Chapter 4~~~**~*~**~Destiny?! Maybe....~~~****~*~*~*

And there he was with his sweet smile..

Ah~~~ I woke up late today~~! of Course, Its saturday! Its my own sweet time!!!! Im going to hang out with Minwoo today! (as we always do every saturday) I took out my clothes from the closet and wore them. " Yo~ ____-ah... Where are you going (yet again) this early saturday?" My roomate said, Who just woke up and stretched out her arms. "Ahhh~ as usual to hang out with Minwoo!" I wore my cap on and bid goodbye." Bye ! I'll be back this afternoon!" And closed the door. 


It was just 9:00 in the morning as I saw Minwoo in front of the school gate. " whos late?" He smiled. The smile that I always hate. " aish!~~~ You always win!" I said crossing my arms. " and.. Who's going to buy the ice cream today?" He said. I raised my arms." That should be me" I showed signs of defeat...  " Hey, dont be sad. You can catch up next time. and When you win, it's not only ice cream that I will buy." He said holding my hand." so.... where do you want to go today?" he said as we walked down the streets. " well, I just want to go downtown to find cool stuffs." I gleefully smiled. " and also to treat you with the ice cream I promised." I said twirling around and around until I stopped on the entrance of the downtown plaza.  

Ahhhh!!!! the sweet scent of apple pie and caramel cream puffs that are layered in the fine pressed glass of the pastry shop. The loud noise of children playing, crying, having the time with their friends. Until one sweet black haired girl accidentally bumped me... " oh... Im so sorry unnie!!" she bowed down as a sign that she is sorry. " ah.~~~ its okay!~~ dont worry!!!~~" Then she took a quick peek at Minwoo and smiled." have fun with your boyfriend unnie!" I shivered with the words and Minwoo was puzzled. " that was..... awkward" I whispered to Minwoo. He just nooded.

We went into different stores. Downtown is full today.... Maybe because of the sale or maybe they just want to hang out with their friends. " Hey Minwoo! is this---" I turned around Minwoo wasn't there... vanished in the crowd... " Minwoo?!" I shouted...  argh damn..... I pushed myself amongst the crowd, calling his name I have escaped the crowd and began punching Minwoo's number on my phone... nobody's answering.... I am doomed....

I tried searching from the different stores and suddenly somebody pulled me away and into the safe place inside the resturant entrance." yo~______-ah what are you doing here?" It was youngmin, wearing casual clothes He never let go of my wrist. "I am looking for Minwoo.... And it seems I got quite lost...Hey where's Kwangmin? I thought you re always with him? " I said takng my arms in his grip and blushed. He rubbed the back of his neck...." ahhh.... He is just resting. He had a very bad mood since yesterday and I dont know why. That's why I am going to buy treats for him. hey, Can I help you in finding Minwoo?Is it okay with you?" He said while leaning in the street light post. I nodded. It is almost sunset and I am getting worried. We ran from one place to another, searching every area. " Minwoo....." I said with tears in my eyes. I don't want to lose him.............. He is the only guy that I shared my secrets and my laughter with......  Minwoo...... I don't want you to be gone." I sat down, crying on the park bench... I lost my hope in searching for him.

Until I felt arms wrapped around me. The feeling that I got when I first met the boy. " Don't cry. We will find him. I promise." he wiped my tears away. "is it you?'' I began to blurt out the words. " who?" He looked up at the orange sky. " I met this guy when I was a kid... and I know it sounds crazy, but I felt that its always you since the first day     I met you. " I hugged my knees. He chuckled and looked straight into my eyes. " what if I tell I am that boy...?'' The words stunned me for a while. It makes me feel like I am in a different world.... He was the one after all.....  I smiled... That words makes me happy" so.... your really the one..." I smiled. He nodded and he began to wrap his arms around me." I am that boy you are looking for ______-ah....." He whispered in my ears.


It was night time when we tried to search for Minwoo once more... 

I looked at my watch. This is the first time that I will be going home late. " MINWOO!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!" I began screaming on the top of my lungs. Youngmin stayed beside me. " sorry to make you wait this late, Youngmin." I said. I suddenly became shy because of that he was the one. " no problem." He smiled. Then, finally,  The crowd began to vanish until there was no one left. "Minwoo! " My voice echoed the whole street, until there was a tap on my shoulder. " _____-ah..... Im sorry....." And there he was, puffing harshly like he escaped a marathon that is never-ending race of circles. My eyes gleamed and I cried tears of joy and I hugged him so tight. "Minwoo!!!!" I shouted. he chuckled. " you know, your voice echoed the whole downtown..." I cried ." where have you been?!" I never noticed that I actually forgot about Youngmin. " Sorry... I had some errands to run. I promise, I won't do it again." He patted my head. At that time, I thought I just had my oppa. " Thanks, Youngmin" I bowed down as a sign of respect. Minwoo glanced at Youngmin Like a vampire having anger at his prey. " Its alright, ____-ah... I need to go now.... Kwangmin is waiting for me." I waved goodbye. And Minwoo grabbed my hand. " let's go home..." 


Street Lights were like stars near my head as I hummed and twirled around. "you seem happy." Minwoo said. " Minwoo, ~~~ I found him..!~~~" I whispered. "Who "him?" Minwoo asked. " It was Youngmin.... The boy that I was looking for..... It's really destiny, Isn't it?" I happily asked Minwoo. He stopped for a while and clenched his fist. "hey are you alright Minwoo? are you worried?" He flinched with the words. " No I am not.... It's just...---- Just don't expect too much... okay..?" I can't understand him. I really can't... But with that conversation, We had a long and silent trip on the way back to school and into our dorm.

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Chapter 11: Update! Update! XD
please update soon :) this is really a nice story though at first I got a little bit confused XD
like... was Minwoo the boy who comforted the main character when they were young? Does he like her? Does Youngmin like her?

And I hope Kwangmin and Seonhwa will have a happy ending :< I feel bad for Kwangmin-oppa XD
Yes mam~! XD ~~~
huhu~ love this~ update soon~!
haha ~~ :D I will ^^ thanks for reading it :D !~~~
OMGGGGGG Continue your story! <333<br />
<br />
Awww Minwoo! He's badass yet sweet on the inside. :>
awww.... sorry..... I will continue my story.... :D thanks for leaving a comment.... I will do it now.. :D and you will be surprised XD please wait a few moments!!~~~
aww~~don't cut the story!!<br />
I'm a new reader..<br />
...and Minwoo...huhu~Minwoo is my bias..(in boyfriend)<br />
but this story..he said he don't want me!!huhu~so sad~<br />
however..i'll read this story,don't worry..hehe.Update soon okay??<br />
P/s: I like Kwangmin