Sheet - 13

Through Music

It’s the same thing like yesterday. Park Shinhye waited for any sign of coming from her behind-seated friend since very early of the morning. She dozed off again too and awaken by the noises that is getting crowd the class. She turned her head slowly after wishing down her heart that she will found him there. It doesn’t matter if he is sleeping with his head buried in his arm, she won’t scold at him, she promise. She just wanted so bad to see him again seating on that seat, assuring her that he’s already alright.


But all that she found with those eyes once more is. An empty seat.


She grab her phone just to check for any text might coming from him. But still, zero.


Gosh, it completely depressed her. She already tried text him for times, asking to the boys even came to his house, but none of answer she got of his whereabout. She only found his house empty, boys totally clueless and text left unanswered.


She feel useless.


“Alright everyone, now open your book page 177. Let’s we continue the topic we discussed last week” Said the lecturer, began the class as soon as he arrived.


Everyone in the class heed the command right away, leaving the class in a total silence. They are in focus. But it all didn’t last long after the door suddenly opened in a loud voice, shocked them all and broke the silence.




Instantly, every eyes are on the figure who just come into the class abruptly. The only one who could make such situation.


A girl in the back widened her eyes so round as she can’t believe of what she saw right before them. She slightly jaw dropped too in no sound, like she lost all the words in her mind.


It’s Yonghwa. It’s Jung Yonghwa who’s coming in.


“I’m sorry for coming late, sir” Yonghwa spoke out between his heavy pants. His hair looks messy as usually when he comes late.


The lecture studied him, looking surprised at the sudden presence, “I-It’s alright, you may sit now”


Khamsahamnida” He thanked then strode in weakly, still panting hard, aiming for his seat on the back as eyes are all on him, but he didn’t give a damn of it.


Shinhye turned at him who finally sit behind her, “Yah! Where have you been all this time? Why didn’t you reply any of my text?” She whispered in almost screamed.


“Ssshh! You’re too loud” He shooed which surprised her at the new habit of him.


“Okay, then answer me!” She lower her tone, but still remain in anger sound.


“I was at home”


She crinkled her brows, “Home? But I found your home always empty these past two days”


“Well, I wasn’t the whole time at home to be exact” He paused for few seconds,  “I went somewhere. You know, to cool down my head. About the text, I didn’t check on my phone this whole time and I left it home, sorry”


She sighed, “Which place then? I visited some places you often visit, but still I didn’t found you there”


“It’s not around this college, and you might don’t know the place. Now we better focus on the lecture or he might catch us chatting here” He ended the chat as he already open the mentioned page, ready to read it.


Shinhye found that weird. His act. It just feels like not him. She turned back to the front then, feeling uneasy and somehow questions still left unaswered.

‘What happened in those days he was absent?’




A perk.


It’s clearly his voice she caught by the ears. He’s whispering, and calling out someone’s name. It’s Seohyun, which means Seo Joohyun.


“See? I proved you I’m totally coming to college today”


“But you’re late”


“Hey, at least I made a progress by coming back to college!” He whispered almost exclaimed pretty loud as hands playfully folded in the chest, acting mad.


“Shhh,” She shooed, pointing to the lecturer, then mouthed ‘you’re too loud, he might hear us here


Ahrasseo, ahrasseo ms. Seo Joohyun” He sullen then gave a silly salute at her before finally get his focus back to the lecturer while Seohyun is giggling weakly at the act.


But just so they know, their short talk gave a complete shock to the girl in front of Yonghwa who remain silent.


‘Joohyun.. Why? Is there something happened between them that I don’t know?’




“Don’t act handsome, Mr. Jjong. Your serious look might melt the girls here”


Jonghyun who was serious playing a game on his phone at the canteen spontaneously stopped at the familiar voice, so he turned in a dash.


“Yonghwa?!” His smiled broadened yet looked disbelief at the figure who took a seat next to him comfortably. Yonghwa smiled back at him.


“Man, where have you been? Did you just coming back today?” He began to interogated him.


“Hmm, well you can say so” He casually answered.


