chapter 9*~**~~~*~*~*Destiny goes to work?!~**~*~*~*~~~*~

And there he was with his sweet smile..

Good morning!~ its a sunny saturday for me!~ I got up so early and now, I have time to eat my breakfast before going out with oppa Kwangmin!~~ Because, when I hang out with Minwoo, its always a rush for me. I really tried me best to look good today rather than just ordinary jeans. "yo__-ah!~ not rushing today huh?" My roomate asked.I nodded. The table is so wobbly my milk has been shaking while im taking breakfast. Until it happened. My roomate bumped the table and the milk began to spill all over my clothes! "kya!~ " I shouted. "omo!~ sorry ____-ah! I haven't seen that coming!~" She said. "No its okay!~ Ill just get new clothes!" until I remembered that all my clothes is in the laundry. " h-hey.... can I borrow clothes? all my clothes is with our landlady." I said. " oh!~ sure! ___-ah!~ hey, sorry!~ wait i'll help you get new clothes!~." She began to open her cabinet and all that I can see is sunny dresses and Mini skirts. " uh.... dont you have any jeans or shirt there?" I asked. "none." she sadly answered. Snap! Im going to wear a short dress!~ I shivered by that thought. " hey ___-ah. You can wear this. its the only clothes that can fit you. She gave me a sunny baby blue dress with matching bolero with a different shade of blue. "you can borrow my shoes if you want..." she pointed on our shoe rack and a baby blue doll shoes rested on the shoe rack. " uh. yeah. thanks." I smiled. and went to change.


It's kind of awkward that Im wearing a dress, but its all that I can do rather than wearing wet-spilled-milk clothes. I can see Kwangmin waiting, also, his polo shirt is baby blue, the same color as mine. " Oppa!~" I called out. He looked at me and smiled. " nice clothes, Dongsaeng!~ You are also wearing my favorite color!~" He said forming a thumbs up. "Thanks!~" I smiled back. " Hey. Lets go?" He said extending his arms. I nodded and placed my hand in his arms. " Fighting~~~~~!" I shouted."fighting!~~~" He replied. 



                      (MINWOO AND SEONHWA)

"can I go home now?" Seonhwa asked her gurads that had been behind them since the day starts. Minwoo stood there, being restless and ready to vomit any time. " Miss seonhwa, the time is still long. You have so many time to spend with Minwoo." Seonhwa Asked. " If once I get his heart for this day, we can go home and you will report this to my father, right?" She crossed her arms in front of her. They remained silent. " very well." She went back to Minwoo. " hey Minwoo may I ask a favor? So we can get over this and we will be done in no time. " She whispered to Minwoo. " yeah whats that?" 

                                                                                             "here's what we are going to do....."



Downtown is full this day. Yet, again. I tried my best not to get lost with Kwangmin again like the incident that Minwoo and I have been through. I tried choosing a cute hairband for Seonhwa. I turned around " hey Oppa, Is this....." Kwangmin is in the other store, on the opposite side of my store....A pickahu paradise..... "Kwangmin oppa!~~"I called out. "Ohhhh!!! Dongsaeng!~" He began to walk. I began to walk as well, We should be meeting up in the middle. But the rush of crowd was to strong. " Oppa?!! KWANGMIN-OPPA!!!!!!" I shouted. Wah!~~ Im lost again...!!!!


Minwoo and seonhwa

"Minwoo.... You know what to do....." Seonhwa whispered to Minwoo... " yeah.yeah." Minwoo just nodded... 

                                "1,2,3!!!!! ahhhh~~~~!!!''

Until the crowd of people rushed over them..."Minwoo?! Minwoo?!" Seonhwa shouted. She was lost.......

                             "WHERE ARE YOU MINWOO!!!!!~~~"


Wow. I have lost Kwangmin...... aw...... great.....

until I felt someone grab my hand...  "Seonhwa!~ I thought your gone !!! You know that I can--- ____-ah?!" He was suprised.... and so am I!.. "Minwoo....!!!!" He stared at me for a long time staring at my dress, and staring at me from head to toe. " yeah.... I know... stare at me and laugh all you want....." He snapped out and said. " N-no actually, you are beautiful.! uh.. no I mean.... Do you have a date today?" He changed the subject. " No I haven't got a date... This is just.... I'll explain everything to you later... I need to find Kwangmin!"

