Puppy Love | 4

Puppy Love









What Kyungsoo hadn’t fully been able to grasp was how many dog-like traits Jongin still had. He had no sense of manners whatsoever nor did he care about hygiene - at all


”HEY! Don’t eat with your face like that!”


Kyungsoo yanked Jongin’s hair and lifted his now sauce covered face. After many pleas Kyungsoo had decided to give the treat which now (as hinted) the pup had literally went head first into. He had been rather cautious of how he was feeding Jongin as a dog but now as a human he figured that the amount portions perhaps would need to multiply. He was tall after all.


Jongin face squinted due to the pain and with a strong hand he instantly jabbed away the older who’s patience was now wearing thinner and thinner. 




Jongin once again practically buried his face into his plate while ignoring Kyungsoo completely. With a sigh the older decided he’d let it slip this time around, at least he had managed to get the pup to sit and eat at the table. That was a start.


After wiping Jongin’s whole face twice, under many protests, he let the younger leave as he did the dishes. He had devoted all of his concentration and concern to this new Jongin and just wanted a minute for himself.


That was a big mistake. 


He had barely been begun to scrub the first plate when he heard something large smash against the floor in the living room. In less than a heartbeat he was standing in front of a glass covered floor along with a terrified Jongin flown up on the coffee table. His eyes were wide as saucers and his whole entire posture shrunk when reading Kyungsoo’s mortified expression. 


The vase, that was now a trillion pieces on the floor, had been a moving-in gift from Kyungsoo's mother that she always would insist using when bringing flowers on the few occasions she visited. This was bad ing news.




Perplexed and stressed out about the whole situation all Jongin wanted was to disappear so without further or do he proceeded to leap of the table to escape both Kyungsoo and the strange tug of guilt at his heart. 


Kyungsoo’s horrified expression instantly intensified when realizing what the pants-less and barefooted dork was about to do. Before his mind could react his body had already moved on its own - because let’s be real how could Kyungsoo’s petite 173 cm self ever catch the 182 cm of lean muscle and long limbs in mid air without getting hurt?


Exactly. His mind had temporary checked out.


The impact was not pretty. Thankfully he was somewhat properly dressed for such a fall and managed to avoid getting any deeper cuts. Though due to the awkward landing his left cheek got bruised and soon rose red blood began prickling along the small rifts. He mewled silently as he layed there pressed down by the weight of the shocked Jongin. The pup spun around and with wide eyes stared down at the grimacing Kyungsoo.




”Just — g—et off!


Jongin’s head twisted in wonder but was soon removed by Kyungsoo’s scratched hands pushing him off. Jongin was thankfully spotless but Kyungsoo on the other hand was left out of breath on the crystal floor with several cuts on both hands and face. His body hurt and he damned life for never showing him an ounce of grace ever.


On wobbly legs he got up and went to the bathroom sink to wash away the scatters. His tired eyes inspected the blood pooling on the apple of his cheek and he groaned loudly in distress. This would not be pretty the coming days. 


Jongin stood in the door opening not knowing what to do or where to go. He was still in shock and he felt worry coarse through him when seeing all the cuts covering Kyungsoo. He wanted to soothe him somehow was absolutely clueless of how to succeed with that. He was stuck and only able to observe his owner through weary eyes.


Kyungsoo cursed over and over again as he pushed the soaked pad to his cheek. It stung and his tailbone was throbbing. He tried his best to not be mad at Jongin but couldn’t help but to think that such events never would have taken place if it wasn’t for the damn transformation. Puppy Jongin was small and easy to handle; human Jongin was none of that. He sighed when noticing that the criminal himself was still lingering around looking like a kid who had just dropped the last ice-cream on earth. What a mess life had become.


When he passed Jongin the pup tried to reach out and grab him but being used to avoiding people (his best friend was Chanyeol for god’s sake) he easily slipped past him without as much as sparing him a glance. He still felt annoyed to bits. 


Jongin’s shoulders dropped as he proceeded to follow the older in the same helpless manner as before. If he still would have had his tail it would be tucked in between his legs in shame.


”Soo?” He tired but Kyungsoo pretended not to hear neither him nor the heart clutching plea in his voice.


The pup was just a few steps behind him and Kyungsoo (who was terrible at being mad at cuteness) felt it was time Jongin got out of his sight before he gave up on life as a whole. He stopped harshly, making the unknowing younger clash right into his back. The pup shook his head in surprise and Kyungsoo turned around with his index finger raised in a warning manner.


”Jongin listen to me okay. Go to the bedroom and sit on the bed until I tell you can get out, okay?”


Jongin stared at him and blinked slow. Kyungsoo stood waiting for a drifting moment but upon noticing that Jongin remained puzzled he grabbed the latter’s arm and began dragging him towards the said room. 


”Don’t do this to me Jongin-ah. Go on!”


But Jongin seemed to have other things in mind and Kyungsoo was left struggling with even making the younger budge from the spot he was standing. ”Hey! MOVE.”


Tugging to the point of being out of breath Kyungsoo finally gave up with a large huff and fuming eyes. 




