Sheet - 18

Through Music


Sunday, June 22th.


So, this is it. D-Day of Yonghwa’s birthday. Thanks to Jonghyun, he the other day of what she’s going to give to Yonghwa on his birthday. She was clueless about the date of his birthday before, so she had nothing in mind at the time. The truth surprised Jonghyun, and making him blurted out that Yonghwa’s birthday is about three days more. The sudden information drove her panic, it’s soon! And the fact that she hadn’t prepare anything at all is the main reason of it.


Yeah, firstly, she has no idea what to give or present. There were actually many things in head, but she’s still unsure to decide. After much time spent thinking, she decided to perform him an acoustic, so she contacted Jonghyun and asked for a suggest of what song she should sing on that day. A smirk etched on Jonghyun’s face as he then suggest her a song, like it didn’t cost much time for him to think, but suggest her one right away. The song that he said is one of Yonghwa’s composed song. The song that he recently finished writing it. The song that he said suit the moment the most. Without much thinking too, Seohyun pick the song, and started to learn the chord also the song from the audio record Jonghyun gave to her.


Early in the morning, Seohyun texted him a happy birthday message. She wanted to be the first to say it. But apparently, Yonghwa read the text so late. It doesn’t matter for her. She’s happy when Yonghwa said that she is the first who congratulated him. Yes, she made it.

Next, Seohyun invited him to go to a cafe near her apartment this afternoon, to share his birthday with a cake she made. Without much thinking, he accepted it right away. So soon, the two meet up.




Saengil chukkae hamnida!


Seohyun threw a mini confetti at him as soon as he arrived at the cafe. He was a little bit startled since Seohyun was hiding behind a plant earlier. Yonghwa smiling widely at her who keeps clapping excitedly. She looks so cute that way he thinks. He thanked her.


Then, Seohyun took out a cake box from her bag, put it on the table when the two already took their seat comfortably. She opened it, and a mini-cute blue colored cake revealed. Made him once again unconsciously smiling, flustered, remembering that it is made for him.


“Ah!” Seohyun snapped, put her hand on , “I forgot bring a knife to cut the cake”


Eyy~” He slumped on his seat, while Seohyun apologizing at him.


Gwaenchana. I’ll borrow a knife inside.” He stood up, “Wait a second, okay” And off to go inside the cafe. The plan went smooth! Yes, she forgot it on purpose, even booked the table for the outdoor area is also one of her plan. That way, Yonghwa will go inside, which it will cost enough time for her to prepare her next present.


So she take out her cute-mini pinky guitar and a mysterious mask from her hidden bag behind a plant. She put it on and strum the guitar a bit, to test it. She inhaled deeply and blew it away, assuring herself that she will do well.


Soon, the sound of footsteps are bumping on the wooden floor, and its coming closer. Seohyun quickly turned away, showing only her back.


“Seohyun,” He called so clear, make her nervous that he is already here, back at her. “I don’t know whether you bring any spoon or not, just in case I borrow some too from inside”



The voice of Yonghwa pulling out the wooden seat, then seat on it caught on her ears yet she still inhale-exhaling nervously. Waiting for the perfect time.


Yonghwa curled his brows seeing her didn’t response, even look away. Well yes, he found it weird, so he put his hand on her shoulder, called out, checking her. “Seohyun?”


In a blink of an eye, Seohyun turned around her body. Revealing him the current look of her which startled him, made him spontaneously back off a bit. Her face gone, covered with a scary mask of their killer lecture in the college instead


“Yonghwa. Listen to my song~” She said in scary way in his eyes yet cute. She managed to hold her laugh of nervousness though.


Then a very familiar song plays as she start to strum the mini guitar on her hold.


‘When I look at you my face gets red

When I see you my heart goes thump thump

I talk with shyness like a kid

When I look at you I just smile out of nowhere

Like a fool I keep doing that

I think love came to me


You’re the president of my heart

You’re my chest star embroider

I’m genie for you girl

You make me stop breathing

Whatever you want

Because I love you

There’s no reason for my love you know


You’re my darling

You’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky

The shining thing deep inside my heart

My own love light


I love you darling

Give me light next to me whenever every night I look at you

And you’re beautiful even when I look at you

You’re my love light


When I see you I feel like I’m up on the clouds

It may be immature but I keep doing this

I think love came to me


You’re lovely

You’re more blinding than the sunlight up in that sky

You shine the dark places inside my heart

My own love light


I love you lovely

Even if I close my eyes I see you looking at you like this

You’re still blinding even when I see you

You’re my love light’


Yes, its ‘Love Light’.

