어떡하지 2.B

Ravi POV~
Ken and him had been dating for about a month. He was starting to figure out that Ken was shy and a little innocent. It was so adorable he almost couldn't handle it.
Ravi looks over at Ken, passed out in the chair next to him. Currently they were at a charity dinner for a foundation Ravi's parents donated a lot of money to every year. They were going to have to stay in a hotel room before they made the five hour drive back home.
Ravi was a little nervous. He'd never actually spent a night alone with Ken. Usually one or more of their friends were around somewhere in the apartment or when they were younger, group sleep overs. What if it was awkward between them? Then again Ken was awkward in general so he wasn't sure if that was so much of a problem.
Ken POV~
Oh god. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod. Ken's brain was on hyper speed as Ravi drove him back to their hotel. He was happy to be away from that dreadfully boring event but he wasn't sure he was ready to have so much personal time with his boyfriend.
His stomach grumbles and he blushes, hoping Ravi didn't hear it. Some dinner that was. You would think if they wanted people to donate more money they would offer them something more to eat than a golf ball sized meatball and maybe three strands of spaghetti...
He almost dies of embarrassment when Ravi laughs and rubs Ken's stomach. Ravi pulls over the car and helps Ken out. They kiss and Ken's brain goes back to spazzing about their inevitable alone time.
Ravi POV~
He wasn't surprised Ken was still hungry. He wasn't exactly satisfied by the meal they were served either. So when they got to the room he ordered all of Ken's favorite foods while Ken was in the bathroom.
He sat on their bed and the tv. Ravi wondered if Ken would have felt better in a room with two beds... Sure they shared a bed every night but for some reason a hotel room seemed like it held a little more romantic influence...
By the time Ken came out of the bathroom Ravi had settled the tv on a movie. Romantic comedy. Their dinner came quickly and Ken screamed and jumped on the bed in excitement until Ravi pulled him down to sit next to him and eat. Ken was seriously too adorable.
Ken POV~
They watched the movie as they ate. Both of them made fun of the cheesy story line and the stupid decisions made by the characters but in the end Ken was silently crying. He didn't want to think that his relationship with Ravi could come to an end like those people's had. But at least the chatacters eventually got back together and lived happily ever after. He wondered if Ravi and him would get a fairytale ending like that.
"Wonshik." Ken gives his boyfriend a serious look as he wipes away his own tears. "Let's have a baby."
"Jaehwan..." Ravi gave him a confused look and then laughs and smiles. "You do know you're a boy right? I'm 1,000,000% sure that I can not get you pregnant."
"Wonshik..." Ken reaches over to hold Ravi's hands and looks him in the eyes. "Let's buy a uterus."
Ravi POV~
Ravi burst into laughter. Ken was seriously strange. What was he even thinking? Buy a uterus? What in the actual hell?
"Baby I don't think we can just get one of those from the supermarket." Ravi shakes his head again, patting Ken's shoulder as the spastic man pouts.
"That isn't what I meant!" Ken flops backwards onto the bed, flailing around in frustration. Ravi laughs and kisses Ken gently.
Ken POV~
He knew Ravi enjoyed teasing him but he had been serious. He wanted to have a family someday with his boyfriend. Hell. He wanted everything with Ravi. Everything. Kids. A house. A dog. Typical family things.
"Jaehwan..." Ravi rubs his cheek as he pouts. Ken didn't want to talk about it anymore.
"You're being weird Wonshik." He shoves at his boyfriend's shoulder and smiles.
"I was just going to beg you not to get a change." Ravi laughs and kisses him. "I'm kinda fond of you the way you are." To be honest... Ken was pretty fond of himself too.
"I won't." Ken pouts again and Ravi surprises him by dragging him into a pretty breathtaking kiss. Ken suddenly remembered that they were alone. Like really alone. For the first time. And now he was intensely nervous.
Ravi must have thought the same thing because he moved away from Ken so quickly both of them almost fell off the bed. Ken noticed that Ravi was actually blushing. He didn't want things to be awkward so he decided to just go for it.
Ravi POV~
He almost had a heart attack when Ken tackled him off of the bed. His head and back hurt a little but when Ken started attacking his lips with kisses he decided he didn't care. He just kissed his boyfriend back, rubbing his sides. Once their make out session got nice and heated though, Ken jumped up.
Ken POV~
"Let's play tag!" Ken giggles and jumps away from Ravi when he stands. "Catch me if you can!" He tagged Ravi's shoulder and ran away.
"Really?" Ravi sighs and when Ken nods Ravi apparently decides to play along because he begins to run around the room after Ken. They make a few laps around the room, darting around the table and over the bed a few times before Ken jets into the bathroom. Ravi follows him and Ken shivers when he wraps his arms around his waist from behind.
"Caught you." Ravi whispers in his ear and kisses Ken's neck. Ken squirms a little in his arms. Ravi was currently playing with Ken's biggest weakness. But that was fine. Ken had him where he wanted him.
"Good." Ken giggles and leans forward to turn on the shower. He pulls Ravi inside when the water is the right temperature and starts kissing him. He didn't care that their clothes were getting wet because Ken has always wanted to kiss in the rain. He figured this was close enough. And less cold.
Ravi slips on the wet bathtub floor and accidentally slams Ken against the wall. Ken gasps from the impact but starts laughing when he sees a red mark on Ravi's forehead where he must have collided with the wall as well. Ravi chuckles too and touches his forehead.
