Chapter 3

Why Does It Have To Be Me?


Chapter 3: Proper Introduction


Exo enters their dorm and all slump on their couch. They sit in silence until Xuimin breaks the silence saying, "I thought they would scream and go all fangirl on us. I was very surprised how they didn't even care who we were."

"Hyung, you're correct. The two girls look like their in their twenties, but they are very very good at holding things back. They didn't even fight back. They just stood their ground and spoke even when they got hurt." Suho says.

"I wonder how the brown haired girl is doing. She hit her head pretty hard on the table back there." Beakhyun says.

"Do you guys want to visit them at their store tomorrow? We can go right after practice." D.O. asks.

"What do you all say? Everyone in for it?" Luhan gets up asking.

"Yep." The rest reply.

They all get up and go to shower. They head to bed and sleep the night away.


Chohee and Eun enter their house and lay on their couch. They both sigh very loudly as they are relieved everything was over.

"Are you okay now, Eun? Are you still dizzy?" Chohee asks.

"I'm fine now. I'm glad that we won't be seeing Heiryung and Hyunok coming and destroying our things again. Remember that after we finish our exams tomorrow that we have to go bake more goods to sell since we are running low. When does your last class end tomorrow?" Eun replies.

"My last class ends at noon. Tomorrow is finally the last day of exams. Thank goodness it will be Friday. Let's go to the beach after closing tomorrow." Chohee says.

"Okay then. you text Mi and Min and I'll text Hee and Sang. Tell them to meet us at the bakery tomorrow." Eun says.

"Let's go shower and sleep. We have class tomorrow." Chohee tells getting up. 

They go and shower then sleep.

Eun gets up early and wakes Chohee up as usual. they get ready and head off to school. They finish their last few tests and head home to change. they drive in separate cars to their store greeting their customers as the walk in.

"Unnies, are we going to the beach today?" Sang goes up to them and asks.

"Yes, we are. Excited?" They both say.

The two girls nod and go back to the counter to write down an order as Chohee and Eun enter the kitchen to bake more goods.

Min and Hee enter thirty minutes later and begin helping as well. They go back and forth trying not to bump into eacg other and drop food as they serve people.

Exo wakes up early in the morning and all dress to go practice. They get into the cars as they are taken to the SM company to get and early practice. All their schedule were cleared because they had the rest of the day off. All eleven rush back to their dorm, shower and change after their practice.They wore nice clothes under their disguise trying to empress the girls.

They reach the bakery and notice that it was once again full like the day before. They enter and see the same employees and two more. They all asumed the other two were employees also. Chen take the lead and walks up to the counter where one of the girls asks, "How may I help you today?"

"Umm, are the owners here?" He asks.

The employee looks up and recognizes the group and say, "Oh! Hi there. I didn't think you guys would come today. They're here, but let me introduce you guys to Min and Sang first."

She calls the two over and they introduce themselves. Mi opens the kitchen doors and walks in.

"Unnies, you two have visitors." Mi says after closing the door.

"Who is it?" Eun turns around from mixing and asks.

"The men from last night." Mi answers.

"Tell them to come in if they want to. We are really busy right now making an order for someone who's going to come get in ten minutes for a birthday." Chohee says as she decorates the cake.

"Oaky, Unnies." Mi says turning to walk out the kitchen.

Mi walks up to the counter where the guys stand and say, "Chohee and Eun Unnie says that you guys can go into the kitchen if you want to. Do you guys want to go in?"

Chen turns to the member and each nods. He turns to Mi and says, "We would like to go in."

"Okay. Come this way." Mi says as she walks opens a small door for them to enter. The knock on the kitchen door and here, "Come in." from inside. Kai opens the door and all the member walk into a large kitchen seeing two backs turned to them. They all look around amazed at everything.

"Hello. How are you guys doing today?" Eun turns around asking with a smile.

"We all came here to properly greet you two because we didn't get the chance to yesterday." Chanyeol says.

"My name is Chanyoel. These are my friends Suho, Xiumin, Lay, Tao, D.O., Beakhyun, Luhan, Kai, Sehun, and Chen." He continues gesturing to each one as they raise a hand.

"What are you two doing?" Luhan asks.

Chohee turns around and says, "We're making cake, cupcake, bread, cookies, scones, and more plus bubble tea. The usual things that bakers do."

"Can we help?!!!" Tao asks excited.

"Yes, but you guys have to take off your jackets, wash your hands, and put on aprons first." Eun says.

The men do what Eun says and joins the girls shortly after. Sehun helps make bubble tea with Eun and Suddenly bursts out, "What do you put in the bubble tea. I've drank many many cups of bubble tea and the ones this shop make is so different."

"You don't like the bubble tea?" Eun questions.

"Sehun? He loves bubble tea. He's always getting it whenever he see a bubble tea shop. He and Luhan over there gets bubble tea every week." Beakhyun cuts in standing on the other side of Eun.

"I love the bubble tea this shop makes. It's the best tasting bubble tea I've ever drank. That's why I want to know what ingredients you put in it." Sehun says.

"We put the same things other shops put in it, but we add something else in it." Eun says.

"What is it?" Sehun asks eagerly.

"We in it." Eun says trying to look serious.

"What? Ewww." Sehun and Beakhyun say.

Eun begins laughing very hard and says, "You both...should see your...faces they're...priceless."

They look at her in disbelief and she calms done talking more clearly now.

"I was just playing with you two. We put small amount of shreddings into the drink like chocolate for example. we would put a few shreds of chocolate into the mixture to make it taste better." Eun explains.

The three later on join the rest in making cupcakes and cookies. The four employees close up for the day as Exo and the two girls finish baking. Sang, Hee, Min, and Mi enter the kitchen and help with the last few things before they all clean the mess in he kitchen. The girls give some to Exo to take.

"Unnies are we leaving to the beach now?" Min asks.

"Yes. After we close the doors and lock them first." Chohee says.

"You are going to the beach?" Suho says.

"Can we come along? We also want to visit the beach." Lay asks.

The girls look at each other and Eun says, "Do you have someone to takes you guys? We can have only four other people aside us that can come with us meaning the rest has to have someone take you guys."

All the members look at each other and call for a car to get them. Luhan and Sehun goes with Chohee, Hee and Mi in a car. Baekhyun and Chanyeol go in a car with Eun, Sang, and Min. Suho, Chen, Lay, Tao, D.O., Kai, and Xuimin go in a van with an SM worker.

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Should I stop writing?


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RosaKhang #1
Should I stop writing, everyone?
its baekhyun not beakhyun.