he lay there, motionless wishing he could get away from the pain in his other eye socket.

    His left eye was closed so he could only wait for the right eye to produce a picture and be put into place and whatever else this man was going to do to him.  His other eyelid closed with his new eye in its place and he heard the man get up and leave the room.  

    He was in considerably more pain than he woke up in, but that made him more determined to move.

He contemplated wiggling his fingers. He wasn't sure if it was working so he tried to open his eyes.

He would have sighed in frustration if he could.

About that.  

He wondered why he wasn’t suffocating

He sensed the door opening and listened apprehensively for what was to happen next.

    His mouth was pried open and a tube forced down his throat.He really wished he could fight back right now. He shouted in his head to anyone who would answer to make this stop.  

    His prayers went unheeded and he would have screamed if he wasn't completely immobilised. He felt the scalpel cut into his throat and wished with all of his (most likely not beating) heart that he could pass out from the pain.

    Again, he was forced to endure. He wasn't sure how long this hellish torture would last. He gave up on praying for help when he realised that the hands on him weren't the same scientist and they wouldn't even give him a break.  Maybe they were different specialists.

    After a while he wasn't sure what was worse, the mind numbing boredom or the mind numbing pain.

    Finally, there was a sense of foreboding when he smelled a new person. They reeked of ozone and rubber.

    He felt them remove the tube from his throat before they started to attach things to his temples, shoulders, neck and chest.

    "Clear" he heard this new voice say just before his entire body jerked and arched.

His eyes shot open momentarily before he screamed with lungs full of air.

    He repeatedly slammed his hands on the metal table he was laying on. The electricity stopped and he fell limp on the table. He was fairly certain his hair was smoking and his skin had burns in places. He could smell it.

The scientists rushed to take measurements. His eyes were pried open.

    "No change." Someone said while shining an unbearably bright light into his eyes.

They shocked him several more times before calling it a failure.

    "I'll send for someone to dispose of it" Someone said with disdain in his voice on their way out.

He waited a few moments after they left before his eyes fluttered open.  He sat up and looked around, pulling off the electrodes from his chest and head.

    He felt his neck and coughed quietly before standing gingerly. his legs wobbled for a moment, but when he was able to stand without holding onto anything, he looked around the room and headed toward a sink with a mirror in the corner. Maybe he could remember who he was if he saw his face in the mirror. his legs felt longer than they should have been so he had to bend a little to see himself.

    He didn't know who he was expecting to see, but the model Lee Hongbin wasn't exactly it.

Maybe he was seeing things. He was covered in blood after all. He rinsed the blood off of his hands and face. he fumbled with the tap… his arms also seemed longer than they should have been so it took him a second to figure out where his hands were going.

    Nope... definitely Lee Hongbin. Even with the nearly Black rings around his eyes from when they shoved new eyeballs into his head, his face was recognisable.

His mind was going a million miles an hour.

Highly recognisable face, bad.

Friends in high places, good.

Nobody would try to attack a celebrity out in the open.

    First thing's first. Get out of here. Then think of a plan. He looked around. He was completely . Aside from his hands and face, he was also covered in  drying blood that was flaking off in places and starting to itch.

He saw a lab coat.  A plan was starting to form.

He fumbled with the coat and closed his eyes for a moment, listening for the scientists.

He gasped when the floor plan for the building popped into his head.

    He snuck into a bathroom after leaving the room he woke up in and tested out the new "function" he discovered. He looked up Lee Hongbin.

The company he worked for wasn't far.

The building he was currently in was a small office building in the middle of the city and there was one security guard. He was currently on patrol. This seemed too easy.

Getting from point A to point B without being noticed was the challenge.

    He got out of the building and ran around a corner. he tripped over his feet once or twice while doing so. Running was the challenge. things seemed to be the wrong length. The map in his head showed him where to go.

He ran through alleys and down one small Street before the building came into view.

The gravel from the street dug into his feet making him limp in through the front door.  

    He hobbled to the reception desk and clutched the edges of the marble surface.  The Secretary looked up and screamed just as Hongbin swooned and caught himself.

She reached for the phone and was about to call the emergency services, but Hongbin put his hand on hers.

    “No hospital" he said quietly.

    “I- I'll call your manager. .." she said quietly. He nodded before sitting on a nearby chair. He sat nervously, trying to make sure as much of him was covered by the lab coat as possible. while he waited he decided to try to do a ‘system diagnostic’ he wanted to see what strange things they did to him and so far he hadn’t been able to find anything. Out of the ordinary aside from his new ability to call up information from who knows where. certain things just seemed elusive and felt as if they were just slipping through his grasp when he thought about them.

    "You mean they found him?" A small man came running out of an elevator. "Where are they? I thought you said they found Hongbin"

He asked the Secretary. She pointed at Hongbin on the chair with his face in his hands trying to rub the soreness out of his face. In all actuality it probably wasn’t helping his face.

His manager sat on the coffee table in front of Hongbin. “Do you want to tell me where you've been for the last two weeks? Why haven't you called? When they found your car at the bottom of the cliff everyone thought you were-"

    Hongbin looked up from his hands and the small man gasped at the bruises around his eyes.

    "I'm wearing a lab coat that I had to steal from where I woke up. I have been through hell that I can't even begin to describe. I have some sort of retroactive memory loss. Who the hell was I supposed to call?"

    "How did you find your way over here then?" Hongbin lifted his foot and picked a piece of gravel off of his heel and shrugged.

    "It’s a really long story and I still can't really remember who I am. .." He mumbled. “I only recognised the face.”

    "Let's get you to a hospital." He stood and reached for Hongbin to help him up.

    "No!" Hongbin brushed his hands aside, "I don't know who's involved. They might try to take me back or something. I can't go back..." He frowned.

    "Fine, let's go to our place and get you cleaned up... it's been quiet without you" He smiled softly. Hongbin nodded and stood slowly. The small man had the Secretary call for his car and they went to their apartment.

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I'm really really enjoying this story and I hope you write more! Good luck with school and everything ^_^
kpopharemland1 #2
Chapter 8: The ships you make are brilliant!
Think you're the first that puts members of different groups together.
I love you!
kpopharemland1 #3
Chapter 6: Blue ravine try, omg, hahaha
Chapter 11: This is awesome I can't stop thinking of what will happen next huhu please update quickly author~
Theora #5
Chapter 11: Dammit. Keep writing, you little . NEED MOAR STOREH. Also, RaBin - far too adorable. I'm gonna die. MOAR RABIN. MOAR STOREH. Kthx.
shikey #6
Chapter 1: it's actually interesting hope to see new chapters