How could he didn’t recognize it. It’s one of his self-composed song after all. He was suprised of how could she found the song, not to mention she also learn it very well. His lips were parted, forming a burst-cheek smile along her performance. He never thought of her would doing this for him. He’s so touched. Extremely touched. Never in his life a girl present this kind of show to him.


He know that its kind of embarrassing for a girl do this sort of thing. But he amazed she can managed it well until the very end. At some time, he also can’t stand to laugh, its not that he felt embarrass or what, but he’s just to happy due to her sweet act.

‘Thump! Thump!’ Yeah, he can also clearly feel his heart beat fast deep down there while she is keep singing her best in front of him, and he found that very cute. Too cute!


Eyah~ Is that the gift for me? But, do you really have to wear that mask?” Asked Yonghwa as the performance end.


Seohyun just reply “Ne,” and ask him to sit right away while still keep hard to get her sense back due to her total nervous. But Yonghwa seems disatisfy and ask her to do it again without the mask on. She found that very hard. But she doesn’t want disappoint him. So she put all her effort to do it over again without a mask on. All she did to make him happy. So, she pull herself to say in her mind, ‘It’s okay. You can do it Seohyun!’


And by the time she do it again, she can’t help but avoiding his gaze that keep on look at her deeply. Her eyes just stare in random direction.

‘Gosh! How could I face those eyes?? Its already hard to do it this way, now he give me those intense gaze? This is too much!’ She said while still busying herself on the song.


Clap-clap-clap! I’ve never imagined you prepared an event like this!” Yonghwa clapped and amazed when the performance end, ‘Jinjja. I’ve never imagined it! I even thought I’m dreaming right now’ He added in his mind. Seohyun just give him a sweet smile and laugh at herself in return.


“Seo Joohyun~ Do you really have this side?” He keep on talk full of amazed while she still smile and laugh at herself. She really didn’t know how to act. She’s still shivered anyway.


“I’m so touched..” He said, almost like a whisper. “Gomawo, Seohyun-ah..” Smiled broadened on his face, revealed her the blushing expression of him. It’s so precious, seeing him like that for the first time to Seohyun. Her chest is started hammering inside, that it almost feels like something about to come out from there.


“Alright! now I have to thinking hard of what to give you on your birthday.”  He turned to her, “It’s on 28th of June, right? I won’t lose to you” And smiled, showing her the row of his white teeth.


A smile escaped her lips. He impressed her right away for knowing her date of birthday already. And for some reason, the words made her giddy. Made her wants to know what her surprise birthday from him will be like. This is gonna her first event after all.


‘I’m really looking forward to it..’




Saturday, June 28th.


It’s a complete different from what Seohyun expected.


There hasn’t any call, message or tag in any social media from Yonghwa for her birthday this whole day, whereas the sun is going to set in any time soon. She has been waiting, excitedly the full day for any surprise she might get. But those time waiting seems wasteful. Face curled instead of smile sets on her face. She’s hoping too much she think.


‘Did he forget about my birthday? If that’s really the reason, that’s too much of him’

She’d been staring at her phone for quite a while now. Waiting for any notice from Yonghwa, but nothing came. She knew she’s acting a bit too much right now, but that’s normal right? She just wanted a word from him! Even a single ‘Happy birthday’ is enough for her. She was about to doze off when suddenly her phone buzzing, signaling a text from someone. She perked at the sound and quickly grab her phone, checking the text.


‘From : Yonghwa


Seohyun, I heard there’s a festival around Sangdodong. Let’s meet there at 7 PM, I’ll be waiting you~’


A smile instantly blessed her face. Finally! She thought, before quickly take a shower and prepared herself for the night, expecting something memorable from Yonghwa.




As expected, the festival crowded with guests tonight. Various stands filled in every corner of the place, also some rides which completed the feel of a festival. Seohyun was seen so fresh. Her face was literally glowing with light make-up and loosely tousled curls. She’s so excited for the moment she’d share with him tonight, because this will be the very first date for them.


A sudden buzz  pulled Seohyun out of her thoughts. She quickly checks her phone, hoping to see any good news from Yonghwa.


‘From : Yonghwa


Seohyun, I’m sorry I can’t come. Something came up that I can’t get away from. Maybe we can go to there next time’


Curled, disappointment etched on her face in no time. She can’t believe of what she just read.

