five: i obviously can't count


i'll put pictures up eventually

still working on my yan yans

leave a comment, make a girl happy

i split this thing up in really weird places...


      Kyungsoo looked at himself one last time in the mirror. He was going to get this record deal one way or another. He would do it and surprise Ravi when he came back with a giant stack of papers they’d have to peruse and once they signed it, they’d be the greatest writing duo ever. Maybe they could get all of the guys in this together.


    This was not his day.


    He drove around a blind curve and the last thing he saw was Hongbin’s car, trying not to hit a bicyclist and coming right at him.

    They went through the guardrail and off of the cliff. He didn’t even have time to notice the freefall before the impact at the bottom.

    He had no idea how long he had been out, all he saw was blood. The bicyclist was laying in a crumpled heap in front of him. A foot entered his vision and he tried to tell them that he was alive, suddenly he was lifted off of the ground. It was one of the scientists that were working on him.

    “This brain seems to be intact.” He smiled as he turned Kyungsoo’s face toward another scientist.

    “Face is all mangled though.”

    “Use the one that’s in the other car.” Kyungsoo’s consciousness faded.


    Hongbin woke up and realised there was a weight slightly on top of him. he opened his eyes and noticed Ravi…and he was cuddling the blue haired man like a stuffed animal.

    “Ravi! I had this horrible nightmare where I was in a car crash and I woke up and I had someone else’s face and I had to be the other person and I couldn’t be me anymore and why are you looking at me like that?” He asked when he noticed the blue haired man looking at him with an uncomfortable expression.

    “How do you know my name, Hongbin?”

    Hongbin threw Ravi off of him and rushed to a nearby mirror. He checked the edges of his face and saw the light scars that disappeared into his hairline

    “…” he sat hard on the floor. “ .”

    “Are you going to faint again? Should I get Minseok?” Ravi asked as he ran to the other man’s side.

    “Wonsik…” he looked up at the other man. “I was gonna surprise you and get us a record deal with our song…”

    “What are you talking about?”

    “I’m dead Wonsik… I- Do kyungsoo is dead.”

    “Don’t say that, you don’t know that, he’s out there somewhere.” He was fighting the sob bubbling up his throat as his face crumpled.

    “I do! I know for sure.” He grabbed Ravi’s hand and put it on his head, “Do Kyungsoo is dead and he’s talking through another dead man’s lips.”

    “Prove it.” Ravi spat.

    Hongbin thought for a moment, “The great chipmunk fire of 09… the one that started in your garage when the chipmunk supposedly ate fertilizer and fell into a can of kerosene instantly turning him into a furry little molotov cocktail, levelling everything west of the gs25?”

    Wonsik nodded nervously.

    “I remember what really happened… I remember... everything… what do I do Wonsik?” his voice growing quieter with every word.

    “I… uh… well… you have the record deal.” Ravi smiled. “But that probably means I’m out of the picture.

    He tackled Wonsik and triumphantly sat on his stomach. “Bull you are, i’m gonna insist you’re my writer at least.” He gave a smug smile and said flippantly, “I’m well known for my diva tendencies and can get my way, you know.”

    “Maybe we can figure out who did this to you and put you back the way you were?

    “I thought you liked Lee Hongbin…”

    “I did - I do, but you’re not Hongbin,  you’re you and why are you looking at me like that?” he asked when he noticed Hongbin’s frown.

    “So this is just about my looks, huh?”

     “N-no! I mean I just thought you’d wanna be you again and I’m gonna have to get used to calling you Hongbin from now on aren't I?…”

    “Yeah. I’m starting to get used to being called by his name ...” They stopped speaking when they realised that Hongbin had leaned closer and closer every time they said something.

    Minseok opened the door. “I got him an ice p-” they stared up at him awkwardly from the floor and he looked down as Hongbin very slowly sat up. “I should leave you to it…” he slowly backed out.

    “Minseok, wait, I think you need an explanation too.”

    After Hongbin explained everything, Ravi asked a question.

    “Why don’t you see who that company is attached to so we know if it’s ok to take you to the hospital, because this passing out just makes me uncomfortable.”

    Hongbin closed his eyes and recalled the name of the company. He spoke aloud as he found the information.

    Institute for Genetics and Organ Research… Privately owned… Currently under scrutiny for ethics issues... wonder why,” Hongbin said sarcastically with a frown. “Going deeper.” He mumbled to himself. Ravi snickered, “Shut it.” After a few moments, he opened his eyes. “It’s like they erased all of the files on my project…” he said

    “You know who’s a pro at erased files though…” Ravi grinned.


Ravi grinned broadly.

    “Let’s go!” Ravi blushed when Hongbin took his hand.

    “Oh no you don’t.” Minseok said, grabbing the back of his shirt.

    “Early schedule tomorrow. You’re doing a spread for W. You ain’t going anywhere mister.”


    “You are now Hongbin. As Hongbin, I am your manager. I have a job to do. You’re staying here.” Hongbin rolled his eyes.

    “I’ll get going and see what I can find out about what happened, ok?” Hongbin nodded. He looked like he wanted to say something to Ravi as they stood up and walked toward the door.

    “Ravi- Wonsik… I didn’t get to say it before… when I should have-”

    “Don’t- It’s not the same… I’m going to have to get used to this… new you. But…you have my number and I have yours… and I’ll see you whenever we can, ok?” Hongbin nodded while looking at the floor.

    “Yeah- see you around. Text me when you figure something out.” Hongbin closed the door softly, then trudged to his room and fell face first into his pillow.

    After a long while, a voice broke the silence. “Don’t you need to breathe?” Minseok asked from his doorway he was leaning against the frame with a beer bottle in his hand. Hongbin buried his face farther into the bedding and shook his head. “Are you ok?” He shook his head again. “Wanna talk about it?” Hongbin shook his head again. “You know where I am if you do. Get some rest and I’ll see you in the morning.” He said before walking to his room.

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I'm really really enjoying this story and I hope you write more! Good luck with school and everything ^_^
kpopharemland1 #2
Chapter 8: The ships you make are brilliant!
Think you're the first that puts members of different groups together.
I love you!
kpopharemland1 #3
Chapter 6: Blue ravine try, omg, hahaha
Chapter 11: This is awesome I can't stop thinking of what will happen next huhu please update quickly author~
Theora #5
Chapter 11: Dammit. Keep writing, you little . NEED MOAR STOREH. Also, RaBin - far too adorable. I'm gonna die. MOAR RABIN. MOAR STOREH. Kthx.
shikey #6
Chapter 1: it's actually interesting hope to see new chapters