The truth

A very different starting

"Appa Sica has something to tell you"Tiffany nudged Jessica to ask her to speak up."Jessica what do you have to tell your father"Their parents was waiting for an answer."Yeah....well...I would like to borrow money from see the......fortune teller"Jessica was hesitanting to tell the truth."Why would you girls want to see the fortune teller?"

"We wanted to ask him questions about our past"Jessica bluntly told them."I can't stop you from searching for answer but I want you girls to promise me,be home by dinner time. I'm having guests around that timing"Their father gave them money and they happily went off to find the fortune teller."Here we are, once we go in there's no turning back"The three of them went in boldly.

Jessica placed the money on the table before she could speak up."You girls didn't come with your parents?"THe fortune teller asked them."Look we only want answer from the questions we may present, and not any crap from you"The three of them were losing patient as time went by."You want to know about your past right?"

"How did you know?"They were shocked by his sudden words."There are some things when is time for you to know, you'll know. Right in front of you there's three cards and a ring, choose your card wisely. If you chose that card then the ring on top of the card you've to accept it too"The fortune teller let them picked their desired card."So you girls picked your card right then placed it down and let me see"

"Why is my card empty?"Jessica questioned."Simply to say, their past are similar. Since their card were both heart,but no image that means your past life got nothing in return,it's just my assumption"

"But not to worry, I calculated all of you have met them but it's that you guys didn't know at all.The ring and the card should be kept confidential, no one even your parents should know about it,if not everything will come to naught"

"The game finally has started..."


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Chapter 9: update soon please
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 2: aaaaahhhh,moreeee...