 “And..” He tipped a brow, looked annoyed “You didn’t text or call me even once on those past days? Okay, I started to feel like I’m no longer important to you. It’s alright, it’s alright, I won’t cry”


Yonghwa laughed hard at this bestfriend of him act. He just didn’t change at all after all these. Still love to joke around like him as always. From the distance, Shinhye who is buying some food at a counter around caught Yonghwa’s loud laugh voice. Her eyes looking for him then, and stopped at the enjoyable scene he shared with Jonghyun. She smiled and  intend to join them after she finish her business here. Jonghyun must be interogating him now, for where he have been and stuffs which she also want to hear it so bad.


“So, what makes you finally back to college? It must be a big has happened, right?” Jonghyun continued asking him in curious, and at right that time, Shinhye is aiming for their seat with a smile on her face. Ready to greet the boys, also treat them with some food she just bought.


“It’s actually someone” Yonghwa clarified, left hanging though, but his answer succeed stopping her pace on her track.


“Someone?” Jonghyun shifted his seat a bit forward, looks getting curious as his eyes widened, “Okay, you got me. Who is it?”


“It’s Seohyun. She came and found me yesterday”


There, Shinhye’s smiled slowly gone from her face, replaced by a gloomy look. That name mentioned again.


“So she really found you?” He exclaimed in surprised, “Whoah, I can’t believe she did it. I thought it was a joke when she said that she kind of know where you are. How could she know it? And where actually you was all this time?”


“I was at my usual place to run when I got bored or need to cool down myself. You know, a silent lake not so far from college that I once told you and invited you over but you never come with so many excuses” Yonghwa sneered at him, invited an apologize from him.


He grinning sheepishly, “Okay, I’m sorry about that. I will come over next time. Then how could she know that place?”


“Well, I took her there once. But seriously, only one time and I wonder how could she guess it right that I was there, even remember the difficult way to get there.”


Jonghyun folded his arm, nodding for times “She’s a really something then. So what she did back there?”


Yonghwa then telling him in detail of what Seohyun said yesterday which finally opened up his mind, realized him and making him decided to come back to college even assuring him not to give up on his dream, means he will still doing the music.


Shinhye remain froze on her spot. Listening to every part of the story carefully, let her heart shattered seconds by seconds. Collapsed pieces by pieces.


‘Seriously, what’s with the Seo Joohyun? It’s her name again mentioned in a day. What is her business she has with him? What is her purpose on doing those all?’


‘Or.. Are you really trying to take him away from me, Joohyun-ssi?’




Yonghwa is wandering around the corridor, back from canteen to spend the last minutes of break, killing boredom. From the distance, he saw an information board, it somehow pulled his attention, so he come closer.


Someone is tapped on his shoulder from behind. He was a bit surprised, so as normally people will react, he turned around. There, he found a girl smile at him. The only one girl who own an angelic smile.


“Surprised?” Seohyun asked playfully, giggling a bit, seems to enjoy herself then moved few steps forward to stand next to him.


Yonghwa back playfully with a pout, head a little tilted to her while shaking, “Nope. Not at all”


She blew a wind from her nose, feeling lose which he found that cute as he always think.


“So, what were you reading at?” She asked, eyes following to where his gaze thrown at earlier. In a few seconds after, she gasped.


Seohyun turning the head at him, looking stunned while a finger pointed at a bright orange poster which entitled ‘English Debating Competition’, “Don’t tell me you’re going to join this competition?”


Yonghwa folded his arms on the chest. He’s humming, “Hmm.. I don’t know, I’m not sure but—“


Seohyun spontaneously grab him tight by the arm, “Join it!” She shook it high-spiritedly then with a wide smile emitted on her face. “Don’t be doubt! I’m fully supporting you here. Your English is good too. Go join it, Yonghwa! Go!”


“Whoaa-whoaa, okay calm down first, Seo Joohyun” He totally surprised yet glad seeing her act this way. So peppy.


Seohyun calmed down in a dash, feeling embarassed at the sudden react beyond her conscious earlier, “Mianhae” She apologized.


Yonghwa scrunched his face, turned at her “Yah, why are you apologizing all the time?”


“Because I keep making mistakes” Seohyun tilted her head, unsure of her own words.


“What mistake?” Yonghwa snorted.


