
Paper Airplanes

Minhee's POV


I stayed in my room for hours, waiting for them to leave. I heard the cars starting a couple of hours ago, so they had to be already gone. Not wanting to take any chances on running into them, I just stayed in here. But, right now, I was hungry. My tummy was rumbling...

I opened my door just a crack to see if someone was there. I let out a small sigh of relief. No one...

I quickly ran down and into the kitchen to make me some cup of noodles. ^^

I smiled as I brought the cup of steaming noodles into the family room. I the t.v. and started watching some dramas they showed. Wah, they were showing You're Beautiful with Jung Yong Hwa. He was so hot and cute looking. His character was so adorable! Why can't I get a guy like that?!

"Yah, give me some."

I froze. 


"Did you hear me?!"

I slowly turned around with me mouth full. There, was Cho Kyuhyun, sitting on my couch, sleeping. Well, he looked like he was sleeping. 


I quickly swallowed my noodles and just stared him in shock. 

"GOD DAMN IT! IS IT SO HARD TO ASK FOR SOMETHING HERE?!?!?!" he yelled opeing his eyes.

I pushed my cup of half eaten noodles and handed him the chopsticks. 

He looked at it with disgust. 

"Come on. I'm hungry. Let's go," he said and started walking out the front door.

I stared at the open space. Go where?! Where did he want to go?! Why would I even follow him?! He meant that he was going somewhere alone, right? Not with me. He's finally leaving me alone, right?


Oppa and unie are gone... There's no one here to save me... UMMA!!!!


I got up and folloed him in a heartbeat. 

Aw ... He drove a motorcycle... Don't get me wrong, I loved motorcycles, especially black ones, but I would never ride one. They're scary...

He looked at me behind his helmet. "GET ON."


"YOU'RE WHAT?!" he yelled. 

"I'M SCARE OF MOTORCYCLES!" I blurted out. He got his bike and walked towards me. Don't kill me... >.<

Instead, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towrds his bike. He forced his other helmet onto me. Ow...Couldn't he have been more gentle?! Wait, what am I talking about? How can a crazy guy be gentle?

"Get on."

I got on and he started his bike. He looked back at me and said, "Hold on."

Hold on? To him?! You've got ot be kidding me! Why would I-


The wind almost knocked me off my seat! I grabbed onto his shirt and tried to hold on. I had my eyes closed at first, but when I opened them... It was...nice actually. It wasn't, of course, like riding a car. It was more like...flying!


Oh. We stopped. 

I got off his bike, but couldn't get his helmet off. I think something got stuck...

"You pabo! I can't believe you're hyung's sister," he muttered and pulled the helmet off.

There we go again, comparing me with oppa and unnie. I sighed. 

"Hurry up!" he snapped, walking in front of me. I quickled ran to catch up.

Where are we?! It was so dark and there was strange people here... Am I going ot die early? I just sat the table with Kyuhyun. 

"Two sojus," Kyuhyun said to the waiter.

"Beef noodle please," I added.

The waiter looked like he was about to burst out laughing. "Sorry miss. We don't sell that here."

"Do you have instant noodles?" I asked. The waiter nodded his head and walked away, laughing.

"You pabo! How can you order noodles here?!" Kyuhyun yelled at me.

Here? But what...?

"This is a bar," he continued, "You order drinks here. Not noodles."

How was I supposed to know?! I've never been to one..

It was silent and he was staring at me. I looked away.

"Yah, tell me why you closed the elevator door on me that day," he suddenly asked.

Because I thought you were a criminal.. "I didn't close it. I tried to keep it open for you, but then it started closing and wouldn't open again," I lied.

He leaned in closer to me and stared into my eyes. "LIAR."

Caught. >.<

"Do you normally lie, or is it just  a habit?"

"I thought you were a criminal," I said quietly, hoping he wasn't going to kill me.

He stared at me, and then burst out laughing.

"Stupid," he murmured, and then took a sip of his drink.

I ate in silence and he drank in silence. Sometimes, I would catch him looking at me, but I would just turn away. What did he want with me anyway? Did he want to kill me and then bury me? Well, maybe I can get some answers first....

"Ah...Sunbae?" I called, trying to be polite. "How did you get my cell phone number?"

"You idiot. It fell out of your backpack before you got it," he answered, glaring at me.



"And how did you know what school I went to?"

"You were wearing the jacket."


"And my house?"

"Siwon-hyung. He invited me over on Friday night. I called you at three in the morning when everyone was sleeping. It was ringing upstairs and I could hear it.... Now are you done with these stupid questions?"

"Yes sir..."

Come on. Hurry up and pay so we can leave," he said and got up, leaving to pay the bill by myself.!?!?! PAY?!?!?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!

"Ahjooma, how much is it?"

"Fifty dollars."

That's how much I make in a week....

I quickly paid and left. Stupid Kyuhyun. I'm going to kill you....that is, if you're not going to kill me first....

Whew, this took me a while to write. I hope you like it! ^^ Comment~

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Claudiaaa #1
please update this story soon!!!:))
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
Yay~! Do update more often k? :DDDDDD
still, a bit confused but only cuz its been a while since the last update ~~ ^^|| But it stil sounds good ~ !! Update soon ^^<br />
cant wait until the next update, cause im a bit confused but im catching on! Ha kyuhyun is so funny. ;)
love it !!! update soon btw!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #6
Update soon!~~ ;DDD
angelical08 #7
update soon please!!!
oh please, not a cliffhanger......<br />
Do update soon!