Stuck together

One Magical Night


Your POV

"Let's play rock,paper, scissor!" Key suggested "Whoever lose will get a flick on the forehead!"

"OK! Till our heads get red!"


I threw rock, he threw scissor

"You loose!" I flicked hm on the forehead

"oww~" That hurts!"

"Game! Rock, Paper, Scissor! You loose again!" another flick


"You're such a looser Kibummie!" I laughed

"Let's change the game!"

"What game then?"

"Let's sneak out.."

"It's not a game.. But, how?"

"We'll just wait till Mr. Han fell asleep.."

"You really know the tricks dont you?"

"I just got used to it.."


After 45 minutes..


"Come on, he's sleeping now!" Key said

He pulled me up and we sneakily walked out of the classroom, slowly, Key closed the door. We walked down the hallway quietly till we got a bit far from Mr. Han. We changed to our uniforms and picked our bags. The hall lightss are dim and it's reallty quiet, I can only hear our footsteps

"Nana, do you know about the story about the white lady roaming around the school halls at night?" Key suddenly asked


"I'll tell it to you then. Some of my friends said it was true beacuse they were always at the detention room and go home late. 
   One night, Joon, one of my friends, walked out of the detention room. He's just alone walking when suddenly he heard footsteps behind him, he stopped his tracks and looked back but there's no one behind him so he continued walking, this time, he felt something cold at his skin, it's not winding outside. he got scared and he quickened his pace, th lights flickered. At last he walked out of the school, he quickly wore his helmet and jumped on his motor, when his headlights opened, a girl wearing white dress is infront of him. He was so scared that he left his motor and ran away.."

I didnt speak a word. That was really scary. Maybe if I was that Joon guy, I've fainted. This guy scared me, that story is damn scary and you dont want to imagine it especially when you're alone.

The lights flicked "Aah!" I shouted and hugged Key's arm suddenly. "Im scared.."

"Dont worry, Im here.." Key said


Key's POV

I felt my other arm cold, it's not winding outside. Ohmygawd, so the story if freaking real? Holy shizz.. We should get out of here! Kyaa! We walked fast till we reached the door. I tried opening it but it wont open.

"Let me help." Nana offered

We both tried different ways on how to open the stupid door, but it wont! Our energy drained. We collapsed at the floor, Nana suddenly sobbed.

"Hey.." I scooted next to her and hugged her "Dont be scared.. Maybe the janitor locked this or Mr. Han did this on purpose.

Nana wiped her tears "Maybe so.. Im quiet scared but, how can I infrom my parents? Do you have a phone?"

"The teacher confiscated it. My phone ringed during the class. And guess who called? The annoying Kim Jonghyun!"

She laughed lighty "Jjong oppa is really nice, but I didnt know he's that annoying.."

"Oppa? Nice? Are you kidding me? And when did you start calling him oppa?"

"He said I should call him oppa beacuse he's a year older.."

That guy is really demanding. And when did they become friends? Sometimes, I thought of kicking that guy out of our dorm or drowning him in the tub. He is really annoying!

"Where should we sleep then?"

"Come on." We stood up "I know where to sleep! A friend of mne slept there once."


We entered a small room, it has a couch and a comforter and 2 pillows.

"I'll take the comforter and you at the couch.."


Nana pulled a pillow and layed herself on the couch.

"Good night! Sweet dreams.." Nana said

"Sweet dreams!"  said

I layed down the comforter and pulled the blanket over me. I think this is comfortable.

Good thing Im not some sort of a giddy/erted sort of guy or else. I chuckled at that thought. Or else she loose her ity tonight. LOL. I shouldnt think of this things, because it's umm.. not nice to think of.. 


Your POV

Im really worried. Why? Because my over-conservative umma, and my considerate (somehow) father knew about this, they'll get mad. Because of the fact that Im sleeping with a guy in a small room, even if I  say we have separate beds or etc, I wont win because we're still on the same room! They'll say 'what if he do somethng bad to you?' or 'what if you got pregnant?' That's somehow crazy but I understand them, a bit. Aish. I should sleep now.



A/N: Hello you !! I hope you like this chapter!

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Milenia1 #1
Chapter 13: Key nana so cute!!love your ff^^ update soon please!!
Shawol-Julia #2
by the way : LOVE YOUR STORY !!!!!
Shawol-Julia #3
how do you know my username ?
Chapter 13: whutt haha is that key or am i mistaken
Chapter 13: yeah!!!update update update :)
Jjong is such a er :3
I'll wait :]
KeKe79 #8
The face on chapter 7, i got frighten by it.
KeKe79 #9
I'm quite shocked but i'm sorry happy it is Key's LOVE STORY!
KeKe79 #10
Really?! My favourite is the almighty KEY too! Update soon!