The Start Of A catastrophe

You Don't Even Know Me


 ✳The Start Of A Catastrophe✳


   Minah woke up to the sound of the birds- wait no, to the sound of her alarm clock. She slowly sat up and rub her eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room. Staying in that position for awhile, she blink a few times and decided to get up. She drag herself to the bathroom and did a quick shower. As the cold water touched her warm skin,she shivered in response. 
   Minah took one last look at the mirror before heading to school. She couldn't couldn't help but notice those bags under her eyes. She didn't get enough sleep last night because she played her piano till 2 am in the morning and now it's 5 am. But being the girl she is, she shrug it off and head to school.
   On the way to school,her driver tried to make a conversation with her because everyday he would. It's like a routine for him already. He just wanted to get along with minah and be friends with her even if he is just a driver.
"No breakfast again?" the driver started the soon-to-be-one-side-talking conversation
 She just nodded and continue staring at the view outside the car. The driver sigh in defeat and continue driving. Another failure to the 9000 failures. 
   Minah isn't the type of person who eat much and that's because of depression and anxiety. She knew clearly what would happen of she kept these feelings going. First, eating disorder starts getting place.she won't eat much or not eat at all. Then the next thing that will happen; death. 
     Minah is really skinny. in fact, her mother scolded her because of how she looks. It's not like she wanted herself to be that way, why would you even be blaming your daughter for that? Every single time whenever she sees her mother or heard her mother coming, she would dress in the most classy and elegant clothes she ever had. Just in case her mother scolds her. Minah's mother always thought that minah is embarrassing their family. Not to mention minah's parents didn't want her in the first place. 
     She went in school with no one welcoming her. She was too early again, no sign of human species was in school except for minah. Even the teachers have not arrive yet but minah like it that way. She likes peace and quiet and also, she didn't like it when too much attention is on her. Like for example, if she comes to school late, they'll see her super expensive car and would start asking her questions. 
     Minah kept a secret of her father being one of the richest man in seoul, only her class knows about her family background but they kept quiet because they were afraid minah was do something to them. While the rest of the school thought that she was on a scholarship.
     She step into class and sat at her usual seat that was located in the front. The front row was empty because no one wants to sit with her. Some thinks she's y or creepy while some others thinks she's weird and doesn't want to talk to her. 
Minah is an anti social person you see. She doesn't communicate with anyone unless she needs to. She doesn't show her expression unless it's worth it. All the time, minah would have her poker face on. she also shimmered with a cold aura that makes everyone step away.
She just sat at her seat, drowning into her thoughts until it was time for shool. students starts filling the class and chattering could be heard. Especially from the queenkas that was seated two rows away from her.
"OH MY GOD!!!! GUYS! do you know GOT7? the new debut group? gosh their so hot!!" one of the queenkas squeal and fan herself with her hand
"OH EM GEE!!! YES!! I KNOW!!" another one answered with the same voice the previous queenka used
"there's this thai kid i like. what's his name? Bambam?"
"yeah his name is bambam. but i like the guy with red hair. he's from calfornia. what's his name? Merk? mak? i don't know" she shrug her shoulders and flip her hair, as if saying she's fabulous even if she doesn't know the guy's name
Minah let out a sigh and shook her head in disapproval Fangirls
when they were done with the topic of Kpop or so called "GOT7", the lead queenka suddenly remember something "Guys, i heard there's a new transfer student and the most thrilling part is, the student is a guy" and as soon as she finished her sentence, the other queenkas bombarded her with questions, totally excited about the news
"Is he hot?"
"how old is he?"
"what class does he study in?"
The lead queenka cover her ears with her hands, annoyed because there were too many questions. she gave each one of the person who ask her a question a death glare, scary enough to make them gulp fear. oh you surely don't want to mess with her. She release her hand and faked a smile, telling them they're now okay but never to do it next time or they're dead
"so...yeah. i heard he's hot, he's around our age; seventeen years old and i don't know what class he's in.....yet"
one of the girls cheered and throw her fist in the air "YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!"
Everyone including minah's attention was on her. they stare at the overexcited girl who's jumping up and down and cheering in the process. the girl who was cheering notice something off so she stopped what she was doing and look around the class. 36 doe of eyes were looking right at her, she soon felt the awkward and quietly sat back down, blushing tomato red.
"i mean.. you know it's about time we have hot guy in our school right? it's been years and no guys who are worth calling hot in our school exist" she defended herself
The girls except minah nodded their head in agreement while the guys could only be sad. Minah felt the pain the guys in class were experiencing right now. she knows how it feels to be below someone's expectation, she knows how it feels like to be judged. she was always below her parents expectation and it's because her parents expect too much from her. she wants to tell them the horrible things she went through; pain and loneliness, she wants to tell them how much she wants to die, but then, she was too afraid to do so.
The bell rang, indicating class is about to start. The students went to their assign seat and prepare their study materials. It didn't take long for the teacher to come in. She wore her black specs along with her usual white blouse with a black pencil skirt and carrying a pile of books which she seem to be having trouble with. she didn't come in alone though. There was a guy that was trailing behind her, head that was lowered with brownish colored hair.
The teacher drop the pile of books on her table and dust off her hand. she smile widely and clap her hand twice to gather the student attention "Students! i'd like to introduce you to your new classmate, Mark."  she turn to face the person called Mark  "please introduce yourself"
It was the moment they have been waiting for, seeing his face and hearing his voice. their heart was beating fast, it was more thrilling than riding a roller coaster. some girls shut their eyes and  clasped their hand together, mumbling things under their breath.
Mark raise his head up and was welcome by some screams and giggles. Girls were squealing and whispering about how handsome he look, some pretended to faint and some others were tearing up. The boys was no exception, they were amazed by how handsome and gorgeous he look, their mouth were hanged open and eyes wide as a baseball. they were surprise by his look and yes, they're guys. everyone was happy,except for minah. she didn't feel anything at all.
"Hi guys. I'm Mark Tuan. I'm from LA; Los Angeles, california. Born to taiwanese parents. i'm 17 this year." He slightly bowed after finishing his introduction
"I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!! OPPA~~!!!!!" one of the girls scream
Mark smile awkwardly in response as his eyes roam around the class, everyone was staring at him or talking about him but one girl in the front row caught his eye. she wasn't even paying attention to him she look like she doesn't care at all. the most interesting thing is, she's sitting all alone in the front row.
"Now mark, choose a seat you like to sit at and we'll start the class. mhm?" the teacher smiled again and turn her body around, preparing to start the lesson
Mark was flustered, he didn't know where to sit. he didn't want to sit with those fangirls and fanboys. they creep the heck out of him. His eyes wandered around the class again and the only seat that is safe are the ones in the front row. He walk to the front row, thinking of what seat would suit him best, he decided to sit next to minah and probably make friends with her.
Mark sat down at his seat and he could hear whining and growling from the girls. surprisingly, non of them protested because they were scared of minah, they protested in their head.
The lesson has began and Mark was taking out his things, one after another. there were about 20 materials he took out and he pouted, asking himself why he has so many. from the corner of minah's eye, she could see him and she find it cute and funny. her lips twitch a bit, almost turning into a small smile but was soon in it's original state. she didn't want the thing that wasn't suppose to happen, to happen.
During the whole class, Mark would constantly glance at minah or look at her in the corner of his eyes, he was so interested in Minah because she was so quiet yet so beautiful. Is this attraction?
"Now class. I have a question. what is the bravest thing you did?" the teacher ask towards the end of class
A guy raise his hand and answered "saving an old women that was crossing the road!"
"rescuing a drowned person!!"
"drinking a bitter drink!!"
the teacher smiled and shook her head at their cuteness. of course, what did she expect? they're still 17, they haven't gone through alot of things. but she was wrong, minah have gone through alot of things, more than all of the people sitting here.
"alright alright" she chuckle "now you should write a composition about the bravest thing you did. 500 words and hand it to me next two days" she announce and the bell rang in just in time.
Minah was sitting under a cherry blossom tree that was located in the school garden. it was her favourite place in school. it was quiet and the wind was warm, not to cold and not too hot. it was just right. she shut her eyes in attemt to sleep because she was so tired. she then felt a presence beside her. she didn't open her eyes though, convincing herself no one was there because it's break time and people would usually stay in class.
"Hey" the person voice rang in her ear
her eyes shot open and was greeted with a grinning mark. she touch her chest to calm herself down and stare at him with wide eyes.okay minah can easily get scared. she may seem strong but on the inside, she's so fragile she can break if you touch her.
As she was staring at Mark, she now get why those girls were head over heels for him. He has perfect features. the brownish colored hair, smiley eyes, sharp pointy nose and those pink lips that everygirl wants to have. she soon realise what she was thinking and turn her face away from him, cleaaring to ease the akwardness.
"i was just bored so i decided to tag along" Mark started off and he was quite surprise how smoothly it sound, he thought he would shutter because of his rapidly beating heart
Minah hum in response. he pouted and decided to give another shot
"so.. what are you writing for the composition? what is the bravest thing you've never done?
Minah averted her attention from the sight in front of her to Mark "The bravest thing i ever did was continuing my life when i wanted to die"