Seohyun hummed, “Uhm, I don’t know. Just so many, I think” and shrugged. 


Yonghwa can’t help himself but burst into laughter at the innocence of this girl. He shook his head repeatedly while clutching onto his stomach, “Aaahh, Seo Joohyun! Jinjja, you’re so funny!”  He breathed between his laugh, his mouth started to hurt.


Wae? What’s so funny?” Seohyun surprised at the sudden laugh.


“Uuuhhmm, I don’t knoow. Just so funny, I think” Yonghwa imitated her earlier tone, still grinning from ear to ear making him earned a hit on the shoulder from his friend who is now red in the face from embarassment. Her nose flaring as usual.


“See? Your nose is flaring again!” Yonghwa teased, pointing at her nose playfully, earning another hit on the same spot.


They keep cherishing the present moment which rarely ever happen between them. The awkward atmosphere between them seems decreasing every passing day, that they now can even be this close with each other.


While from afar apparently someone is eyeing on them. Watch over the sweet and closeness moment they shared there, making him sick just by seeing it. Yes, he hates it. He hates seeing her with him, who is it? Oh, he remembered, he is the guy he bumped into back then when he was looking for Seohyun, and now he is curious to know the name of him. The name that he surely will get rid off her.


‘I won’t let you get my Joohyun..’


He hissed, before finally decided to leave the place, feeling sick. But when he turn around, his eyes caught another scene that stopped him. He saw at the corridor on his right, behind one of a pillar exactly, a long black-haired girl is watching over something. He followed to where her gaze lead then, and it’s apparently lead to the same spot he watched earlier.


Seeing her within this not so far distance, she clearly jealous over them. She frozen, went speechless, hand clenched, eyes clearly looks in pain. She’s totally breaking there. Breaking toward the guy. Kyuhyun turned his head towards them again.


‘While I’m completely breaking toward the girl..’


But then, Shinhye also decided to leave the place after her tears finally drop and she shed it. She covered by hands to reduce the sobbing sounds she created while race back nowhere. Kyuhyun noticed that, and decided to ran after her since he got something to talk about with her.


“Uhm, excuse me! You there, wait a minute!” Kyuhyun shouted at Shinhye while running after.


He did it, she stopped after several shouts. There, Shinhye finally turned her head, showing him the teary eyes she got. See, she’s crying.


“What is it? Please be quick. If it’s not important, then just let me leave” Shinhye tried to escape away, but Kyuhyun stopped her.


“No-no-no, please wait a second” He begged, and she persuaded. He then cleared his throat before finally said, “Can we have a minute? Please. I need to talk about the guy and the girl you watched over earlier”




It’s almost midnight, where the people are normally take their rest at this time, letting their tired body renewed the energy for the next day, but it’s not for Mrs. Jung Hyerin. Since the day she had a great fight with her only one son, she always goes to work very early in the morning and get back home when almost midnight, because during that time Yonghwa must be already fell asleep, and that’s her intention. To avoid him. Honestly, she’s still aching because of that day. She still sad of the way Yonghwa think, whereas she just wants the best for him, not for her sake. Because yes, she loves him very much.




She unlocked and opened the main door of her home. As always, the room all dark and silent.

She took off her shoes and aiming for the kitchen then. There, she turn the lights on. To her surprised, someone is sitting on one of the dining chair, seem was sleeping exactly then instantly turned his head as the lights on.


Yonghwa stood up quickly with those heavy eyes, “Ah! welcome home, mom” He flashed a warm smile at her.


She mentally speechless. It is new, not like the other days ago that she would only found the room all dark and empty. But this time, her son, the only remained love she has is there. Welcome her home. All of sudden.


“You must be very tired. I’m already prepared the dinner for you. Please eat some” He pulled out a chair, asking her to sit and have some food he prepared.


“Don’t worry, it’s still warm and taste well.” He smiled again. The smile that she always watch since he was kid. The smile that never fail to give her a strength to live. The smile that somehow she missed to see these days.


A tear was about to drop on her cheek, but before that happen she immediately turn her face and walked away aim for her room. Fake a face. Looking pissed.


Mianhae yo.


