Her Disease

"If We Ever Meet Again.." { SEMI-HIATUS }


“C-can you h-help me t-to take my m-medicine in m-my drawer?” you asked, while massaging your forehead.

Quickly, L.Joe search your medicine and give it to you along with a glass of water that are under your desk lamp. “Here. ”

You take it and eat your medicine quickly. After swallowing the medicine, you started to calm down. “Thank you for helping me, L.Joe-sshi.” You said slowly.

“No problem. I’m glad I’ve helped you.” He replied. “Umm.. Can I ask you something?”

You looked at him in the dark room. ”What is it?”

“It’s…” he paused a while and continue,” Uhh… Do you have Nyctophobia/ Lygophobia?”

“….Yeah. But I’m sure you don’t want to know about it.” You mumbled.

“You can tell me. I know we’re just met and know each other but you can trust me.” L.Joe smiled although he knew you can’t see through the dark room.

*Should I tell him?...* you thought to yourself and shrugged. *Maybe I should. He doesn't look like a bad guy though.*

Then you started to tell him how you got Nyctophobia/ Lygophobia.


"Ahh~ So that's the reason~" L.Joe nodded in understanding.

"Yeah." you replied. *It's weird. I'm telling him about my past, the nightmare of my life but I feel so comfortable with him.* You thought.

"Forget about your past and just look forward." L.Joe said.

You smiled, "Thank you, L.Joe-sshi."

"Hey, we should drop the formality. Since I'm older than you, you should call me L.Joe oppa." said L.Joe.

"....Oppa?" you tilted your head.

"Yeah. Try it." he replied.

"Okay, L.Joe oppa." you beamed.

Hearing you calling him 'oppa' makes his heart beat faster than it's usual pace.

"Umm...... It's late and there's no more cab here. Do you...... want to sleep here? I mean in the other room." you asked.

He tilted his head,"Is it okay with you?" You nodded. 

He paused then spoke,"..I guess."

"Okay, then. Let's go to the guest room." you stand from your bed and L.Joe help you to get up. "Oh! The current is on!" you said when the current is on again.

"Let's go, oppa." you lead him and he followed.


Sorry for not updating for a long time. About the Lygophobia/Nyctophobia, it's about scared in darkness. You can check it on GOOGLE. I just need some romantic scene by putting the 'phobia'. I know i didn't tell in detail about how 'YOU' got the phobia. But I'll tell you in the next chapter.



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ilabya16 #1
update soon ~
purpleandpink #3
-eViLdEviL24- #4
@meganILY : Agree with you~ LoL
L.Joe is finally LEGAL OTL XDDDDDDD *dirty thoughts*
mysteriousaura209 #6
L.Joe! Happy birthday!!~:)
Foreverlocket #7
Foreverlocket #8
I love your story!!! Update soon
Foreverlocket #9
So sweet and caring^^
farhain #10
update soon .