Chapter 5: One Magical Night

One Magical Night


A group of girl students saw the scene on the stage. Jealoused, they searched for a teacher and they told Ms. Cho, the teacher, what's happening at the stage. Ms. Cho is sort of a harsh teacher, so she got mad at students easily. She hates to see students violating rules even the lightest violation. You wont like her as your teacher. She's the most evil among the teachers at their school, watch out for a Ms. Cho.


Your POV

Key's face is so, cute. His face looks so calm. I stared at his face then traced a finger from his forehead down to his lips. His lips looks so kissable. What I love about his facial features is his eyes. it look like a cat's eyes. 

"Seonsaeng-nim! here they are!" A girl pointed at us.
"Ms. Jeon and Mr. Kim!" Ms. Cho shouted

Key suddenly woke up, he stood up and he pulled me up.


He held my hand and we ran away.

"Oh you two! You're so going to the detention!" Ms. Cho fumed "Follow them! Ppali!" She shouted at the group of guys. They followed us immediately.

We run by the corners of the hallway.

"What's the pont of running?!" I asked Key
"Duh, would you like to be slapped at the head."

We stopped for a moment.

"Of course not.. But, this'll add to our violations no.1: No running at the hallways no.2: No sleeping no.3: Dont disrespect teachers. Damn, I never did this even once, just, now.."
"Dont you like to experience violating? It's part of our hs life.."
"Well duh, I like t keep my records clean, but now, its sorta dirty.."
"Nana, its just a minor violation you know.."
"But, they'll call my parents!"
"They wont, because as I said. it's only a minor violation.."

We froze after hearing Ms. Cho's voice. We're doomed. 

"Trying to run away eh? You students violated 3 rules at our school. Tsk, tsk. Ms. Jeon's clean records got a stain now. As for Mr. Kim, your violation lists is almost full even you're the most smart student among your class. Aish. The principal must know this immediately! Follow me!"

We did as she said. We followed her to the principal's office. She's so harsh! She's the worst teacher I've ever seen! She's like hitler or something.

"Good morning Mr. Kang." Ms. Cho greeted our principal.

We bowed and greeted the principal too.

"What brings you here Ms. Cho?"
"Oh well, this 2 students.." She pointed at us "Mr. Kim--"
"Mr. Kim again? When will you learn?"
"And Ms. Jeon--" She continued but cutted off again
"Ohh.. A new face."
"They violated 3 rules of our school.. No.1 is no sleeping, no.2 is no running at the hallways, and lastly, no.3, dont disrespect teachers.."
"Tsk tsk. You two will go to the detention room. NOW. Mr. Han will tell you your consequences.."
"Consenquences?" I asked "Dumb." I whispered
"I know." Key agreed
"You heard what the principal said right? Go!" Ms. Cho said.

We walked out of the principal's office and go straight to the detention room. Key opened the door.

"Good afternoon students.." Mr. Han greeted
We greet him back.
"What brings you two here?"
"Umm.. We violated 3 rules.." Key said
"Tsk tsk. That's bad. Well, your consenquence is you both will help clean the cafeteria--"
"THE WHAT?!" Me and Key asked surprised.
"The cafteria." Mr. Han cleared "For 3 weeks.."
"Ohmygawd.. Mr. Han! Can you change it?" Key said pleadingly
"Im sorry, but you 2 violated 3 rules. That's what you get."
"It's ok.. We'll do it.." I said
"It's my fault.." Key said "I'll do it alone. She's just hooked sir.."
"Is that true Ms.?"
"Jeon Nana sir."
"Ms. Jeon?"
"No sir.."
"B-but, sir, I just pulled her and we ran so we wont get slapped on the head Ms. Cho! I make her sing the I fell asleep!"
"Aish Key.. Shut up, I'll help.."
"Ok. That's final.." Mr. Han said
"B-but.." Key said
"Go sit down Mr. Kim and Ms. Jeon. You 2 will be dismissed at 7pm.."
"What?!" I said surprised "Oh great.."
"See? If you didnt push on helping me, you wont be here pabo!" Key said
"No no. It's Ok.. As long as I will help you."
"Oh, by the way." Mr. Han stopped his tracks "Your detention starts tomorrow araso?"
"Ne seonsaeng-nim." We answered
"Good. I'll just buy me food." Then he walked out of the classroom

Now what?

"Mianhe.." Key said
"For what?"
'"Because we're here. You're here, with me.."
"It's ok.."



A/N: Annyeong you !! Sorry for the lame update!

        Comments are loved and appreciated!! <3 It powers me up!! ^^


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Milenia1 #1
Chapter 13: Key nana so cute!!love your ff^^ update soon please!!
Shawol-Julia #2
by the way : LOVE YOUR STORY !!!!!
Shawol-Julia #3
how do you know my username ?
Chapter 13: whutt haha is that key or am i mistaken
Chapter 13: yeah!!!update update update :)
Jjong is such a er :3
I'll wait :]
KeKe79 #8
The face on chapter 7, i got frighten by it.
KeKe79 #9
I'm quite shocked but i'm sorry happy it is Key's LOVE STORY!
KeKe79 #10
Really?! My favourite is the almighty KEY too! Update soon!