Puppy Love | 9

Puppy Love









After waking up a considerable amount of hours later Kyungsoo felt as if his body was on fire. Coughing harshly he twisted and turned in an aching haze making the sleeping Jongin beside him wake up too.


”Soo?” He asked in his sleep drunken voice that would create unwanted sparkles in Kyungsoo’s abdomen if it wasn’t for the consuming pain torturing him there already.


”Jongin can you — ” Kyungsoo shakily began only to immediately regret it as he began coughing again. Gasping for air he pointed towards the phone resting on the nightstand inches away from the pup. Twisting his head in wonder and handing him everything besides the phone Jongin at last gave him the device which he snatched with a large sigh. Tried to bits he called the person he called more than all others combined.


”Mm.” Crackled against his ear before a long sigh and giggles. ”Baek don’t there!”


Already at breaking point that was enough to make Kyungsoo hang up and with a horrified expression began typing.


<< i dont even ing wanna know… im sick get over here >>


<< hurry >>











An hour of agonizing snoozing with Jongin soothing a hand across his back repeatedly Chanyeol walked inside with a big bag with the lettering ”약국”. As fear he had Baekhyun in tow though in a better mood than during previous meeting. He stopped abruptly in the bedroom doorframe sensing the feverish air surrounding Kyungsoo.


”Soo!” The tall Chanyeol boomed as he sat down beside Kyungsoo making his body sway in discomfort. ”I should have seen this coming but — ” He began laughing in the teasing way the younger had always hated. ”I didn’t know you guys would take it that far.”


Too sore to bother about hitting him all Kyungsoo offered was a wicked frown. ”What?”


”Yeah I was the same after Baek and I — well you know.” He wiggled his eyebrows making Kyungsoo’s frown even deeper. 


”What the do you mean?” He tried sitting up but gave up in a coughing fit. Jongin was still in the room but now standing with arms helplessly hanging along his sunken body. 


”Well even though he wasn’t top — ” Chanyeol began bluntly only to be cut off. 


”Only mouth.” Came from the pup making both turn to look at him in slight shock though for different reasons.


”Oh really? I understand.” Chanyeol nodded with a serious expression. Whereas Kyungsoo’s mind was finally starting to grasp the subject lurking.


Wait — I did not his if that is what you mental idiots are talking about!”


Chanyeol looked shocked again. ”Then what did you guys do?” 


A blush spread across Kyungsoo’s cheeks at top speed and with and evading gaze mumbled. ”W-We just kissed.” 


”What!? B-But how come you are in such a ty state?” The older exclaimed making Kyungsoo snap.


”WHAT THE HELL AS KISSING JONGIN GOT TO DO WITH MY FLUE ARE YOU RETARDED!?” Despite enjoying easing his frustration Kyungsoo immediately regretted his outburst due to the excruciating pain attaching his throat.


Sighing Chanyeol began roaming through his plastic bag. ”They have still got some weird bacteria that can make us sick if we get too much of it but — It’s weird you got this sick through something so small.”


”What?  Bacteria what?” Kyungsoo asked now with a low and weak voice.


”Well, he is bigger…” Baekhyun mused from the other side of the bedroom making all eyes turn to him. Cracking a wide smile Chanyeol nodded with wide eyes.


”Of course! Baekhyun is smaller than me and Jongin is bigger than you, it all makes sense!” Getting up on his feet he crossed the room to embrace his very own pup still standing there. ”As expected you’re the best Baek!” 


But with the realization hitting him he let go and turned in horror. ”Then — what will happen once you two shag?”


If Kyungsoo had felt flustered and aggressive previously it was nothing compared to the lightning striking him now.
















Several minutes of calming Kyungsoo down later; Chanyeol fetched a glass of water and gave the now horribly weakened Kyungsoo a handfull of pills for him to swallow. Once he was done the taller ordered Jongin to keep an eye on him before rolling up his sleeves to make some food for them all.


Sitting down the pup soothed a hand through Kyungsoo’s jet black locks. Jongin's forehead was creased and touch remarkably gentle; as if he was handling the most fragile thing on earth. He bit his lips and watched Kyungsoo with worried eyes. Looking up to meet his gaze the older groaned ever so faintly.


”Don’t worry... I’ll be fine in no time.” Kyungsoo’s tired and sore voice hummed but the pup’s visible worry refused to disperse. Shifting closer he grabbed Kyungsoo’s smaller palm in his.


”Soo hurt because of me?” Jongin swallowed. ”Because of mouth?”


Sighing Kyungsoo closed his eyes. ”It seems like it.”


A silence stretched upon them and while caressing the older’s hand Jongin was looking for words to express his regret. He wished he could form sentences with equal ease as the others but due to the limited time he was still unable to know for certain whether his words were flawed or not.


”I’m sorry.” He mumbled slow making Kyungsoo’s eyes creak open.


”Don’t be, it’s not your fault.”


”But still… I — I didn’t ask you first.” Jongin said slow and hesitantly; trying the new words with little confidence.


Smiling faintly Kyungsoo nudged him to come closer and shifting slightly he sighed. ”Come here.”


Wide eyed Jongin laid down beside him though with a visible distance. Noticing Kyungsoo scuffed closer to the younger who immediately tried to squirm away from his warmth. Now frowning himself the smaller ordered him to stay still.


”But what if I make more hurt?” Jongin asked still trying to create space between them. 


”I’ll hurt way more if you keep rejecting me like this.” Kyungsoo groaned tiredly making Jongin bite his lip in worry but nevertheless finally relax and even scoot an inch closer. Curling up against the pup’s lean body the older sighed long yet again. They stayed like that for a while; both listening to each other’s soft breathing.


”Jongin-ah?” Kyungsoo hummed ever so quiet after minutes of silence making the younger squirm faintly. 




”Don’t worry about yesterday — about the… kissing — I know you were pressured so it’s okay.” He spoke quiet and slow while pushing himself closer to Jongin’s warmth and scent. Heavy eyes closed with heated cheeks his body was slowly responding to the medication lulling him.


Jongin blinked and drew a fleeting inhale. ”So if pressured — I can kiss?”


With sleep swallowing him whole Kyungsoo hummed a yes before snoozing off to the sound of Jongin’s heartbeat. Too bad he did not know what kind of chaos such promise could and would lead to.








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Chapter 1: Amazing! I already love it :'D
Lullabyun #2
Chapter 10: I'm crying bc this is the best fic ever pls update !!
LostInLoveWithDO #3
Chapter 10: Update very soon authornim *^▁^*...
Chapter 10: Update please... :D thx author..
cgao753 #5
Chapter 10: LOL sooo being all blushy and jongin understand about his feelings is like HILARIOUSSSSS and yas i totally get soo for being all irritated at chanbaek for ditching the outta him ^_^ :P whoopsssssssssssssss
but awww the ending was adorableeee
Chapter 10: No need to say sorry at all. I feel so refreshed after reading this whole story all ❤❤❤
audbear #7
Marie_Unnie #8
Chapter 10: Aoonh Im glad you updated ^^ And their date-not-really-date was so cute ♡♡ Seems like they are taking another step in their relationship! :3
Update pls
Chapter 9: Damn,i hope you will update this someday ;A;