Puppy Love | 10

Puppy Love








After a mere day in bed Kyungsoo was finally feeling better and by the next morning only seemed to lightly cough every now and then. Chanyeol (and Baekhyun) had come by the following day too to check on both of the weary beings looming around in the Do apartment. Jongin seemed to be sulking; hypersensitive to the older’s weakened condition he still felt bad about being the reason why. Kyungsoo himself was trying to stay away from all three considering they made him pissed off for various reasons. He was soon though informed that Chanyeol had invited Jongin to come with him and Baekhyun to the beach; something that had set a deep frown on Kyungsoo’s too often creased forehead.


”He is not going. I would never trust neither him nor the likes of you.” 


His still sore voice brought puppy eyes to the taller ones who instantly began the most persistent nagging war ever. Jongin wasn’t as vocal as Chanyeol though his gaze by far made a greater damage. To get a stop to it all; because in all honesty Baekhyun wasn’t a fan of Chanyeol begging Kyungsoo in the first place; the delicate male sighed soundly.


”Just come along too then.”


The bickering stopped for a while only to be multiplied moments later. But soon enough due to Kyungsoo’s weakened spirit (he wasn’t good with fevers) he gave in. Overjoyed Jongin and Chanyeol bounced up and down before getting stopped by the now very annoyed Kyungsoo who kicked out the ”intruders” and got left with the somewhat stiff Jongin. A small silence appeared.


”Soo really don’t want to go?” His voice was smooth; calming yet pleading in ways Kyungsoo wished it wasn’t.


”Not really but I guess it can’t be helped since I won’t leave you with that airhead.” 


The older sighed and pushed his fringe back. Jongin moved a few steps closer but stopped himself remembering. He settled with a small smile.


”Thank you.”


Kyungsoo looked up and had to swallow clumsily. ”Whatever…”











Soon the day where the trip was set arrived and Kyungsoo was awoken by an overexcited Jongin. He jumped in the bed, ran around, laughed and knocked over things to left and right; forcing the morning sour smaller to chase after and hinder disasters. After getting Jongin dressed in proper clothes (as well as pack extra everything just in case) Kyungsoo made sure to go through the schedule once more. They would walk to the station; take the train three stations; change to buss and then meet Chanyeol and Baekhyun at the beach cafe near the shoreline. What could possibly go wrong? 


Well, about everything.


Already on their way to the platform Kyungsoo could sense danger coming. Low-key grasping Jongin’s hand to keep him from disappearing had his cheeks burning like the sun. Most people didn’t take notice of them but the ones who did sure didn’t waste any time staring. Walking faster though only seemed to make Jongin excited and before Kyungsoo had realized the younger had tugged himself free from their weak contact and was soon out of sight.

Horrified to the max Kyungsoo began scanning the crowded area before him while trying to not panic. After searching for a painstakingly 5 minutes Kyungsoo finally found the younger standing near the end of the platform staring at some flock of doves above. Scolding him to bits Kyungsoo made him swear to never run off alone. With glistering eyes Jongin obediently held his hand as they waited for the train to arrive. Kyungsoo knew that it was a large task to be projecting so many new things upon Jongin but hadn’t really taken everything in precaution after all. Glaring back at some old woman who was sending them displeasing glances he wished they could just go back home. 


The train ride was cramped and seemingly draining Jongin of both patience and positive energy. Grasping Kyungsoo’s hand tightly his forehead wrinkled as a lady pushed him harshly aside.


”Hate this.” Jongin whined and stomped his feet impatiently. He was getting worked up for sure.


”I know, but we’ll get off soon. Just relax.” Kyungsoo squeezed his hand and the younger sent him a pleading gaze that sent his gut through the roof. Those puppy-eyes would haunt him forever.


Without being able to register what was happening Jongin placed a wet peck on Kyungsoo’s lips. The sound seemed deafening loud and while instantly turning blood red, Kyungsoo pushed him away with a little too much force, sending Jongin straight into a man standing close by. 


A disaster had taken place, dear folks.


Putting out the smallest fires Kyungsoo instantly pulled Jongin close while apologizing to the frowning man. Sending a horrified gaze around the carrier it seemed like no one had taken much notice of them. Thank god. He then turned to the teary Jongin and with the smallest voice he could explained that he could not, by any means, ever, do such thing again. 


Still teary and now confused, Jongin settled with grasping Kyungsoo’s hidden pinky as reassurance. Hadn't Kyungsoo promised he could kiss when he felt bad? Jongin threw an shamed-filled gaze over at the smaller who was wiping his lips still blushing. Life as a human sure was hard. 


Getting off the train only to run and get on a bus wasn’t exactly what Jongin had in mind after finally getting so fresh air once again. This time the older let him hold hands again and thereby, once more, gaining unwanted attention and judgmental gazes. Kyungsoo made sure to glare back. Didn't people have anything better to do?


When they finally reached the café both of them crashed on a large sofa shielded by a large plant. Jongin’s eyelids were heavy and he still hadn’t let go of the older who was feeling the fatigue invading too. How the heck were they supposed to turn the day around after all that had happened?











After a while Chanyeol arrived with Baekhyun in tow. He was grinning big when spotting the clasped hands resting in Jongin’s lap.


”You two are getting along well I see!”


Kyungsoo decided to not reply as he untangled his hand from the younger’s grip. He didn’t even have to see his saddened expression since he knew it was there all along. Oh, what a bother.


