Chapter 4

Our Love Journey

Taeyeon really feels guilty toward what she did. She's afraid too that Baekhyun would feel disappointed to her, so she just decided to text Baekhyun.


To: Baekhyun <3

Baekhyun-ah, have you seen the news yet? I'm really" sorry Baek.. I'm sorry for my clumsiness.. I bet now people are hurting you by rude comments.. I'm so sorry Baek :(


She texted him while crying a little bit. She's expecting what her boyfriend will say about this, though they know already that this will happen to them someday, but still taeyeon feels bad.


Finally Taeyeon receive a message


From: Baekhyun <3

Yes i already saw it babe. You don't have to be sorry babe, it's none of our fault. It's just that paparazzi are everywhere. We just have to be more careful, okay? Don't worry Taeyeon-ah


Taeyeon feels a little bit relieved knowing that her boyfriend is not mad at her.


Baekhyun's POV

"Ah, i knew this is going to happen.. Taeyeon-ah i'm actually sorry for causing you this. Please don't be hurt and sad." I told myself after reading her text.


Author's POV

They both knew a lot of haters are throwing rude comments on them. But what can they do?


Taeyeon's POV

"God, what should i do? Why does this happen to me? Can't i be happy with him? I just love him and i miss him at that time, that's why i caress his cheek and kiss him. He's just so precious to me. I don't mean to show off to people. I wish that all of the fans know that." Taeyeon said while sitting at the corner of her bed, crying again.


Author's POV

After the news broke out, Taeyeon decided to apologies to the fans on her instagram. She really writes it with all of her heart. All she can do now is just hoping that the fans would understand both her and Baekhyun. But she realized that even though she apologies, people are still close-minded and keep bashing her in her instagram. She read the comment one by one. She thought she just has to stop otherwise it will hurt her more.

“It hurts actually..”



From: Baekhyun <3

Hey,babe. I saw what you did today. Why are you apologizing? It's none of your fault.. Well, actually i want to say sorry too to you for causing you this. Taeyeon-ah mianhe..


From: Taengoo <3

Baek, it's okay, i just feel bad to the fans. I really want them to know that our posts are not related at all, right? It's just a coincidence..


From: Baekhyun<3

Yes babe, but unfortunately we can't do that. Btw where are you? Can we meet at the music room?


From: Taengoo <3

I'm just at the dorm. But isn't it too dangerous? The news just broke out yesterday, i'm afraid that there will be a lot of paparazzi.


From: Baekhyun <3

Well, it's pretty late already. Pretty pleasee? I miss you taengoo-ya:(


From: Taengoo <3

Okayy, anything for my boy.. Wish me luck babe :)


Taeyeon went to sm office and she found her boyfie sitting on the couch in the music room. As taeyeon opened the door, Baekhyun stood up and hugged her. Taeyeon hugged him back. Tears slowly flow from her eyes again. She's crying because she's hurt. She's worried. And she doesn't want to lose her boyfriend.

“Baek, I’m sorry.. I am really sorry”

“it’s okay taeyeon-ah.. I’m sorry too for causing you this. Please don’t be hurt and stop blaming yourself, okay?” Baekhyun said while hugging her tightly and patting her back lightly. He buried his face on Taeyeon’s shoulder, smelling her scent.

Taeyeon buried her face on Baekhyun’s chest. She cried again.

“It’s okay babe. Let it all out. I’m here”

“it hurts Baek, it hurts.” Taeyeon said. Baekhyun is very sad seeing the person he loves the most hurt. Even though her girlfriend is known for her dorkiness and being playful, he knew from the beginning that actually she’s very fragile inside.

After she has calmed down, they both sit on the couch. Taeyeon’s face on Baek’s chest while Baekhyun is holding her soft shoulder.

“Baek, you’re going to be the mc for inkigayo on 21st right?”

“yes babe. It’s okay I can handle it” baekhyun said giving Taeyeon a forced smile.