She tried to text him back saying, ‘Should I wait? I’m okay If I have to’, hoping with that he would consider to at least come, keep his promise. But for minute she wait, no reply she get.


She can’t believe Yonghwa actually did this. It’s not only about her birthday is today, but he let her all alone in this festival. Where is his responsibility? Shouldn’t he be worried doing this to his.. Girlfriend? Now that she think of it. Is she really, officially being his girlfriend? Well, he hasn’t asked her out nor to be his girlfriend though. He did confessed his feeling, but is confessing mean that they already dating? Seohyun feel dizzy with the thoughts on her mind. She has never experience a relationship before, so she didn’t know what stage is she on right now with him. She’s still sulking anyway.


Seohyun decided to travel alone around the festival. Once a while, she’d huffed in annoyance, kicking some pebles in the ground to ease her anger. The thoughts still filling up her head, ‘Well at least, shouldn’t he say something about my birthday, like congratulates me just like ordinary friend will do. I put so much effort for his, but how could he do nothing for mine.’


Ahead, something caught her attention which grows a smile on her sulking face in instant. A ferris wheel is really here, just like what she saw in the poster on the front gate. Well, this is the reason she decided not to leave the festival that quick. She loves riding ferris wheel so much since she was kid. Like whenever she go to an amusement park or festival, she’d ride it excitedly. So she ran over, join into the line that is not so crowd for the ride.


Seohyun entering the car number 10, alone inside. Well, she thinks it’s better than to be with strangers. The ferris wheel apparently isn’t as high as she usually found in an amusement park, but still she enjoy it. Slowly, the ferris turns, higher and higher.


Smiling, she was looking out from the car to the view down there. It was so high that she can clearly see the beautiful view of the festival from up here. Those multicolored neon lights turning and spinning and the mega-joules of artificial lights that you won’t see during the day look amazingly stunning. It twinkling with various of vibrant colour in the dark, feels like seeing a sea of stars in the land. Her face lit up, she smiled widely at the scene she rarely see these days. She enjoyed it so much that the earlier pain seems fade away in this moment.


But later, all those incredible lights turned off in one blink. The ferris wheel which she was rode also stopped from spinning, and it’s stopped where her car is in the highest point. Seohyun started to panic at this sudden incident. No one to ask for what’s going on or share this panic feeling. She tried to peek out, seeing what’s happening down there, but she could see nothing. It’s a complete blind right now. A pitch black.


The fear is growing inside her, thinking that what should she do now. Once a while, she knocked pretty hard on the window, shouting for a help. Then she tried to contact anyone in her phone, but shockingly the signal is also turned down even though its up here. She groaned in shaky voice as the various of scary thoughts in her mind lead her even panic.


‘What if I stuck here until morning?’


She tried knocking on the window again, to the behind of her cart exactly. But this time, she knocked on it really hard, caused the cart shaking. Swaying. She stopped, froze on her spot as she can feel the shake of the cart. Another scary thought popped out.


‘What if this is gonna be the next sequel of Final Destination 6, that the cart is gonna fall, crashed to the ground abruptly?’


Suddenly she could feel a sting on her eyes. Her lips trembling. Soon, the sobbing sound cracked out. She’s in lost. She couldn’t think of any in her mind right now. She felt the shudder possessed all over her body. She surrendered. And finally, she let the tear falling down onto her pinkish cheek. One name ran across her mind.


‘Yonghwa..! Where are you?’


Suddenly, a guitar sound cracked out of the nowhere. It’s so loud, that she thinks everyone throughout the festival could hear it. But.. What’s with this sudden guitar sound at the time like this? Is someone doing a prank or something?


In a heartbeat, the lights in her cart , making her surprised. She checked around to see is everything already back to normal? But a frown came upon her face instead. It’s only her car which . The rest are still pitch of black. But she next realised, there’s another place which the light is on. It apparently came from a tower which is in up high as her car ahead. The tower seems like a DJ room. Caught something there, she narrowed her eyes to see what’s there. Wait, there’s someone actually standing there. A guy, alone and .. Smiling?


A perk.


Her eyes instantly widened at the scene ahead. Her hands automatically went to , covering the wide gaping she did. It’s Jung Yonghwa.


‘Y-Yongh—? What is he doing there? Didn’t he say he can’t come?’


Soon, a familiar husky voice cracked out in the air, syncing melodiously with the guitar sound earlier. Yonghwa started to sing in the room which facing right to where Seohyun is.