The voice magically froze her leg from walking by the threshold, and she hated it, for being weak towards her son.


Mianhae yo, eomma, for disappointing you. For ever hurted you” Yonghwa began to talk in a dim voice yet sounds soft. “You might be bored to hear this but, I promise eomma, I promise that I will try my best not to disappointing you anymore, not to give you any hardship or let your tear fall because of me. I will show you slowly but sure that I’m not only talk things”


Finally, a tear drop from one of her eyes. But once again, she choosed to walked away and shut the door tight, leaving him alone with no respond there in the dining room. Her heart still break afterall.


Yonghwa escaped a weak sigh, feel sorry towards her again. He doesn’t like the situation right now. Keep the distance apart, no words spoken to each other like before but a total cold and gloomy atmosphere which prevails.


He then picked out his phone from the pocket. He tapped several times on the screen just to open something he needs to read. When he finally found it, he smiled. And the smile slowly widened as his spirit also boosted up.


‘From : Seohyun


And remember, whatever your mom will say or respond, even though it’s going to be a little bit bitter, think that you do it for your mom. The one you love the most in this earth.

Don’t give up on her, as she never give up on you all this time. Fighting!~ :)’




It was a fine day. The air felt good, the mood was up, the college stuff went well and other flowery feeling. But it all drastically changed when Seo Joohyun attend the math club’s meeting after the classes ended. For once more, this club leader abandoned the meeting. He asked us to came on time by the text, like usual. But he ended up the one who came so-so late, like usual. And today maybe is gonna be his best record of coming late. The member has been waiting for him for around two hours and a half already. And everyone knows, waiting is .


Bzzz-bzzz. Seohyun’s phone buzzing in silent mode, break her focus on the book she read at the math club to kill her extreme boredom. She checked it reluctantly and found Yonghwa’s name who popped out on the screen. A grin smile appeared on her face in instant.


‘Seohyun, where are you? Please, help me. I’m dying here :( Can you come over? I lost so much blood, so please be hurry ;)’


She cringed at the content, as if thinking ‘Mwoya?’. So she slightly bit her front tounge between her smile, and replied his text. Served him back.


Sorry, but I’m not taking care of dying people. It’s too burdensome :p’


‘Whoah jinjja, Seo Joohyun! How cruel you are *icon cry*~’


‘Hahaa, then don’t joke around with death -_-‘


‘Alright-alright, I’m sorry, kekeke. But serious, are you busy now? Can we have a couple of minute? I need to talk of something’


‘Not really. I’m just reading now. What is it?’


‘Perfect! You know the cafe named Haneul near the college? Let’s meet up there. I’ll tell you when we meet. Oh, and make sure you dress prettily ;)’


The last text totally surprised her. She also can’t deny but curious to know what is he want to say until they need to meet up, even she needs to dress prettily. She’s thinking hard right now. It’s true that she was only reading a book, but she’s going to have a meeting in a very soon. She closed her eyes. Gosh, it seriously a hard option for her, she never skip a meeting before. The imagine of bad things flying around her head, making her even afraid to decide what to do. But then, her eyes opened after few seconds thinking. There’s something new she wants to experience, she wants to know about. She wants to follow her heart now, not ignoring it this time, so she grab her phone.


‘Alright. I’ll be there soon :)’




A light blue taxi was seen drove pretty fast on the road. Well, it was the passenger’s request who seem to be in a hurry of something to tell the truth. He also picked out his phone in a rush to call someone, like a total busy man, isn’t it?


‘Sangyoon-ssi, is everybody gather already? I’m sorry I might come late. I was visited a place, but I’m heading there now’


Kyuhyun texted his vice-leader of the math club on his way there. He felt sorry for come late whereas to the meeting, but he is trying as soon as possible to reach there when his business already over in a certain place.


Biip-biip. His phone vibrated, so he checked it.


‘Gwaenchanayo, we’ll wait. And yes, everyone is here already, except Joohyun-ssi’


‘She is absent? That’s so rare of her’


‘Well, she’s not literally being absent. She was here awhile ago, as always be on time, but when I return from the toilet, she’s missing. I asked everyone since she’s not return for such long, but they just said that she was out, thinking she might only aiming for toilet and will return soon.’


