
Paper Airplanes

Minhee's POV


He dropped me off at my house and just zoomed off without another word. Jerk. I just watched him go and then I realized that I still had his helmet.

It took me thirty minutes just to take it off. What the hell was I supposed ot do with it?

When oppa came back, I knocked on his door.

"What?" said his voice through inside the door. He opened the door.

"Oppa, Kyuhyun-sunbae left this..." I showed him the helmet.

Oppa just stared at it. I wonder why... Surprised maybe? But then, why?

"You...rode on his motorcycle?" he asked, looking at me.

I nodded. I couldn't lie to him. Once, I did and he washed my mouth out with soap. Oppa is a walking lie detector.

"Keep it," he said. "He'll come back for it later." He closed his door.

He'll come back for it? Aw man..  I put it in my room for now. If appa saw it, he'd go ballistic. He hated motorcycles. Why? I have no idea. Was I going to ask? Hell no.


This whole week, I didn't bump into oppa or unnie's friends. They stopped coming to the Sweet Shop. It was good because I could stop feeling guilty for giving out free drinks.

Yay~ It's Thursday. One more day and I'm free like a bird!!! 



"Why did you hit me?!" I asked angrily at Jessica.

"You looked like you were daydreaming. Come on. We have to study for that test," Jessica answered as we walked down to the entrance.

"Hey look! There's a hot guy!" some girl screamed.

"Is he hot?!...Oh my god he's hot!!!"

Jessica and I looked up to see someone leaning against the school gate, gazing up to where we were. Jessica suddenly grabbed my arm. Huh?!

"Minhee! Do you know who that is?! That's Cho Kyuhyun!!! He's second to Siwon-oppa! Oh, my god I have to get him to notice me!!!" she squealed, pulling me along towards him. 

"No no no no no no, Jessica, I have to work..." I said trying to get out of her grip. I lied, okay? I didn't have to work, but I didn't want to face him. He still scared the out of me.

"You are coming with me and that's that!" Jessica exclaimed. "What, are you scared that he'd like you over me? In your dreams Minhee. Hurry up."


What the hell was that supposed to mean?!


"Hi, oppa," Jessica greeted, walking up to him. Wow, she's so brave.

I looked around us. All of the girls were glaring at us. Were they going to beat us up?

Kyuhyun looked up to Jessica, and then to me.

"My name is Jessica," she introduced, smiling and giving a bow. "I heard a lot about you and-."

"Let's go," he said out of nowhere, cutting her off. He stalked off and Jessica giggled in delight.

"Minhee! I can't believe he just asked me out! I'll talk to you later, okay?" she said, smiling wide.

"Sure..." I murmured, watching her follow Kyuhyun. I took the other path home. I didn't want to follow them. I sighed. I needed to study for my test anyway...

I got home thirty minutes later and was about to take a shower, before my phone rang.




"Kyuhyun-sunbae?" I asked. I was pretty sure it was him..

"Oppa? Who's that? I heard Jessica asking.

"Shut up! Who told you to follow me?! Huh?!" Kyuhyun yelled at her.

Don't yell at her... She was only doing what you asked... Or was it me you were talking to? Then, be clearer next time...



He hung up on me... Why does this happen to me? I was always the loud, but quiet one that never got in trouble. And now, I'm going to be killed...

Ten minutes... Might as well take a shower before I die, right?

I took the quickest shower that I could do and slipped into my most comfortable clothes. I was just about to go into my room when I heard banging noises.


I ran downstairs and opened it. I found Kyuhyun there, panting for his breath. Oh yeah... I forgot he was coming...

"Oppa's not here right now. You can come back later," I said, smiling. Then, I slammed the door shut.



I opened it and he came in. I looked out to see if anyone else was there, too, but no one seemed to be with him. Does this mean I'm going to be alone with him? Then, I saw a small figure behind the bench... Jessica? But when I looked back again, she ran off... follow him?


I shut it and turned to face him. He looked...nice. Wait.... STUPID MINHEE!!! Snap out of it! He's coming to kill you!

He looked at me and walked closer. I stepped further back until I hit the door. He was leaning closer.....ah.....he's going to kill me now. I closed my eyes and....

Hey, sorry for not updating for a while...>.< Just been lazy, but I hope you liked this chapter anyway... And, I have no offense for Jessica. I like her, but I just think that she'd make a good enemy. Comment~

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Claudiaaa #1
please update this story soon!!!:))
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
Yay~! Do update more often k? :DDDDDD
still, a bit confused but only cuz its been a while since the last update ~~ ^^|| But it stil sounds good ~ !! Update soon ^^<br />
cant wait until the next update, cause im a bit confused but im catching on! Ha kyuhyun is so funny. ;)
love it !!! update soon btw!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #6
Update soon!~~ ;DDD
angelical08 #7
update soon please!!!
oh please, not a cliffhanger......<br />
Do update soon!