Puppy Love | 1

Puppy Love









Kyungsoo damned himself for the fifteenth time as he picked up yet another chewed up sock from the floor. He had to learn how to deal with people pleading him into doing he never would even want to go near. Chanyeol owed him SO much for even considering taking care of one of his puppies. Even more actually doing so. It was only going to be for a few weeks until it was old enough to be adopted.


Yes, that was the plan.


Too bad Chanyeol’s pout and fluttering eyelashes made Kyungsoo agree on extending that period to months instead. Worse that Kyungsoo actually took some liking in the little ball of fur. Even worse Chanyeol had left out an important portion of information regarding the bred of his dogs. 


Worst of all it happened over a night.


Now, it wasn’t that Kyungsoo wasn’t fond of animals. He had grown up with both a dog and a cat and was used to taking care of those. But there was a limit to everything and Chanyeol’s ”puppy” was just about to prove that.









”This is Jongin, the darkest and sleepiest one of the males.” Chanyeol explained as he reached down to grab the little ball of dark brown fur. It was barely even awake and complained loudly as Chanyeol put it down in Kyungsoo’s lap. ”He is a bit shy so don’t feel bad if he won’t like you at first.”


Kyungsoo should have know it was bad news even from the start.


Jongin, the puppy, HATED him. He destroyed every single shoe in Kyungsoo’s entire apartment and made sure to tear and chew everything he came across. He also seemed to have a thing for peeing on the door mat much to Kyungsoo's horror and dispair. Kyungsoo tried his absolute hardest on being patient and understanding towards the small animal but would blossom up in huge fits and spend hours on calling Chanyeol and just roar into the phone. Chanyeol would sit and wait until he cooled down before giving words of encouragement and tips on how to manage Jongin.


”He’s testing you. Don’t let him win!”


Soon enough, after weeks of constant battles; Kyungsoo actually did win. Jongin had just let out a sort of huff snort before surrendering to his fuming owner by head-butting his leg and his face wet. Kyungsoo had even went as far as letting the puppy sleep in his bed that night, savoring the sound of the little's gentle snoring and the sweetness of winning his trust. Yes, he took a liking to the dog so when Chanyeol’s pleas of extending the care came about it didn’t require too much convincing. 


Months passed and they both grew accustom to each other. It was all rainbows and unicorns until one night when it all changed, or well, Jongin changed.










Chanyeol truly should have given Kyungsoo a heads up for what was about to happen because nothing could have ever terrified the younger more than waking up to find a stranger in his bed, a stranger that is. He screamed at the top of his lungs as he threw himself off the bed in a desperate attempt to escape. The boy stirred only to slowly wake up.


Kyungsoo, who had only manage to get out of the bed and crash onto the floor, was still laying there below barely daring to breathe in case the world would come crashing down on him. The boy peaked over the edge of the bed and gazed down at Kyungsoo through heavy eyelids. Kyungsoo’s eyes on the other hand were completely wide open as he tried to scuff as far away from the bed as possible without making any sounds. His breath hitched when the boy yawned soundly. 


What. The. Actual. !?


By the time the boy got up on his feet, standing up tall in all of his bare glory - Kyungsoo had fainted.










He woke up minutes later by the sound of the boy pacing restlessly across the room back and forth. Kyungsoo blinked hard multiple times but failed to disperse the intruder. He was still there. He was still , oh god.


”W-Who the a-are you and why are you in my a-apartment!?”


His voice was barely audible due to his rickety state but the boy flinched at the sudden sound and immediately went to sit by his side. Kyungsoo tried to squirm away but found his limbs disobeying his hastily demands, everything was still spinning mercilessly.


The boy looked at him with alert eyes and seemed completely oblivious to Kyungsoo’s horrid crazy-stare right back at him. The older repeated the question in a louder manner only the have the boy tilt his head in confusion. Kyungsoo felt prickling dots of black blur his vision yet again. It was all too early and too freaky for his brain to comprehend. He fainted. Again


This time around he woke up alone in his bed. He slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head to gaze around the room for some kind of proof of the past events. When finding everything in its initial state he fell right back onto the pillow with a relieved sigh. What a ed up dream. What a ed up horrible dream. 


To find some comfort after having to go through such a nightmare his hands started to search after a certain little animal. Despite great efforts all his still trembling fingers managed to find were the mere creases in his duvet. Kyungsoo frowned, Jongin would never ever wake up before him, let alone leave the bed.


”Jongin? — Jongin-ah? — ”


Something was heard from the living room and Kyungsoo let out yet another sigh of relief. He had probably gone to sleep in the couch like he used to when he was small. Kyungsoo closed his eyes in exhaustion as he waited for the familiar pressure to land on his stomach. Let’s just say that by the time the impact hit Kyungsoo the pressure was more than 20 times it’s original weight. Kyungsoo felt like fainting again but this time out of pain. What the


He looked up to find the same boy he had just escaped through what he thought was waking up. He didn’t manage to scream this time around though as the pressure upon his body was too crushing. Noticing the discomfort of the older the boy moved off to lay down beside him instead. Kyungsoo was mortified and paralyzed. He must have hit his head far too many times or it was his brain telling him he really needed to find a boyfriend. His frantic and lunatic musings were put to an abrupt end as he felt the boy along the side of his face before groaning;




As if on queue Kyungsoo was able to move again and instantly got up and dashed towards the door. Without as much as looking at the boy he slammed it shut and dragged a chair to block it from outside. He was shaking uncontrollably and was completely out of breath once he was done. Was he going insane? No, the pain across his torso was still present. Why was there a stranger in his home? And where was Jongin?