‘The door is opening, and come in

I knew at first sight that you were mine

Your face shone as you came towards me

You are so beautiful, you can make me go blind.


I don’t know why, but it’s not strange, yet my heart is fluttering.

You took all of my heart


I want to tell you carefully

I want to be brave

Can I love you from today?

It’s the first time, I don’t want to lose this feeling

I think love is going to come

I’ll give only good things to you


I don’t know why, but it’s not strange, yet my heart is fluttering

You took all of my heart


I put up with a lot of goodbyes and lots of tears

So it’s a little late, but I think I’ve finally met the one


Can I love this person, that is in front of me?

I’ll confess to you with my beating heart

I want to tell you carefully

I want to be brave

Can I love you from today?


It’s the first time, I don’t want to lose this obvious feeling

I think love is going to come

I’ll give only good things to you


Can I love you from today.. Seo Joohyun?’


Words fail her and tears come instead, flowing down on her rosy cheek. But a smile escaped her lips, and its broadened upon her face. The lyrics were so beautiful and touched her so deep. They somehow makes her shiver. Makes her melted.


Soon, dozens of lanterns floating into the dark sky, create a vision of suspended lights. They’re glowing beautifully, like fire-flies filled in this night sky. Voices of squealing begin to crowd from down there, join her watching this gorgeous sight.


‘Did he prepare for this too? .. How?’


“Happy birthday, Seohyun” His voice is on the microphone again, “You must’ve think I forgot about your birthday, right?” A low voice of chuckling heard from him, “I’ll be waiting you down there. But please don’t hit me as soon as we meet” He requested playfully before finally turned off the microphone.


Soon, all the light again one by one. The ferris wheel also started to spin, slowly bring her car to go down. When her car already on its lowest point, she gets off quickly and try to find him. Many people were cheering her as soon as she gets off from the car. She flustered at them yet she happy. But her eyes didn’t stop from looking to every corner of the place, searching him passing through the sea of people in the night.


She was confused of how to found him in this quite big place with people around. She didn’t know what cloth he is wearing, which place he is waiting her for. She just realised that she supposed to ask that sooner.


But ahead, across the sea of people, it was apparently easy to spot him, standing in a not so crowd area. Yes, there she found a familiar guy looking as charming as ever with only a simple shirt he wore. She studies him from the distance. Collecting all the memories she had with him. That two-toned hair with a fringe almost covering his round clear eyes. That sharp jawline and the perfect curves of his face. That toothy grin but sometime can turned into a warm embracing smile. She remembered the first time she studied them of his face. The fist time moved her, and now she’s staring them again. Time fled so fast yet felt unreal that they actually in this stage right now.. It’s like a miracle she only found in a love tales or dramas. Yes, a miracle.


It’s a miracle.. To be able to meet him again after these years long waiting. To be able to finally reach him. To be able to be the girl he fall for. To be able to share this moment right now.


‘It’s a miracle I can’t explain.. To having you here for finally..’


He smiling sheepishly, then spread both of his arms wide open and teasingly lifted his brows, inviting her for a hug.


She chuckled at his straightforwardness, but then decided to break her own walls. So she ran over to his open arms, accepted him. She rested her face on his wide chest and let herself buried by his embrace. She let out all the tears fell uncontrolably down to her cheek, her chin, and landed on his shirt, wetting it. She didn’t care if it’s going to ruin her make up or make her face look messy. She didn’t care if it looks so not Seo Joohyun. All that she know that she just want to cry at the moment. Right here, right now. Not cry because of sadness, but cry because of the overflowing jolt of happiness she feels.


“Happy birthday, Seohyun” He murmurs, his voice low and husky. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long. You must’ve cursed me a lot, right” He , as always.


A pretty hard sobbing sound undeniably caught on his ears as a reply.

Ne! I cursed you more than a lot!” She cried, “You know I thought I was going to ended up like in the Final Destination scene! Die in abrupt. That the car will fall down, because I knocked it so hard for times, causing it swaying”


Yonghwa exploded a guffaw at her imagination, “Yah, you’re watching too much movies!”


But then he rubbed her sweet-smelled hair softly, “Aigoo, I’m feel like a bad guy making you cry a lot like this. Even when I’m thinking back, I did make you cry a lot. The day when we found out that actually each of us have met ten years ago. The day I first confess to you. You were keep crying.. I’m sorry for being such a unreliable guy, for making you cry a lot instead of smile.”