Ravi POV~
Ravi didn't want to give either of them brain damage. Especially poor Ken. So he decided to abandon the bathroom. But once they were in the bedroom he wasn't exactly paying attention to his surrounding and ran Ken into a table. Ken ended up half sitting on it, giggling.
"Good enough..." Ravi smiled and lifted Ken up to sit on the very edge of it, continuing their make out session for a while longer.
Ken POV~
Ken stretches happily while he caught his breath after his almost being kissed to death by Ravi. He rubs the back of his head and winces slightly and starts laughing. How was he not surprised?
"Wonshik you brute. I have a lump on the back of my head from the shower." He thinks it's cute that Ravi is blushing. "Your forehead has a lump too." Now they're both laughing.
"Jaehwan there is something very wrong with us." Ravi chuckles a he pulls Ken to the bed with him.
"Or maybe something is very right." Ken grins and kisses Ravi sleepily. Ravi was so incredible. Ken was sure he had won some kind of cosmic lottery. He really did want a full, happy life with Ravi.
Ravi POV~
He could feel Ken starting to fall asleep in his arms. He kisses the top of his lover's head and smiles. Ken really was amazing.
"Hey Jaehwan?" Ravi snuggles closer to his boyfriend, covering them both with the blanket.
"Hm?" Ken didn't even open his eyes, just turned his face up to face Ravi's. It was adorable.
"One day... Let's have kids okay?" Ravi bit his lip, wondering if that was something Ken would want. All he knew for sure was that he couldn't imagine a life where Ken didn't put his weirdness to use as a parent. He knew he'd be perfect at it.
"Really?" Ken's eyes opened quickly to look at Ravi, startling him slightly.
"I-if you want..." Ravi was feeling even more nervous but then Ken screamed and started kissing him. him.
"Yes! I want that so much!" Ken was suddenly so excited that Ravi was worried the neighbors would complain about his shrieking and accuse Ravi of abusing his boyfriend.
It took a few minutes for Ravi to calm Ken down but when he finally did Ken was falling asleep quickly again. Ravi couldn't wait to see what the rest of their life would bring.
Ken POV~
As Ken fell asleep he couldn't help but smile. Here he was, with Ravi. Here he was, where he always wanted to be. And now he had the promise of a spectacular life. How had he gotten so lucky? He fell asleep to dream of the future. His future with Ravi.
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Chapter 18: Okay, that settles it. This, right there *is* my OTP whatever said and done!
(And I must say, this is the most relevant chapter name I've come across by far)
Btw, that last chapter with Ken ....giggling in the middle of ? Poor Ravi X'D But that idiot's so besotted he wouldn't mind u_u
Chapter 14: "Sand in awkward places" X'D Sorry I had to comment on this one X'DD but dude.... this is beautiful... that image of the cave (and other stuff as well) And the way Hakyeon gets his memories back is so good I nearly teared up (especially coz it's in Leo's pov I guess)
Chapter 13: I must sincerely thank you! Like from deep down.
-I had a toothache and couldn't sleep; so I looked for some Neo with a kiss scene (what even?) and then I stumbled across this "angst". Okay lemme tell you I always stay away from angst (for obvious reasons) but even if I had doubts I opened this, and dude! NO REGRETS! Because- is this even an angst with Jaehwan being so goddamn random, his jokes cracked me up so hrd my pain's all but forgotten! And- what I came here for in the first place... the Neo. God, I never thought I'd say this, but I *enjoyed* this angst! Because the emotions were so beautifully portrayed -I mean, especially Leo who tried to hide his. When he cries in front of N and oh when he kissed N back at the hospital, when he thought he was asleep... His determination to find that ring (though his mentality was kinda dumb it was cute all the same) and -oh Ravi got slightly annoying I must admit, but all those Raken scenes that followed just left me confused. But you know something that really got to me? The bit where N is glad that he got mugged, that he's glad he "lost some stupid memories" coz that ment Neo had a chance. And I just love the bit where Leo calls his parents and stand up to them, and N is there for him... actually I love too much of this I can't keep mentioning everything and I realised I haven't even mentioned Hyukbin (my almost otp) them rabbiting X'D
*senses my comment is too long and overwhelming so shuts up*
Velzonly #4
Chapter 19: Oh oh~ author nim I think i have a crush on you eh i mean your stories omg haha your sense of humor is just daebak and the plot is amazing woahhhh
I read your status and you had writer's block? :( hope you will find any inspiration soon ㅠㅠ anw hope you have a good day dear author *send you Kenjumma's hug*
IceCreamCat310 #5
Chapter 1: I really like the story, I think this is the best one that I have ever read in Leon!
Chapter 13: I've read and subscribed to Unrequited, Ephemeral, Clairvoyance (please update this one dying to know how it ends) and I love them all! Oh my Vixx feels *o* Hongbin and Hyuk as rabbits ahahahha that cracked me up, with Ken being some kind of an idiot that was just yeah being Ken. I wonder how Ravi put up with him tho wow I salute Ravi for that. Oh god my ship is sailing; Neo ftw cute as hell! Sorry for the long comment and thank you for writing such beautiful stories author-nim :3 /thumbs ups/
Mrs_Bambam #7
Chapter 1: THUS
Chapter 20: i enjoyed every peice of it thank you for this great story , i love you
Chapter 13: i loved every itsy bitsy bit of it