Kyuhyun finds that weird. She never did like this before, skipping the meeting even didn’t tell anyone of where she’s going.


‘What happened with her?’


Suddenly, his eyes caught someone familiar entering a florist across the road which pulled his curious to know what is he doing there. Because a guy wouldn’t come to a florist if it’s not related to a girl, is it? And that familiar person is, Jung Yonghwa.


Kyuhyun asked the driver to stop him here. He then stepped out the taxi and sneakily come to the florist closer. It sounds silly, but he somehow feels that there’s something he need to know about Yonghwa’s business here, in short he feel suspicious towards him.


“Uhm, do you have my order ready?” Yonghwa asked as he handing the florist his order note.


The florist studied the note, “Ah! The one for Seo Joohyun, right?”


Yonghwa smiled sheepishly in agreement. Well, the florist must be reading the note he requested to put inside the bouquet. But just so him know, someone is overheard their conversation outside, and that guy is totally surprised on what he heard just up.


The florist then coming out from inside with a beautiful bouquet on her hand, invited a smile on his face.


“It’s a very beautiful bouquet I prepare as it requested” She handed it to him. “So, are you going to confess a girl with that?” She .


Yonghwa nodded sheepishly, flashed his white row of toothy-grin.


“Good luck then” The florist cheered him, making him even more nervous now.


Kyuhyun is getting pissed, he then walked away from the shop, looking for his phone in the pocket in a rush. He’s texting someone.


‘Shinhye-ssi, where are you now? Can you do me favour?’


‘I’m sorry but I’m in the mid of something now’


‘No, you better come right now or you’ll regret it in the future. I’m telling you, it’s related to Yonghwa. Let’s do our plan today’




Bzzz-bzzz. His phone vibrating all of sudden as he made the way there. He checked it right away thought it might be Seohyun, asking for another thing again. But his expression changed drastically at the text he received.


‘From : Shinhye


Yonghwa, please come here.. Please help me, I can’t withstand it any longer.  I don’t know what I have to do now..’


‘What happened?’


‘I can’t tell it here. Just please, come.. I need you right now’


Both of his eyeballs travelled aimlessly, brows curled and lips slightly parted. He looks totally puzzled now, thinking hard of what he has to do? He promised Seohyun to meet up, and she must have been waiting for such long already, but now Shinhye just texted him and she sounds breakdown or in a trouble.  But then he put the phone back to the pocket and race back, aim for another place.


‘Alright, stay there. I’ll be there in minutes, please don’t do anything reckless, ahrasseo’


Several minutes later, Yonghwa finally reached Shinhye. In heavy breaths he get her closer, seeing her in the eye and grabbed her shoulder, “What happened? Are you okay?”


In no time, Shinhye hugged him tight, made him a bit startled. “S-Shinhye, are you okay?”


“I’m okay. I’m completely alright..” She answered in a raspy voice.


Yonghwa frowned and pulled her away slowly, “Then, why are you call me over?”


“I-I just.. Want to be here with you” She stated weakly, her voice sounded heavy.


Her answer just up confused him more. An anger slowly filled his mind “What do you mean?” Yes, his voice tone changed rapidly, “W-wait a second. Don’t tell me that the text was-your text was, lie?”


She stepped closer slowly, eyes stare at him straight “It wasn’t a lie, I’m sorry. I just—“

He raised both of his hands, made her stopped in the nick of time.


“Tell me your reason later. Just so you know, I’m totally wasted my time here and I’m in a hurry so I need to go now”


Yonghwa was about to left the place, but Shinhye stopped him by the arm. “Please, Yonghwa. Don’t go.. Okay, I’m not alright. I’m actually breaking now”


“Breaking? Why? You looked okay, completely okay right now. I’m trying not to get mad at you, so please, just let me go.” He let off the grasp and continue to made a way quickly. But then, Shinhye shouted hard.


Neol saranghae, Yonghwa!”


Thump! The word succeed made him froze in his place, and his eyes turned round. He extremely startled.


Shinhye’s sound started to tremble, “I’ve loved you all this time long. I’ve been hid it all these years, but today I just can’t hide it anymore because I don’t want to lose you. I need you, Yonghwa..”