At the last thought Kyungsoo felt true panic rise within him. Had the boy harmed him? Was he hiding somewhere? Kyungsoo began his roaming though his apartment looking even crazier than before. He searched for his puppy everywhere and came to a horrifying conclusion that the dog must have hidden in his bedroom since he was nowhere to be found whatsoever. Kyungsoo walked up to his bedroom door with little confidence. He pressed his ear against the wooden surface to listen for sounds of puppy-torturing but heard nothing peculiar at all. After minutes of hesitation and sheer panic Kyungsoo pushed away the chair and swung the door open. 


The boy, who was sitting on the bed with a sullen expression, immediately looked up with a huge smile. Kyungsoo frowned and fought against his instincts of running away.


”Who the are you and what have you done to my dog!?”


Kyungsoo was trembling and the boy yet again tilted his had in confusion. His smiled had faded into a frown accompanied by a small pout. Kyungsoo’s eyes began scanning the room but found nothing that could be resembling the little fellow.


”Where is my dog!? — Where is Jongin!?”


Kyungsoo felt teas prickling his eyes. It was stressful and crazy enough that there was a stranger in his bed, so to have his precious puppy missing was just too much. He had gotten so used to the dog that even imagining a life without him brought tears to his eyes. He could barely care about the boy (who didn’t seem to be as much of a threat as he had thought) and was now solely consumed with the fear of losing his dear pet for good.


”I’m Jongin.”


The boy’s voice was a bit hoarse and his expression saddened. It seemed to take him an enormous amount of effort to speak. Kyungsoo was now the one to tilt his head in utter confusion. Was this kid mentally challenged for real? Well, Kyungsoo bet he was. 


”You Soo. Owner.”


The boy continued and Kyungsoo felt himself grow extremely weirded out yet again. His eyes examined the teenager in front of him and to his horror noticed that he was both extremely appealing and did have some distant resemblance to his lost puppy. The messy hair on his head had the same exact color as Jongin’s fur and his skin was rich and a tiny hint tanned. His limbs were long and well sculptured. His eyes was the part that gave him away though. They held the same pure gleam that his dog had. 


Kyungsoo then knew he had gone completely insane.


He slammed the door shut yet again and put the chair in front of the door with the last energy he had left. After that he collapsed on the floor with a broken mind. He closed his eyes as he mumbled pleas to God that nothing was real.


”This can not seriously be happening. There was no way at all that anything of what has just taken place can actually be tied to a real reality. There was no way at all that — ”




Some faint scratch sounds seeped through the door. Kyungsoo’s eyes flew open. His heart picked up speed and he tried clearing his throat before repeating the most obvious question of all.


”W-Who are you!?”


He tried to crawl as far away from the door as possible but once again found himself too weakened by it all. His muscles were mush along with his brain.




The boy; who clearly claimed to be Jongin, sounded restless and frustrated much to Kyungsoo’s newfound annoyance. That freak was in no place to feel anything but shame.


”Stop saying that! Jongin is a dog, you are human!”


Kyungsoo was starting to get angry. He slowly stood up and moved closer to the blocked door.


”But am Jongin! Live here with Soo!”


Kyungsoo snorted and felt rage bubble within him. This intruder sure had some nerve.


”Are you some ed up stalker or what? What have you done to my dog, you !?”


There was a small silence before the boy scratched the door with his fingernails yet again. He was truly getting impatient.


”Not stalker, I’m — ”


”Stop saying you are Jongin! You are a ing human stranger who has broken into my apartment and probably killed and hidden my dog somewhere!”


More scratch noises were heard but now accompanied by some muffled sniffles. Was he crying?


”B-But am Jongin… Haven’t killed since Soo told not to! Left that frog alone, Soo know!”


The boy sobbed pitifully at the other side of the door and Kyungsoo flinched because A; he was awful at scolding crying people and B; there was no way anyone would know anything about the frog incident.


” — H-How do you know about those things?”


”B-Because Soo said important so remembered! Don’t want Soo be mad!”


Kyungsoo tried swallowing but the utter dryness of his mouth made it impossible. These were things no human nor animal could possible know besides the two of them. The only conclusions he reached was that he either was heavily drugged by someone who had stalked him for months and then kidnapped his dog to pull a messed up prank on him OR that somehow the boy on the other side of the door in fact was his beloved dog. Both seemed equally impossible and terrifying. He tried the uttering the question nevertheless.


”A-Are you really Jongin?”


More sobs were heard. ”Yes… Soo’s cuddly snuggle-puff.”


The older blushed furiously and then felt like dying altogether because yes, there was no way anyone could have heard the small love declarations he had whispered into Jongin’s fur at night. The boy was Jongin. Oh God.


After that Kyungsoo only knew one thing - Park Chanyeol was dead meat.










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Chapter 1: Amazing! I already love it :'D
Lullabyun #2
Chapter 10: I'm crying bc this is the best fic ever pls update !!
LostInLoveWithDO #3
Chapter 10: Update very soon authornim *^▁^*...
Chapter 10: Update please... :D thx author..
cgao753 #5
Chapter 10: LOL sooo being all blushy and jongin understand about his feelings is like HILARIOUSSSSS and yas i totally get soo for being all irritated at chanbaek for ditching the outta him ^_^ :P whoopsssssssssssssss
but awww the ending was adorableeee
Chapter 10: No need to say sorry at all. I feel so refreshed after reading this whole story all ❤❤❤
audbear #7
Marie_Unnie #8
Chapter 10: Aoonh Im glad you updated ^^ And their date-not-really-date was so cute ♡♡ Seems like they are taking another step in their relationship! :3
Update pls
Chapter 9: Damn,i hope you will update this someday ;A;