
Paper Airplanes

Minhee's POV



Do you know why? It's because I was sleeping when I should have been studying. 

"Minhee!" Jessica yelled, running at me.

"Hey Jess-."

But she didn't let me finish.

"I can't believe it! There's this girl that stole Kyuhyun-oppa from right under me! I was getting along well with him but then there's this calls and he runs away to be with her!" She yelled so loud that everyone turned to look. "And then I follow him to this house. I saw that . She was the most ugliest thing ever!"

Was she lying to me? It didn't sound like Kyuhyun was getting along with her on the phone...

Am I that ugly...? Yeah, I wasn't as pretty as unnie, but you don't have to say that...

"We're going to go there right now and confront that !" Jessica yelled.

?! But, how are we going to do that when I'm right here? Then, she really didn't see me?

But I had no say in it. Thank goodness oppa and unnie weren't home...

So I went with Jessica back to my house and just stood behind her. Jessica knocked and rang the doorbell so many times that I thought the door would just break down. 

"QUIT KNOCKING AND JUST COME IN!" someone inside yelled.


Jessica tried the door and found that it was open.

"Youu go ahead Jessica. I'll wait here," I said. There was no way I'd go inside.

"No. You're coming with me. You need to be more assertive or else you're never going to get a boyfriend. Wait, you aren't. Not with that kind of face..."

Did she just insult me again?! I should call her a , but she's my only friend. Besides, I was used to it...kind of...

Jessica pulled me inside.

"In here!" a guy's voice called.

I got pulled into the family room. There was only one guy eating. Yesung. What. The. Hell. was he doing at my house?! He was getting the carpet all dirty!!!

Out of habit, I started picking up the crumbs. My beautiful carpet... Damn you Yesung

He looked surprised to see Jessica. I hid behind her, picking up the little scraps.

"Where's the ?" Jessica yelled at Yesung.

"Excuse me?" Yesung asked, standing up. I peeked from behind the sofa. ...

"The who lives here!" she shouted. "She  stole Kyuhyun-oppa from me and I'm going to kill her!"

Yesung smirked. "You are, are you? Well, she's right behind you."

I turned, and so did Jessica...

There was unnie standing i front, with oppa next to her. Behind them were a few of their friends...including Cho Kyuhyun.

"Yah! You're that who followed me for ten miles!" Kyuhyun yelled, pointing at her.

"Who did you say you were going to kill?" oppa asked, glaring at Jessica.

Unnie put her hands at her waist.

"Are you that ?!" Jessica yelled. Did she justyell at unnie?! "If you have a boyfriend already," she pointed at oppa, "why are you going after Kyuhyun?!"

Jessica... Didn't you say that you loved Siwon? I thought you admired them... Why are you yelling at them...unless you really don't know what they look like... I suppose she didn't know, or she wouldn't be yelling...

"Boyfriend?" Siwon smirked. "How could she be my girlfriend? I look so much better than her."

Oppa, now is not the time to get unnie mad.

Gina glared at Siwon and he just shrugged. She looked at Jessica from head to toe. That's how everyone knew she was mad.

"Kyuhyun," Gina called.

"Yes, noona?"

"Did you come here before?" she asked, without looking back.

"Yeah. Yesterday."

Please don't say my name, please don't say my name, I silently prayed.

"Who exactly are you?" Gina asked scarily, walking slowly up to Jessica. Wow, unnie looked so cool. Just like those heroines from dramas.

"My name is Jessica," she said loudly. But I could see she was nervous. Who wouldn't be when facing my unnie?

" you the right to come in my house and calling me a ?" she asked.

Suddenly, Kyuhyun looked in my direction. He went up to me and picked me up by the arm.

"Ow!!!" I hissed as he yanked me up. Why did he have to do that? I was happy behind the sofa...

Oppa and unnie looked my way. 

"Hi oppa and unnie..." I greeted nervously.

"Yah! Why did you bring your crazy friend here?!" Kyuhyun yelled. My ear drums...will burst someday...

Jessica looked at me, shocked.

"Minhee, why don't you tell her who we are," Siwon said, smirking evilly. Uh oh... I don't like the look on his face. It was the 'I'm going to kill someone' look.

"Jessica... This is Siwon-oppa and Gina-unnie from Seoul High..."

Jessica's eyes got large. " do you know them...?"

Everyone was looking at me.

"...I told you before... They are my brother and sister..." I replied quietly.

"You said you were lying," she snapped. I was lying? That was you.

"You told me I was lying.... I was telling you the truth. You didn't believe me..." I was half-yelling. I was getting tired of her putting me down.

"So...that girl Kyuhyun-oppa was talking to, was you?"


"So..." Siwon began, breaking our conversation. "You call my twin sister a , and then my dongsaeng a . What are we going to do...?" he mused sadistically.

Jessica looked scared. She looked at me for help, but there was nothing I could do. When oppa's mad...he's mad.

"Let's see how she likes the garbage dump," Gina said, smirking. Then, two guys came from the back came in and dragged Jessica out.

"Unnie!" I yelled. "Y-you can't do that to her! She's my friend!" I stupidly said.

Unnie glared at me.

"That girl is your friend? She's not your friend. Do friends lie to you? So friends cuss at you or call you names? You should really open your eyes Minhee. GROW UP," she yelled and then left.

"Listen to what your unnie says," ppa said softly, ruffling my hair a bit. "She's smart."

Then, they all started to leave.

I sat on the floor...still shocked...

Wow, I haven't updated for a really long time! I am so sorry! I've just been busy, and I just finished finals... Now I have a month of winter break, and I am proud to say I am free to update! ^^

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Claudiaaa #1
please update this story soon!!!:))
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
Yay~! Do update more often k? :DDDDDD
still, a bit confused but only cuz its been a while since the last update ~~ ^^|| But it stil sounds good ~ !! Update soon ^^<br />
cant wait until the next update, cause im a bit confused but im catching on! Ha kyuhyun is so funny. ;)
love it !!! update soon btw!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #6
Update soon!~~ ;DDD
angelical08 #7
update soon please!!!
oh please, not a cliffhanger......<br />
Do update soon!