three: this one's super short


comments make me happyyyyyyyyyyy



A few days later, Hongbin was laying on his new bed covered in cream that was supposed to lighten the rings around eyes when his phone rang. He picked it up without looking at who it was. After all, only one person knew his number.

“What is it Minseok, I can’t exactly go anywhere with this crap on my face”

For a moment there was no reply

“Hello?” he asked.

“Where did you get that song?” The deep voice on the other end demanded.

“Who is this?”

“Tell me, it’s important. I need to know.”

“Yeah? well get used to disappointment.” Hongbin said before hanging up.

The phone rang again


“Sorry for bugging you Bin,” Minseok said, “I was just wondering if you wanted chinese takeout.”

“Oh… sorry, that sounds great. I’d love chinese takeout. Thank you”

“Ok, I’ll let you get back to whatever it was you were doing.”

“Ok, thanks.”

The phone rang again.

“No meat, don’t forget…” Hongbin said into the phone.

“Where did you get that song, please…” the voice on the other end sounded desperate.

Something made Hongbin’s heart clench.

“Y-you tell me.” he replied, his voice was suddenly significantly less confident.

“That’s our song… me and Kyungsoo… we wrote it.”

“Kyungsoo…” Hongbin whispered and a face appeared. His information appeared momentarily before flickering away. “D- Do Kyungsoo… AH!” Hongbin clutched his head

“What’s wrong?” the other man asked.

“I- It hurts… I have to go…” he let out a small shout just before he hung up the phone.

Hongbin shuffled slowly to the bathroom and rinsed his face off with cold water. The rings around his eyes had lightened considerably.

    He tried to use his head google to look up Do Kyungsoo. A series of pictures flashed past his eyes.

    Big, doe eyes. Kyungsoo, looking in the mirror,  getting ready to go somewhere in nice clothes.

Blood… his doe eyes in a car’s rear view mirror.


“Hongbin! wake up!!!” He opened his eyes and realised that he was staring at Minseok’s worried face and beyond him was the ceiling. “If this happens again, I’m taking you to the hospital, regardless of what you say. what happened?”

“I was rinsing the stuff off my face and I was thinking of someone.”

“Was she pretty?”

“He had these huge eyes... I need to find the guy who wrote my song."


"He might have answers."

"At least Eat first, the Chinese food is getting cold."

As he ate, he sent a text message


How did you get my number anyway?


To which came the reply


Get used to disappointment


A few minutes later, Hongbin got another text


Meet me at the slide at Dosan park in ten minutes.


He stood up abruptly, put his plate in the sink and ran out while putting on a jacket

"Where are you going?"

"Out to the park, it's important." The door slammed before Minseok could reply.

when Hongbin got to the slide, a man with blue hair was waiting with his back to him. he turned to look at the model when he heard him gasp.

“Ravi…” it was barely a whisper. the blue haired man looked confused, but even more so when the model rushed up to him and wrapped his arms around him. “Ravi you won’t believe what I’ve been thr-” He stopped speaking, stumbling back and clutching his head. he pulled his hair as if it would relieve the pain in his skull. "-AH!"

“Oh god! what’s happening?” Ravi asked when the other man slowly crumpled  toward the rubber surface of the play yard. Ravi knelt, because the other man had an iron grip on his arm, but could no longer support himself. “Should i take you to a hospital?”

“No hospital- Wonsik... I” he went silent and stopped moving as his eyes slid shut.

Ravi sat for a moment, leaning against the ladder to the slide. how did this guy know his name… either of them? he pulled Hongbin so he could lean comfortably against him until he could figure out how to get Hongbin to let go of his arm.

    He stared down at the other man, studying his features. the photos did him no justice. his eyes still had dark bruises around them and there were various tiny scars everywhere he could see, but he was really beautiful. his thoughts were interrupted by a phone call coming from Hongbin’s pocket.

    “Er… sorry.” Ravi said while reaching into his pants pocket.

    “Hongbin, where the hell are you? you can’t just keep running off like th-”

    “He’s at the park… with me. I need help getting him home.” Ravi said nervously.

    “I know, but I don’t see you guys anywhere.”

    “Slide… he’s a heavy bastard.”

    “He insists they gave him a new skeleton when he went missing.” Minseok said as he walked to the slide

    “How do we get to his place? He won’t let go of me.” Ravi said as the smaller man helped them up.

    “I told him that I was going to take him to the hospital if he passed out again.”

    “He didn’t want me calling an ambulance. What the hell is going on here?”

    “I’m not sure myself to be honest. All I know is that he’s...different. Who are you anyway?”

  "My name's Ravi, My friend and I wrote the song Hongbin sang and i only called him out to talk to him about it. I had no idea he was sick."

  "I don't think he is sick... something ... weird is just happening with him."

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I'm really really enjoying this story and I hope you write more! Good luck with school and everything ^_^
kpopharemland1 #2
Chapter 8: The ships you make are brilliant!
Think you're the first that puts members of different groups together.
I love you!
kpopharemland1 #3
Chapter 6: Blue ravine try, omg, hahaha
Chapter 11: This is awesome I can't stop thinking of what will happen next huhu please update quickly author~
Theora #5
Chapter 11: Dammit. Keep writing, you little . NEED MOAR STOREH. Also, RaBin - far too adorable. I'm gonna die. MOAR RABIN. MOAR STOREH. Kthx.
shikey #6
Chapter 1: it's actually interesting hope to see new chapters