Yonghwa’s eyes widened at the words he just heard from her. He obviously didn’t expect that. He didn’t expect that his long-time friend would actually fall for him, and that she just confessed now, of all time. He just stood there, unsure of what to say to her. Apparently Shinhye took this as a sign to continue.


“So please.. Please Yonghwa, don’t go.. I’m completely not okay as you see. I’m mentally breakdown to see you with her.. With Joohyun”


Yonghwa’s breath hitched. He was surprised at her last words.


“You’re going to confess to her today, right?”


There, another surprising words was spoken out from her. How did she found it out? He was totally wondered, but he ignored his own question and decided to make things clear for her. He braced himself to turn his body and look at the pitiful condition of Shinhye. It was hard to see her that way actually, his close childhood friend that even almost like a sister to him he always want to protect. But, this time is different. This situation is different.


“I’m sorry, Shinhye-ah..” He said, his voice is full of pity towards her.


Shinhye’s eyes dilated at the first statement of him, panic crawls over her. She looked at Yonghwa with pleading eyes, she opened to say something, but before even a sound could be heard, Yonghwa interrupted her.


“But you’re to me have always been like a really close friend, or a sister.”


Shinhye grabbed one of his hand, “But Yonghwa, I—“


“I’m sorry, Shinhye.. But I can’t.. ” He let go off her hand slowly, “I’m so sorry, I believe you will find a better man soon, who would protect you, who would love you more than I did. Now please, for once I beg you.. I need to go, so please..”


Yonghwa stepped back slowly as he finally let go off her hand, then rush right away to where Seohyun is waiting, leaving Shinhye froze on her place.


Yonghwa was already running away from sight and dissapeared into the street. Her legs instantly felt weak and she fall on her knees. She know she must be crying right now, because her eyes felt hurt, but she doesn’t care. Her heart hurts even more, and she can do nothing about it but to cry and let out all the emotions she’d been holding back since Yonghwa said he was sorry.


A rumble of thunder hit the sky which rapidly turned dark. The rain then started pouring down heavily, pouring the girl who fell faintly on the ground. Shinhye is trembling hard as the tears are keep flowing and flowing. There’s no reason for her to even muffle her loud sobbing to come out, so she let it out freely as she wish. She’s completely breaking. This wasn’t the thing she expected, she planned she hope to happen,.


She keeps crying loudly as she reminiscing the days she really wanted it back. The precious days where only laugh and happy things exist between them, with no one interrupted or ruined it. Where he would always there only for her, protect her, cheer her up, keep her smile. ‘Where only you and me..’


Suddenly, an umbrella appeared out of the nowhere, avoiding her from the pouring rain above. Shinhye then turned her face weakly just to see who’s bringing it here. To her surprise,


It’s Lee Minho.




Seohyun blew a breath from as the air is getting cold. She looked up at the sky, at the crying sky to be exact. An apprehensive feeling grew inside her.


‘Where are you, Yonghwa? Are you alright? Hope you’re not get trap in this rain’


“He won’t come”


Flabbergasted, Seohyun instantly turned around to where the sudden voice coming. To her surprise, she found Kyuhyun standing there right behind her, looking serious.


“Omo! You surprised me. S-since where you’re here?” She asked in a bit stutter.


Kyuhyun slightly shrugged, “Just now.” He then slowly moved a bit forward, “But I’m telling you this, Joohyun.” And stopped right in front of her, “He won’t come.”


Her heart sank at the words.


She fake a laugh then. Denying. “W-what are you talking about, sunbaenim? I’m not wait—“


“Jung Yonghwa. You’re waiting for him, aren’t you?” He cut the word right away, left her speechless at the right guess. How could he?


“He won’t come. He’s actually with Shinhye right now, probably shed her tears, because I saw him hugging her on the way here”


There, she tried to ignore what he said, to not easily believe it, but she can’t deny that his words feels like a knife which stabbed her right on the heart. It’s start aching.


