Shut Up

It took Hakyeon a while to sort out the whole situation. Leo had kissed Ken. But why? He couldn't believe he was so stupid. He was doing the same thing N and Ravi had been doing. Using jealousy to turn the tide toward what he wanted. Where N and Ravi had done begun it to help ease Ravi and Ken together, Leo's motives seemed a little more spiteful and painful.
Leo and Ravi were quiet all the rest of the day. Once Ken and N had dared to venture from their hiding places Ravi would sit and interact with N and Leo would force a terrified looking Ken to sit next to him and attempt couple-y things. N could tell the two were sizing up their competition. Neither was apparently smart enough to get that if each had something the other wanted it would be easier just to make a trade.
He was starting to wonder if Ken really was the idiot of the group. This whole show of testosterone was pretty ridiculous. Maybe Ken was only the third stupidest person in the apartment.
Hongbin and Hyuk had basically been enjoying the situation since it didn't directly involve them. N decided that those two were sickeningly cute together. He just wanted to shake them and tell them to knock their 'feeding each other and always cuddling' crap off. But he was happy for them. Jealousy was just leaving an ugly stain on Hakyeon's emotions.
N was not so happy about Ravi and Leo. Especially at that moment, considering Ravi was trying to force feed him chocolate pudding. Ken looked like he may choke to death thanks to Leo doing the same to him.
Leo POV~
Jaehwan was being uncooperative with Leo's request. All Leo wanted to do was piss Ravi off enough to leave N alone and start chasing after Ken again. Taekwoon just wanted Hakyeon and frankly, flirting with Ken was gross to him.
He held a spoon of pudding up to Ken and was met with nothing but a nervous stare. Taekwoon glared down the flaily man and Ken just shook his head so frantically Leo was a little shocked he didn't break his own neck. Leo growled and shoved the pudding in Ken's mouth.
Leo noticed Ravi give him a dirty look and feed N a bite, wiping some pudding off of Leo's redhead's pretty lips with his thumb. If only there weren't so many witnesses... Leo would probably drown Ravi... In a toilet... Full of pee... Leo's pee...
Ravi POV~
Watching Leo with Ken was really getting to Wonshik. He wanted to pull Leo away from his crush and kiss Ken until they had to part for air. But he had to protect his vulnerable friend from the doomed relationship he once had with the angst filled Taekwoon. Ravi hated that he was such a good friend.
Ravi noticed that N kept glancing at Leo with a sad look. He hated it. He hated that Hakyeon had a new chance to start over. A chance to live a life not full of heartbreak thanks to Leo. But Leo was too selfish to let N go, even if he always claimed he hated the redhead.
Ravi watch as Leo shoved the spoon halfway down Ken's throat. Ken coughed and gagged. A shriek escaped him and he slapped Leo, running into his bedroom. He was only in there half a second before he ran back out.
"You're a big hairy turd! Like a bear after winter!" He waied at Leo and then ran back into the room.
"Jaehwan!" Ravi got up and ran after him. Ken looked like he might cry. Ravi just hugged him. He held Ken close until he stopped shaking.
"Hey, Jaehwan..." Ravi rubbed Ken's back to further calm him down.
"Yeah?" He sighed. Ravi blushed when Ken rested his forehead on Ravi's shoulder.
"Why do you hate bears so much?" Ravi had a hard time holding back his laughter as Ken screamed and started smacking his shoulder in embarrassment.
"Are you sure Ken doesn't have brain damage?" Hongbin questionef as he sat on Hyuk in his stabbed chair.
"Maybe he wouldn't be so special if you didn't always try to bash his brains in, baby." Hyuk laughed and kissed his boyfriend.
"Maybe I wouldn't do that if he wasn't always flailing around and breaking my stuff." Hongbin pouted. N stopped paying attention to the couple and looked at Leo. Leo wafs staring at Ken and Ravi's door.
N couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to be patient with their stupid game but he was sick of he and Ken being pawns. They had feelings damn it. And N's feelings really hurt. He thought he had been making progress with Leo but maybe he was wrong.
He watched Leo glaring at the door for another minute before getting up and storming to his room. He slammed the door and locked it. That jerk could sleep in the livingroom for all he cared.
Leo POV~
Leo jumped when he heard the door slam. He was so busy plotting the ways he could destroy Ravi he hadn't even noticed N get up. He wondered if he should go make sure he was okay.