He stomped off and Jongin, who wasn’t sure of what was going on at all, was left standing shifting from one foot to the other not knowing what to do and what to not do.


Soon Kyungsoo was within his sight once more but this time with something peculiar in his hands - the vacuum cleaner. With a soaring gasp Jongin disappear into the bedroom, slamming the door in process. Kyungsoo chuckled as he plugged the device in and began cleaning the mess on the floor. Good thing not everything had changed.










One and a half hour of constant cleaning and scrubbing later Kyungsoo bust into the bedroom with the most persistent headache known to man. He had barely spared the pup one thought while cleaning up all the mess that he had created throughout the day and was only now reminded of his presence upon seeing a bump underneath the duvet. He sighed long and with heavy feet stapled over to the white bed. 


He placed a hand on the lump which soon stirred and a puffy face along with a bundle of messy chocolate strands peaked out. Jongin blinked multiple times as his eyes adjusted to the sudden light and when his gaze finally landed on Kyungsoo guilt washed over his youthful features. Kyungsoo was just about to open his mouth when Jongin grabbed his wrist, urging him to join him in bed. 


The older was on the verge of refusing but due to his utter exhaustion as well as headache, he was too tired to fight against Jongin’s sturdy hand guiding him. He clumsily laid down and the pup instantly splayed the duvet over his body. It was warm and Kyungsoo let his eyes close. But the relaxation didn't last for long and they instantly flew open moments later when he felt Jongin swing a leg over his body before settling upon him.


”He-Y you’re too heavy Jongin, stop! Get off!”


Kyungsoo untangled his arms and with his hands tried to push the younger away from him. With ease Jongin grabbed his wrists and held them tight. He examined the older’s palms closely and frowned when seeing that the cuts still were red. His eyes then shifted to the bruise on the older’s cheek. His frown instantly deepened.


With determination etched to his face he shifted closer to Kyungsoo’s face. The older groaned under the pressure but found himself too weak to protest, all he wanted to do was sleep and end this ing day. He barely cared anymore.


Jongin slowly let go of the older’s wrists and leveled with his face. Kyungsoo watched him through heavy lidded eyelashes and silently wondered how life had turned out this way.


With the pad of his index finger the pup lightly traced the swollen redness on his owner’s cheek. Kyungsoo hissed and Jongin’s eyes widened. His gazes shifted between the older’s eyes as if trying his absolute hardest on reading what he could possibly do to make the human below feel better.


He was frowning so deeply Kyungsoo wanted to press his thumb between the younger’s eyes just to even it out. What was he thinking about?


Jongin blinked and blinked and blinked again before slowly leaning in, letting his nose trace the bruised texture. Kyungsoo was now the one to frown. The younger’s breathing felt warm against his skin. 


After giving it a few sniffs Jongin (out of seemingly nowhere) gently let his tongue sooth over the cuts and Kyungsoo hissed once more, but this time it was another kind of hiss. His mind began instantly began reeling.


HEY! Jongin-ah! You are NOT allowed to do that to me! And please get off me you are not a dog anymore, you are heavy now! You can’t lie on top of me and you absolutely can NOT my —”




Jongin’s voice was deep and raspy. He parted and let his eyes shift between Kyungsoo’s once more. The older was caught off guard. He felt guilt wash over him; was Jongin apologizing for the accident or for the fact that he wasn’t a dog anymore? Kyungsoo didn’t know. He didn’t want to know.


He swallowed harshly as his defenses faltered as per usual. He sighed and relaxed his features, he couldn’t stay mad at Jongin. There was no way.


”It’s okay just — … no it’s okay.”


Jongin kept examining him with that frown crowning his brows. Kyungsoo sighed again. No, there was no way.


”Let’s just sleep okay? Let’s sleep.”


Jongin let his gaze drift for an ounce longer before shifting again and settling his head just underneath Kyungsoo’s chin. His hair was awfully soft, just like his fur had been, and his body felt warm all flushed up against the older. Kyungsoo closed his eyes in defeat once more. He could swear that his cheek didn’t sting the way it had before. Strange.


He sighed and gave up on the idea to make Jongin move away. Soon enough they were both sleeping.






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Chapter 1: Amazing! I already love it :'D
Lullabyun #2
Chapter 10: I'm crying bc this is the best fic ever pls update !!
LostInLoveWithDO #3
Chapter 10: Update very soon authornim *^▁^*...
Chapter 10: Update please... :D thx author..
cgao753 #5
Chapter 10: LOL sooo being all blushy and jongin understand about his feelings is like HILARIOUSSSSS and yas i totally get soo for being all irritated at chanbaek for ditching the outta him ^_^ :P whoopsssssssssssssss
but awww the ending was adorableeee
Chapter 10: No need to say sorry at all. I feel so refreshed after reading this whole story all ❤❤❤
audbear #7
Marie_Unnie #8
Chapter 10: Aoonh Im glad you updated ^^ And their date-not-really-date was so cute ♡♡ Seems like they are taking another step in their relationship! :3
Update pls
Chapter 9: Damn,i hope you will update this someday ;A;