Cell Phone

Paper Airplanes

Minhee's POV


"MINHEE!!!" Aw, crap.


I ran downstairs adn outside to where oppa was impatiently beeping his car. Unnie was already there with him. I quickly ran to the back and got in. Just as I got in, he started speeding off. I don't see why appa lets oppa drive a car. He's a crazy driver.

"You're going to make us late," unnie snapped.


After ten minutes, they dropped me off at my school and zoomed off. You see, we went to different schools. Oppa and unni go to a co-ed school, while I go to an all girls school. Because, they just opened this school right before I was supposed to go to high school. Appa thought that it was best that I go here becaise of my "quiet" personality.

Unni...was of course different than me. Unni and oppa. Unni was gorgeous and beautiful. She was everything a girl would ever want to be. Every girl was jealous of her, and I was too, sometimes. Okay...all the time. She had long wavy hair that went to her waist and was beautifully dyed blonde. She was also tall-taller than most girls her age. She also had the perfect body.

Me? I was just a stick with black hair that went just past my shoulders. I wasn't pretty at all. Appa always said that unni took after her umma.

Oppa was scary. He was beautiful like unni, but in a different way. All the girls would chase after him. He had the height, muscles, hair, looks, and brains.

When people looked at me and compare me to them, they'd just laugh if I told them I was their little sister. So...I just stopped telling people that. Because I used to get beat up. Everyone thought I was lying, so...why bother telling them something they wouldn't believe?

"Hey Minhee!"

I turned and saw Jessica walking towards me. She was my only "friend" here at thsi hellhole. She was almost the opposite of me, like unnie. But honestly, unnie was way better. Jessica was pretty, but she wasn't beautiful. Not at that level. Sometimes, she annoyed the hell out of me.

"What did you do this weekend?" she asked, sitting next to me. Class didn't start yet, so most girls were just talking.

"I just went to the mall," I said. I didn't mention oppa or unnie. The first time I did that, Jessica started lauging and told me not to lie to her again.

"Really-Look at my nail! It broke!" she whined, pointing at it. "I hear Siwon-oppa was at the mall yesterday! So was Gina-unnie, too! They are both so cool! Man, I wish Siwon would notice me. He's so dreamy!" She sighed.

Siwon and Gina were my brother and sister. I had to put up with Jessica's constant whining about them. I don't even know how she knows about them. They went to a different school...

The teacher came in and I turned away from Jessica. I was glad to get a break from her. She could go on about Siwon-oppa for hours. 

School seemed longer than usual. When I finally got out, I smiled and stretched.But then I frowned when I realized that I had to go to work today. I sighed. I worked long hours from four to ten o' clock. Six long hours. I sighed again.

I trudged my way to Sweet Cafe. I waved to my boss and put on my apron. 

"Hi, what would you like to have?" I asked my first customer.

"Red bean pearl tea, please," the man said. I took his money and gave back his change. 

This went on for over an hour and half. I sighed and yawned. I was growing tired from constantly smiling, but I had to keep it up if I wanted to keep this job.

"Yah! I want a green apple tea with small pearls, banana slices, a lemon and a cherry in it." I would have normally called this guy a bastard, but of course I couldn't. Why? Becuase he was my oppa. 

"Sure thing sir." I said, starting to make his special drink. I didn't dare aknowledge him as my oppa. First, it was against the rules, and second, he didn't want me to. He said I was a disgrace to be his sister... It might sound mean, but I guess it's true... I could be nothing like him.

I slid him his drink and he left without paying.

"I want the same," Gina-unnie said as well.

"Sure thing," I said, smiling at her. She didn't smile back. Why were they here? Not only do they get free drinks, but the shop is close to their school. 

She took her drink and went to sit next to oppa as I took the orders from their friends.

"That will be 3.90 please," I said to one of oppa's friend. He was cute, but also a bastard.

"Why do I have to pay and they don't?!" he demanded.

"Because..." I thought frantically in my head for an excuse.

"Because what?" he said impatiently.

"Because they are Siwon-sunbae and Gina-unnie! Are you them? Because if you were, I'd give you free drinks too!" I snapped.

I caught from the corner of my eyes, the shock from oppa and unnie's eyes.

"'m going to complain to the boss that you favor them!" he yelled.

"Go ahead!" I hissed. "And after I get fired, you can tell your friends why they now have to pay for their drinks!"

The guy looked shocked. He muttered a few cuss words and tossed me the money. Mwuahahaha, I win.

This guy was scared of oppa and unnie. I sure was, and so was everybody else. 

I quickly took the orders from the rest of their friends. They went to sit down with oppa and unnie after I took their orders.

"Nice outfit, unnie," one girl said. "Is it new?" 

"Of course," Gina said. "Do I ever wear the same outfit twice?"

I heard the other girls murmur in agreeement. They all talked about gossic and that's all they did.

"Here are your drinks," I said as I brought it to them. They ignored me. Tch. Typical bastards. 

"Look at this," one guy said, throwing out something on the table. I took a peek. It was a cell phone... Hey, it looked like the one I had....with the angel wing stickers. 

"Hyung wants to find the person who owns this phone," the guy continued.

Oppa picked up the cell phone before I could examine it. He looked at it and then messed around with it. No doubt, he was looking through the phone book. Holy crap, what if it was my phone? 

Eh, but it couldn't be. My phone was in my bag where I put it after oppa called me yesterday. 

The guy tried to take the phone back, but oppa kept it. 

"I have an idea. I'll talk to Kyuhyun about it later," oppa said, putting the phone in his pocket.

I quicklt went back to where I worked. Oppa and his friends were scary. They left after an hour of random talking. I was hella tired after my shift was up. I had to walk home, which took me another hour. By the time I got home, I was deadly tired.

I practically tackled my bed, to cushion my sore body. Ow, I landed on something hard.

I picked up the cell phone from undr my stomach. Huh? I thought my phone was in my bag... Oh well, I guess I took it out.

Time to sleep....

Second chapter up! I only have four subscribers....TT^TT Oh well! Comment! ^_^

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Claudiaaa #1
please update this story soon!!!:))
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
Yay~! Do update more often k? :DDDDDD
still, a bit confused but only cuz its been a while since the last update ~~ ^^|| But it stil sounds good ~ !! Update soon ^^<br />
cant wait until the next update, cause im a bit confused but im catching on! Ha kyuhyun is so funny. ;)
love it !!! update soon btw!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #6
Update soon!~~ ;DDD
angelical08 #7
update soon please!!!
oh please, not a cliffhanger......<br />
Do update soon!