Chapter 7 ~~**~*~*~*~here comes the princess, get ready for your red carpet(part 2)~~*~*~*~~**~

And there he was with his sweet smile..

"ms. lee seonhwa, I know That you are Minwoo's fiance, but that doesnt mean that you are---" She took a quick glance at me. "hush, darling. Who are you again?" She said, never letting go of Minwoo's arm. " I am........" I looked at Minwoo. "h-he's Girlfriend? " I asked in reply. " Ah!!~~ yes.. My jagiya, Lee Seonhwa." Minwoo began to point at me and held my hand." Im sorry, But I guess you need to go now." He smiled. Seonhwa was raging with fury. " NO MINWOO!!!~ DONT YOU DARE LIE TO ME! I KNOW THIS IS ANOTHER OF YOUR PETTY GAMES!!!"  she stomped her feet and began to scream. all of the students where watching at us. " Minwoo..... what are you going to do?" I whispered to his ear. " Never mind her lets just leave. " He said, grabbing my hand and dragging me away. " ahhh!~~~ Minwoo!!!!!!!" I shouted while I was being dragged inside our classroom.


***after class****"

"no sign of Seonhwa." I said peeking out of the door. Minwoo Let out a big sigh."Thanks to that." Until we ran out of the classroom, and we were half-going down the stairs, until Lee Seonhwa was standing before us. Furious and mad. " No Minwoo.!!!!" She said, while her guards approached us."Your going with me back to europe! and stay there!" She was on with her high-pitched voice." Lee Seonhwa. Stop this." Minwoo said with a serious face." minwoo. Its okay." I said pulling him backwards. He looked at me, and smiled." Okay if that's wha----" Until the guards pushed my away and I fell down the stairs. I didnt have the chance to stand up and all I can hear is Minwoo's voice. "_____-ah?! " and everything went black.


I woke up and smelled the clinic's mixed medicines. And I saw Youngmin beside me, reading a book, and Kwangmin on my left side sleeping, His head rested on the bottom of my bed, and he sleeps like an angel." Youngmin...... what happened?" I rubbed my head. And My ankle hurts. " You fell on the stairs and hit your head. Your ankle twisted and it seems you passed out after that... Are you alright now?" He said, holding my hand. I blushed. " ah. yes. I am alright.But, how did I get here?" I asked."Minwoo carried you all the way here and he called us in our class and asked a favor if we could stay and take care of you while he's gone." I thought for a while and whispered to myself. I need to say thank you too Minwoo. "By the way where is Minwoo, Youngmin?" I asked, almost getting up the bed. " he just went to Lee Seonhwa to talk with her." Youngmin said holding my shoulders as if I should calm down and rest. I know Minwoo will not do anything good. After all that what happened today. " I-i need to talk to him Youngmin." Youngmin just shook his head. "you cant. Your ankle is still sprained and you cant walk." he said letting me rest again. "please, Yougmin.?" I asked almost crying. Youngmin looked at me for a moment and said. " ahhh~ ____-ah! why cant I resist your sweet face!" he said putting down his book and waking up kwangmin." yo!~ Dongsaeng! wake up !" He said shaking his shoulders." Seonhwa...... Why?" He murmured. Seems like he's dreaming. Youngmin shook him more stronger than before. "Kwangmin~! " Youngmin whispered... "Huh? what?" Kwangmin said, opening his eyes. " lets go, _____-ah wants to see Minwoo." Youngmin carried me, Bridal-style,and I rested in his arms. He chuckled. " your kinda heavy for a small girl, _____-ah!~" He said using a playful tone. I blushed. " okay I eat much~ Ice cream and cakes every day!!!!" I said, looking down. " ah~ im just joking...." he said, patting my head.


we went and searched for Minwoo and Seonhwa.... Until I heard Seonhwas voice at the back of the school's Garden. " I-I dont love him...." She said crying." Lets get this over with seonhwa. Stop lying that you dont like him." Minwoo's voice said. " im sorry Seonhwa... But you know since the very start....." Youngmin took another step and I  said to Youngmin." You can put me down now." I said. " how about your leg?" Youngmin asked. I leaned on the garden's wall. " I can handle my self. " I said, limping my way to Minwoo and seonhwa-whos crying. "Minwoo, what happened?" I said, tapping his shoulder. " this is nothing. " He said walking his way to the Jo twins. " Im going to my dorm. we'll talk later, _____-ah" he said malking away with the Jo twins. " HEY THANKS MINWOO... " I said, shouting. He waved his hands as a sign of welcome. I was left with seonhwa. Her black eyeliner smudged her face and I know she was really hurt deep inside.

" Hey.......'' I said leaning on the wall. I gave her my hankerchief and let her wipe her smudge and tears. 

"thanks....... Hey, ____-ah. Im sorry..."

"about what?

"about everything. Im sorry that I pushed you down the stairs. But now I know. That Minwoo really cares for you. The way he really worries about you and carresed you while he carried you all the way to the clinic. YOU PASSED MY TEST! ________-ah!~~~" She said smiling.

"huh?!!" I was confused....So confused."Youngmin told me things about you. The way you and Minwoo were always by each others side. And we made a bet!~ I guess I won this time!~" She said, all energized and pumped up, not like before." He said that you will stay friends. JUST FRIENDS. But For me, You are just more than friends!~~~ YOU TWO ARE MEANT TO BE!~~ <3" She said standing up. " But I thought you love Minwoo?" She laughed. " That? Well...... Actually I was forced to love him...." She was with her serious face again. and leaned on the wall, beside me. " what?~" I said. Maybe my ears is having difficulties..... but, what I hear is right.! " I was forced to love him because of my dad. The true inheritor of the bussiness I shall marry... And I wasnt able to choose who I really love." She said. " But the truth is..... I really like.... no ..... LOVE Kwangmin.... since the very start.... His Innocent face and angelic smile..." She said, her face turning to red."then why didnt you talk to him and say what you really feel.?" 

"dad always had me guarded. And only Minwoo I am allowed to talk with. And of course, they will report things if I talk to another guy....."

"then tell him.... that you love him...." I said. " Because.... I"

She giggled..

"haha!~ I wish..... If only I could say it to him... But father.----"

"Who cares about your father?! He would choose riches more than his daughter's love?!"

she wiped her tears and stood up. " your right _____-ah~!!! Thanks!~~~ ill tell him as soon as I meet him without hesitation!~~~"
She said, and grabbed my hand. " Let's go~!  I shall walk you on your dorm as a sign of thanks!~~" 


I guess she wasn't that bad after all ...............

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Chapter 11: Update! Update! XD
please update soon :) this is really a nice story though at first I got a little bit confused XD
like... was Minwoo the boy who comforted the main character when they were young? Does he like her? Does Youngmin like her?

And I hope Kwangmin and Seonhwa will have a happy ending :< I feel bad for Kwangmin-oppa XD
Yes mam~! XD ~~~
huhu~ love this~ update soon~!
haha ~~ :D I will ^^ thanks for reading it :D !~~~
OMGGGGGG Continue your story! <333<br />
<br />
Awww Minwoo! He's badass yet sweet on the inside. :>
awww.... sorry..... I will continue my story.... :D thanks for leaving a comment.... I will do it now.. :D and you will be surprised XD please wait a few moments!!~~~
aww~~don't cut the story!!<br />
I'm a new reader..<br />
...and Minwoo...huhu~Minwoo is my bias..(in boyfriend)<br />
but this story..he said he don't want me!!huhu~so sad~<br />
however..i'll read this story,don't worry..hehe.Update soon okay??<br />
P/s: I like Kwangmin