“He texted me earlier, asking me to meet up here. So, no matter what, I’m still going to wait for him”


Kyuhyun escaped a loud sigh, looking pissed. “Don’t be a stupid girl, Joohyun!” There, he really shouted at her, made her surprised at the new side of him she just knew.


“He’s a guy with a girlfriend! Do you want to destroy someone’s relationship? Think of it if you are in her shoe, do you want your boyfriend stolen by other girl? You’re going to ruin her happiness. Just forget about him, it’s not like he’s the only good guy you could found. And about his text, you’re just a friend in his eyes. He might just want to meet you for something trivial, so of course he choose his girlfriend business over you. Moreover his girlfriend is crying there, he perhaps forget about the meeting he asked with you”


A tear drip from her eyes.


Seohyun started to feel bad for herself being this way as the tears collected in her eyes, but she also can’t deny about the feeling inside her heart which is getting grow each time.


She loves him that she can’t lie about it.


It hurts realizing the reality that he’s actually belong to another girl. Jung Yonghwa, the guy she’s been admired all this time since 10 years ago. The guy who stole her heart warmly. The guy she doesn’t want to lose from. But to continuing this feeling, this hope.. She realize that it’s wrong. It’s inappropriate, though she know that it’s gonna break her heart to erase this feeling, to keep moving on without thinking about him anymore.


‘He’s right.. I shouldn’t be like this. It’s so selfish. It’s so wrong’


Kyuhyun noticed the changing expression on her, so he suggested, “Now we better back to college. We have a meeting, remember? I’ll stop a taxi then”




Tap tap tap.


Yonghwa run as fast as he can against the heavy rain that surrounds him. He also cover the bouquet with his jacket, avoiding it from the rain with the best he could. Nothing he care about now but to as soon as possible reach the meeting place with Seohyun. He worried about her. She waited for too long. But he still hope as he close his eyes for seconds,


That everything will be alright.


Everything will go smooth as he planned. As he wish.


The Haneul cafe board finally right in front of his eyes. A smile came across his drench face. His heart started to leap. This is it. The day he finally ready to express his feeling to her. The day he won’t regret at all to come. The day he wants her to know that he really needs her in his life, be the part of it, accompany him through the hardship and happiness together.


But then, he stopped dead on his track. His eyes magnified and the smiled faded at the scene ahead that frozen him.


Seohyun is standing there right in front of the cafe, encircled by a guy who then lead her by the shoulder get in the taxi which already parked in front of them. It’s hard to see who is that guy in this heavy rain, so he squinting his eyes to see elaborately. In the split of time, his eyes went round, mouth gaped slightly wide.


It’s him. The everlasting leader and a great guy whom he know had a crush with Seohyun.

It’s Cho Kyuhyun.


 A loud rumble of thunder broke the sky, just like how the scene ahead broke his heart in the matter of time. He stood stiff, let himself poured by the downpour as he unconsciously loosen the grip of the bouqet he’s been holding, then let it fell to the ground, left forgotten.


‘Seohyun.. Why?’



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Apuichaa #1
Chapter 19: Really good..Tq~
ela2807 #2
Chapter 19: wahhh so beautiful. thank you authornim.
wussa8 #3
Chapter 19: kyaa cute. thanks for the update. love it
ela2807 #4
Chapter 18: Huwaaaaaa,.,thank youuuuu...
adina1602 #5
Chapter 17: Welcome back author-nim.. Miss you.. I need to read back the whole chapter to get the feeling back.. Anyway its a good chapter.. Gonna wait for next update.. Fighting...
chino29 #6
Chapter 16: wow a very sweet confesion ^_^
i'm afraid she would remain being selfless, i'm glad she wasn't
i like yonghwa's determination to say it all and not letting go
P.S. your author note make me looking forward another twist in the story
Chapter 16: yay finally they made up!! :)
tipani22 #8
Chapter 16: Yay Yonghwa and Seohyun made up and hoping Min Ho doesnt loose his memory due to the accident. Shin Hye you know your love for Yonghwa is one sided, you really need to get a life or give someone else a chance to heal that broken heart of yours. Thanks for Updating.
Chapter 15: why?!?!?! please update again~~~...anyway #5yearswithyongseo :D
please update~^^...seriously i hate kyuhyun and shinhye -_-