”Now what?” He sighed instead. The odd couple sat down at the opposite of the even odder. 


”I dunno…” Chanyeol rubbed his itching nose. ”I guess… Well…”


Kyungsoo frowned. ”What?”


The taller rubbed his nose even more while throwing a glance over at Baekhyun who was keeping his sharp gaze set on the lanky teen. Chanyeol cleared his throat as his wild ears turned red.


”Actually… I kind of promised Baekhyun we would have a date so…”


Kyungsoo’s frown went even deeper.


”Are you ing telling me we got all the way here just for you to ditch us!?”


Kyungsoo tried to not raise his voice but he could feel his blood boiling. Chanyeol, who also sensed the danger of the situation, instantly turned to Jongin who was watching the scene with heavy eyelids. 


”No no! Don’t be mad bro! Uh, Jongin wanted to come here, remember? Take him for a walk and show him around!”


After calming the fuming Kyungsoo for a good five minutes Chanyeol and Baekhyun were finally free to go having their own merry time, leaving the sleeping Jongin and the miserable Kyungsoo. 


”Goddamnit…” He mumbled watching the two leaving while shyly grasping hands. He recalled holding Jongin’s without that kind of hesitation and felt a blush. What was that supposed to mean anyway? Turning to examine the snoozing younger next to him left him with a sigh. Should they just go back home instead?


”Hey, Jongin.”


The younger stirred slow and with a low hoarse groan he stretched his tall body. By the time his eyes met Kyungsoo’s the older was already blushing.


”Do you wanna go home?”


Frowning the younger shook his head. Sighing loud Kyungsoo slid down further into the couch.


”Okay. What do you wanna do then?”


Blinking Jongin watched the smaller sulk and felt a sting of remorse. Kyungsoo was mad because of him. Again.


”What Soo wanna do.”


Snorting Kyungsoo met his eyes with a hint of surprise. This was new.


”You wanna do what I wanna to do?”


The pup nodded and scratched his eye with a closed fist. He looked like a kid and Kyungsoo felt a weird sense responsibly. This was Jongin’s first trip and first time at the beach. They had to see the water at least.


And to the ocean they went. 


Jongin’s eyes twinkled with excitement and his brown hair swayed comfortably in the breezing wind. He played by the water and run back and forth escaping the waves rolling in. He was laughing loudly and Kyungsoo could barely recall when he had seen him this happy. Perhaps the hassle was all worth it after all.


After removing their shoes they began walking the shoreline in a comfortable silence. Jongin payed a lot of attention to the seagulls above but understood (all by himself) that catching them was out of the question. Kyungsoo on the other hand was focusing on the taller beside him. He was dressed lightly and looked like someone straight out of a magazine. Kyungsoo blinked once their gazes met. Jongin just smiled.


After walking a good 30 minutes Kyungsoo bought them ice-cream but after offering Jongin a taste of his was forced to buy yet another one. Helping Jongin wipe his chocolate covered chin Kyungsoo couldn’t help the smile tugging at his lips. Despite trying his absolute hardest Jongin was as messy as ever. 











”Do you like the beach?”


They were sitting on a bench facing the wast ocean and the sun was getting more and more heavy for each minute; painting the sky in pale luscious hues. Jongin who’s sun-kissed skin had intensified along with freckles smiled.


”Yeah. A lot.”


He reached for Kyungsoo’s hand and threaded their fingers before the older had a chance to complain. Kyungsoo was hit by a sudden shyness. Why did this feel like some sappy movie scene? Why did Jongin look so ethereal and mature? Why did their hands fit so well? Too many questions, too little acceptable answers.


Watching the older’s cheeks match the glowing red sky Jongin felt something shift within him. It was an instant urge but it didn’t feel like it used to. It felt more soft around the edges, less instinctual and more pleading. Though despite the change it wasn’t by any means forgiving nor weak. Maybe it would make Kyungsoo mad, maybe not. He swallowed hard as he slowly leaned in closer. Kyungsoo’s eyes grew bigger but he didn’t move. Jongin his lips.


”Can… Can I?”


Again, too many damn questions. Though this time there was only one answer. Jongin’s eyes were deep and his breath felt warm. Goddamn.




Kyungsoo didn’t care if someone saw them this time around. He didn’t even care that Jongin still at kissing. It was all worth it if Jongin kept smiling like that.









// long time no update, sorry about that, no really... i could go on how busy ive been but no one cares i know
I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you who is reading this and have been waiting
it means a lot to a bean like me, so yeah, thanks for the undeserved support and attention //

*sends kisses and hugs*



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Chapter 1: Amazing! I already love it :'D
Lullabyun #2
Chapter 10: I'm crying bc this is the best fic ever pls update !!
LostInLoveWithDO #3
Chapter 10: Update very soon authornim *^▁^*...
Chapter 10: Update please... :D thx author..
cgao753 #5
Chapter 10: LOL sooo being all blushy and jongin understand about his feelings is like HILARIOUSSSSS and yas i totally get soo for being all irritated at chanbaek for ditching the outta him ^_^ :P whoopsssssssssssssss
but awww the ending was adorableeee
Chapter 10: No need to say sorry at all. I feel so refreshed after reading this whole story all ❤❤❤
audbear #7
Marie_Unnie #8
Chapter 10: Aoonh Im glad you updated ^^ And their date-not-really-date was so cute ♡♡ Seems like they are taking another step in their relationship! :3
Update pls
Chapter 9: Damn,i hope you will update this someday ;A;