Hyuk and Hongbin had begun to make out so Leo got up to follow N. He tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. He tried knocking but N wouldn't answer. Finally he took out a pocket knife and slid it between the door and the frame, popping the door open.
N had locked him out of the room enough times that Leo was now an expert on breaking in. The pretty redhead looked at him in shock. It was clear he had been crying.
"Hakyeon, what's wrong?" Leo questioned. N sniffled and looked away.
"What does it matter to you?" N spoke quietly but Leo managed to hear him. Those words hurt Leo. Did N really still think Leo didn't love him?
"What's wrong?" He repeatrf, sitting on the edge of N's bed, reaching out to touch his cheek. N shoved him away and tears started to fall down his cheeks again.
"Stop it Taekwoon! Just stop!" He slapped Leo and moved away from him. "Jaehwan and I aren't dolls! We aren't toys to play with! If you and Ravi want to play the 'who's better' game, do it without us!"
Ravi POV~
"I don't hate bears!" Ken flailef around in Ravi's embrace. Ravi couldn't keep himself from laughing.
"Are you sure?" Ravi chuckled. "Because first you wanted to juice them and use them as weapons and now you're calling them hairy poop. That seems like some intense hate to me."
"Shut up!" Ken whined and Ravi looked his cute little crush over, smiling.
"It's okay if you hate bears." He grinned and leaned in, kissing Ken gently. "I love you anyway..." And then Ken started screaming.
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Chapter 18: Okay, that settles it. This, right there *is* my OTP whatever said and done!
(And I must say, this is the most relevant chapter name I've come across by far)
Btw, that last chapter with Ken ....giggling in the middle of ? Poor Ravi X'D But that idiot's so besotted he wouldn't mind u_u
Chapter 14: "Sand in awkward places" X'D Sorry I had to comment on this one X'DD but dude.... this is beautiful... that image of the cave (and other stuff as well) And the way Hakyeon gets his memories back is so good I nearly teared up (especially coz it's in Leo's pov I guess)
Chapter 13: I must sincerely thank you! Like from deep down.
-I had a toothache and couldn't sleep; so I looked for some Neo with a kiss scene (what even?) and then I stumbled across this "angst". Okay lemme tell you I always stay away from angst (for obvious reasons) but even if I had doubts I opened this, and dude! NO REGRETS! Because- is this even an angst with Jaehwan being so goddamn random, his jokes cracked me up so hrd my pain's all but forgotten! And- what I came here for in the first place... the Neo. God, I never thought I'd say this, but I *enjoyed* this angst! Because the emotions were so beautifully portrayed -I mean, especially Leo who tried to hide his. When he cries in front of N and oh when he kissed N back at the hospital, when he thought he was asleep... His determination to find that ring (though his mentality was kinda dumb it was cute all the same) and -oh Ravi got slightly annoying I must admit, but all those Raken scenes that followed just left me confused. But you know something that really got to me? The bit where N is glad that he got mugged, that he's glad he "lost some stupid memories" coz that ment Neo had a chance. And I just love the bit where Leo calls his parents and stand up to them, and N is there for him... actually I love too much of this I can't keep mentioning everything and I realised I haven't even mentioned Hyukbin (my almost otp) them rabbiting X'D
*senses my comment is too long and overwhelming so shuts up*
Velzonly #4
Chapter 19: Oh oh~ author nim I think i have a crush on you eh i mean your stories omg haha your sense of humor is just daebak and the plot is amazing woahhhh
I read your status and you had writer's block? :( hope you will find any inspiration soon ㅠㅠ anw hope you have a good day dear author *send you Kenjumma's hug*
IceCreamCat310 #5
Chapter 1: I really like the story, I think this is the best one that I have ever read in Leon!
Chapter 13: I've read and subscribed to Unrequited, Ephemeral, Clairvoyance (please update this one dying to know how it ends) and I love them all! Oh my Vixx feels *o* Hongbin and Hyuk as rabbits ahahahha that cracked me up, with Ken being some kind of an idiot that was just yeah being Ken. I wonder how Ravi put up with him tho wow I salute Ravi for that. Oh god my ship is sailing; Neo ftw cute as hell! Sorry for the long comment and thank you for writing such beautiful stories author-nim :3 /thumbs ups/
Mrs_Bambam #7
Chapter 1: THUS
Chapter 20: i enjoyed every peice of it thank you for this great story , i love you
Chapter 13: i loved every itsy bitsy bit of it