Chapter 3~~**~~*~ Where is he? ~~***~~*~~*~

And there he was with his sweet smile..

I was skipping back to my dorm, still with my fast-beating heart. A short history of my life. Father always come home, drunk and he will always hurt me for nothing. He abandoned me at the age of ten and I started living on the streets. Mother, From the very start, Really doesn't care about me. She rarely comes home from work and one day, she never came home. Then, while I was crying, I met this boy whom I've waited until this day. The president of the school took pity on me and he let me study in this school as a scholar..... Then I met Minwoo, whom I share my secrets with, And he is my best friend. That's why I never had the chance to experience or to feel love. On the other hand, This is my first time to feel this fast heartbeat. Like it will put a gleam on your face and a beam on your smile. 


Then, Kwangmin popped out from nowhere. "_____-ah!" He was really tired and he is cathing his breath...." omo! Kwangmin! what happened?!" I patted his back and let him sit down on the nearest bench.... " are you alright?" He stared at me and said. " I haven't seen Youngmin. I've waited for him outside the gates because he said he will take a tour with you around the campus... But until now, He never went there. I started looking for him but it seems that I got lost and Its very helpful that I bumped at you." He was very worried about his brother. The way he spent his time searching for him even though he doesn't know where he is, and doesn't care as long as you find your loved one.. " Youngmin's lucky to have a brother like you." I Began to blurting out words. I began turning red. *ahhh!!!!! what are you saying!!!!! stop saying such words* I whispered to my mind. He smiled." thanks. how about you? Don't you have any caring brother?" I shook my head. " I never had siblings." He patted my head. "that's alright!~ I'll be your brother from now on. Even we have the same age, call me Oppa Kwangmin!!!" He proudly stood up and had that thumbs up on his hands. I laughed. "you are a really funny guy, Oppa Kwangmin..." I started using the words. It's really nice to talk with kwangmin. He is like your'e older brother. Sweet, caring, funny and he has the skills to make someone smile. " Oppa, do you want me to help in finding Youngmin?" I stood up." sure, my little sister! let's go~!" He grabbed my hand and began dashing into one place to another.



"Hey, Minwoo. at last I found you." Youngmin started to have that serious face. Minwoo started to walk away, Pale as a ghost. " are you going to walk away like you did before? Leaving us like what you did?" He turned around Minwoo can't say anything. He just wanted to leave that place. Leave Youngmin. Leave his past. " Im never going back there." He finally said."so don't expect much that by entering this school, you can have me back." Now, he was serious. "Minwoo, you know you can't escape by that easy way." Youngmin was even annoyed by his words. " the past will always be there." Minwoo turned around heading to his room." I don't love her. You two can continue without me." Youngmin grabbed his arm." Minwoo, Listen to me just once!" His voice got louder enough for his voice to echo on the hallway. " this is your problem. You never face your fear. you always walk back and be the weakest among us three." Minwoo took Youngmin's grip away from his arm. " So be it. Let me be the weakest." He continued to walk, leaving Youngmin behind. " I will just give you time Minwoo.... Think about it....."  Youngmin whispered as he went out of the dorm. 


"Where is he?" I began to feel worried at the thought that maybe he is stranded somewhere. Kwangmin had a frown on his face again. " this is all my fault. I never should have left him alone." I put my arms around his shoulder. " Ahhhh...~~ oppa! don't lose hope maybe he will just be there, somewhere." I sigh.... I also began losing hope. But I can't show it to Kwangmin. " ahhh! okay! thanks, my little sister~! Let's go inside the school rooms, maybe he is there!" he said once more and began running. " ahhh..... oppa! wait up!" 


I started to search for him at our room. " he isn't here." Then I began to take a deep breath.... and turned around in the library. Youngmin was sitting there, reading a pocket book. " oppa! He's here!" I pointed at the door of the library. " Who's ' He's here'?" Youngmin was right behind me. I was startled. " ahhh.... ! Youngmin I got so worried that you were gone.... " Youngmin smiled." thanks Kwangmin. I bumped into someone that I know and started to talk to that person! that's why I took so long.... Sorry Kwangmin." Kwangmin let out a big sigh... "it's alright Youngmin. Thank goodness you are safe." Kwangmin turned around and he said." Thank you, My little sister! we will be going now!!!~" Kwangmin waved his hands. "omo! your welcome oppa!" Youngmin was so confused." since when you became relatives?" He smiled. "ahh~! Youngmin! don't mind that! we just had a little conversation!!~~" he said. "well, okay... Bye, _________-ah" He waved goodbye to me.... " Bye!!!~~" I waved back.

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Chapter 11: Update! Update! XD
please update soon :) this is really a nice story though at first I got a little bit confused XD
like... was Minwoo the boy who comforted the main character when they were young? Does he like her? Does Youngmin like her?

And I hope Kwangmin and Seonhwa will have a happy ending :< I feel bad for Kwangmin-oppa XD
Yes mam~! XD ~~~
huhu~ love this~ update soon~!
haha ~~ :D I will ^^ thanks for reading it :D !~~~
OMGGGGGG Continue your story! <333<br />
<br />
Awww Minwoo! He's badass yet sweet on the inside. :>
awww.... sorry..... I will continue my story.... :D thanks for leaving a comment.... I will do it now.. :D and you will be surprised XD please wait a few moments!!~~~
aww~~don't cut the story!!<br />
I'm a new reader..<br />
...and Minwoo...huhu~Minwoo is my bias..(in boyfriend)<br />
but this story..he said he don't want me!!huhu~so sad~<br />
however..i'll read this story,don't worry..hehe.Update soon okay??<br />
P/s: I like Kwangmin