“I told you I’m fine okay? Btw, you’re going to Japan for the concert right? I wish I could be there and watch every single step of you”

“yes.. me too. I would love it if you’re there. Huh, I hate long distance relationship”

“I know right, even in Korea we rarely met each other because of our hectic schedules. Btw, don’t forget to call me there, okay?” Baekhyun said as he pinch Taeyeon’s cheek

“okay.” Taeyeon smiled.

“Babe, I’m sorry I have to go now. I’m gonna miss you so much uri Taeyeonie” Baekhyun said while giving Taeyeon a kiss on her crown.

“me too, Baek. Don’t cheat with other girls when I’m gone okay?” she looked up to Baekhyun.

“of course I won’t. you’re such a kiddo” Baekhyun said and kissed Taeyeon’s nose.

“ya! It tickles! Eyy, still you’re my dongsaeng.. bwee” Taeyeon said as she mehrong.

“oh, so I’m not your boyfriend huh? Ck, just be ready for.. another tickles!” Baekhyun said and tickled Taeyeon.

“yaaaa! I’m sorry I give up! Baekhyun-ah stop!!” Taeyeon said. They finally stop playing around and they both giggles.

“aish, this kid. You said you’re going, huh? Just go” Taeyeon crossed her arms and pouted.

“okay.. okay I’ll go” Baekhyun mehrong.

“bye, I’ll miss you Baek.” Taeyeon said as she hugged Baekhyun for the last time before they separated.

“bye Taeyeon-ah. I’ll miss you more.” Baekhyun said as he replied her hug and kissed her head.

They both hugged for quite a moment, not wanting each other to go.

21st June 2014

Baekhyun will be mc-ing inkigayo again today. He’s quite nervous since the news came out.

Finally it’s the time for him to do the show. He’s doing great. But at the end of the show, fans are calling him..



“Bashinja!! (traitor)”

“Bashinja!! (traitor)”

He’s hurt.

But what can he do?

Baekhyun got skinnier and skinnier. He’s actually stressed. Fans also can see it that he slowly changing. He’s not as cheerful as before.
















Hey guys! finally after a loooonngg time i'm back!^^ i'm sorry for not updating for wayyy too long. it's not that i neglected my story, but it's just i have a lot of things that i have to do, even in a holiday. i know, school -_- btw i just got back from a family trip and fyi, at the trip i'm still writing this story, so please forgive me readers :" btw, where are all of my readers?? please don't unsubscribe, i know i've been gone too long and you probably feel bored with my story.. mianhee:( but you don't know guys how i love you all and i would really love to meet you all and hug you one by one telling you how thankful i am for you reading my story. i know i'm exaggerating but you don't know so your subscribe, votes,views especially your comments are my vitamins! yes my vitamins! my motivations!^^ .. ehm, i'm planning a double update so please be patient!^^

let's be friends Baekyeon shippers!~

instagram: @sharonathania_

twitter: @sharonnath

and welcome new readers! ^^

Love you all and GBU!<3 {}- xoxo, Sharon^^



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Chapter 15: Just read this story. Oh my so nice. so cute <3 I love it! Thank you for making this author :D
KFLauwrend #2
Chapter 16: Yaaaaaayshar
PauPaula22 #3
Chapter 15: woah ^.^ Nice story =))) good job author <3 =))
Chapter 10: break up!!! not in a million year...I want a happily after for them though... =(

pretty pleae authornim...this story is my one and only favourite story of them...please let me read more of their beautiful moment...I love you autornim =D
exotaenglove #5
Chapter 6: I thought she doesn't read our comment....Because I lecture the haters at the comment site...It make me release my anger eventhough I don't get to punch them...
Aven_J #6
Chapter 2: Good job sharon!! Its really cute fanfics ^-^ hope you write more fanfics to us ^^
Ilovetaebaek #7
Chapter 2: Awww its so cute XD good job!
Iloveexalot #8
Your story is great so far!! ;) and welcome to the writers world!! xD