chapter 16

just kidding.. no heart feeling..


You and Haena link arms and skip happily. Today you feel much better than yesterday even you still haunt guilty with Sandeul.


*I wonder is Sandeul-oppa okay? It's my fault. I shouldn't say like that to him..* You sigh.


"Are you.. Dislike me as your sibling?" You wipe your tear.


He stunned.


"Please get out from my house then!"


"I LIKE YOU.. AS MY SIBLING!" He storms out.

With red face..





You rise your head and tilt to Haena. "Why?"


"There's so many guys!" She mumbles. "I'm so happy!"


As you expected, Haena becomes cheesy when there's a lot of guys. You hear someone call your name so you focus to the front. You see Dongjun, eight unknown guys, Baro, Cnu, Jinyoung, whatwashisname-chan and Sandeul.. You start to tight the grip. Haena looks at you and knows something happen between you and him. She gives you You-will-be-okay look.


"Hi, there." Dongjun gives his best smile.


You nod and sile to him back. Haena starts to talk with Jinyoung and the other while Sandeul keeps looking on you.


"So is this your old friend? Nice!" Heechul says with the agreement of all.


You duck your head, shy and Haena giggles. After a short introduction, all of you split in groups by flipping hands.


Group 1: Gongchan, Hyungshik, Kevin, Kwanghee..


Group 2: Baro, Sandeul, Dongjun, ~~~~..


Group 3: Junyoung, Minwoo, Siwan, Jinyoung..


Group 4: Taehun, Heechul, Cnu, Haena..


All of you wave and go to anywhere they want.


You walk with Doungjun while Sandeul walk with Baro. You feel a little hurt when Sandeul ignores you.


"Are you okay?" Dongjun asks, concern.


"N-ne!" You nod and  look in front where Sandeul glares at you. *Stupid oppa! That's all my fault..* You're crying in your heart.




"Fuhh! That's so fun!" Baro hi-5 with Dongjun. Sandeul looks around.


"Why Sandeul?" Dongjun hangs one of his arm on Sandeul's

Shoulder. He pokes Sandeul's cheek. "You hungry, aren't you?"


Sandeul nods. "Hungry.." He pouts and pats his stomach. "Give me food?"


"Well, if you go to buy.. It's my treat then!" Dongjun smiles.


"Stupid y monster!" Sandeul kicks Dongjun's .


You giggle and Baro put his arm on your shoulder. "You should see them when they're arguing about the menu. Especially Dongjun and Gongchan." Baro shows you how they in fight.


You laugh so hard until Dongjun coughs, fake.


"Baro, will you buy us food with this little kid?" Dongjun points at Sandeul.


"Argh! Hyung, I'm tired." Baro pouts.


"I'm not little kid!" Sandeul whines. "Give me your money, I buy it myself!"


"Materialistic!" Dongjun stuck his tongue out. "As usual! Baro?"






"I'll follow Sandeul?" You bit your lower lip.


"Okay, then!" Dongjun hands the money to Sandeul. "Take care of ~~~~, will you?"


Sandeul nods. You follow him from behind. Awkward.

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joymuel #1
Chapter 19: good thing you didn't delete this! cause its a good story! congrats!!! ^^
OH MY GAWD! LOVE IT! Too short for such an awesome story though.. Sequel please! If you can, can you make it bout Jinyoung?:DD
thanks for reading and love it..
I appreciate it.. ^_^
waaah, why is it final. T-T but anyways I love it.
thanks to you too.. well, it maybe hard but i will take it as challenge.. thank you.. ^^
Yay! you continued it~ I thought you won't continue it anymore, phew~ Hope you will update soon~
NOOOOOOOO! Continue this story!!Its not boring, really! So please continue it. Even though you don't have any idea, just continue, jebal!!
thanks.. ^^<br />
i'm still figure out the next chapter so it will be late..<br />
i'm sorry..
ayameyokomi #9
Great plot!~ Please update soon!
b1a4cnblueblockb #10
update soon.^^