Author's Note: guys is this long enough? i was having a writer's block that why i didn't update for almost two weeks. sorry...forgive this authornim T.T  please subscribe, upvote and comment <3

characters: 9680
words: 2160
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ProudToBeBana0423 #1
Chapter 9: I actually love this story <3
Kind of deep but relatable to me,
U are giving me feeeels, mark...
Don't delete this story, pleaseeee~~
Update soon :^)
Arghh!! I really love it
Chapter 8: Awww I really think that their little moment was cute!! Reall cute!!!!>.<
Thank you for the update!!!
I hope she is getting better and her family understands her. Thank you again :))
Chapter 8: hey just do what you want for the story i think it's really interesting and don't delete it it's really good :)
tina2004kim #5
Chapter 8: I'm shipping Mark and Minah at the moment!
exoismyseoulmate #6
Chapter 6: I really like this story because I can relate to Minah. Good job with the writing, Author-nim! Also can you pleathe add more Luhan in the story? *buing-buing* :3
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update!!! I was never depressed so I don't know much about it!!! But I am looking forward to the next update and see how a depressed person is!
To have such parents://///
Can't wait to
Thank you again:)
Chapter 6: i hope it's not rude asking but are you depress? because you seem to know allot about how they feel or do you have a friend whose depress?
Chapter 5: Update soon author! I like the story right now including the little quotes you have at the bottom. :) Very good idea.