Crazy Man

Paper Airplanes

Minhee's POV


I strongly blame my sister and my brother as of right now. Or well, possibly for everything.

Because right now, I am all alone, sitting in this fifty floored mall. I absolutely hated shopping, but my older siblings forced and dragged me along here anyway. And I don't even see why they even need to go shopping! They wear uniforms to their school for god's sake! 

My unni and oppa are twins and what about me? I'm just a year younger than them. They love to shop. I would bet anything that they got those genes from appa and umma. Me? I think I was adopted.

I sighed and gazed down over the railing. It was so boring. I could see the forty-eight floors below me. Wow... It's a pretty long way down. I wonder what would happen if someone tripped and fell over the railing. Would they be able to survive that? I mused to myself and peered over again. Probably not.

Hm, my interest was slightly heightened as I saw a man running up each level of the mall. He must be pretty tired from all that running. He just ran up five floors!

My eyes slightly widened as I saw a couple of strange men chasing him. They were wearing those cliche black suits. That guy being chased looked pretty messy. His hair was covering his eyes and his shirt was all torn and ripped. Even his pants had holes in them. I'm pretty sure he had to have looked thirty to forty years old.

No one seemed to be helping the men in the black suits catch the guy, and no one seemed to be helping that guy out either. They probably just didn't care. If I was just standing by, I'd help those men catch that crazy guy. 

That guy seems to be running up the forty-ninth floor.

...WAIT, THAT'S WHERE I AM!!! What if I catch him? I could see it in the headlines: BRAVE SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL SAVES THE DAY!



I picked up my cell phone. "Yobesayo?"


Who can that be, other than my loving oppa?

"Okay, oppa. I'll be right down." I quickly walked into the elevator and pushed the button for the bottom floor. Man, unnie and oppa were going to yell at me. I sighed. 


Huh? I looked up to see...THAT MAN WITH THE MEN IN BLACK SUITS CHASING HIM RUNNING TOWARDS ME?! And he was coming closer and closer!


I looked quickly around the panel and saw the 'Close Door' button. I think I must have pushed it at least ten times before it finally started closing.

Holy crap, he was coming closer!!!


The door had closed and in a matter of seconds, a loud slam followed by. Ouch, he must have ran straight into it.

I let out a sigh of relief. At least I was safe. I looked out the window and saw the men pressing the man down.


Okay, so I was a little happy that the men caught that crazy man, but that meant I was still late. Oppa will kill me. The stupid elevator took practically thirty minutes because people kept getting off and on.


I rushed out of the elevator and ran towards oppa and unnie, where they were waiting impatiently.

"Where were you?!" oppa yelled.

"The elevator was slow," I murmured softly. 

Usually I was not like this, but I didn't dare disrespect my oppa and unnie.

"Who cares. Hurry up," unnie said and they started walking away.


Huh? I turned around to see the scary man far away. He was looking straight at me, with a really angry look on his face. Uh oh. The men were trying to hold him back. 

I quickly turned and ran to catch up with my siblings.

Whew first chapter done. >.< I hope you liked it and that it wasn't too boring. Just who was that crazy man? I think you probably know. xD Comment~

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Claudiaaa #1
please update this story soon!!!:))
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
Yay~! Do update more often k? :DDDDDD
still, a bit confused but only cuz its been a while since the last update ~~ ^^|| But it stil sounds good ~ !! Update soon ^^<br />
cant wait until the next update, cause im a bit confused but im catching on! Ha kyuhyun is so funny. ;)
love it !!! update soon btw!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #6
Update soon!~~ ;DDD
angelical08 #7
update soon please!!!
oh please, not a cliffhanger......<br />
Do update soon!