"I need to find Seonhwa.....!!!"

I grabbed his hand... "lets go"!~ he nodded.



oh man. I lost ____-ah, my dongsaeng...... Until I felt some one pulling the end of my shirt..... "Minwoo! dont leave me like that I----" She stopped talking.... "kw...ang....min...." she whispered. My heart is beating fast and my face is turning red.... "se....on...hwa...." She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.... "Kwangmin..... Are you alright?" I didnt realize that I've been staring at her for almost a minute in the crowd. " uh yeah...." I smiled. I held her hand and I hope it will never end.

her hand is shivering. and sh'e turning red. " hey, seohwa is there something wrong?" I asked with a worried tone. "nothing Kwangmin!" she said with a stammering tone. "Ah. You know, I wanted to get you something and I um..." wah! Im so nervous @.@ "really?~~" Seonhwa smiled.then suddenly, I heard the people around us talk abot useless rumors. 

                                        is that Lee Seonhwa? she has  fiance and at the same time she has another boy?

                                                     And I thought she is a lady who is discplined and respected.


                                                                                    Such a disgrace  

                                                                             A lady without manners.

and I felt Seonhwa's tears trickle down her cheeks... " Lies...all lies....." She whispered... I clenched my fist and somehow tightened Seonhwa's hand in mine. "n-no Kwangmin! its okay... I get used to it somehow..." She smiled.... She smiled even tears flowed down her eyes... I placed my headphones into her ears and turn the music on. I held her hand for comfort and dragged her away from the staring crowd..... all I wanted for her is to smile again....


                                                                                                because I love her.


Well, this is quite uncomfortable.... being beside Minwoo right now.... I looked down.... The atmoshpere is kind of different today.... Is it because of the dress or something?Minwoo cant stare at me....... "Minwoo..." I called out. "EH?! yeah?!!! what!?" he nervously replied."are you..----?" "yes.yes.... Im okay..." He said, a bit red....Then there was an awkward silence.... "C'MON WHATS WRONG MINWOOOOO~~~!!!" 

"its because...." he looked at me...

                                                                                "you're so beautiful...and you really are..."

Dang... did my heart...just skipped a beat...when he said those words and smiled? Am I turning red and blushing? Am I in-love with him.????

"'re joking aren't you?" I said..."nope.... hey... are you blushing...????" He said approaching closer to my face.... I pushed him away.. " N-no!!! why will I?" I said... my heart is beating fast .....! I must control this feeling.... 

"hmm... If you say so..." He said... and there was silence....again....Calm down ____-ah this is not a big problem.... Youngmin is the one... Youngmin not Minwoo dont be inlove with someone else... you promised to yourself only the boy who comforted you when you were a kid....I'll never be in-love wi---

suddenly, Minwoo held my hand and he pulled me closer to him...

                                                                                  "stay close...... I dont want to lose you again....."

my blood rushed up my cheeks.... this confused feeling....

until my phone rang... It was a message from Kwangmin...

"Dongsaeng.... Im with Seonhwa...she's safe here with me....I ....I think I can tell her now...that I like her.....and so.... Mianhae... I cant walk you home >///< and I hope you understand..."

I smiled.

"of course I do understand oppa~ Go!!fighting!!!"

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Chapter 11: Update! Update! XD
please update soon :) this is really a nice story though at first I got a little bit confused XD
like... was Minwoo the boy who comforted the main character when they were young? Does he like her? Does Youngmin like her?

And I hope Kwangmin and Seonhwa will have a happy ending :< I feel bad for Kwangmin-oppa XD
Yes mam~! XD ~~~
huhu~ love this~ update soon~!
haha ~~ :D I will ^^ thanks for reading it :D !~~~
OMGGGGGG Continue your story! <333<br />
<br />
Awww Minwoo! He's badass yet sweet on the inside. :>
awww.... sorry..... I will continue my story.... :D thanks for leaving a comment.... I will do it now.. :D and you will be surprised XD please wait a few moments!!~~~
aww~~don't cut the story!!<br />
I'm a new reader..<br />
...and Minwoo...huhu~Minwoo is my bias..(in boyfriend)<br />
but this story..he said he don't want me!!huhu~so sad~<br />
however..i'll read this story,don't worry..hehe.Update soon okay??<br />
P/s: I like Kwangmin