Seohyun shook her head in his embrace, “Ani. You did much for me. I’m the one who should be thankful to you. Even for the event today, I should’ve trust you, not getting mad easily. Compare to last day, my surprise was nothing with this. Thank you..”


The smile on Yonghwa’s face growing at the words, “Thank you for deciding to be with me too, Seo Joohyun..” He whispered, ever so gently to her ear, “I love you..”


The whisper of the words completely sent a shiver down her spine, makes her shudder even more in tears. Another tear flowing down her cheek, as she whispered him back ever so sweet, “I love you too..”


He escaped another whisper, “So, can I officially call you Hyun from now on?”


Ne?” She looked up a bit, asked between her sob “Why Hyun all of the sudden?”


“Hmm.. I don’t know. I just love the name, and I want to call you with the name I only call. Now try to find a good one for me”


She hummed, thinking hard. “Yoong..”


“Am I a Yong (dragon)?” He curled.


Ani,” She let out a giggle. “I was trying to think..”


He cut her words, “But that’s not bad. You just need to hold it a while, like ‘Yo~ng’. Then I’ll call you like, ‘Hyu~n’” Caused her giggling.


“So,” He escaped another whisper, looking down a bit to meet her clear eyes. “Can I love you from today.. Hyun?”


There, she can see the earnest meaning in his eyes as their eyes met. It moved her heart so much. Seohyun then nodded between her growing smile. Both closed their eyes as each tighten their embrace, cherishing the moment right now. His nearness, the absence between them, they were so close to each other, that they can feel the warm of one another, can smell of each scent. They were so tight, like afraid of losing each other again. But this time they know, they believe that they won’t. They want to protect this feeling, this love to stay the same, to keep growing each day, to last forever.


On the other hand, over the crowd, three males spotted watching the two from the distance. They are also happy for them and thinking that it’s a big success after putting much effort for helping him realising this plan. They have been setting up the plan together from the start, collecting some information of what Seohyun like, preparing all the stuffs they need, asking almost like begging for the employees of the festival for the permission and their help and finally make it happen today.


It wasn’t that easy. It’s hard to be exact, they even refused to do it at first, thinking that it’s too risky and doubt it will go well. But after some talk, and seeing how Yonghwa really serious and hoping for their help which they found it new of him, they gave in. And gratefully, one of the head staff of the festival is a relative of Jonghyun’s dad, so that’s easier them realising this plan.


“Ahh, we’re such a good bros, aren’t we?” Said Jungshin, playfully hugged the other guy beside him who nodded at his words and hugged him back, imitating them.


Jonghyun sniggered at the maknaes silly act, then back seeing at the two again. He folding his arm, sighed in relief. “Well yes, we are. He better keep his promise treat us as we wish after this”


The two maknaes nodded in sync, still locked into each other.


This time Minhyuk turn to gave his opinion, “Both are really look good together, aren’t they? They are the same, putting so much effort in doing something. A type of hard-working people. So, both deserve this moment since both did their best to make each other happy”


Now Jonghyun and Jungshin the one who nodded in sync. Lastly, Jungshin cheered, caused the rest to burst into a giggle hearing the couple name he just made for them.


“YongSeo.. Fighting!




A/N :

I was intending to update it right on their birthday tho, but seems I can't make it X'D

Hope you guys like this chapter anyway ^^)/

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Apuichaa #1
Chapter 19: Really good..Tq~
ela2807 #2
Chapter 19: wahhh so beautiful. thank you authornim.
wussa8 #3
Chapter 19: kyaa cute. thanks for the update. love it
ela2807 #4
Chapter 18: Huwaaaaaa,.,thank youuuuu...
adina1602 #5
Chapter 17: Welcome back author-nim.. Miss you.. I need to read back the whole chapter to get the feeling back.. Anyway its a good chapter.. Gonna wait for next update.. Fighting...
chino29 #6
Chapter 16: wow a very sweet confesion ^_^
i'm afraid she would remain being selfless, i'm glad she wasn't
i like yonghwa's determination to say it all and not letting go
P.S. your author note make me looking forward another twist in the story
Chapter 16: yay finally they made up!! :)
tipani22 #8
Chapter 16: Yay Yonghwa and Seohyun made up and hoping Min Ho doesnt loose his memory due to the accident. Shin Hye you know your love for Yonghwa is one sided, you really need to get a life or give someone else a chance to heal that broken heart of yours. Thanks for Updating.
Chapter 15: why?!?!?! please update again~~~...anyway #5yearswithyongseo :D
please update~^^...seriously i hate kyuhyun and shinhye -_-