Late Night Composing


My eyes shot open to stare at the ceiling and look around the now dark living room. . I checked my phone for the time. 3:46 AM! God damnit why did that couch have to be the most comfortable thing in the world? I slowly got up and shoved my uniform and clothes into my bag and started to tip toe out, trying not to be loud even though the guys were probably knocked out. Almost past the kitchen hallway, I stopped at the familiar soft voice I’d heard a million times, now very quiet and drowned in tiredness.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Jonghyun said in almost a whisper but loud enough to get his sarcasm across. I turned my head to look at him. He was wearing the gray muscle-tee he wore all the time with the black "paint splotches" on the front. The sleeve holes hung low enough to see his perfectly toned abs when he leaned at an angle. And the black sweat pants I gave him for his birthday the year before after he complained about how his were stained with bleach from when he tried dying his hair himself. The elastic part hugged his hip bones perfectly, only allowing a small part of his Calvin Klein briefs to peek over.

"Heyyyy there." I tried to play off my stares with a smile. "Sorry Jjong I just came by to pick up my shorts but…you know how comfortable that couch is. I just kinda fell asleep I guess." Id stayed overnight millions of times but they were all so busy lately I didn’t want to burden them at all so I’d been staying at my place for the most part. I looked down and scratched my head, unsure if I should stick to the plan and leave or just stay. Lord knows I wanted to stay right there! I wanted to lie back on that couch with Jonghyun's arms wrapped around me and fall asleep to an old Disney movie. I decided to stay a little longer. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until then and impulsively dropped my bag and headed over to the fridge.

"Why are you up so late? Can’t sleep?" I knew he sometimes had trouble falling asleep. On those nights if I were there I would make him a cup of vanilla chai tea and sit beside him on the corner of his bed and play with his hair until he fell asleep. It was never romantic. I just always felt so protective of these boys and I knew how busy they always were. It worked like a charm. He'd be out in 10 minutes, max.

"Yeah. We got home like 2 hours ago and I tried but…I don’t know I just couldn’t get myself to close my eyes long enough" his eyes were on the notepad in front of him and he was fiddling with a pen cap, rolling it around his fingers. His voice was so gentle and warm. It made me want to fall asleep against his chest. Play with his hair until we both fell asleep. "So I thought I’d come out here, bring you a blanket and work on a song I’ve been thinking about for a while!" Just then did I realize I did have to lift a blanket off me when I got up.

"Oh, well that’s cool. Thanks by the way." I said with an eye smile as I was stuffing my mouth with rice. "Sometimes composing at freakish hours actually gives me the best ideas. Did you get anything good?" After hearing that, he smirked, still playing with the pen cap and looked up at me with his usual crooked little smile.

"Yeah, I did."

"Well good!" Mouth still full of rice. "Do you need any help getting to sleep? I can make some tea." Jonghyun put the pen cap back on the pen, laid it down on the pad and made his way toward me, slightly waddling. I could tell he was super tired.

"No thanks stupid" he said with a smile and punched me lightly in the stomach. "I’m feelin pretty tired already. Hey do you have a ride home?" His face looked genuinely concerned.

"Oh, um no but it’s okay it’s not that far at all. I can walk it." I smiled and gestured to the door with my thumb.

"Ummmm no. Just stay here tonight! We can give you a ride tomorrow morning." His face turned light again.

"Don’t you guys have to leave super early for rehearsal?"

"No it got pushed back to 10 so we can just swing you by on our way. 9:30 okay? Good." He didn’t even let me answer before he pushed me over to the couch and plopped me down. He smiled and kissed my forehead before saying good night and heading into his room. It wasn’t a big thing. We all did that all the time. It’s just sort of a sign of affection I guess. We're all so close it isn’t even weird. But the more Jonghyun does it, the more my heart flutters and the more I just want to grab his face before he pulls away and kiss him for real. But that’s not happening. No way in hell am I ever going to be that confident. I laid down and pulled the blanket up to my nose, burying my face into the soft fabric. It smelled like him. The scent of his sweet yet vanilla warm cologne filled my nose and carried me off into one of the best 5 hours of sleep I’ve ever gotten.

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Chapter 10: This story is really cute. And wooow that chapter. Great job. That brought out all the jjong feels.
fattythin #2
i will read this. definetly.